the best of both world, possible?
Larry the Hippo
im my experience, there are 2 types of rpg players. those who play WoW and those who play GW(everquest, runescape, those guys are all just like WoW people w/o the game).
given GW, most wow people will play, atleast for a small amount of time. the problem is that it isnt long enough for them, and bigger then that, the lack of player organized battles. im talking about massive raids on the scale of 500 guys, who can go and literally take over the other half of the game map. the pvp thing is nice, but really serves no purpose past itself.
guilds. what are they really good for other then finding people to play with and the occansional guild battle.
what i say, is make it so that guild wars is still set up as it is(same lvl cap, same skills) but lengthen the game, and allow for other guild to literally attack each other. raid another guild hall, and be able to gain something, like guild money, items.
for instance, maybe make it so that you can put money into a guild fund, from which you can buy nice weapons that cant be sold or traded, and only used by guild members. or possibly a sort of interest type thing. just something to make people WANT to put money into the guild "bank."
when you raid another guild hall, you can take a certain amount of money and possibly items bought with "guild" money. a guild could have very difficult guards, as well as certain types of "spiker" types guards with low health and high dmg to make it harder to just run into a hall and grab stuff.
just an idea. feel free to add to/critise, people no OMGNOONZOR111
given GW, most wow people will play, atleast for a small amount of time. the problem is that it isnt long enough for them, and bigger then that, the lack of player organized battles. im talking about massive raids on the scale of 500 guys, who can go and literally take over the other half of the game map. the pvp thing is nice, but really serves no purpose past itself.
guilds. what are they really good for other then finding people to play with and the occansional guild battle.
what i say, is make it so that guild wars is still set up as it is(same lvl cap, same skills) but lengthen the game, and allow for other guild to literally attack each other. raid another guild hall, and be able to gain something, like guild money, items.
for instance, maybe make it so that you can put money into a guild fund, from which you can buy nice weapons that cant be sold or traded, and only used by guild members. or possibly a sort of interest type thing. just something to make people WANT to put money into the guild "bank."
when you raid another guild hall, you can take a certain amount of money and possibly items bought with "guild" money. a guild could have very difficult guards, as well as certain types of "spiker" types guards with low health and high dmg to make it harder to just run into a hall and grab stuff.
just an idea. feel free to add to/critise, people no OMGNOONZOR111
Algren Cole
also, can you make this a First Person Shooter and add tanks and warcrafts. While you're at it can you make it possible for Guild Wars to make me toast in the morning?
Your copy doesn't do that for you? You should've laid out the extra for Collector's Edition.

I'm pretty happy with GW the way it is... Someone else had a similar idea to your's though. I remember reading it in a post a long time ago.
I would love to see massive battles, guilds coming together to battle different groups of guild. That being said, the instanceted worlds would make this very difficult.
Yeah massive battles would be cool. But where is the strategy in that?
There would probably be some lag problems but thats it.
There would probably be some lag problems but thats it.
Originally Posted by chris_nin00
Yeah massive battles would be cool. But where is the strategy in that?
There would probably be some lag problems but thats it. |
Larry the Hippo
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
also, can you make this a First Person Shooter and add tanks and warcrafts. While you're at it can you make it possible for Guild Wars to make me toast in the morning?
but hey! who doesnt like a good FPS?
I think those things would be cool, but does AneT?
Originally Posted by Aracos79
Especially since ANet has said they want GW to remain playable by dial-up users.
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
also, can you make this a First Person Shooter and add tanks and warcrafts. While you're at it can you make it possible for Guild Wars to make me toast in the morning?
I do grow o so tired of you coming into discusions, you have no point other than being an ass.
Originally Posted by Sekkira
They'll eventually change that policy as the world moves on with faster connections.
the world has moved on already, for the most part
there will always be some "hold-outs". they just have to suck it up and get with the times
these days, you cannot play most online games properly with a 56k connection. no need for Guild Wars to limit it's own potential in order to cater to those who still use ancient technology
Bad idea.
