No respect for runners?
Sister Rosette
Bulls Strike
Bulls Charge
Crippling Anguish
Crippling Shot
Pin Down
Imagined Burden
Iron Mist
Bulls Charge
Crippling Anguish
Crippling Shot
Pin Down
Imagined Burden
Iron Mist
WOAH!!! Endobiotic Chaos, long time no see man.
FizzyB, Tiyuri, Chaosut2 Duel Here! Damn why dont you jump on irc anymore? :P
We've long quit Duel and play guildwars religiously.
Going to attempt to hit you up in game, if i can work out your IGN.
Ill send you a pm also, small world man!
FizzyB, Tiyuri, Chaosut2 Duel Here! Damn why dont you jump on irc anymore? :P
We've long quit Duel and play guildwars religiously.
Going to attempt to hit you up in game, if i can work out your IGN.
Ill send you a pm also, small world man!
aron searle
Yes i had 4 days off from work and was playing my fourth char |

I got to the gates of kyrta in about 9 hours game time, i had a day off as well. so doing the game in 4 days, damn you must have been stuck to your chair by the end of it.
Mixed feelings on runners and their profession. I play PvE solo (with henchies if absolutely necessary, sometimes hook up with a friend) so my perceptions may be colored differently by this.
I see level 4s in Ascalon in Drok armor. That's not the fault of the runner, per se, and this may be the third or fourth char build for that person (otherwise how could they afford such crazy rates?). But you lose so much of the game when you short-cut so drastically. Gold is hard enough to come by at lower levels in PvE.......and I've seen what I thought to be insane rates for a run including from Ascalon to Piken or to Sardelac!! I mean, come on....unless you have no idea how to play, you can easily run yourself to those, especially Sardelac! Seems to me a combination of lazy players and unscrupulous runners are contributing to a baaaaad juju.
Having said that, I like to watch people and try things besides just quest after quest in proper order. So at Beacon's, I was talking with another player and noticed a runner who said he'd run to Drok's for tips only. I thought, hmmmmm. So I signed up (probably lvl 12/13?, don't remember) and off we went on my first ever run. It was a bitch of a run and he had to try several times. But he got us there and I paid him what I could which wasn't much. All I wanted to do was look around and it was fun. I have managed to resist the urge to get the armor (lvl 17 now with that char) but I will admit that recently I bought the gloves to replace my Ascalon ones that somehow I hadn't done in LA. Yesterday, to relieve a little boredom (from lvl/storyline appropriate) questing, I fought north from Rankor and found Grenth's for SF---it was a blast and very challenging. If I had not had that kind runner, it would not have been possible.
Something I also love doing is tagging along when someone is practising running. I've had the good fortune of having two or three very nice experiences with these individuals---I fought when I could to help (not to aggro) and we eventually got to our destinations. Good for both of us.
There are scammers out there who will take the gold and abandon the run midway into nowhere (this has happened to me once). BUT there are great players also (who by far make up for those few) who, at least for me, breathe a breath of fresh challenge into the game. Makes me wonder if I can a Me/Mo into a runner.........nah, she likes to fight too much.
I see level 4s in Ascalon in Drok armor. That's not the fault of the runner, per se, and this may be the third or fourth char build for that person (otherwise how could they afford such crazy rates?). But you lose so much of the game when you short-cut so drastically. Gold is hard enough to come by at lower levels in PvE.......and I've seen what I thought to be insane rates for a run including from Ascalon to Piken or to Sardelac!! I mean, come on....unless you have no idea how to play, you can easily run yourself to those, especially Sardelac! Seems to me a combination of lazy players and unscrupulous runners are contributing to a baaaaad juju.
Having said that, I like to watch people and try things besides just quest after quest in proper order. So at Beacon's, I was talking with another player and noticed a runner who said he'd run to Drok's for tips only. I thought, hmmmmm. So I signed up (probably lvl 12/13?, don't remember) and off we went on my first ever run. It was a bitch of a run and he had to try several times. But he got us there and I paid him what I could which wasn't much. All I wanted to do was look around and it was fun. I have managed to resist the urge to get the armor (lvl 17 now with that char) but I will admit that recently I bought the gloves to replace my Ascalon ones that somehow I hadn't done in LA. Yesterday, to relieve a little boredom (from lvl/storyline appropriate) questing, I fought north from Rankor and found Grenth's for SF---it was a blast and very challenging. If I had not had that kind runner, it would not have been possible.
Something I also love doing is tagging along when someone is practising running. I've had the good fortune of having two or three very nice experiences with these individuals---I fought when I could to help (not to aggro) and we eventually got to our destinations. Good for both of us.
There are scammers out there who will take the gold and abandon the run midway into nowhere (this has happened to me once). BUT there are great players also (who by far make up for those few) who, at least for me, breathe a breath of fresh challenge into the game. Makes me wonder if I can a Me/Mo into a runner.........nah, she likes to fight too much.

