charity: Monks for Thunderhead.
Monks for thunderhead turned into monks for Sorrows Furnace.
Way funnier seeing all the other mionks using only heal party, healing breeze and word of healing till they die, eles whining for health and energy and paladins with mending not giving a shit.
seen teams being unable to kill the yakslapper for 5 minutes.
Way funnier seeing all the other mionks using only heal party, healing breeze and word of healing till they die, eles whining for health and energy and paladins with mending not giving a shit.
seen teams being unable to kill the yakslapper for 5 minutes.
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
I havent tryed mission yet.
For a few reasons: 1) I dont want to be yelled at because I dont know every detail about the map and what spawns there (I havent done it for god's sake). |
I beat Thunderhead Keep on my very first try with 5 other people who were also trying it for thier very first time (they had advanced with me from Iron Mines) and two guys we pulled from the THK waiting room. There was one ranger who had done it before. We told him this was our first time, he told us what to do, and we breezed through it. (I wish I would've put that ranger on my friends list, he was a really cool guy, his name was some variation on Trent Reznor)
Former Ruling
Noone (mostly) wants to take along people that dont know what their doing.
And if you go with others that dont know what their doing..Lets just say I break alot of stuff around my computer from the stupidity and the lack of communication.
And if you go with others that dont know what their doing..Lets just say I break alot of stuff around my computer from the stupidity and the lack of communication.
Just protect the frickin King. LISTEN to what your party leader tells you for cryin out loud. And when the stupid boss toward the end comes along, KILL EVERYTHING ELSE FIRST!
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
I havent tryed mission yet.
For a few reasons: 1) I dont want to be yelled at because I dont know every detail about the map and what spawns there (I havent done it for god's sake). 2) I had to get decent trapper stuff because it is apparent to me that for a ranger to get into the mission you have to be a trapper. 3) Once I do number 2...I think about the fact that I have limited trapping experience...So would be yelled at again like number 1 because I dont know exactly the right second to set the trap or wheres the best stair to set it on. HINT: Every person there that doesn't know exactly where to go and when isn't a 'noob'. We all haven't beat the game multiple times (this is my first character). |
Traps help, that is for sure, but are no where near critical here. A big bad Jade Warrior or those Mursaats will be hurt by the traps, but they will also be hurt by whatever else you give them in a targetted intelligent manner.
Ranger? If you need an extra tank, take a pet with some extra skills for more attack, speed or armor. Or take throw dirt! Use it against the Jades. Or drop the pet and take a bunch of spell/skill interruptors, for against the Mursaat and to stop healing signets of the warriors. A ranger in THK is very useful, but not just as a trap specialist.
aron searle
Back to the original topic
I though hmmmm lets do thunderhead with my monk, just for fun and to help people out.
Oh god what a mistake.
The team immideatly starts running over the bridge with the other half still fighting, then slaughter begins as amazingly i dont have the ability to teleport across the map and heal people in 2 different locations.
Of course all they could do was say "noob monk" ect.
last time i try that.
I though hmmmm lets do thunderhead with my monk, just for fun and to help people out.
Oh god what a mistake.
The team immideatly starts running over the bridge with the other half still fighting, then slaughter begins as amazingly i dont have the ability to teleport across the map and heal people in 2 different locations.
Of course all they could do was say "noob monk" ect.
last time i try that.
Originally Posted by aron searle
Back to the original topic
I though hmmmm lets do thunderhead with my monk, just for fun and to help people out. Oh god what a mistake. The team immideatly starts running over the bridge with the other half still fighting, then slaughter begins as amazingly i dont have the ability to teleport across the map and heal people in 2 different locations. Of course all they could do was say "noob monk" ect. last time i try that. |
aron searle
Originally Posted by coolsti
Why last time? Isn't that part of the entertainment and fun of GW? I actually enjoy joining a group now and then to help out, even though my char is done with the mission, just to see how well I can help and how the group performs. Its really funny sometimes to see how badly people play.
Luckily i have a very active guild who are always needing help with something or other.
