The game basically sucks now...
Enjoy, Orochim4ru, is the key word. You aren't jealous or filled with animosity if you see someone with those things, are you? I certainly hope not. I enjoy having my dyed armor too. I enjoy hunting for it. But if I see someone with black fissure armor I say, "Yippee for you" and go along my merry way.
Enjoy, Orochim4ru, is the key word. You aren't jealous or filled with animosity if you see someone with those things, are you? I certainly hope not. I enjoy having my dyed armor too. I enjoy hunting for it. But if I see someone with black fissure armor I say, "Yippee for you" and go along my merry way. |
Fissure armor isn't like that: Fissure armor isn't fun.
There's no difference between a thinking player and a... non-thinking player when it comes to having fun: they want options, they want features, they want to be able to screw around from time to time. Fair enough. Having high end content that costs more than max storage cash, however, isn't adding anything to the game.
I'd prefer for them to actually finish updating the existing 15k armors.
You underestimate the matuirty of the vast majority of players in this game. Tat is another thing that might be lost. The posters on this forum represent a minority I think of players, that is post 20 years old and a few soial skills. The VAST majoirty of players in this game are 18 or less I am sure. TYo think they can'y lose their cools at the drop of a hayt is naive. Adolecents what everything and they want it now.
On a side note, I just did a test run through the major cities. There were maybe 6-7 listed superior runes, and those werelimited to necro and mesmer. I clicked to ttry and buy at these "competitve, let's everyone afford them prices" Guess wht they were all sold out. Even necro superiors that a wek ago you couldn't give away even when other superiors were 25K+. There was a SINGLE mesmer availbe to buy, but when I went back around the list, that one was gone as well , so someone bought it within the 10 seconds I was checking.
Plainto se either bots or players are buting up all the superior runes out there. Again ho wis this good for the game, overpirced or unavailable which is better?
Same thing with Black dyes and rare materials. No globs,a few shards, but I am sure those will be gone shortly. No sapphires, and Rubies aren't even offered.
While the prices might be more competitive, when you can't find any at those prices it doesn't matter. And when someone does sell to a trader somewhere, there is a bot or a player there to scoop it up immediately.
Sooner or later people wil see this and understand what is going on,and the hyper inflation will begin al over again, that was the topic of my OP. This "fix" meant nothing other than allowing people to buy up everything cheap and corner the market. At least before people had the option to buy, they might have to pay an arm and a leg, but at least the stuff was available, now they can't even find it.
On a side note, I just did a test run through the major cities. There were maybe 6-7 listed superior runes, and those werelimited to necro and mesmer. I clicked to ttry and buy at these "competitve, let's everyone afford them prices" Guess wht they were all sold out. Even necro superiors that a wek ago you couldn't give away even when other superiors were 25K+. There was a SINGLE mesmer availbe to buy, but when I went back around the list, that one was gone as well , so someone bought it within the 10 seconds I was checking.
Plainto se either bots or players are buting up all the superior runes out there. Again ho wis this good for the game, overpirced or unavailable which is better?
Same thing with Black dyes and rare materials. No globs,a few shards, but I am sure those will be gone shortly. No sapphires, and Rubies aren't even offered.
While the prices might be more competitive, when you can't find any at those prices it doesn't matter. And when someone does sell to a trader somewhere, there is a bot or a player there to scoop it up immediately.
Sooner or later people wil see this and understand what is going on,and the hyper inflation will begin al over again, that was the topic of my OP. This "fix" meant nothing other than allowing people to buy up everything cheap and corner the market. At least before people had the option to buy, they might have to pay an arm and a leg, but at least the stuff was available, now they can't even find it.
Originally Posted by Aniewiel
"Yippee for you" and go along my merry way.

