Don't Any Monks Know How to Play Anymore?
The original poster is right; many monks are very bad and are still worshipped because they are in high demand.
But the title of the thread is a broad generalization. Maybe you would have recieved more positive answers with a more... delicate title.
But the title of the thread is a broad generalization. Maybe you would have recieved more positive answers with a more... delicate title.
Thirsty River mission
R/W <=Our tank. Apparently she was our *Evasive* tank
N/E <=Blood
E/Me <= Geomancer/Interupter
R/N <=Curse/Marksmanship
E/Mo <=Not a healer Pyromancer
Mo/R <=Me *the only healer*
The necromancers never brought BiP or BR by the way.
(Note: I'm the type of person who will really pay close attention to the other player's avatars because I realised a long time ago that no one calls their statuses.)
R/W: Hey! How come you kno I have cripl or blind when I don'T call'em?
Me: I pay attention.
E/Me: lol
We went through the gate beat the first of the many bosses. I then realised....
Me:Hey! Am I the only monk? Are you healing E/Mo?
E/Mo: Nope I'm not healing at all...
N/E: Ya you're the only healer
Me: 0_0 OMG!
R/N: Don't worry you're doing a great job up to date!
Me: >.< Hope it doesn't get worst
The N/E in the group died twice. No one else died on my watch during this mission and we had absolutely no problems other than that.
End of mission:
R/W: Woah great job everyone!
N/E: Yeah great job!
E/Mo: Especially the healer!
R/N: I second that!
Me: =^_^= <--Giddy with joy!
R/W: Hahaha Nice face!
E/Me: Seriously man you where awesome, makes me want to make a monk.
Me: XD
It all depends on the monk you get in your group. Some of em are good, some of em are bad, some of em are professionals (Like me!
It doesn't matter what kind of armor, weapon or skills you have. It's all about energy efficiency and paying attention to your surroundings. Someone could of had much better items, attribute distribution or FoW armor and not have done a better job that I did.
Attribute distribution:
Heal 14
Prot 10
Div 11
The skills I used:
OrisonH., H.Breeze, H.Seed, H. party, Mend ailment, Aegis, H.Boon, Res
I was wielding a:
Hale holy staff of enchanting
Fire:10-19 req6Div,+22Hlth, castspeed(10%), Enchantments(20%)
R/W <=Our tank. Apparently she was our *Evasive* tank

N/E <=Blood
E/Me <= Geomancer/Interupter
R/N <=Curse/Marksmanship
E/Mo <=Not a healer Pyromancer
Mo/R <=Me *the only healer*
The necromancers never brought BiP or BR by the way.
(Note: I'm the type of person who will really pay close attention to the other player's avatars because I realised a long time ago that no one calls their statuses.)
R/W: Hey! How come you kno I have cripl or blind when I don'T call'em?
Me: I pay attention.
E/Me: lol
We went through the gate beat the first of the many bosses. I then realised....
Me:Hey! Am I the only monk? Are you healing E/Mo?
E/Mo: Nope I'm not healing at all...
N/E: Ya you're the only healer
Me: 0_0 OMG!
R/N: Don't worry you're doing a great job up to date!
Me: >.< Hope it doesn't get worst
The N/E in the group died twice. No one else died on my watch during this mission and we had absolutely no problems other than that.
End of mission:
R/W: Woah great job everyone!
N/E: Yeah great job!
E/Mo: Especially the healer!
R/N: I second that!
Me: =^_^= <--Giddy with joy!
R/W: Hahaha Nice face!
E/Me: Seriously man you where awesome, makes me want to make a monk.
Me: XD
It all depends on the monk you get in your group. Some of em are good, some of em are bad, some of em are professionals (Like me!
It doesn't matter what kind of armor, weapon or skills you have. It's all about energy efficiency and paying attention to your surroundings. Someone could of had much better items, attribute distribution or FoW armor and not have done a better job that I did.
Attribute distribution:
Heal 14
Prot 10
Div 11
The skills I used:
OrisonH., H.Breeze, H.Seed, H. party, Mend ailment, Aegis, H.Boon, Res
I was wielding a:
Hale holy staff of enchanting
Fire:10-19 req6Div,+22Hlth, castspeed(10%), Enchantments(20%)
Originally Posted by UltimaXtreme
its your fault not to ask the monks beforehand.
