Originally Posted by entropy
I am personally SO sick of the nerfing. Nerf Spirit spam while overnerfing the spirits as well. Personally as a ranger distracting is what rangers do best. Their dmg cannot compete with an axe war with eviscerate/executioners. Their interupts aren't as good overall as the mesmers. Their arrows do have a chance to miss. Most of the anti-warrior skills work against them. Personally you should just take out the whole ranger class. A-Net should work on it till the expansion and then put them back in. So many things about it are broken in a sense. I love my ranger to death and I have been running the build. Punishing is not worth the elite. Escape? even in PvE I would never touch it. If you nerf distractions at least boost something else.  . In my opinion its kind of like a water ele compared to an earth ele. Earth being the other classes just does it in general better than water. I think this goes back to the ranger being the jack of all trades. Being decent at everything and good at nothing so when a build comes out and is actually good everyone and their mother wants a nerf.
I have no qualms about rangers being able to interrupt well, its just that with Punishing shot + distracting + savage shot + kindle/conjure, you have 3 interrupts that deal
alot of damage as well. Interrupts or damage not both with the same skills, that would be the best way to rebalance.
Nothing in game can compare to the spiking ability of the eviserate/executioners combo, so your point is semi-moot. Take heart in the fact that with certain builds you deal high sustained, ranged damage, with the ability to spike that is second to only that of the eviserate/executioners combo. Not only is your armor better than elementalists, you outdamage them by far as well, while still having enough room in your skill bar to bring 3 or 4 skills devoted to complementing/supplementing your role.
Punishing is definatly worth being an elite. Escape on the other hand, is more of a pve skill.
Ranger interrupts are better than mesmers interrupts since they are 1.Cheaper 2. Recharge A LOT faster 3. Generally Interrupt SKILLS and not just spells like mesmer interrupts are typically limited to.
Arrows can be dodged, but the ironic thing is, while the character is strafing and dodging your arrows, he is dead weight,
he can't do anything , not casting, attacking, healing, whatever, just strafing.
Originally Posted by Mhyrdian
Little offensive capability? A mesmer can totally shut down a caster and kill him if he knows what hes doing. You dont have to go 16 in attribute points to make effective builds.
Mesmers are the MOST dangerous class in the game. They get taken out before monks alot of the time. And yet on top of the HUGE offensive potential of a mesmer, it needs to survive against a spefic class designed to counter casters using a specific build desinged to counter casters?
Welcome to balance, or some vague semblance thereof.
Kill him with what? Wastrel's Worry ? Mind Wrack ? Give me a bloody break. And if you are talking about fragility combos, a mesmer can be a fragility mesmer or a shutdown/other mesmer, not both at the same time. By the way rangers are great at killing mesmers, since they are one of the hardest classes to shutdown in game. You heard me right, rangers. Rangers are not effected by anti-melee spells and shrug off anti-caster spells, the spells that target rangers are quite narrow.
And yes mesmers are meant to be dangerous, because nearly all of their abilities are indirect. They don't heal, buff [typically] or kill [typically]. Sure you can make a buff mesmer, but necros will out do you, and you can make that cute fragility mesmer, but don't expect to get far in tombs.