Originally Posted by Rey Lentless
Eh, I don't care if you didn't get good drops, that doesn't mean I'm going to run an IWAY with bad players who decided that's their best chance to get any fame at all.
You're still getting better fame holding the hall, than running an iway... that should be a no brainer.
as to your "getting better fame holding the Hall" comment... not really. maybe after you hold it 10 times in a row, it might start getting better. but
for the most part getting fame for holding Hall is no different than getting fame from any other map.
i've won in HoH many times. i started using IWAY simply because short of having a Guild with lots of great players online, it's the fastest way to get into a party that will probably be marginally successful. sure i could wait for good players to assemble, which often takes upwards of an hour. or sometimes two. then all us good players could do one run, maybe even win HoH and earn a "whopping" 6 or 8 fame for that. it's a huge time investment, with very little tangible return on that investment.
or, i could join any random IWAY party in 2 minutes flat and end up getting the same amount of fame within 20 minutes.