Those are the BAD parts about WoW. Guild raids is basically ganking. No amount of guards would stop better guilds from just raping smaller ones. Unless you're talking about GvG battles where there's a wager of some sort, which it doesn't seem like you're talking about.
I think you should go back to WoW and spawn camp and gank.
Those are the BAD parts about WoW. Guild raids is basically ganking. No amount of guards would stop better guilds from just raping smaller ones. Unless you're talking about GvG battles where there's a wager of some sort, which it doesn't seem like you're talking about.
I think you should go back to WoW and spawn camp and gank.
Originally Posted by Jhyphi
Bad idea.
Those are the BAD parts about WoW. Guild raids is basically ganking. No amount of guards would stop better guilds from just raping smaller ones. Unless you're talking about GvG battles where there's a wager of some sort, which it doesn't seem like you're talking about. I think you should go back to WoW and spawn camp and gank. |
Thats my opinion on the matter.
Larry the Hippo
Originally Posted by Jhyphi
Bad idea.
Those are the BAD parts about WoW. Guild raids is basically ganking. No amount of guards would stop better guilds from just raping smaller ones. Unless you're talking about GvG battles where there's a wager of some sort, which it doesn't seem like you're talking about. I think you should go back to WoW and spawn camp and gank. |
i guess you think the good parts are the monthly fees and the need for only free time, no skill.
my ideas arnt perfect, but that doesnt mean that you should not even look at way to make them better. perhaps you can only raid guilds with similiar rank
Originally Posted by Larry the Hippo
i guess you think the good parts are the monthly fees and the need for only free time, no skill.
my ideas arnt perfect, but that doesnt mean that you should not even look at way to make them better. perhaps you can only raid guilds with similiar rank |
if i got a dollar for every time ive been agasint a 2 105-monk team, with a warrior and an e/n for the other two, meanwhile im jacked with 3 sub-lvl 20 warriors wielding ascalon armor, a focus item and an 11-16 dmg battleaxe, id be a millionaire.
i do agree that GW could use some expansion on its pvp system, but before you enstall a third story to the building, repair the foundation, and as is, guild war's pvp has some serious issues that need addressing. that way we can deal with current problems now, and potential problems in the future, rather than being overwhelemed with both at once.
and wow is far from a well-made rpg. quite frankly the only real reason it has a following is the namesake of the warcraft series; even many of blizzards top programmers left the studio upon the starting of wow, because they knew it would be a crapfest of newbtacular preportions. wow is one of those games where its easy to farm, the pvp has NO balances (they had to make it towards it logs you off automatically after 30 min of inactivity, to keep people from ganking you while you were inactive and in a contested zone), the servers are laggy as hell, and when they arent lagging, they're down, and to top off this delicious mix of a no-skill-required borefest, you get the honor of paying for the service.
no thank you to WoW, when a studios programmers bail ship at the advent of a game, its a pretty good sign that you should not be purchasing it.
Originally Posted by Akhilleus
and wow is far from a well-made rpg. quite frankly the only real reason it has a following is the namesake of the warcraft series; even many of blizzards top programmers left the studio upon the starting of wow, because they knew it would be a crapfest of newbtacular preportions. wow is one of those games where its easy to farm, the pvp has NO balances (they had to make it towards it logs you off automatically after 30 min of inactivity, to keep people from ganking you while you were inactive and in a contested zone), the servers are laggy as hell, and when they arent lagging, they're down, and to top off this delicious mix of a no-skill-required borefest, you get the honor of paying for the service.
no thank you to WoW, when a studios programmers bail ship at the advent of a game, its a pretty good sign that you should not be purchasing it. |
I would bet that if GW charged 15 bucks a month very few people would play it.
theres a big difference between a good game, and one that sells.
consider that someone actually made money off of the "dora the explorer" pc game, which my 7 year old sister owns.
just because its marketable to a crowd of 12 year olds whos only success in life is to beg mommy and daddy for 12 bucks a month, doesnt make it quality.
and i would not pay 15 bucks a month for gw either, and yet i work full-time, why? because i know that the quality of a game does NOT depend on the price you pay per month.
