What's up with Natures renewal
Cool, that was what I was looking for to start this thread. Thanks Mistu Bishi.
Some inside info from which to learn.
Some inside info from which to learn.
salja Wachi
sighs. it is not ahrd to kill the spirits. just ahve to keep at it. they go down like flies with edge.
There needs to be bans handed out for idiocy.
Zealot Dang
Yah, This guild comes up with me a feeling like they overpower all pple playing GW
First, they spam NR, it also effects to them. So, my first thought is DO WHAT THEY DO. We could build a same team as them, and spam spirit, just like another mirror. That makes them get in trouble.
Second, NR remove hex, enchant, take twice to cast, they know it 's also effect to them. So I suggest they bring non-hex, enchant skills or any skills that takes more than 1 sec to cast.
Ignore the hex,enchant, spike group would be recommended to counter But ... they cast Quickening Zephyr. (require 30% more energy to cast) which is not really good for Ele.
Using a Warrior group?, 6W,2Mo, could be much more dangerous to them, because W don't use skills as much as other classes. However, we can't bring this build all over HoH because we are not only Nature Renewal 's opponent. There 's various other teams beside.
Here I come up with a thought, Copy exactly the same they do. Doppleganger
Note: Sure they had thought about this problems (pple copy them), actually they gotta have a specific build, but we 'll figure it out.
First, they spam NR, it also effects to them. So, my first thought is DO WHAT THEY DO. We could build a same team as them, and spam spirit, just like another mirror. That makes them get in trouble.
Second, NR remove hex, enchant, take twice to cast, they know it 's also effect to them. So I suggest they bring non-hex, enchant skills or any skills that takes more than 1 sec to cast.
Ignore the hex,enchant, spike group would be recommended to counter But ... they cast Quickening Zephyr. (require 30% more energy to cast) which is not really good for Ele.
Using a Warrior group?, 6W,2Mo, could be much more dangerous to them, because W don't use skills as much as other classes. However, we can't bring this build all over HoH because we are not only Nature Renewal 's opponent. There 's various other teams beside.
Here I come up with a thought, Copy exactly the same they do. Doppleganger
Note: Sure they had thought about this problems (pple copy them), actually they gotta have a specific build, but we 'll figure it out.
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
Spirit Spammer teams continue to dominate the Hall because only a select few players have thought of counter builds for it....and they aren't sharing.
Originally Posted by delfin42
Shouldn't you have a clear advantage in this situation, particularly if you go after the non-Rangers first?
What about in the Hall of Heroes? They don't care about beating you, they care about stalling until they win. Their build focuses upon protecting Mr. Fertile Season spammer, and your build, though roughly identical, focuses upon something else. Even if you do dislodge them, you don't have the tools to tank two teams, aka level 11 Fertile Seasons, while they do.
On some level I agree that running a Nature's Renewal build without Nature's Renewal should give you some advantages, but in practice the combination of asymmetrical gametypes, and the practical advantages of creating spirit walls far outweighs the disadvantages of running those spirits.
Originally Posted by delfin42
If you know that NR is going to be present, why not bring builds that work well under NR and let the opponent do the work of spamming it, using up a team slot or two in doing so?
Second off, all you've managed to make dead by sacrificing 1/3 of the skills in the game is one skill slot on the other team's bar. How many spirits do you think the other team typically carries? I'll tell you it's usually somewhere around 4-5 on that Oath Shot guy. So now instead of spamming Nature's Renewal, he can spam one of the other spirits that gives you hell. Or, if he's smart, he'll keep on spamming Nature's Renewal to create wonderful new map features for your team to deal with. Even spirits that don't do anything have intrinsic value, you know.
Originally Posted by Zeru
So....you play pve or arena? Cause in tombs and to some extent gvg NR is the most dominant metagame factor that good players factor their builds around.
Originally Posted by Zeru
As for spirits, meh. Spirit spam teams are easily defeated
Spirit spam is not going to go away - even ignoring the effects of the spirits themselves, the ability to wall off parts of the map gives you a potentially huge advantage in any highly mobile map, such as Relic or GvG. Are there a lot of teams that use spirits effectively like this? Of course not. But don't dismiss the concept. I'm sure that most teams were not amused by that 'useless spirit spammer' the first time they went to recapture the flag in GvG and realized that they could not because there was a spirit wall in the way.