Monks should always have hex removal or condition removal (or both).
Originally Posted by MarkyX
When I invite a player to a team for PvE, I expect them to be smart enough to bring the necessecites.
Monks should always have hex removal or condition removal (or both). |
I guess the question really is, why should I bother having monks in my party at all, if me and every other player on my team is going to have to invest skills, attribute points, and energy into doing the work that the monk should be doing anyway? |
aron searle
When I invite a player to a team for PvE, I expect them to be smart enough to bring the necessecites. Monks should always have hex removal or condition removal (or both). |
And if you just expect people to bring what YOU think they should bring, rather than comunicate with them prepare to be dissapointed.
Edit for poor spelling.
I lost my gold star

I was in a somewhat similar situation once in a titan quest. I was one of 4 monks, with 2 warriors and 2 eleys.
Because there were so many monks (I got picked up last) I just said, "Im smiting" and assumed that the other monks would be doing all the other stuff.
I brought mend ailment and RoF to trigger zeolats fire and smite hex.
I was the only one removing conditions and hexes.
Soooo we lost.
My fault? maybe, whatever. The other monks fault? maybe, whatever.
Fault is a crappy disposition. Taking responsablity is where we need to end up though. And thats what we did.
I asked, "ok, we have a prot monk between the four of us?"
No one was, but everyone wanted to try it. We decided on one and went off.
With new offensive/defencive corrdiation stradigys no one died.
Quest accomplished.
Dang, we should have done that in the first place.
But just like OP, we all assumed stuff, and we were all wrong.
Whether or not you brought your own means of survival is irralivant. (and I dont blame you,...four monks...Id been the same way on a grab and go)
Your failure, like ours, was in the lack of communication/corridation.
Side note, blind warrior is a danger to the team. Its like a dazed eley.
If your team isnt putting out damage, its taking damage longer and therefor causing monks to deplete energy...etc, etc.
Warriors can be meatshields, but if we are going to pigeon hole them into that, lets pigeon hole monks into nothing but healers too.
Warriors are knockdown specialist, steady damage dealers, and heavy spikers, killing your foes quickly...if you take care of them.
They cant do it all by themselves with just 8 skills across a few attributes.
Because there were so many monks (I got picked up last) I just said, "Im smiting" and assumed that the other monks would be doing all the other stuff.
I brought mend ailment and RoF to trigger zeolats fire and smite hex.
I was the only one removing conditions and hexes.
Soooo we lost.
My fault? maybe, whatever. The other monks fault? maybe, whatever.
Fault is a crappy disposition. Taking responsablity is where we need to end up though. And thats what we did.
I asked, "ok, we have a prot monk between the four of us?"
No one was, but everyone wanted to try it. We decided on one and went off.
With new offensive/defencive corrdiation stradigys no one died.
Quest accomplished.
Dang, we should have done that in the first place.
But just like OP, we all assumed stuff, and we were all wrong.
Whether or not you brought your own means of survival is irralivant. (and I dont blame you,...four monks...Id been the same way on a grab and go)
Your failure, like ours, was in the lack of communication/corridation.
Side note, blind warrior is a danger to the team. Its like a dazed eley.
If your team isnt putting out damage, its taking damage longer and therefor causing monks to deplete energy...etc, etc.
Warriors can be meatshields, but if we are going to pigeon hole them into that, lets pigeon hole monks into nothing but healers too.
Warriors are knockdown specialist, steady damage dealers, and heavy spikers, killing your foes quickly...if you take care of them.
They cant do it all by themselves with just 8 skills across a few attributes.
Originally Posted by aron searle
In your opionoin
And if you just expect people to bring what YOU think they should bring, rather than comunicate with them prepare to be dissapointed. |
If people are selfish and want me to bring stuff to cast on them specifically I refuse.
But I really do enjoy it much more when someone *asks* me if i'm prot/heal, if I'm bringing this or that. It is my pleasure to answer them because they'll know I'm prepared.
I agree with you, Rico. When I'm playing my (heal) monk I always have condition and hex removal, and STILL have more than enough heal power. I run Mend Condition, as I'm very rarely in the line of fire and it helps me keep my healing ability strong. There are 3 choices for hex removal, one is always on the bar.
