44 Item Storage/Char cleanout! Sickle, swords, bows, one-handers, upgrades!
Stuff's collecting in my inventory again, and I've given away what I can to friends. Now to sell the rest of my stuff.
Rules are simple:
1. Minimum bids 1k, increases of 1k. No b/o...I'm too lazy. Sale for a particular item will end 48 hours after the last bid on it. Post bids and IGNs here only; no PMs, and no IGN = no deal.
2. A couple of things, like the Sickle, I may refuse to sell below a certain price. It shouldn't be too big of a problem, just don't lowball too much.
3. I'll end this Tuesday (changed from Saturday) at midnight GMT -5:00 (American Central Time). Afterwards if an item isn't sold you can still contact me about it. Oh, and no last-minute bids, please.
4. Any questions, feel free to ask me ingame, I'm usually on sometime between 3 pm to 3 am.
Updated to post #80
Senior Medic, I corrected the S6 problem. Sorry about the error.
Ranger Lord, the highest that a Sickle's been found so far is a 6-24. They're just rare at the higher ends, and they look pretty nice too.
Mia Arilan, the bid for C4 was already past 48 hours when you bid.
Melee weapons:
A1 - Sickle - 35k Larry the Hippo - SOLD
A2 - Ice Great Axe of Enchanting
A3 - Sephis Axe of Fortitude - 10k Death All - SOLD
A4 - Tribal Axe - 3k Rinkster of Might - SOLD
H1 - Heavy Foehammer of Shelter
S1 - Fiery Dragon Sword of Shelter - 9k Vlady Vostok - SOLD
S2 - Crippling Long Sword of Warding
S3 - Zealous Long Sword of Fortitude - 65k Lord Cyruz - SOLD
S4 - Furious Wingblade Sword of Fortitude - 11k Hazuki Barb - SOLD
S5 - Flamberge - 1k Kamikazi Pnut - SOLD
S6 - Fiery Dragon Sword of Defense - 1k Erik Simons - awaiting sale
S7 - Fiery Flamberge of Swordsmanship - 10k Violet Basher - SOLD
S8 - Fiery Brute Sword - 6k Senior Medic - awaiting sale
Ranged weapons:
B1 - Icy Longbow of Enchanting (ugly kind) - 6k Senior Medic - awaiting sale
B2 - Vampiric Half Moon of Fortitude - 17k Fuerza Divina - SOLD
B3 - Fiery Ivory Bow of Marksmanship - 4k Raging Ranger Bob - awaiting sale
B4 - Sundering Half Moon of Defense - 3k Huntress Helena - SOLD
B5 - Zealous Composite Bow of Shelter
B6 - Poisoner's Recurve Bow - 1k Senior Medic - awaiting sale
Magical items:
C1 - Truncheon - 7k Legendary Sasuke - awaiting sale
C2 - Water Wand
C3 - Fire Wand - 3k Elhaym VanHouten - SOLD
C4 - Air Wand
C5 - Cane - 1k Kaleb Thunderblade - SOLD
O1 - Idol
T1 - Bone Staff of Enchanting - 1k Legendary Sasuke - SOLD
T2 - Hale Fire Staff of Warding - 2k Phaedra Lux - awaiting sale
T3 - Defensive Fire Staff of Fortitude - 1k Jet Wardoc
U1 - Staff Wrapping of Divine Favor 19%
U2 - Hale Staff Head +29 - 12k Byakuya Boy - SOLD
U3 - Vampiric Bow String 4:-1 - 7k Ichabod The Ranger
U4 - Axe Grip of Defense +5 - 3k Estorause Faustus - SOLD
U5 - Hammer Grip of Fortitude +29 - 2k Sergio Leone
U6 - Hammer Grip of Fortitude +28 - 1k Kamikazi Pnut - SOLD
U7 - Hammer Grip of Enchanting 18%
U8 - Insightful Staff Head +4 - 4k Kintana Lightbringr - SOLD
U9 - Insightful Staff Head +4 - 4k Kintana Lightbringr - SOLD
U10 - Insightful Staff Head +4 - 4k Kintana Lightbringr - SOLD
L1 - Axe Grip of Tenguslaying 17% - 3k The Rock - SOLD
L2 - Axe Grip of Giantslaying 20% - 10k The Rock - SOLD
L3 - Sword Pommel of Trollslaying 18% - 3k The Black Knight - SOLD
L4 - Hammer Grip of Skeletonslaying 15% - 1k The Rock - SOLD
L5 - Hammer Grip of Giantslaying 17% - 1k The Rock - SOLD
L6 - Hammer Grip of Dwarfslaying 17% - 1k The Rock - SOLD
Let the bidding commence!