Originally Posted by asdar
Edge of Extinction is great and about the only affective tool against spirits
See where I'm going?
Mitsu Bishi
The counters are there in my opinion - the problem is, you won't run into spirit teams all the way, so you've got to be able to beat all kind of teams and not only counter one kind of opponent (and be able to hold the HoH yet on top of that). That kind of balance is not easily achieved and I guess even sharing knowledge on those builds won't make winners out of those who copy them automatically.
salja Wachi
Originally Posted by Mitsu Bishi
The counters are there in my opinion - the problem is, you won't run into spirit teams all the way, so you've got to be able to beat all kind of teams and not only counter one kind of opponent (and be able to hold the HoH yet on top of that). That kind of balance is not easily achieved and I guess even sharing knowledge on those builds won't make winners out of those who copy them automatically.
you have a point there, but it is obvious the biggest challenge atm it Ss builds so you must bring the skills that counter that. that is not to say you must bring other things, but the biggest threat is ss counters.
i will give some of the build i have come up with to counter ss builds.
2 rangers are a must interrupts and edge.
at least 1 mesmer for energy drain and interrupt. if you can get edge down and kill spirits and interrupt the rangers from spamming more and more then you have a legitimate shot at beating the build. we have done so numerous times. (not saying we are the be all end all, but the way to beat a ss team is to make it impossible for them to spam spirits.)
the rest of the team can be made up of what you feel you like but include 1 warrior to start hacking at the spirits (he needs no enchantments to do a lot of damage)
between your staff weapons and the damage your warrior does you can take out spirits very quickly it is the ranger and mes job to keep an eye on the spammers and keep them either not able to make spirits or slow them down enough that the ones they do make will not be the difference maker.
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
Silmore: my "Walking Bomb" build has little to do with sacrificing health as it does with committing suicide for a reason...
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
duly noted
Edge of Extition + Death Nova
Mercury Angel
Exact skill statistics
21 enchantments (26.6%)
6 glyphs (7.5%)
15 hexes (19%)
2 skills (2.5%)
35 spells (44.3%)
Total: 79 skills (99.9%)
45.6% of all Elementalist skills are either hexes or enchantments.
8 enchantments (11.1%)
24 hexes (33.3%)
5 signets (7%)
1 skill (1.4%)
20 spells (27.8%)
14 stances (19.4%)
Total: 72 skills (100%)
44.4% of all Mesmer skills are either hexes or enchantments
1 attack (1.3%)
40 enchantments (52.6%)
4 hexes (5.2%)
5 signets (6.6%)
2 skills (2.6%)
24 spells (31.6%)
Total skills: 76 skills (99.9%)
57.8% of all Monk skills are either hexes or enchantments.
15 enchantments (19.5%)
23 hexes (29.9%)
3 signets (3.9%)
4 skills (5.2%)
32 spells (41.6%)
Total skills: 77 (100.1%)
49.4% of all Necromancer skills are either hexes or enchantments.
19 bow attacks (25%)
14 nature rituals (18.4%)
9 pet attacks (11.8%)
8 preparations (10.5%)
3 shouts (3.9%)
1 signet (1.3%)
6 skills (7.9%)
11 stances (14.5%)
5 traps (6.6%)
Total skills: 76 (99.9%)
9 melee attacks (11.8%)
10 axe attacks (13.2%)
12 hammer attacks (15.8%)
9 shouts (11.8%)
2 signets (2.6%)
8 skills (10.5%)
17 stances (22.4%)
9 sword attacks (11.8%)
Total skills: 76 (99.9%)
All Professions
2 signets (100%)
Total skills: 2 (100%)
Total skills in all: 458
Of all skills, enchantments and hexes make up 150 of them (32.8%).
Strictly speaking about casters, there're only 304 skills available to them. That means of all caster skills, 49.3% of them are either enchantments or hexes.
Exact skill statistics
21 enchantments (26.6%)
6 glyphs (7.5%)
15 hexes (19%)
2 skills (2.5%)
35 spells (44.3%)
Total: 79 skills (99.9%)
45.6% of all Elementalist skills are either hexes or enchantments.