Originally Posted by FalconDance
I see level 4s in Ascalon in Drok armor. That's not the fault of the runner, per se, and this may be the third or fourth char build for that person (otherwise how could they afford such crazy rates?). But you lose so much of the game when you short-cut so drastically. Gold is hard enough to come by at lower levels in PvE.......and I've seen what I thought to be insane rates for a run including from Ascalon to Piken or to Sardelac!! I mean, come on....unless you have no idea how to play, you can easily run yourself to those, especially Sardelac! Seems to me a combination of lazy players and unscrupulous runners are contributing to a baaaaad juju.
I still don't understand why the big hurry no matter what, can they make the game anymore casual?
Teufel Eldritch
It's so bad now I see ppl at ToA asking to be run to FoW/UW.
Hell I even see ppl running inside FoW/UW now.
"Rush rush rush rush! Gotta run to & thru everything!! Rush rush rush rush!"

Running has now become so extreme and so common, it is really getting tough to find people who actually play the PVE portion of this game.
My ranger finally got to the desert, and I have been playing together with a few really good team players. So we decided to pick up a few extras and make our way from the Oasis to Agury Rock. We made it clear that we were not running, but fighting our way (playing the game). Well, not long into our journey one of our new warriors asked why we don't run. We said again, that we don't run, and if he wanted to run he should map back and find a new group. And what did he do? He took off and ran to Agury Rock! While we were in the middle of a battle - poof - we found us suddenly at Agury. What a NOOB idiot. Why can't players like this just go away! Everyone in our group was so dissappointed. Why can't there be a "kick" button when you are outside a city (I know, because it can be abused ;-)? When I noticed he was running I messaged to the guy to please leave the group, but my plea unfortunately did not work. But I must have rattled him somewhat: as soon as we got to Agury he disappeared from our group and apparently logged off of the game (got his name on my ignore list so I remember who he was).
Then I found someone at Elona Reach that was offering to "run the mission" for 1.5K per person! Said he did it for 200 people so far! What is this, doesn't anyone care to play the game anymore?
Here is an item or two on my current wish list for Anet update changes:
1) Nerf the sprint skills for warriors. I don't know what the original game design intention was for this skill, but it certainly is being abused by runners.
2) Make a "skip PVE" button for anyone who really doesn't want to play the PVE part and just wants to upgrade a character or unlock skills. This will then make it easier to find those people that actually wish to play this game!
My ranger finally got to the desert, and I have been playing together with a few really good team players. So we decided to pick up a few extras and make our way from the Oasis to Agury Rock. We made it clear that we were not running, but fighting our way (playing the game). Well, not long into our journey one of our new warriors asked why we don't run. We said again, that we don't run, and if he wanted to run he should map back and find a new group. And what did he do? He took off and ran to Agury Rock! While we were in the middle of a battle - poof - we found us suddenly at Agury. What a NOOB idiot. Why can't players like this just go away! Everyone in our group was so dissappointed. Why can't there be a "kick" button when you are outside a city (I know, because it can be abused ;-)? When I noticed he was running I messaged to the guy to please leave the group, but my plea unfortunately did not work. But I must have rattled him somewhat: as soon as we got to Agury he disappeared from our group and apparently logged off of the game (got his name on my ignore list so I remember who he was).
Then I found someone at Elona Reach that was offering to "run the mission" for 1.5K per person! Said he did it for 200 people so far! What is this, doesn't anyone care to play the game anymore?
Here is an item or two on my current wish list for Anet update changes:
1) Nerf the sprint skills for warriors. I don't know what the original game design intention was for this skill, but it certainly is being abused by runners.
2) Make a "skip PVE" button for anyone who really doesn't want to play the PVE part and just wants to upgrade a character or unlock skills. This will then make it easier to find those people that actually wish to play this game!
coolsti......we play exclusively PvE here! While I have had runners, it was more of a to-relieve-boredom-at-that-moment or to help a runner practice more. My rangeress was run the other night darn near everywhere except Drok's all in one go.......and it was a BLAST! The runner obviously enjoyed the challenge and helping others out (ran for tips only...and we went from Beacon's to ToA to Dunes and beyond) and her enjoyment rubbed off on the rest of us. It was a superb experience that I will always cherish in this game.
I go back to wherever my char is supposed to be and do the quests, but (at least with the ranger) that run allowed me to help a fellow adventurer 20 find *his* mission, Dunes, whereas no on else knew/or was willing to tell him the direction and he simply didn't want to head off solo. My lowly level 13 successfully ran him well over 3/4 to the transition before we went down---and that's not bad for a low level. He tried to repay me with a sweet item, but I declined---I explained I was trying to help him since he had helped me previously with a mission. Guess I'm not mercenary enough, huh
Running in and of itself, like farming, isn't bad. It's the abuse and over-use that is bad.