Originally Posted by Kampfkeks
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
And if you go with others that dont know what their doing..Lets just say I break alot of stuff around my computer from the stupidity and the lack of communication.

first off, make damn sure EVERY member of your party is infused
if you are the healing monk, or at least one of them, make it clear that only one of the MONKS talks to the king first.
same thing as when you get to the fort gate, everyone stays back until the king reattaches to the closet party member to him(the monk)
then everyone else moves up
if you have rangers with traps, you trap the stairs, let the enemies come, do NOT spread out too thin, stay within the healing monks bubble and camp your ass there.
i have led at least 8 successful groups with my monk, it's not that hard if EVERY party member follows the calls, when the final boss arrives, kill all his henchmen then the boss, if you have a mesmer with you, put them to use, don't be an idiot and leave them out of your party
if you are the healing monk, or at least one of them, make it clear that only one of the MONKS talks to the king first.
same thing as when you get to the fort gate, everyone stays back until the king reattaches to the closet party member to him(the monk)
then everyone else moves up
if you have rangers with traps, you trap the stairs, let the enemies come, do NOT spread out too thin, stay within the healing monks bubble and camp your ass there.
i have led at least 8 successful groups with my monk, it's not that hard if EVERY party member follows the calls, when the final boss arrives, kill all his henchmen then the boss, if you have a mesmer with you, put them to use, don't be an idiot and leave them out of your party
FInished Keep with my monk for the 3rd time tonight, helping guildies out. Went very well. We had an excellent team, except for the Leeroy elementalist. Freaking idiot almost cost us the mission when we were kicking ass from the get-go. I was hoping she would die so I could keep her from aggroing. No such luck.
Yes, we had a shutdown mesmer. So underrated for this mission. 2 mesmers, actually, but one was a guild Me/Mo, so she helped me with healing to save us the time finding another monk. Yup, whooped Thunderhead with just one "true" monk.
2 rangers, laying traps above the gates and firing the cannons. Worked wonders.
My philosophy of no non-guild W/Mo's paid off in spades. We had 2 W/E's for tanks and they kicked serious booty. Neither of them died, they never whined, they never got into serious trouble. Strip a warrior of healing spells and enchantments and he'll really learn how to survive a battle. I play a mean W/Mo, and so do many of my guild mates, but I've run into enough of those who give us a bad name to understand where the hate comes from.
If you're a Monk in Thunderhead, make doubly sure that you're the team leader. That makes a hell of a difference. Pick everybody but the tanks first. The 2 Warriors are the last people you should choose. Their role is straightforward and one-dimensional; you need to make sure the rest of the team knows what they're doing beforehand.
Yes, we had a shutdown mesmer. So underrated for this mission. 2 mesmers, actually, but one was a guild Me/Mo, so she helped me with healing to save us the time finding another monk. Yup, whooped Thunderhead with just one "true" monk.
2 rangers, laying traps above the gates and firing the cannons. Worked wonders.
My philosophy of no non-guild W/Mo's paid off in spades. We had 2 W/E's for tanks and they kicked serious booty. Neither of them died, they never whined, they never got into serious trouble. Strip a warrior of healing spells and enchantments and he'll really learn how to survive a battle. I play a mean W/Mo, and so do many of my guild mates, but I've run into enough of those who give us a bad name to understand where the hate comes from.
If you're a Monk in Thunderhead, make doubly sure that you're the team leader. That makes a hell of a difference. Pick everybody but the tanks first. The 2 Warriors are the last people you should choose. Their role is straightforward and one-dimensional; you need to make sure the rest of the team knows what they're doing beforehand.
Originally Posted by Damien
there is no RIGHT build to use in any mission. Used curse mesmer with really great sucsses in the later mission. Last time i did keep it was with a minnion master which totally ruled
To shoot myself in the foot, one exception to the above is that I WOULD expect every ranger entering a mission to take along one or maybe two skill/spell interrupting shots. Rangers are so good at this, and interrupters are so valuable, and I have been in several parties doing the ROF missions which failed because no one could interrupt the bosses' spells.