look at starcraft, dialo 1, 2, warcraft 2, half-life, counterstrike, the list goes on. there are hundreds of games that dont have monthly charges and attract a great following and are excellent games. starcraft is 7 years old, and its still better than half the RTS games coming out nowadays. the fact of the matter is that the wow hosting service in terms of server speed, lag, crashes etc is no better (if not worse) than that of gw, and hundreds of thousands of people pay money per month to use it, at that rate you;d think they could maintain higher quality servers than a game that charges nothing, even if it has a smaller fanbase.
consider that someone actually made money off of the "dora the explorer" pc game, which my 7 year old sister owns.
just because its marketable to a crowd of 12 year olds whos only success in life is to beg mommy and daddy for 12 bucks a month, doesnt make it quality.
and i would not pay 15 bucks a month for gw either, and yet i work full-time, why? because i know that the quality of a game does NOT depend on the price you pay per month.
look at starcraft, dialo 1, 2, warcraft 2, half-life, counterstrike, the list goes on. there are hundreds of games that dont have monthly charges and attract a great following and are excellent games. starcraft is 7 years old, and its still better than half the RTS games coming out nowadays. the fact of the matter is that the wow hosting service in terms of server speed, lag, crashes etc is no better (if not worse) than that of gw, and hundreds of thousands of people pay money per month to use it, at that rate you;d think they could maintain higher quality servers than a game that charges nothing, even if it has a smaller fanbase.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Manderlock
I do grow o so tired of you coming into discusions, you have no point other than being an ass.
stupidity breeds's a vicious cycle
if one were to come to these boards and post something intelligent I would return the favor by posting an intelligent response....when one comes to these boards and posts mindless dribble about how they want this game to be a completely different game....I can't help but post asinine rhetoric.
Originally Posted by Manderlock
Well Ive never played WoW, sorry. I would still love to see huge instanced battles raging.
Thats my opinion on the matter. |
As a former WoW player Raids IMHO are quite overrated and go against the grain of what GW has developed. I used to get really excited about being part of a raid. The idea of epic large scale battles definitely has an appeal to it. Unfortunately, it's very anti-climatic for a couple of reasons: 1. Lag! you imagine a fast paced battle with action all around you when in reality everything is in slow-motion and warping all over the place. 2. You're nothing but a number in a raid.. you're not a crucial factor.. you're nothing.. you have no real effect on the success or failure of a raid.
As another poster commented it really is about ganking. My guild used to get all hyped about doing raids but in the end it didn't matter if I was there or not. In GW.. it's quite different, it's really about teamwork. In my team/guild i'm an essential part to our strategy and every class truly plays a integral role.
I'd rather see a solution similar to what FPS servers have done for ages.. increase the amount of people in a match. Imagine 16 vs.16. IMO anything that is derived from just pure numbers overwhelming a certain group is just ganking for the sake of raping the weak.
john little
Originally Posted by Larry the Hippo
now, i may be looking at this the wrong way, but it seems that there are slight just slight differences between battlefield 2 and the good aspects of WoW.
but hey! who doesnt like a good FPS? |
Sorry if this has been said, but I didn't feel like trying to find the real discussion in all the smartass bullshit.
If you were to run massive battles on the scale of several hundred people, give or take, you run into a couple vital problems.
First, and most important, you lose strategy. It takes a lot more strategy for 2 or 3 8-player teams to go against each other, then 2 or 3 50- or 100-man teams. The only way you could run it would to be in something like the competition (random) arena. The reason is because it takes a good amount of time to gather 8 guildies, now multiply that by 5 or more.
Second, you lose that sense of importance. I used to play everquest and we raided a high end PvE area. I was one of 80 people and half way through i gave up. My role may have been vital, but I didn't feel that way.
Third, The game WILL LAG. Even for low end and maybe even medium range broadband users. We aren't all so lucky as to have 2 or 3/mbit Broadband.
Fourth, back to one. You have no idea the level of strategy lost in game like that. With Guild Wars the way it is, your out to help your team, in a massive battle your only out for yourself. Many builds in GW are there to help focus and maxamize damage (like E/Mo Smite and Spiker Builds). In a large scale battle you don't have that level of cooperation.