*kicks self*
however i just got my 1.5 k drok armor and it looks just the same as the armor i had...WHOOPIE........but it works

yes i would love to have every slot filled with goodies but really at the end of the day what would i doo with them?
knowing myself after i got 2 sets of the spiffy best most expensive armor i would simply give most of the rest away to people i know or random
it wont effect me in the real world so why not?
i was not rich before and i am not rich now.
i was having fun before and i STILL am having fun now.
besides i am getting a bit more from the merchant than before so i am really a bit better off
oh well

I dont see what everyone is bitching about.
this game basically REVOLVES AROUND PVP. I hate to say this, but if you are a PvE fan than this is probably NOT the best game for you. Granted, it is fun for awhile until you finish the story etc, but what then?
Back to my point. Guild Rankings are there so PvP'ers can stride for the top ranks. What does all this gold a SMALL portion of the Gw population aquired do? NOTHING. I can make a PvP character with BASIC PvP equipment JUST AS GOOD (and almotst always better) than some Fissure using Fellblade wearing newbie.
While he was wasting time getting ectos, I was practicing PvP. While he takes hits in stats to look "pretty" I wear what I can to do the most damage. Hell most of the people with their million dollar fellblades don't even custimize them.
If I see a fissure wearing person on the battlefield with their non max cool looking crystalline sword....
this game basically REVOLVES AROUND PVP. I hate to say this, but if you are a PvE fan than this is probably NOT the best game for you. Granted, it is fun for awhile until you finish the story etc, but what then?
Back to my point. Guild Rankings are there so PvP'ers can stride for the top ranks. What does all this gold a SMALL portion of the Gw population aquired do? NOTHING. I can make a PvP character with BASIC PvP equipment JUST AS GOOD (and almotst always better) than some Fissure using Fellblade wearing newbie.
While he was wasting time getting ectos, I was practicing PvP. While he takes hits in stats to look "pretty" I wear what I can to do the most damage. Hell most of the people with their million dollar fellblades don't even custimize them.
If I see a fissure wearing person on the battlefield with their non max cool looking crystalline sword....
The Great Al
its not as good as it could be, and i only still play because it's free...theres room for improvement to say the least, but i do think anet is doing a good job
Originally Posted by wiz12268
The VAST majoirty of players in this game are 18 or less I am sure. TYo think they can'y lose their cools at the drop of a hayt is naive. Adolecents what everything and they want it now.

But you are probably right with respect to the younger players wanting what is perceived to be 'l33t' armor and such. And, believe it or not, I understand the challenge that people want when it comes to getting Fissure armor. I guess I just don't care enough to pursue it. If it happens (like in a year or two I get enough materials/money) to get it, GREAT! If not, meh....I don't care. My fun comes from playing, not from the stuff I get.
Perhaps rather than using the word "thinking", I should have used "mature". It's not an age bracket, but a perception of what's important. For those who find the challenge of getting the end-game armor important, maturity is represented by that desire and their absolute lack of animosity towards those who already have it. For those who don't find Fissure armor important, maturity is represented by their acknowledgement of the accomplishments of others who've gotten it and who then run off to kill stuff.