Stuff's collecting in my inventory again, and I've given away what I can to friends. Now to sell the rest of my stuff.
Rules are simple:
1. Minimum bids 1k, increases of 1k. No b/o...I'm too lazy. Sale for a particular item will end 48 hours after the last bid on it. Post bids and IGNs here only; no PMs, and no IGN = no deal.
2. A couple of things, like the Sickle, I may refuse to sell below a certain price. It shouldn't be too big of a problem, just don't lowball too much.
3. I'll end this Tuesday (changed from Saturday) at midnight GMT -5:00 (American Central Time). Afterwards if an item isn't sold you can still contact me about it. Oh, and no last-minute bids, please.
4. Any questions, feel free to ask me ingame, I'm usually on sometime between 3 pm to 3 am.
Updated to post #80
Senior Medic, I corrected the S6 problem. Sorry about the error.
Ranger Lord, the highest that a Sickle's been found so far is a 6-24. They're just rare at the higher ends, and they look pretty nice too.
Mia Arilan, the bid for C4 was already past 48 hours when you bid.
Melee weapons:
A1 - Sickle - 35k Larry the Hippo - SOLD
A2 - Ice Great Axe of Enchanting
A3 - Sephis Axe of Fortitude - 10k Death All - SOLD
A4 - Tribal Axe - 3k Rinkster of Might - SOLD
H1 - Heavy Foehammer of Shelter
S1 - Fiery Dragon Sword of Shelter - 9k Vlady Vostok - SOLD
S2 - Crippling Long Sword of Warding
S3 - Zealous Long Sword of Fortitude - 65k Lord Cyruz - SOLD
S4 - Furious Wingblade Sword of Fortitude - 11k Hazuki Barb - SOLD
S5 - Flamberge - 1k Kamikazi Pnut - SOLD
S6 - Fiery Dragon Sword of Defense - 1k Erik Simons - awaiting sale
S7 - Fiery Flamberge of Swordsmanship - 10k Violet Basher - SOLD
S8 - Fiery Brute Sword - 6k Senior Medic - awaiting sale
Ranged weapons:
B1 - Icy Longbow of Enchanting (ugly kind) - 6k Senior Medic - awaiting sale
B2 - Vampiric Half Moon of Fortitude - 17k Fuerza Divina - SOLD
B3 - Fiery Ivory Bow of Marksmanship - 4k Raging Ranger Bob - awaiting sale
B4 - Sundering Half Moon of Defense - 3k Huntress Helena - SOLD
B5 - Zealous Composite Bow of Shelter
B6 - Poisoner's Recurve Bow - 1k Senior Medic - awaiting sale
Magical items:
C1 - Truncheon - 7k Legendary Sasuke - awaiting sale
C2 - Water Wand
C3 - Fire Wand - 3k Elhaym VanHouten - SOLD
C4 - Air Wand
C5 - Cane - 1k Kaleb Thunderblade - SOLD
O1 - Idol
T1 - Bone Staff of Enchanting - 1k Legendary Sasuke - SOLD
T2 - Hale Fire Staff of Warding - 2k Phaedra Lux - awaiting sale
T3 - Defensive Fire Staff of Fortitude - 1k Jet Wardoc
U1 - Staff Wrapping of Divine Favor 19%
U2 - Hale Staff Head +29 - 12k Byakuya Boy - SOLD