That being said, a compromise solution would be to have a 6 or 8 man arena where 4-6 teams fight on the same map. It's a basic idea but I think it would satisfy those big battle desires.
If you were to run massive battles on the scale of several hundred people, give or take, you run into a couple vital problems.
First, and most important, you lose strategy. It takes a lot more strategy for 2 or 3 8-player teams to go against each other, then 2 or 3 50- or 100-man teams. The only way you could run it would to be in something like the competition (random) arena. The reason is because it takes a good amount of time to gather 8 guildies, now multiply that by 5 or more.
Second, you lose that sense of importance. I used to play everquest and we raided a high end PvE area. I was one of 80 people and half way through i gave up. My role may have been vital, but I didn't feel that way.
Third, The game WILL LAG. Even for low end and maybe even medium range broadband users. We aren't all so lucky as to have 2 or 3/mbit Broadband.
Fourth, back to one. You have no idea the level of strategy lost in game like that. With Guild Wars the way it is, your out to help your team, in a massive battle your only out for yourself. Many builds in GW are there to help focus and maxamize damage (like E/Mo Smite and Spiker Builds). In a large scale battle you don't have that level of cooperation.
That being said, a compromise solution would be to have a 6 or 8 man arena where 4-6 teams fight on the same map. It's a basic idea but I think it would satisfy those big battle desires.
Originally Posted by Akhilleus
theres a big difference between a good game, and one that sells.
consider that someone actually made money off of the "dora the explorer" pc game, which my 7 year old sister owns. just because its marketable to a crowd of 12 year olds whos only success in life is to beg mommy and daddy for 12 bucks a month, doesnt make it quality. and i would not pay 15 bucks a month for gw either, and yet i work full-time, why? because i know that the quality of a game does NOT depend on the price you pay per month. look at starcraft, dialo 1, 2, warcraft 2, half-life, counterstrike, the list goes on. there are hundreds of games that dont have monthly charges and attract a great following and are excellent games. starcraft is 7 years old, and its still better than half the RTS games coming out nowadays. the fact of the matter is that the wow hosting service in terms of server speed, lag, crashes etc is no better (if not worse) than that of gw, and hundreds of thousands of people pay money per month to use it, at that rate you;d think they could maintain higher quality servers than a game that charges nothing, even if it has a smaller fanbase. |
WoW does more than sell, it sustains millions of players paying a monthly fee. I agree that a game can sell well and still suck, but as we all know most people are not going to continue paying 15 bucks a month every month if a game sucks. I've played most MMOs and except for a couple of times I've only had a couple of hiccups in the WoW system. I agree that a game can be good and free, but in the world of MMOs, one of the draws of GW is it's free.
When you talk about games like CS you're talking apples and oranges.
You may think the game is too cartoony, too easy, boring or just not your cup of tea...poorly designed it is not. But for a game company a game like WoW is a huge success. Most publishers would kill for a game like that. I'm not taking anything away from smaller mmos, but cmon....
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
stupidity breeds's a vicious cycle
if one were to come to these boards and post something intelligent I would return the favor by posting an intelligent response....when one comes to these boards and posts mindless dribble about how they want this game to be a completely different game....I can't help but post asinine rhetoric. |
Everytime that Ive seen you disagree with somones ideas/suggestions all that you can do is show sarcasim. There is no need for it. State what you dont like about the idea, and have a dissusion.........
EDIT: Okae, I would rather see Everquest type of events. Thats what I am talking about.
The massive raids and HORRIBLY balanced pvp were the reasons I quit WoW. Please do not do anything that would bring something even remotely similar ot WoW pvp to guild wars.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Manderlock
Everytime that Ive seen you disagree with somones ideas/suggestions all that you can do is show sarcasim. There is no need for it. State what you dont like about the idea, and have a dissusion.........
