How Do You Make Gold Fast?
Fun loving gamet
I need help on how to make gold fast and easy i have been playing guild wars for a long time and havent found any tricks on how to make a good build or how to make any gold fast can some some help plz(i'm poor)
There is no way to make gold in an instant. It's not like people snap their fingers and BAM they got 23 plat. I've only been playing guild wars for about a month, and I'm only at 10 plat.
And any "tricks"? Don't really know what you mean by it. Making a good build is always based on how you want to go. If you want to survive longer or dealing damage fast. And there are posts about farming in the "The Hall Of Knowledge" boards.
And any "tricks"? Don't really know what you mean by it. Making a good build is always based on how you want to go. If you want to survive longer or dealing damage fast. And there are posts about farming in the "The Hall Of Knowledge" boards.
In general, spend a lot of time killing the toughest mobs that you can kill solo and in large quantities, and salvage everything that's not worth selling using an expert salvage kit.
Originally Posted by Eder
In general, spend a lot of time killing the toughest mobs that you can kill solo and in large quantities, and salvage everything that's not worth selling using an expert salvage kit.
I disagree in salvaging anything that's not worth selling AND using an expert salvage kit. Expert salvage kits costs 400 gold, while a reg. one costs 100. And the only times you really want to use an expert salvage kit is when you want to extract runes. And salvaging everything that's not worth selling? You can sometimes sell those items to the merchant than you would sell a few wood planks on the trade channel.
What you can kill is based on what you want to do, and how you want to do it. Just because you can kill in large quantities doesn't mean you'll get the best items. But yes, it does help killing a lot. But never more than what you can handle.
Fun loving gamet
Any suggestions on a good war/mo build and where to farm at?
...*sigh* The Hall Of Knowledge board has posts about builds and where to farm. As I stated in my first post on this thread.
I saw this Xue Lie Yang farmer. He got at least 1+ million plat. He doesn't want to tell the trick. Many knows that special gold trick but don't want to tell it. It's just pathetic though. My friend in Germany knows that "special" trick which gives him 33k in 10 minutes. He got at least 2 millions now.
Don't let them confuse you with other crap farming places or n00b chests.
Don't let them confuse you with other crap farming places or n00b chests.
User Name
Originally Posted by Alone)
I disagree in salvaging anything that's not worth selling AND using an expert salvage kit. Expert salvage kits costs 400 gold, while a reg. one costs 100. And the only times you really want to use an expert salvage kit is when you want to extract runes. And salvaging everything that's not worth selling? You can sometimes sell those items to the merchant than you would sell a few wood planks on the trade channel.
What you can kill is based on what you want to do, and how you want to do it. Just because you can kill in large quantities doesn't mean you'll get the best items. But yes, it does help killing a lot. But never more than what you can handle. |
you salvage anything not worth selling to others or worth a good amount of money to the merchant. Raw materials are a cash cow in this game. You need to decide which weapons/items are most likely to give you rare crafting materials and use an Expert on them...then use a regular on everythign else.
Fun loving gamet
um how to i get to the hall of knowledge bored??(i'm new)
Of course. But you also have to know which raw materials come from where, and when is a good time to sell or not.Yes, I do know about getting rare crafting material using the expert salvage kit. All I was saying about Eder's post is that using an expert salvage kit on everything isn't the best idea.
Um...don't let who confuse him with crap farming places or a noob chest? Don't understand what you mean by that.
1 million plat? What? :-p
Really can't tell if sarcasm or not...
Originally Posted by Paine
I saw this Xue Lie Yang farmer. He got at least 1+ million plat. He doesn't want to tell the trick. Many knows that special gold trick but don't want to tell it. It's just pathetic though. My friend in Germany knows that "special" trick which gives him 33k in 10 minutes. He got at least 2 millions now.
Don't let them confuse you with other crap farming places or n00b chests. |
Um...don't let who confuse him with crap farming places or a noob chest? Don't understand what you mean by that.
1 million plat? What? :-p
Really can't tell if sarcasm or not...
Originally Posted by Eder
In general, spend a lot of time killing the toughest mobs that you can kill solo and in large quantities, and salvage everything that's not worth selling using an expert salvage kit.
USE an EXPERT kit on any piece of armor or clothes that have a rune in it as in armor of vigor etc
use an expert kit on items to salvage upgrades such as staff of enchanting or sword of shelter etc
i identify everything from Kryta on before selling to the merchant as you will always come out better on average per trip.
YES you will get a lot of 1 gold price increases but you will get other jumps from an extra 5-30 up to 60-100 per ID which make it very worthwile.
the above is based on 10 full inventories worth on several days and i usually got at least 25% more gold per trip so it is consistant.
lower area material i would not salvage except as you will need for your future armor (cloth for casters iron for warriors hides for rangers etc)
Sometimes selling unidentified armor can make money.
Fun loving gamet
How do i get to the hall of knowlage board?
Originally Posted by Fun loving gamet
How do i get to the hall of knowlage board?
Fun loving gamet
Thanks for the help everyone
User Name
Originally Posted by Alone)
Of course. But you also have to know which raw materials come from where, and when is a good time to sell or not.Yes, I do know about getting rare crafting material using the expert salvage kit. All I was saying about Eder's post is that using an expert salvage kit on everything isn't the best idea.