Hint: without decent PvE new players never try out PvP before quitting to a game like WoW which has a fairly excellent PvE game.
That said, i still prefer PvP in GW
Also... No sup runes that aren't vigor or abs at the rune trader: that's wacky!
That said, i still prefer PvP in GW
Also... No sup runes that aren't vigor or abs at the rune trader: that's wacky!
If you PvP enough you see that it is basically the same names on the same teams. So that should tell you the influx of newer players is slowing. PvP is more or less on the elitest side, even if you join a guild that does a lot of PvP their "A" team is always the same, and they won't let another guildie play even if they are only one short, because they might lose and ruin their guild ranking. If you don't think that breeds animousity you are wrong as well. Why do you think most guilds lose player after player? Because they don't let people play with them. Again, it is understandable, but that too smacks against what this game was centered around.
Why join a guild if you can't play with them? The more serious PvPers won't play with amatuers, they might let them in the guild, but won't let them play in ranked battles. PvP has done more to hamr the game than anything else if you ask me, it might have been the aim of the game. But to curtail the fundametals of an RPG game to help a smaller minority is a bad first step.
This is getting off topic, but there are many areas that can be improved upon, I just happened to pick the most obvious one.
The firstthing they should do is completely seperate PvE from PvP. Then the next thing is to wipe out all materials from the game in a clean sweep, and start fresh, paying a market price for them in some way. At least that will give peole something to play for, attaining the materials they had before the culling.
Then allow people to have more things to spend gold on. Whether it be a guild treasury, or guild buildings, (armory, temple/church, academy, etc) a building for each profession to get upgrades or skills from. Thus allowing the richer guilds to build a compound of sorts. When you get a treasury you could trade with other guilds and bypass the traders altogether. Build an armory where you could BUY the upgrades you wanted and put them on your weapons. So rather than spending 150K for that +30 pommel of fortitude, you could pay the forge master that equivelant in gold and he could make you one. Similar to the materials manufaturers. That gets the gold out of the game and keeps inflation under control.
Also introduce some new skills. I am sure the PvP players would appreciate that as well. Make more skillls to counter the buids now that are being made by everyone.
Obviously some of these things would be better addressed in an expansion. But things that would definately add to the game as a whole. Both PvP and PvE.
There are a lot of things that are possible, and some that aren't. But the confidence in them doingthe "good" for the game wains when they seemingly can't fix something that is so easy as the economy.
Why join a guild if you can't play with them? The more serious PvPers won't play with amatuers, they might let them in the guild, but won't let them play in ranked battles. PvP has done more to hamr the game than anything else if you ask me, it might have been the aim of the game. But to curtail the fundametals of an RPG game to help a smaller minority is a bad first step.
This is getting off topic, but there are many areas that can be improved upon, I just happened to pick the most obvious one.
The firstthing they should do is completely seperate PvE from PvP. Then the next thing is to wipe out all materials from the game in a clean sweep, and start fresh, paying a market price for them in some way. At least that will give peole something to play for, attaining the materials they had before the culling.
Then allow people to have more things to spend gold on. Whether it be a guild treasury, or guild buildings, (armory, temple/church, academy, etc) a building for each profession to get upgrades or skills from. Thus allowing the richer guilds to build a compound of sorts. When you get a treasury you could trade with other guilds and bypass the traders altogether. Build an armory where you could BUY the upgrades you wanted and put them on your weapons. So rather than spending 150K for that +30 pommel of fortitude, you could pay the forge master that equivelant in gold and he could make you one. Similar to the materials manufaturers. That gets the gold out of the game and keeps inflation under control.
Also introduce some new skills. I am sure the PvP players would appreciate that as well. Make more skillls to counter the buids now that are being made by everyone.
Obviously some of these things would be better addressed in an expansion. But things that would definately add to the game as a whole. Both PvP and PvE.
There are a lot of things that are possible, and some that aren't. But the confidence in them doingthe "good" for the game wains when they seemingly can't fix something that is so easy as the economy.
Originally Posted by wiz12268
I skimmed through the last couple pages of this. I would imagine the guys that LOVE the game are either guys who PvP solely, or were beta testers who got all their stuff cheap in the beginning and have items that aren't even available in the game now.
Once a game becomes boring and finished what good is it to play any more? |
Originally Posted by Kaylynn Of Ascalon
And yes I'm happy -- I thought prices had gone unreasonably and irrationally high, and now I can afford things once again. Now, to "tell you otherwise" (no offense intended)...... I didn't grab the great deals or already have tons of money. I had 10k before the change. I *think* I was online during the great deals, but I wasn't aware of it. So all I did was spend my 10k on some runes I needed and some dyes I wanted (in case prices went back up the next day). Then I went back to playing the game. I now have made back 7-8k. That's hardly rich, but I can afford what I want. If I had been aware of it, I probably would've jumped in on those great deals too. Am I mad that I didn't? No.
So for the record, I am a poor person *not* crying.