8 enchantments (11.1%)
24 hexes (33.3%)
5 signets (7%)
1 skill (1.4%)
20 spells (27.8%)
14 stances (19.4%)
Total: 72 skills (100%)
44.4% of all Mesmer skills are either hexes or enchantments
1 attack (1.3%)
40 enchantments (52.6%)
4 hexes (5.2%)
5 signets (6.6%)
2 skills (2.6%)
24 spells (31.6%)
Total skills: 76 skills (99.9%)
57.8% of all Monk skills are either hexes or enchantments.
15 enchantments (19.5%)
23 hexes (29.9%)
3 signets (3.9%)
4 skills (5.2%)
32 spells (41.6%)
Total skills: 77 (100.1%)
49.4% of all Necromancer skills are either hexes or enchantments.
19 bow attacks (25%)
14 nature rituals (18.4%)
9 pet attacks (11.8%)
8 preparations (10.5%)
3 shouts (3.9%)
1 signet (1.3%)
6 skills (7.9%)
11 stances (14.5%)
5 traps (6.6%)
Total skills: 76 (99.9%)
9 melee attacks (11.8%)
10 axe attacks (13.2%)
12 hammer attacks (15.8%)
9 shouts (11.8%)
2 signets (2.6%)
8 skills (10.5%)
17 stances (22.4%)
9 sword attacks (11.8%)
Total skills: 76 (99.9%)
All Professions
2 signets (100%)
Total skills: 2 (100%)
Total skills in all: 458
Of all skills, enchantments and hexes make up 150 of them (32.8%).
Strictly speaking about casters, there're only 304 skills available to them. That means of all caster skills, 49.3% of them are either enchantments or hexes.
Went into Tombs with a random pick-up group this weekend. Ran into the NR guild on the later 1v1 gold priest map. They have lots of spirit spam, some traps, and reasonable ranger and warrior damage. We did get the first kill, but they were quick with the res and whittled us down with the condition DoTs and consistent damage over time with Fertile Seasons up.
I wasn't that impressed. Then again, spirit spam teams don't really impress me that much in general. They won. Kudos to them.
I wasn't that impressed. Then again, spirit spam teams don't really impress me that much in general. They won. Kudos to them.
Originally Posted by Ensign
Oh, since we brought up GvG, anyone want to guess what Eternum Pariah has run to a 1933 rating and the #1 spot on the top of the ladder?
Originally Posted by Ensign
That most people running a build are terrible isn't really a reflection on the build. People on these boards like to dismiss stuff like Air Gank as a viable strategy because it was a popular build to copy a couple months ago, but you know what? A well executed Chain Lightning spike, especially when coordinated with Nature's Renewal, still kills people instantly. Sure, most teams that run it are trash, but the few teams that can actually use it well? You'd be a fool to dismiss them because of their build.
Spirit spam is not going to go away - even ignoring the effects of the spirits themselves, the ability to wall off parts of the map gives you a potentially huge advantage in any highly mobile map, such as Relic or GvG. Are there a lot of teams that use spirits effectively like this? Of course not. But don't dismiss the concept. I'm sure that most teams were not amused by that 'useless spirit spammer' the first time they went to recapture the flag in GvG and realized that they could not because there was a spirit wall in the way. |
Of course when they have the altar, they are not going to be dislodged in a simple 1v1 or even a 2v1 with 1 stupid team that always seems to be there within the 10 minutes.
The spirit spam setup is very unique in terms of holding builds in that it is solid on both altar maps and relic running maps, unlike most healing ball versions which absolutely suck there. Being able to block out the chokes with spirits is quite a strong way of map control, because with fertile season it takes forever to kill them. Now if fertile didn't affect any spirits...spirit spam would be almost a joke as they die so fast otherwise.
As for spike teams, meh, I still don't consider them that great. They are always guaranteed the first few kills with good timing but they get owned especially hard by energy denial and signet of humility use which is effective against pretty much anything as well.