U3 - Vampiric Bow String 4:-1 - 7k Ichabod The Ranger
U4 - Axe Grip of Defense +5 - 3k Estorause Faustus - SOLD
U5 - Hammer Grip of Fortitude +29 - 2k Sergio Leone
U6 - Hammer Grip of Fortitude +28 - 1k Kamikazi Pnut - SOLD
U7 - Hammer Grip of Enchanting 18%
U8 - Insightful Staff Head +4 - 4k Kintana Lightbringr - SOLD
U9 - Insightful Staff Head +4 - 4k Kintana Lightbringr - SOLD
U10 - Insightful Staff Head +4 - 4k Kintana Lightbringr - SOLD
L1 - Axe Grip of Tenguslaying 17% - 3k The Rock - SOLD
L2 - Axe Grip of Giantslaying 20% - 10k The Rock - SOLD
L3 - Sword Pommel of Trollslaying 18% - 3k The Black Knight - SOLD
L4 - Hammer Grip of Skeletonslaying 15% - 1k The Rock - SOLD
L5 - Hammer Grip of Giantslaying 17% - 1k The Rock - SOLD
L6 - Hammer Grip of Dwarfslaying 17% - 1k The Rock - SOLD
Let the bidding commence!
Noble Knight
A2 and U2, 1k each
1K on U4
1K on L2
IGN Jet Wardoc
1K on L2
IGN Jet Wardoc
Sadistic The Strong
ill start off with 1k on s4 and s7
dark chaoz
il start u off with 1k on b3
IGN dark chaoz
IGN dark chaoz
U2 - Hale Staff Head, 10K ... IGN: Hexin X
start off 15k on b2 ;]
2k u4
Lord Sasuke
1k c1
Brown Suga
A1-10k Brown Suga
S4 for 3k
ign mia arilan
ign mia arilan
i withdrawl
12k for u2
5k for s3 (the fire staff)
IGN byakuya boy
5k for s3 (the fire staff)
IGN byakuya boy
b1 - 1k
s3 - 1k
IGN Hime Natsuki
s3 - 1k
IGN Hime Natsuki
Ruoenkruez Tudor
Lax Stick
1k a3 ign L A X
3k u4
2k on s7
ign violet basher
ign violet basher
BO on L1 and L2
3k on L1 and 10k on L2
IGN = The Rock
you just made my day
3k on L1 and 10k on L2
IGN = The Rock
you just made my day
5k s8. ign Saiyan Rau
A3- 2K
S1- 1k
B2- 3k
S7- 3k
L2- 3k
L3- 1k
IGN Dont Mess Withme
S1- 1k
B2- 3k
S7- 3k
L2- 3k
L3- 1k
IGN Dont Mess Withme

Death All
10k for A3
Bump. Some of the items have reached the halfway mark already.
s1 2K
s6 1k
s6 1k
s1, b1 5k each -Dak Atak
b2 5k
Pm captain pyromaniac
Pm captain pyromaniac
Lord Sasuke
1k T1
4k S7
6k B2
6k B2
dark chaoz
1k on B4
IGN dark chaoz
IGN dark chaoz
Raging Ranger Bob
IGN Raging Ranger Bob
IGN Raging Ranger Bob
s3 15k
A4 3k
S4 5k
IGN: Rinkster of Might
S4 5k
IGN: Rinkster of Might
2k b4
ign buddha servant
(srry for dbl post)
(srry for dbl post)
4k on any of the +4 staff heads (just need 1) 08-10
Lord Cyruz
20k S3, Zealous Long Sword of Fortitude
5k on s7
1K on C5
ign: Kaleb Thunderblade
ign: Kaleb Thunderblade
Larry the Hippo
S4 on 6k
Also, I place a bid on B2 (not B6) for 6k from my previous post...plz correct.
Also, I place a bid on B2 (not B6) for 6k from my previous post...plz correct.