I go back to wherever my char is supposed to be and do the quests, but (at least with the ranger) that run allowed me to help a fellow adventurer 20 find *his* mission, Dunes, whereas no on else knew/or was willing to tell him the direction and he simply didn't want to head off solo. My lowly level 13 successfully ran him well over 3/4 to the transition before we went down---and that's not bad for a low level. He tried to repay me with a sweet item, but I declined---I explained I was trying to help him since he had helped me previously with a mission. Guess I'm not mercenary enough, huh

Running in and of itself, like farming, isn't bad. It's the abuse and over-use that is bad.
FalconDance, ok, if you are not abusing things, then that is cool.
But maybe I don't really understand the meaning of the acronym PvE. What I mean when I say "playing PvE" is playing the game's story line as it was designed to be played by the designers. I don't consider people who have skipped areas or jumped ahead and back with the help of runners to be doing this, and I would very much love to be able to avoid having them in my parties.
But maybe I don't really understand the meaning of the acronym PvE. What I mean when I say "playing PvE" is playing the game's story line as it was designed to be played by the designers. I don't consider people who have skipped areas or jumped ahead and back with the help of runners to be doing this, and I would very much love to be able to avoid having them in my parties.
Im a runner myself....and im sick of scammers. Probably the next thing they should add to the game is some type of payment method. For example the client puts the money somewhere and if the runner makes it, he can then collect the money, and if the client leaves, the runner can collect the money. What im thinking is sometype of deposit form, where it can only be collected when the run is completed. There are more people scamming the runners than the runners that scam people. I lost about 150k, because of the people who didnt pay me when i asked them, i think there should be some respect to the runners.
I am the runner for my guild, these guys have many characters, and they dont gain much from doing the missions again. They are highly skilled in the game and the mechanics of gameplay. Personally its a pleasure to take their chars to the desert and beyond. Then as a guild we can rely on ourselves more for the professions we need and concentrate on aspects of the game we enjoy.
I dont have any problem with running, its helped myself and the guild.
I dont charge them at all, an also try and take a small PUG if i can, free of course.
Happy Trails Everyone.
I dont have any problem with running, its helped myself and the guild.
I dont charge them at all, an also try and take a small PUG if i can, free of course.
Happy Trails Everyone.