Personally, I'd prefer it if warriors didn't bring hex/condition removal in 95% of the quests/missions. Their job is to smack the mobs and keep the agro, mine is to keep the warrior in condition to do so. If the war is doing their job properly, and has the agro, then they'll be getting hit with any interrupts that are out there and not able to cast. At least, that's my take on it.
There really is no excuse to not bring it, but I have also been noticing this trend in pve monks lately. Not too big of an issue for me, but I do make a point of leaving any conditions/hexes on the other monk if they get them...hopefully they'll get it.
He isn't blaming everything on the monks, just making a point about them bringing condition/hex removal. Only a s*&t monk gets offended when people say ANYTHING bad about ANY monk. If the tank is blinded, snared (cripple, imagined burden, etc), then they cannot keep the agro because they cannot hit/get to the mobs. Healing isn't that tough, I've beaten every mission and 90% of the quests with condition and hex removal on my bar as a heal monk, and not felt the need for any more healing than I already have (5 heals, condition/hex removal, rez).
Edit; Great post, Goonter, I like what you said there.
Personally, I'd prefer it if warriors didn't bring hex/condition removal in 95% of the quests/missions. Their job is to smack the mobs and keep the agro, mine is to keep the warrior in condition to do so. If the war is doing their job properly, and has the agro, then they'll be getting hit with any interrupts that are out there and not able to cast. At least, that's my take on it.
There really is no excuse to not bring it, but I have also been noticing this trend in pve monks lately. Not too big of an issue for me, but I do make a point of leaving any conditions/hexes on the other monk if they get them...hopefully they'll get it.
Originally Posted by Sister Rosette
I'm saying this to the OP in closing, then getting the hell out of this
train wreck. If you KNOW the classes you play don't have a way to remove conditions, you really have no right to bitch about how others failed to bring skills to cover YOUR shortcomings. They have to keep the entire party going, not just you. You're a meatshield, nothing more. You are between the casters and the baddies that want to mash them to paste. They need to keep you ALIVE, not condition free so you can land that whole 10-12 damage on a Mursaat. Im sorry if it seems jaded but I'm sick of hearing warriors scream about how they're the big damage dealers of the party. Blind, Dazed, and the like aren't 'lethal' conditions for a melee class. Just wait em out and let the monks concentrate on healing. |
Edit; Great post, Goonter, I like what you said there.
Originally Posted by Arcanis the Omnipotent
The point is Rico, its not one's responsibility to take care of your character but you.
If you dont want to make the sacrifice to even bother to start to take care of yourself, then you shouldnt expect anyone else to do it either. What you're saying is, you cant change because it would change your whole build to do so. But you want them to add in a skill, that would change their whole build aswell. So why should they change, when you wont? |
Seriously, I got tired of being in a PUG without a good monk, i play better with casters, so i built me a monk, and a damn good one. I dont run condition removal in my build as i find that as soo nas its removed, BAM!!! its right back on you. Hex removal i normally run inspired hex for energy management also. A healers job is to heal you, not protect you..... hmm prot monk anyone? Each char has a specific build and a specific role.
Why ask someone to change there whole skillset and build that they have put together that has worked to get them to that point, when you arent willing to change yours? Your char is your own responsibility. if you dont like the PUG monks, take the hench. with any other char but my monk i find they are better than most human players anyway. but note that not al lthe time when you have a condition or hex with hench thats its instantly removed, imagine that.....
aron searle
But I really do enjoy it much more when someone *asks* me if i'm prot/heal, if I'm bringing this or that. It is my pleasure to answer them because they'll know I'm prepared. |
It would be nice if someone asked me just once if im prot or heal. So now ive gotten into the habit of saying first thing, "Hello, im pure heal". And im always prepared to try what people ask of me if they can give me a good reason.
If i hear any of this "OMG take this spell noob", I just leave (i can be thick skinned but i dont see any reason to stay with people like this, there always the type to rush rush rush aggro die).
Not bothered to read all the posts that try to prove themselves right.
Why bother with PUGs when you can just play with henchmen? Seriously it's so much easier
Why bother with PUGs when you can just play with henchmen? Seriously it's so much easier

Originally Posted by aron searle
If i hear any of this "OMG take this spell noob", I just leave (i can be thick skinned but i dont see any reason to stay with people like this, there always the type to rush rush rush aggro die).