Van the Warrior
from what i see spirit teams cant exactly spike damage so uh wouldng frenzy warriors help in knocking out their spirits etc? like frenzy axe wars and such im sure someone can make a build based around frenzy to just walk over spirits and etc or incorporate spirits and frenzy together to make it really nasty
Originally Posted by Zeru
I honestly don't know, though I have been wondering what they've been using. Care to elaborate?
Originally Posted by Zeru
What I meant was that it is inherently a defense hall holding build and thus does not generally have high enough offense to beat most competent teams when it does not have the altar.
Originally Posted by Zeru
Now if fertile didn't affect any spirits...spirit spam would be almost a joke as they die so fast otherwise.
Originally Posted by Zeru
As for spike teams, meh, I still don't consider them that great. They are always guaranteed the first few kills with good timing but they get owned especially hard by energy denial and signet of humility use which is effective against pretty much anything as well.
Originally Posted by Ensign
Which is why that's exactly the nerf that just about everyone who knows what's going on is calling for. Peace, -CxE |
Originally Posted by Mithie
Nerfing Fertile is fine and dandy, but that still doesn't stop NR from raping all the enchants + hexes the moment it's slammed and slammed repeatedly.
I know what yoursaying....The use of Oathshot with Spirits is the real culprit.
Originally Posted by Theus
Nerfing Fertile basicly taking 370 hp off of NR, which in turn makes it easier pray for killing and for skills like EoE.
Originally Posted by Ensign
Spirit spam. In particular, tactical use of well positioned spirits to clog up the battlefield to their advantage.

This is intersting though, because it pretty much guarantees them a huge advantage in flag control which is obviously a key point of a gvg match. Tactical movement in general is a heavily underestimated part of 8v8 so I can see why they've had their success so far then.
Originally Posted by Ensign
It doesn't? I'd say that comes down entirely to your selection of spirits. A Ranger dropping Symbiosis and Fertile Season is unquestionably a defensive character, but he could just as easily kick out Predatory Season, Edge of Extinction, and Nature's Renewal, and that's a character that's far from defensive. You're not giving up an entire build to run spirits. You give up a single character, who can radically change the battlefield to be whatever you want it to be. It's more than a fair trade, and you can make a perfectly reasonable build with 3 Monks, one tactical spirits guy, and 4 offensive characters.
Originally Posted by Ensign
I agree about spike teams getting hit hard by energy debil, but Signet of Humility? What exactly does that do against a spike team?
<<Staying on topic..Hehe, The Guild Natures Renewal are a newly formed guild of people who all recently left The Esoteric Warrriors.
I believe after playing them their build consists of 1 trapper, 1 spirit spammer, 3 monks, 1 axe warrior, 1 interrupt ranger and another ranger damage dealer.
They focus heavily on the spirit spammer and will focus efforts on anyone who gets in his way and causes him trouble.
I won't go on to what i've heard about where they got their build (look at where they left) as after talking to them apparently its untrue
Maybe if theres someone on the forum from either NR or EW they can rectify that
I believe after playing them their build consists of 1 trapper, 1 spirit spammer, 3 monks, 1 axe warrior, 1 interrupt ranger and another ranger damage dealer.
They focus heavily on the spirit spammer and will focus efforts on anyone who gets in his way and causes him trouble.
I won't go on to what i've heard about where they got their build (look at where they left) as after talking to them apparently its untrue

Maybe if theres someone on the forum from either NR or EW they can rectify that

Originally Posted by Zeru
The water ele seems out of a job
![]() |
Originally Posted by Ensign
Spirit spam. In particular, tactical use of well positioned spirits to clog up the battlefield to their advantage.
i'll give you the benefit of the doubt however, and admit that "tactical" is a very general word, so I'll try to guess at what you were saying with this...
either by tactical you mean we are exploiting spirit collision and blocking the flag tower with spirts. Out of principle we rarely do this, and if ever, we only do it once the other team has begun this tactic (which hopefully will be resolved soon once collision coding of spirits is changed).
or we are putting our spirits in select points of the map to in essence control and dictate the game flow. This I unflinchingly admit we do... which is what I think the whole philosophy of spirts was when they were created.