Originally Posted by 691175002
When I first started the game all I really wanted was one nice character with fisure armor dyed black-blue-silver (for dark blue shiny ). Back then it may have cost around 750k but I could adventure in the fissure and uw a bit to get some of the materials I needed. Now something like that could cost 4000k or more. The last time I checked ectos were gone and shards were 9k each! Before getting my fissure armor was just hard. Now it is impossible. I have totally given up on that and what really pisses me off about the reset is I know that if I was playing right then I could have had my armor... I have played lots for the armor I wanted and had to abandon it but someone who could be a total noob right at the start with a few plat can get what I really wanted and worked for with just a few minutes of buying ecto and shards and sup vigor/absorbation really cheap after the reset.
All you guys say is "oh you don't need it, its only for looks." and "it dosnt matter if he got rich... just be happy for him and keep playing" Its easy for you to say it but when I wanted that armor it was a goal to get to and when it becomes nearly impossible and then anyone who is lucky enough to be there are the right time can get it... "Who cares if you got fired and some person took your place because his dad was rich, it wont matter because when you die you don't get to keep anything" Ok its a little more serious but it can be applied the same way. No guild wars is not my life or anything but really you guys are saying the exact same thing and it makes no sense to me... It is just not fair and if you play WoW and Starcraft and other games you don't expect other people to be able to instantly get 100000000 gold and then own you up just because some guy glitched something up. I have been wanting to say that for a long time and people who defend guild wars good for you but if they make a mistake you can't cover up for it. True there will always be someone who will complain but the trick is too please the MAJORITY not the 1% who got to buy ectos at 100g. This is ridiclous and I think it would be better to just make the traders have unlimited stock and "crash" the server and "lose" the backups. At least that way noobs will have a fair start and I can get my dark blue shiny fissure armor. I know that most people won't agree with me but thats ok and I doubt any game would ever do that. |
Originally Posted by 691175002
As long as the people who complain (I guess that would include me
![]() ![]() |
Is it fair that a select few can multiply their money by the hundreds just because they were on at the right time?
Is it fair that they now can control the economy?
Is it fair to the noobs that all the prices are screwed up and they get the shaft?
Is it fair to say because we are complaining about these things that are not fair that we are "not thinking", "complainers" or "whiners".
All your arguments are totally ridiclous. I am annoyed because:
Originally Posted by 691175002
When I first started the game all I really wanted was one nice character with fisure armor dyed black-blue-silver (for dark blue shiny ).
Now it is impossible. I have totally given up on that and what really pisses me off about the reset is I know that if I was playing right then I could have had my armor... I have played lots for the armor I wanted and had to abandon it but someone who could be a total noob right at the start with a few plat can get what I really wanted and worked for with just a few minutes of buying ecto and shards and sup vigor/absorbation really cheap after the reset. |
How can you say that the economy is not screwed up?
Were shards 9k and ecto gone/20k+ from people before the reset?
The fix iteslf was fine for about a day. The reset just killed the economy again.
I don't really care if someone else gets the fissure armor but i do care when that person gets it without any work and can then buy out all the traders, screw over the economy and wreck the game for any noobs.
A-net made a mistake.
The guild wars economy was screwed up.
There IS something to complain about.
The update was good.
The reset was very bad.
The economy is screwing up again.
Those are all facts to me and if you can prove them wrong go ahead.
From what I can see from your posts you aren't actually arguing with any of our points but you are just saying we complain too much. If you cant argue that there is not a problem how can you say that we are just whining?
I don't think I have ever seen anyone quote themselves so much in my life.
What's the deal, Mr. Number Guy?

Originally Posted by Aniewiel
I don't think I have ever seen anyone quote themselves so much in my life.
![]() |

LOL...OK just wondered. 
Back to topic everyone.

Back to topic everyone.
Originally Posted by Aniewiel
I don't think I have ever seen anyone quote themselves so much in my life.
![]() |
"...And do you know what jack burton always says at a time like this?
Jack burton, me. Jack burton always says, what the hell."
Sigh, gotta love the chessy movies.
"Is it fair that they now can control the economy?"
Common misconception, just because they have some ecto does not mean they "control" anything...
Without buyers they are useless, they need people to buy their stuff to make money, so if people stop buying there is a big probem for the sellers..
Common misconception, just because they have some ecto does not mean they "control" anything...
Without buyers they are useless, they need people to buy their stuff to make money, so if people stop buying there is a big probem for the sellers..
Originally Posted by zemelett
gw updates...........poeple complain
gw doesnt update........people complain ... gw nerfs.............people complain gw doesnt nerf..........people complain ... im seeing a running theme here....people just like to complain.... |
Originally Posted by Phades
Only one instance comes to mind with someone quoting themselves alot. The dialouge went something like this:
"...And do you know what jack burton always says at a time like this? Who? Jack burton, me. Jack burton always says, what the hell." Sigh, gotta love the chessy movies. |
Originally Posted by zemelett
gw updates...........poeple complain
gw doesnt update........people complain ... gw nerfs.............people complain gw doesnt nerf..........people complain ... im seeing a running theme here....people just like to complain.... |

Originally Posted by Ultimate_Gaara
"Is it fair that they now can control the economy?"
Common misconception, just because they have some ecto does not mean they "control" anything... Without buyers they are useless, they need people to buy their stuff to make money, so if people stop buying there is a big probem for the sellers.. |

even if they do that, they still win at least 6k per ecto shard rune or anything. Still too much :<
Originally Posted by Aniewiel
I don't think I have ever seen anyone quote themselves so much in my life.
![]() |
ok back to topic.
Originally Posted by wiz12268
I would imagine the guys that LOVE the game are either guys who PvP solely, or were beta testers who got all their stuff cheap in the beginning and have items that aren't even available in the game now.