If someone playing another profession other than your own has anything to say about you skill selection he can just take his own Monk take his G*dam skill and put it where the Sun don't shine.

From looking at the majority of the opinions - (bring your own condition/hex removal noob) - I'm sure as hell glad that I will never have to have you guys as a monk in my team while entering Tombs or GvG.
I suppose the same people who argue that all other classes should bring hex/condition removal should argue that all support characters should bring their own form of damage as well? And no, wands don't count.
Of course the team leader should always ensure that people are bringing what they are supposed to, and to ensure they aren't bringing dross and trash like healing breeze. Sheesh.
I suppose the same people who argue that all other classes should bring hex/condition removal should argue that all support characters should bring their own form of damage as well? And no, wands don't count.
Of course the team leader should always ensure that people are bringing what they are supposed to, and to ensure they aren't bringing dross and trash like healing breeze. Sheesh.
aron searle
its all about PVE innit.

Most monks do suck. Period.
Its funny when someone says that monks are bad people jump to thier defense. But when people talk about warriors its all fun and games.
Its funny when someone says that monks are bad people jump to thier defense. But when people talk about warriors its all fun and games.
Originally Posted by Akathrielah
From looking at the majority of the opinions - (bring your own condition/hex removal noob) - I'm sure as hell glad that I will never have to have you guys as a monk in my team while entering Tombs or GvG.
I suppose the same people who argue that all other classes should bring hex/condition removal should argue that all support characters should bring their own form of damage as well? And no, wands don't count. Of course the team leader should always ensure that people are bringing what they are supposed to, and to ensure they aren't bringing dross and trash like healing breeze. Sheesh. |

Hanuman li Tosh
Originally Posted by Rico Carridan
Ok, let me just briefly set the stage. I'm playing my three week old warrior, just getting his armor infused for the first time. I get into a group, we have 4 monks, an ele, ranger, and two warriors, myself included. Looking at the numbers, I figure this should be no problem, considering the amount of healing power he have compared to the difficulty of the mission, although the mission might take a long time because we'll have less firepower than normal, but that's fine with me.
And during the mission, for the mostpart, I haven't had any problems with healing. However, I run into a lot of problems with conditions and hexes. The mursaat love to use enervating charge, the stone summit and white mantle drop various other conditions, the mursaat mesmers and necros use tons of hexes, and the azures use spiteful spirit. So when I pick up something serious, usually a spiteful or a weakness, I ctrl click to let them know that I need condition or hex removal. Nothing happens. Fine, they're busy: I keep fighting. Next battle, same thing. And again. And again. I ask them if they brought condition removal, and they don't even seem to understand what I'm talking about. I mean honestly, 4 monks, and not a SINGLE one thought to bring mend ailment. Or mend condition. Or purge conditions. Or martyr. Or remove hex. Or smite hex. Or holy veil. Or anything. How can you get to level 20 in this game as a monk and not realise that you should be bringing at least one of condition remove or hex remove EVERY mission? Haven't they noticed that every second mob uses them? That they are extremely crippling to the team? I mean, don't get me wrong, using orison of healing or healing seed at the appropriate time is important too, but there is more to being a monk than just healing. Please, if you play a monk in PvE (especially anywhere from crystal desert on) or PvP (anywhere), controlling conditions and hexes are your jurisdiction. It's time to drop the healing breeze for mend ailment, and vigorous spirit for holy veil. Your team will thank you for it. Rico |
hmm, you were in a group and you didnt discuss this before the mission? sounds like the whole party was noob.
Draygo Korvan
As a monk, i usually dont do missions with people that dont communicate what they need before a mission.
Also you cannot expect a healing monk to automatically bring any condition removal, condition removal after all is under protection, not healing.
Hex removal is slow, usually monks will reserve it for themselves to take off any backfire/soul leech etc that comes their way. Best counter for spiteful is to not attack for a little while.
Also you cannot expect a healing monk to automatically bring any condition removal, condition removal after all is under protection, not healing.
Hex removal is slow, usually monks will reserve it for themselves to take off any backfire/soul leech etc that comes their way. Best counter for spiteful is to not attack for a little while.