They allow you to alter the environment in a way that puts another wrinkle of strategy into the metagame. ie: with primal echoes, Do you stay here and let your signets burn your energy, or do you step back and fight from a weaker position but with a little less e-denial.
oh and on a side note, Nature's Renewal, the so-called most broken skill in the game, is NOWHERE in EP's build. is that giving away too much?
at the end of the day, i don't believe spirts dominate our build. we've had our ranger err=7 from GvG matches and still won the match against top 40 guilds. i would chalk it up to teamwork, playing together for a LONG time now, and having the sum of the team be greater than the individual players.
... i guess the test for us is how we adapt to the PvP balance changes right?
Quebec Osti
Still looking for a counter to spirit spamming?
How about a Hammer war with:
devastating hammmer
heavy blow
Irresistible blow
gryphon sweep
90% of the spirit spammer use either dryder's defense, lightning reflex or whirlwind defense to either evade or block attacks... If he is evading, use gryphon... if hes blocking, use irresistible. Either way you can know him down and interupt him. He will then probably stop using his stance and you should have full adrenaline. You can then knockhim down again to interupt spirit cast using devastating/heavy blow.
Also, a mesmer with
mantra inscription
signet of humility
leech sig
do a pretty good job preventing spirit spamming... Keep signet of humility on him all the time (possible cause of mantra) without oat shot he cant spam them... Then interupt some of the spirit cast he will do every 60sec with leech sig.
How about a Hammer war with:
devastating hammmer
heavy blow
Irresistible blow
gryphon sweep
90% of the spirit spammer use either dryder's defense, lightning reflex or whirlwind defense to either evade or block attacks... If he is evading, use gryphon... if hes blocking, use irresistible. Either way you can know him down and interupt him. He will then probably stop using his stance and you should have full adrenaline. You can then knockhim down again to interupt spirit cast using devastating/heavy blow.
Also, a mesmer with
mantra inscription
signet of humility
leech sig
do a pretty good job preventing spirit spamming... Keep signet of humility on him all the time (possible cause of mantra) without oat shot he cant spam them... Then interupt some of the spirit cast he will do every 60sec with leech sig.
All it takes is one skill to shutdown a single spammer: Blackout.
Quebec Osti
Originally Posted by PaulOtt
All it takes is one skill to shutdown a single spammer: Blackout.
Iras K
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
my "Walking Bomb" build has little to do with sacrificing health as it does with committing suicide for a reason...
Originally Posted by asdar
Not the skill the guild. They must have won 87 HoH's this weekend.
They've gotta be doing something right. |
Originally Posted by furby
either by tactical you mean we are exploiting spirit collision and blocking the flag tower with spirts. Out of principle we rarely do this, and if ever, we only do it once the other team has begun this tactic (which hopefully will be resolved soon once collision coding of spirits is changed).
I hope that I will have enough of a guild at some point in the future to see firsthand what you're doing, since it's obviously working.
Originally Posted by furby
or we are putting our spirits in select points of the map to in essence control and dictate the game flow. This I unflinchingly admit we do... which is what I think the whole philosophy of spirts was when they were created.
Originally Posted by furby
oh and on a side note, Nature's Renewal, the so-called most broken skill in the game, is NOWHERE in EP's build. is that giving away too much?
That you're not running it means two things to me. One, that the opponents that you're concerned about are running builds that are sufficiently hardened against Nature's Renewal that you don't expect the spirit to have much of an effect. Second, that your build is using more enchantments and hexes than the opponents that you care about, so using that skill would be disadvantageous more often than not. Given that you're on top of the ladder this doesn't really surprise me, as I don't think that any guild with a rating that high is going to be running a build that gets smashed by that ritual.
Originally Posted by furby
i would chalk it up to teamwork, playing together for a LONG time now, and having the sum of the team be greater than the individual players.
Mitsu Bishi
Originally Posted by Timoz
<<Staying on topic..Hehe, The Guild Natures Renewal are a newly formed guild of people who all recently left The Esoteric Warrriors.
I believe after playing them their build consists of 1 trapper, 1 spirit spammer, 3 monks, 1 axe warrior, 1 interrupt ranger and another ranger damage dealer. |
I don't think they got that build off EW, because when I played against EW, they were using a smite build without any spirits.