EDIT: Okae, I would rather see Everquest type of events. Thats what I am talking about. |
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
there's no reason to make an attempt to debate with most people. It's been proven time and time again that people will believe the most asinine thing possible and changing their views is nearly impossible...This specific idea changes the entire game from that of an instanced world to something more along the lines of WoW or asks for changes that would require hundreds upon hundreds of hours to scope, develope and implement. Anyone that would suggest this lacks the basic knowledge required to understand why it's an impossible suggestion...therefore attempting to explain how stupid the OPs idea was is a waste of time.
It can be done and quit easly, only thing that it would require is a bit more server power to handel the load. What you think that they can only put 16 people in one instace at a time please, thats ignorant. I can remmber back at Beta, they didnt want to have more than 16 at a time fighting. Not beacuse they couldnt, beacuse they didnt want to.
Dont call someones idea stupid, it only proves to show your own stupidity.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Manderlock
Ok that proves it, you have no idea what you are talking about.
It can be done and quit easly, only thing that it would require is a bit more server power to handel the load. What you think that they can only put 16 people in one instace at a time please, thats ignorant. I can remmber back at Beta, they didnt want to have more than 16 at a time fighting. Not beacuse they couldnt, beacuse they didnt want to. Dont call someones idea stupid, it only proves to show your own stupidity. |
what i say, is make it so that guild wars is still set up as it is(same lvl cap, same skills) but lengthen the game, and allow for other guild to literally attack each other. raid another guild hall, and be able to gain something, like guild money, items. |
for instance, maybe make it so that you can put money into a guild fund, from which you can buy nice weapons that cant be sold or traded, and only used by guild members. or possibly a sort of interest type thing. just something to make people WANT to put money into the guild "bank." |
when you raid another guild hall, you can take a certain amount of money and possibly items bought with "guild" money. a guild could have very difficult guards, as well as certain types of "spiker" types guards with low health and high dmg to make it harder to just run into a hall and grab stuff. |
It's hundreds of hours worth of work....
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
this would require an extensive checks and balances system to keep high ranked guilds from being able to raid newbie or low ranked guilds, otherwise you have a ganking problem...the very same problem most people are leaving other MMORPGS.
Another brand new system of checks and balances to determing who had access to the fund and who didn't...who could take from the fund and who couldn't...a seperate database to handle it all. You are asking for a dynamically changing NPC Trader specific to your guild. this change would actually require the developers to build an entirely new area to store the guild halls. As you know there is only one guild hall on the map...yours...the reason for this is because there is ONLY ONE Guild Hall in the game. The game renders the graphics for the guild hall of your choice but there is only ONE physical hall in the game and your Guild get's instanced into it...just like the rest of the world map. It's hundreds of hours worth of work.... |
Um first off I dont want Raids, Im talking Everquest type events,
Secondly, no It wouldnt . It would be an extra storage thats all, and your telling me that adding an identical NPC to all guild halls takes alot of time please, thats a patch if that.
This last point is true, and its one of the reasons guild raids would be hard to do.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Manderlock
Um first off I dont want Raids, Im talking Everquest type events,
Secondly, no It wouldnt . It would be an extra storage thats all, and your telling me that adding an identical NPC to all guild halls takes alot of time please, thats a patch if that. This last point is true, and its one of the reasons guild raids would be hard to do. |
I don't play everquest...and could honestly care less what you want. My post was in reference to what the OP wanted...and he wants guild raids.
simple minds think difficult objectives are simple...but only because they can't fathom even attempting do you control the storage? how do you link the storage in the database to a user ID? How do you link the funds/inventory in that storage to the Guild ID? or are you completely ignorant to the workings of a database language?
thats a patch if that. |
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
I don't play everquest...and could honestly care less what you want. My post was in reference to what the OP wanted...and he wants guild raids.
simple minds think difficult objectives are simple...but only because they can't fathom even attempting do you control the storage? how do you link the storage in the database to a user ID? How do you link the funds/inventory in that storage to the Guild ID? or are you completely ignorant to the workings of a database language? how is this even relevant to the amount of time it takes to produce the patch? Do you have any experience with any programming languages at all? hell, I'd even accept Visual Basic valid enough exposure. |
Well considering you care enough about what I want/think to quote me......, maby you should think about what your posting before you hit enter

Agin your points are overshadowed by you being a ass, congrats.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Manderlock
Well considering you care enough about what I want/think to quote me, maby you should think about what your posting before you hit enter
![]() Agin your points are overshadowed by you being a ass, congrats. |
do you even know what a patch is? The Summer Update was a patch, the skill nerfs were a patch, everything you get in this game is a patch....a patch is simply a file(or files) downloaded from the developer to change the does "it's would only be a patch" even make sense to you? How does it negate that it would take hundreds of hours? How can you possibly wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and not realize you're a moron?