If it is someone’s first time through a mission, they may not know what to expect. When we head through Iron Mines or something, I’ll just throw it out there, there are a lot of knockdowns in the beginning. Perhaps a warrior decides some balanced stance is in order. Perhaps not. Either way, you cannot dictate how other people play, you just need BASIC communication. If you have intelligence about a mission, please share ahead of time; even if you are not party leader, you can be tactful and helpful. It is not that difficult.
My Heal/Prot Mo/Me will take inspired hex instead of remove/smite because, even with a 1 in inspiration magic, it is practically free to cast. But if you get more than one hex in a short period of time then you’re S.O.L., so sorry. Mend Ailment… I’ll not really use it unless it’s big-time poison or blind. (For the record, my W/Mo packs mend ailment, her only monk spell besides rez, for those times when I’m blind and the monk is busy enough keeping me/others alive.)
I will agree, there are indeed some sucky monks out there. But consider since there was no communication AT ALL before your mission began, no one can be blamed but all of you. You could have said nicely, “Hey, there’s lotsa hexing going on in this one”—or the monks could have huddled together and each assigned one other character to take care of. If word one had been spoken/typed before entering mission, you might have had a successful run. Don’t blame bad monks as much as blame all the bad, quietly bitter players who don’t speak up ahead of time.
My Heal/Prot Mo/Me will take inspired hex instead of remove/smite because, even with a 1 in inspiration magic, it is practically free to cast. But if you get more than one hex in a short period of time then you’re S.O.L., so sorry. Mend Ailment… I’ll not really use it unless it’s big-time poison or blind. (For the record, my W/Mo packs mend ailment, her only monk spell besides rez, for those times when I’m blind and the monk is busy enough keeping me/others alive.)
I will agree, there are indeed some sucky monks out there. But consider since there was no communication AT ALL before your mission began, no one can be blamed but all of you. You could have said nicely, “Hey, there’s lotsa hexing going on in this one”—or the monks could have huddled together and each assigned one other character to take care of. If word one had been spoken/typed before entering mission, you might have had a successful run. Don’t blame bad monks as much as blame all the bad, quietly bitter players who don’t speak up ahead of time.
Originally Posted by Rico Carridan
Please, if you play a monk in PvE (especially anywhere from crystal desert on) or PvP (anywhere), controlling conditions and hexes are your jurisdiction. It's time to drop the healing breeze for mend ailment, and vigorous spirit for holy veil. Your team will thank you for it.
Hex removal? Yeah, if I know I'm entering an area that has dangerous enough hexes to be worth it. Usually that means spiteful spirit, and little else. Otherwise hex removal carries a much too long recharge period, which makes it unreliable most of the time and generally not worth bringing because the hexes will expire by themselves.
Oh, and there is such a thing as bringing your own. Smart warriors carry hex removal for FoW and the like. Between a slot for rebirth and a couple more slots for energy management, my monk could probably bring either condition or hex removal if the area warrants it, but definitely not both. Monks are no more miracle workers than you are.
Originally Posted by Akathrielah
From looking at the majority of the opinions - (bring your own condition/hex removal noob) - I'm sure as hell glad that I will never have to have you guys as a monk in my team while entering Tombs or GvG.
I suppose the same people who argue that all other classes should bring hex/condition removal should argue that all support characters should bring their own form of damage as well? And no, wands don't count. Of course the team leader should always ensure that people are bringing what they are supposed to, and to ensure they aren't bringing dross and trash like healing breeze. Sheesh. |
Even the worst bleeding or poison in the whole game doesn't noticeably drain a monks energy pool let alone kill them. Blaming the monk for that is plain stupid, and if you're blaming him because you're blinded or crippled, well that's stupid and selfish, wait the five seconds before you hit your flurry button again.
If you can't beat this game in PvE in your sleep it's time to go back to board games, and the people that complain about their unskilled team mates are the worst part of a boring, boring PVE game.
No offense to non-complainers intended.
Originally Posted by TheCrusader
Most monks do suck. Period.
Its funny when someone says that monks are bad people jump to thier defense. But when people talk about warriors its all fun and games. |
Healing is needed, no matter it be self-heals or heals from a support character. Monks are the most efficient healers.
As for Warrior's common roles in a party.
1) Tanking is helpful, but it doesn't make or break a party in most situations. It's also nonexistant in PvP thanks to Warriors being an undesirable target.
2) A Warrior specced for Melee damage can pretty much be suplemented by any other damage class.