Originally Posted by Mitsu Bishi
The trapper, I can confirm that one. He was a major pain in the rear because he trapped the whole altar. Once we had their ghostly killed, our own ghostly slowly hobbled towards the altar because he was constantly running into barbed traps.
I don't think they got that build off EW, because when I played against EW, they were using a smite build without any spirits. |
What about....
2 N/R's
3 N/Mo's
2 Me/Mo's
1 55/105 Mo/X
This is just a quick.. "hey, that sounds cool" idea. It requires an advanced team of number crunchers.
In the beginning, the 55/105 monk gets set up and runs off.
The rest of the group swarm the group of spirits and clustering spammers. The 2 N/R's drop Edge of Extinction (the 2nd is to protect against disruption). The 3 N/Mo's start preparing Death Nova and start sacrificing health to allow for suicide. The moment the first N drops, the Me/Mo's with max fast casting toss Vengeance onto the dead N's. The N's then use Contemplation of Purity (took a while to find this) at which point they die again (Vengeance is an enchantment and CoP removes all enchantments from you.. so you die again). By now, you SHOULD have a pretty massive chain reaction as there's been 6 deaths pretty damn quick.. which is most likely going to be 10 deaths in quick succession (the N/R's and Me/Mo's). The 55/105 monk is just to insure that your team wins, in case they're caught in range of an Edge of Extinction. Their damage is nullified to 5.
2 N/R's
3 N/Mo's
2 Me/Mo's
1 55/105 Mo/X
This is just a quick.. "hey, that sounds cool" idea. It requires an advanced team of number crunchers.
In the beginning, the 55/105 monk gets set up and runs off.
The rest of the group swarm the group of spirits and clustering spammers. The 2 N/R's drop Edge of Extinction (the 2nd is to protect against disruption). The 3 N/Mo's start preparing Death Nova and start sacrificing health to allow for suicide. The moment the first N drops, the Me/Mo's with max fast casting toss Vengeance onto the dead N's. The N's then use Contemplation of Purity (took a while to find this) at which point they die again (Vengeance is an enchantment and CoP removes all enchantments from you.. so you die again). By now, you SHOULD have a pretty massive chain reaction as there's been 6 deaths pretty damn quick.. which is most likely going to be 10 deaths in quick succession (the N/R's and Me/Mo's). The 55/105 monk is just to insure that your team wins, in case they're caught in range of an Edge of Extinction. Their damage is nullified to 5.
We have recently (yesterday) discovered that even slight change in our build can help us defeat some kinds of spirit spammers. However this is only succesful against those weaker spammers (however we have managed to beat some guilds that aren´t so bad). And I think the same about other builds that they won´t be much succesful against more experienced ranger build. Because if they were, nobody will see these top guilds and teams (AeC, Grim, MS, NR, Highlords, Corpse Scavenger´s team...) using spirit spam but they will use the counter to get and hold HoH. So why don´t they do that ?
To me it seems that only way to counter those spams is to spam even more or use the spam with other combination (wards for example). But I will rather keep losing than run the boring spirit spam build which is designed only for fame and not for fun.
To me it seems that only way to counter those spams is to spam even more or use the spam with other combination (wards for example). But I will rather keep losing than run the boring spirit spam build which is designed only for fame and not for fun.
Well if NR had 87 wins this weekend it's a good thing NR (the skill) is so easy to counter or they'd be over 200. (/sarcasm)
One smart team finally shut them down hard I bet on their 88th. Those dumb morons that were playing the first 87 times should go back to pong.
One smart team finally shut them down hard I bet on their 88th. Those dumb morons that were playing the first 87 times should go back to pong.
"Counter" to NR = exactly the same build but use your extra skill slot to give you the edge? Why not bring natures renewal yourself since your team does so well in it? Having 1 slot more is sooo valuable? LOL! You can't counter a NR build with anything but another NR build.
Which isn't a counter...