Um...don't let who confuse him with crap farming places or a noob chest? Don't understand what you mean by that. 1 million plat? What? :-p Really can't tell if sarcasm or not... |
it's sarcasm
I was kidding about the 1 mil plat.
But I know what you mean. But I prefer saving that extra 400 gold sometimes, you know?
But I know what you mean. But I prefer saving that extra 400 gold sometimes, you know?
Numa Of Medane
Salvage a lot and pool material until Material merchant offers a good price. I sold yesterday night 260 Iron Ingots for 8 gp a piece. Price last week was 3 gp per ingot. It's like real life. Price of material fluctuate and you must wait the right moment to sell.
Fun loving gamet
=O dident think that picture would be that big
Don't farm with a takes too long. Hundred blade takes too long to recharge and is a waste on an elite slot for farming.
Basically when you farm, you have one of 2 options. Farm in an easy area and salvage the crappy weapons, sell the hides/horns, expert salvage the highly salavagable stuff (often you get steel or leather squares), and collect gold. Basically in an easy area you are looking for DYE drops!
In harder areas, you are looking for better weapons, more gold, better runes, and more experience. Here you don't want to salvage anything. Weapons sell for more than they salvage, most runes sell better un-salvaged to the merchant or un-IDed to another player. You might get 25g for a salvaged rune from the rune trader, but the IDed armor sells for 250gp at the merchant.
Now you can also get a small group to farm Sorrow's furnace for green unique weapons.
Basically when you farm, you have one of 2 options. Farm in an easy area and salvage the crappy weapons, sell the hides/horns, expert salvage the highly salavagable stuff (often you get steel or leather squares), and collect gold. Basically in an easy area you are looking for DYE drops!
In harder areas, you are looking for better weapons, more gold, better runes, and more experience. Here you don't want to salvage anything. Weapons sell for more than they salvage, most runes sell better un-salvaged to the merchant or un-IDed to another player. You might get 25g for a salvaged rune from the rune trader, but the IDed armor sells for 250gp at the merchant.
Now you can also get a small group to farm Sorrow's furnace for green unique weapons.
Fun loving gamet
jezz the thing is that sword was free(i found it) and i'm poor so i can't afford a axe so any suggestion on what i should do?
Originally Posted by ChoKILLate[FDG]
Don't farm with a takes too long. Hundred blade takes too long to recharge and is a waste on an elite slot for farming.
...<SNIP>... |
I salvage anything less than 100g value since raw materials consume less space in inventory, letting you maximize your carried yields each run.
I do agree that HB needs more teeth, but as an adrenelin builder, it's very reliable.
Fun loving gamet
What move is skill #4?
Originally Posted by Fun loving gamet
What move is skill #4?
Fun loving gamet
=O how would u get bonettis charged b4 they start attacking u?
I average 15k roughly in a weeks worth of farming... usually a couple of hours a day... in areas where its not to hard to stay alive yet the drops are good. And I use a W/Mo.
Originally Posted by Fun loving gamet
=O how would u get bonettis charged b4 they start attacking u?
Fun loving gamet
uh whats Hb? =P
Originally Posted by Fun loving gamet
uh whats Hb? =P
Fun loving gamet
Hey would u mond telling me where all ur points are in plz Ty
Okay...I know how must would rag on a solo build, but....that's how I make my gold....I make up to 30 plat a day using my solo monk in the desert...Personally, sand drakes and hydra always get me the most gold and some pretty sweet gold items to sell...And what I do with all my common white items and common magic items is I ID them...Makes the price go up a little...Cuz they normally don't show the actually price until you ID them...I do use expert salvage kits too, and sometimes the materials I salvage turn out to be worth more than the item itself...It really just all depends...But yes, like all farming builds, it does take time and you can't really make the gold with a snap of the fingers...You have to be patient as well as anxious..
Fun loving gamet
Blah i wish i had one of these solo monks they sound cool and people keep braging about em =(
Blue Steel
Originally Posted by lord_shar
That's what HB is for. Each HB-strike yields at least 2+ addrenelin, and it yields a lot as target crowds get bigger. You're also getting addrenelin from taking damage.
Fun loving gamet
Ya but vamp realy messes up your guys build right?
The quickest farming I've found is using the monk farming build outside of augury. I do two big groups of hydra (usually about 10) and then I group all the griffons. A typical run like this takes 10-12 minutes and nets 1,500 - 2,000 in gold (if you sell all your junk) and often you'll get a highly salvagable item or two (crafting materials), and sometimes even rare items. I never farm this more than an hour or two in a day, and one day I scored two black dye and a few gold items. If you salvage all your junk you'll end up with about half as much gold up front, but you'll probably make more in the long run.
Fun loving gamet
Monk build?
Best way to make money is to build a W/Mo and start a Professional Running Business.
Originally Posted by Fun loving gamet
Monk build?
Originally Posted by funbun
Best way to make money is to build a W/Mo and start a Professional Running Business.
Originally Posted by Alone)
All I was saying about Eder's post is that using an expert salvage kit on everything isn't the best idea.
I only sell to the merchant items that are precious, or that I've given up on salvaging after noticing they kept giving me only common materials... so, definitely, using the expert kit on everything isn't the best idea, but it's a good start, IMHO.