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
do you even know what a patch is? The Summer Update was a patch, the skill nerfs were a patch, everything you get in this game is a patch....a patch is simply a file(or files) downloaded from the developer to change the does "it's would only be a patch" even make sense to you? How does it negate that it would take hundreds of hours? How can you possibly wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and not realize you're a moron?
First the SF addition was an UPDATE not a patch, and it did take 100's of hours. You sir need to settle down, I hate little people that get on the internet and try to act big. your not impressive in the least.
Patches come in all the time into your comp, Ive seen an issue get fixed in 48 hours from when it was first realized. The Guild storage would require a change in a previously existing code, not a brand new code that I agree would take some time. So please stop, think and settel the hell down.
Algren Cole
you need to look up what a patch is...seriously. Cuz your definition isn't right.
the guild storage would require MASSIVE changes to code that already well as a mirror database to run it. I don't comment on Quantum know why? Cuz I don't know shit about Quantum Physics.
the guild storage would require MASSIVE changes to code that already well as a mirror database to run it. I don't comment on Quantum know why? Cuz I don't know shit about Quantum Physics.
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
you need to look up what a patch is...seriously. Cuz your definition isn't right.
the guild storage would require MASSIVE changes to code that already well as a mirror database to run it. I don't comment on Quantum know why? Cuz I don't know shit about Quantum Physics. |
Well you know I looked at my post and I just dont think that I defined a patch.
Ok they have the graphics, they have all the info that they would need, all that would be needed to do would be to open up the restrictions. Alowing anyone in the guild to add or depsit items/gold. Agin not saying it would be easy, but it wouldnt be the most difficult patch they have ever done.
They would be able to use what was already in place no need to redo what is not needed.
EDIT: I find it hard to belive that you quit as qualified as you would like to make it sound. Ive never seen a compitant person type the word "Cuz"
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Manderlock
Well you know I looked at my post and I just dont think that I defined a patch.
Ok they have the graphics, they have all the info that they would need, all that would be needed to do would be to open up the restrictions. Alowing anyone in the guild to add or depsit items/gold. Agin not saying it would be easy, but it wouldnt be the most difficult patch they have ever done. They would be able to use what was already in place no need to redo what is not needed. EDIT: I find it hard to belive that you quit as qualified as you would like to make it sound. Ive never seen a compitant person type the word "Cuz" |
you don't have any experience with database languages do you?
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
you don't have any experience with database languages do you?
Why no, no I dont. But this argument is over common sence in my book. Something you dont seem to have.
And Im still doubting your compitance in the matter.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Manderlock
Why no, no I dont. But this argument is over common sence in my book. Something you dont seem to have.
And Im still doubting your compitance in the matter. |
well....the relevancy is that your issue with why this would be simply and my issue with why you are a moron has nothing to do with the backbone code of the has to do with the databse linking and checks and balances required to make sure the linking works. Where do you think the items/funds go when you put them in storage? where do you think they go when you sell to the NPC...and how do you think these are all linked together? or did you not think that far before stating "this would be a simple change"
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
well....the relevancy is that your issue with why this would be simply and my issue with why you are a moron has nothing to do with the backbone code of the has to do with the databse linking and checks and balances required to make sure the linking works. Where do you think the items/funds go when you put them in storage? where do you think they go when you sell to the NPC...and how do you think these are all linked together? or did you not think that far before stating "this would be a simple change"
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Manderlock
Well considering that is already in the game, I see no damn reason to change it.......
it's not in the game...that's the problem. it doesn't exist...something LIKE it exists.