Hippie Crack
I've won the hall, and held it with an E/Mo smite based team. I play warrior(W/R) and when we run into spirit I gun right for the spammer, no teams runs more than 1 oath shot guy, and disrupting chop is your friend. Once the NR every 10 seconds is taken care of, our smiter is good enough to smite around the NR every 30 seconds(usually 2 other people on spirit teams carry NR for backup). Its not that hard folks, intelligent play > NR spam. As soon as their spammer is disabled from dropping NR, the other people on the team are gonna start dropping NR, effectively taking them out of the battle also since it has such a long cast time. They're dedicating 3 people on their team to disable just 1 person on our team. Judges insight on my W/R lets me hack at the rangers petty armor for 120+ damager per strike, under tiger's fury i drop them like flies. We also run a lvl16 EoE, having a 16BM ranger isn't a problem, we also run symbiosis so it works out well since we're an enchant heavy team.
NR isn't overpowered AT ALL right now, making it elite is the most i would do to it.
NR isn't overpowered AT ALL right now, making it elite is the most i would do to it.
...Another ignorant post defending broken skills, drawing conclusions from limited experience, and posting pseudo-counters. Just what we need.
Smiting teams are good in Tombs and great at HoH once they get through Tombs but they don't win 87 times in a row since they balanced out Balth aura.
I didn't mean to start an NR the skill thread. I was trying to scam some info about a good team.
Even if W/R combo was an effective counter to NR that's even easier to counter. Slows, knockdowns and blinds rip them. Even if you have someone helping you on conditions and hexes your team has to come to the NR team.
Smiters can be powerful, there's no doubt of that. But they can be countered. I'd say a Smiter build vs. an NR team loses 9 out of 10 if there's equal skill on both teams.
I didn't mean to start an NR the skill thread. I was trying to scam some info about a good team.
Even if W/R combo was an effective counter to NR that's even easier to counter. Slows, knockdowns and blinds rip them. Even if you have someone helping you on conditions and hexes your team has to come to the NR team.
Smiters can be powerful, there's no doubt of that. But they can be countered. I'd say a Smiter build vs. an NR team loses 9 out of 10 if there's equal skill on both teams.
Originally Posted by asdar
Smiting teams are good in Tombs and great at HoH once they get through Tombs but they don't win 87 times in a row since they balanced out Balth aura.
I didn't mean to start an NR the skill thread. I was trying to scam some info about a good team. Even if W/R combo was an effective counter to NR that's even easier to counter. Slows, knockdowns and blinds rip them. Even if you have someone helping you on conditions and hexes your team has to come to the NR team. Smiters can be powerful, there's no doubt of that. But they can be countered. I'd say a Smiter build vs. an NR team loses 9 out of 10 if there's equal skill on both teams. |
NR is a good guild, made by ex-EW members who got kicked lol, and dragged some EW members with them, then recruited a bunch of rank 9+ people.
they run a trapper build with massive degen, and it just owns spirit groups, and is good at holding.
Originally Posted by Hippie Crack
I've won the hall, and held it with an E/Mo smite based team. I play warrior(W/R) and when we run into spirit I gun right for the spammer, no teams runs more than 1 oath shot guy, and disrupting chop is your friend. Once the NR every 10 seconds is taken care of, our smiter is good enough to smite around the NR every 30 seconds(usually 2 other people on spirit teams carry NR for backup). Its not that hard folks, intelligent play > NR spam. As soon as their spammer is disabled from dropping NR, the other people on the team are gonna start dropping NR, effectively taking them out of the battle also since it has such a long cast time. They're dedicating 3 people on their team to disable just 1 person on our team. Judges insight on my W/R lets me hack at the rangers petty armor for 120+ damager per strike, under tiger's fury i drop them like flies. We also run a lvl16 EoE, having a 16BM ranger isn't a problem, we also run symbiosis so it works out well since we're an enchant heavy team.
NR isn't overpowered AT ALL right now, making it elite is the most i would do to it. |
Ok, now that I have that out of the way: Only a stupid spirit spammer wouldn't bring a defensive stance. You got lucky, there's no competition in tombs anymore anyway.
About your last comment: I don't know why I bothered replying in the first place. You go on beleiving that a skill that counters 1/4 of the games other skills isn't overpowered. While you're at it, lets buff energy drain and signet of humility. Thumbs up to you, smart guy.
Originally Posted by Ensign
I hope that I will have enough of a guild at some point in the future to see firsthand what you're doing, since it's obviously working.