Take a chill pill dude... play the game as it's meant to be: A GAME, not some "omg I have to be teh rich3st d00d of tem all!!!11!!one!one1!" environment like it seems you and those who share your thoughts apparently believe it is...
exploding flowers
again, like some have said before, the econ would be much better, affordable and less frustrating if the traders didnt sold out on items.
Originally Posted by exploding flowers
again, like some have said before, the econ would be much better, affordable and less frustrating if the traders didnt sold out on items.

7 ecto @ 9k
9 rubys @4+k
5 saphires at just over 3 k
looks like some people are starting to put them into the traders now
lets see what happens

Well I learned one thing, I guess black dye is supposed to be super rare. I guess I shouldn't have dyed my 30 armor robe from Yaks on my elementalist with the vial I got advneturing Lol. I am supposed to hold it for my best armor at the end I suppose right?
More propaganda for another game. go away... if you dont like the game go play with yourself in another and leave us alone... this people that hoarded all the items are soon to find NO ONE will buy from them and will be forced to resell the items to the traders. this has happened befrore. it will happen again. Only the most desprate should bother doing business with non NPCs... after all arenanet periodically injects more inventory in the traders, you just have to be there when it happens... Now it will likely happen more often since it world based inventories, and not just region based...
Xue Yi Liang
Although I've taken a break from the game for similar reasons - I will be back at some point. The recent adjustment to the GW economy will only have a transient effect on the players and the game as a whole. In the end it was necessary.
So if you despise GW that much then just go. By posting your rants it seems like you're looking for our approval. So you have our blessing. Watch out for the screen door on your way out.
So if you despise GW that much then just go. By posting your rants it seems like you're looking for our approval. So you have our blessing. Watch out for the screen door on your way out.
People complaining about this are fools.
The simple fact is the economy was going to crap in a handbag, in about 2 weeks time many items had gone from 5k to 60k in value, I don't care if some rich fools are willing to pay that or someone wants to farm for weeks to save up but this trend would only continue to get worse and worse and in due time no one except the richest of richest who have been leeching off other players for months now are only who can afford anything.
This game is made for players, this game is made to be fun, not ever time consuming like most modern MMO's these days are. They dont want you to have to spend a lifetime to earn that 1 l33t item you been craving. The design of this game is made so any player casual or hardcore can actually get their hands on the items avalable within reasonable time.
Basic fact is that if you are one of the people that is pissed off about the totally obvious RAPE prices we had before dropping nwo to reasonable levels, then you were one of the peopel doing the raping. Because seriously, 7k is a decent amount of $ and still takes some work, that is a lot for a black dye .. but due to low stock it seems reasonable, but freaking 40k raise in less than 2 weeks, not to mention same with runes and even stuf like blue dye hitting 2k !!
give ... me ... a ... break
this game is made to be fun, not ever time consuming for the most menial tasks, remember that and if you dont like that, then go play FFXI as that will be sure to take you plenty of years to get anything accomplished.
The simple fact is the economy was going to crap in a handbag, in about 2 weeks time many items had gone from 5k to 60k in value, I don't care if some rich fools are willing to pay that or someone wants to farm for weeks to save up but this trend would only continue to get worse and worse and in due time no one except the richest of richest who have been leeching off other players for months now are only who can afford anything.
This game is made for players, this game is made to be fun, not ever time consuming like most modern MMO's these days are. They dont want you to have to spend a lifetime to earn that 1 l33t item you been craving. The design of this game is made so any player casual or hardcore can actually get their hands on the items avalable within reasonable time.
Basic fact is that if you are one of the people that is pissed off about the totally obvious RAPE prices we had before dropping nwo to reasonable levels, then you were one of the peopel doing the raping. Because seriously, 7k is a decent amount of $ and still takes some work, that is a lot for a black dye .. but due to low stock it seems reasonable, but freaking 40k raise in less than 2 weeks, not to mention same with runes and even stuf like blue dye hitting 2k !!
give ... me ... a ... break
this game is made to be fun, not ever time consuming for the most menial tasks, remember that and if you dont like that, then go play FFXI as that will be sure to take you plenty of years to get anything accomplished.
I agree I was upset the hoarders bought out the market as well. solution. Never buy from players.. AND never sell to players. only deal with NPCs, and eventually they will have no choice but to resell to the traders (the last update made it much more profitable to resale to NPCs, that was part of the fix.). Also please remember that every few days in the early morning hours the traders get injections of fresh inventory to replenish out of stock items. Especially those in high demand. BUT that being said its now one trader market. not region as it was in the past... so its harder to lock down the injection times for buying. the hoarders have this down to a art form. But again... IF no one buys from them they will have no choice but to sell back to the traders forcing the price down. Yes its unfortunate that it takes so long to happen.. but it will stabilize eventually... AS LONG as people do this... I have been saying this on every forums I can find and it is often heavily agreed on... It will happen...
Also note... Many of THESE people work for companies that resell game gold and items for real money. and Anet is VERY interested in locking these people out of their game. so eventually they too will be dealt with.
Look for more NPC purchase options in upcoming releases. one I think many will like is the WeaponCrafter upgrades. yes you have to customize the weapon to get those nifty hilts and strings from them... But its worth it if you have been spending months looking for them and are unwilling to pay 100k for a 5:1 vampiric Or Fiery Hilts as the market has been recently abused with these coveted upgrades.
Also note... Many of THESE people work for companies that resell game gold and items for real money. and Anet is VERY interested in locking these people out of their game. so eventually they too will be dealt with.
Look for more NPC purchase options in upcoming releases. one I think many will like is the WeaponCrafter upgrades. yes you have to customize the weapon to get those nifty hilts and strings from them... But its worth it if you have been spending months looking for them and are unwilling to pay 100k for a 5:1 vampiric Or Fiery Hilts as the market has been recently abused with these coveted upgrades.
Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
solution. Never buy from players.. AND never sell to players. only deal with NPCs

Originally Posted by Bingley Joe
*sigh* they've killed it "again", have they? The poor game.
Settle down people. Take deep breaths, and repeat any one or all of the following either to yourself or the people freaking out near you: Video game. Not important. Meant to be entertaining. GP do not have any value. GP are one step away from being imaginary. Time != money in a game. Time spent making game money should be FUN or you're doing it wrong. |
Is all talk of fixing this game forbidden to you, in fear of "caring too much" about the game, so therefore it shouldn't be improved? I don't see what the reason behind this post is...
You're on a Guild Wars message board, telling people they care too much about Guild Wars?
I think it sucks because they say this game is for "Skill" only, and the people without skill dont like it and quit. This game is basically a Diablo2, except it more of PvP while Diablo2 is more of show. I just wish armor you can wear drops instead of you buying for it.
Originally Posted by quanzong
I think it sucks because they say this game is for "Skill" only, and the people without skill dont like it and quit. This game is basically a Diablo2, except it more of PvP while Diablo2 is more of show. I just wish armor you can wear drops instead of you buying for it.
I'm actually curious if that was an intended concept from the GW development team... as in, if armor is displayed only AFTER a kill on a monster, what is the point of displaying it? It doesn't do anything but show you how powerful the monster WAS, and how powerful a monster WAS doesn't really help your killing...since he's already dead.
I'd like to be able to apply armor on the spot, and perhaps make armor drops alot more rare than they are now.. similar to being able to salvage a rune that can be applied while on an instanced mission. That way, players could be hunting monsters for a majority of the time played, rather than spending half their time in towns, playing the trading game. I must say, there are some people who may enjoy such a mini-game, but my favorite aspect of Guild Wars is actually slaying opponents; not conversing with allies.
I kind of like cusing in HoH 6 team free for all, thats what I do when I'm bored.
They dont ban you from trash talking do they, I hope not cuss you have ignore/player option.
They dont ban you from trash talking do they, I hope not cuss you have ignore/player option.