3) A Warrior whose playstyle doesn't really fall under #1 or #2 as much as "Rush in like a jackass and agro anything" is better left behind in the outpost.
Most Warriors are #3.
Pandora's box
In a team my monk is healer, but never ever I use condition removers. And for missions it always works fine, unless of course the warrior just runs ahead and gets out of the healing range... In which case I wont follow. I actually don't understand the problem of the OP: the infusion quest is one of the most easy quests to do. Even with a party of henchmen its no problem. I suggest every warrior to bring a condtion remover in his 2nd profession and let the monk just heal. And thats hard enough with the horrible quality of pug parties these days...

Originally Posted by asdar
I know someone else posted it but this has nothing to do with PvP. If conditions killed you in this game then it might be worth bringing a fix but they don't. The only time they're even a threat is when some moron stands in a pool of poison instead of pulling a mob to dry land.
Even the worst bleeding or poison in the whole game doesn't noticeably drain a monks energy pool let alone kill them. Blaming the monk for that is plain stupid, and if you're blaming him because you're blinded or crippled, well that's stupid and selfish, wait the five seconds before you hit your flurry button again. If you can't beat this game in PvE in your sleep it's time to go back to board games, and the people that complain about their unskilled team mates are the worst part of a boring, boring PVE game. No offense to non-complainers intended. |
Originally Posted by MistressYichi
a pve monk and a pvp monk are 2 completely different animals
![]() |
You have a secondary class. I know for sure rangers, monks, and mesmers have condition/hex removal. Take some responsibility for your own health. That is not just the province of the monk class. Do this and a real monk and the team you play on will thank you for this. |
Bout the topic...
I don`t know, but you should have pointed out at the monk if (s)he has some 'weakness' in their build. Just as a monk should point out that another character has weaknesses in their build. If they don`t listen, thats too bad, but not listening will probably mean that they know what they do right?
And I can`t imagine that those no of those 4 monks would have listened to u.
In most PVE situations, if you notice someone's health bar is suffering from hexes/conditions (or straight damage even), it's usually a safer bet to cast one or two "bandaid" spells such as healing breeze, seed, healing hands, etc on them and keep a close eye on them until they're out of trouble. Otherwise what happens is you keep having to recast word of healing/orison/condition/hex removal spells just to see the health bar keep going up and down or the hexes/conditions keep coming back and others start getting deprived of healing because the monk just ran out of energy. "Bandaid" spells buys the healer time and helps them conserve energy and while it may be inconvenient when conditions and hexes are abundant, it's a conservative build strategy that will usually help keep a group afloat. From time to time I see people that die very rapidly because they refused to bring any defensive skills and proceed to blame me (and sometimes the other monk when present) for letting them die; with some merit perhaps. Often times they just die so rapidly under focus fire that I can't even squeeze out a word of healing before they go down. But if I realize that the person dies too rapidly even under the effects of "bandaid" spells, they automatically become the lowest priority for healing. Why? So I don't waste my energy on the weakest link and potentially compromise the rest of the group. So everyone... please be prepared to wipe your own arse because the monk isn't obligated to do so for you.

Charcoal Ann
This could well be a lengthy post.
I'd like to point out that Hex removal spells have a painfully long cast time. do you want your monk to take that much time out removing hexes? in high end PvE or any PvP that hex that i just wasted a second removing will be applied to two more people in that time. removing those hexes is more trouble than its worth.
I find that using Kiss i much more effective than removing hexes. make the hexes work for you.
when someone has 3 warriors pounding on them or lots of rangers targetting them removing the conditions is not a priority. breeze negates those conditions and any other that may be applied. maybe i'll use mend condition as a nice cheap heal when people have loads of conditions on them but conditions are not THAT crippling for most characters. Condition removal is not amazingly important.
Now thats just not fair Thecrusader. no class deserves the unwarrented hate that comes thier way. some people are crap. not some classes. those crap people are not only confined to Monks, or warriors. I like warriors as much as monks.
really and trully i don't want to forfeit the healing power i can gain from those 4 slots you describe. Remove Hex, Mend Ailment, Holy Veil, Healing Seed. i presume you will include a res in there and an energy management spell. that gives you a massive 2 whole slots for healiing spells. Orison you have commented on and i will presume Word of Healing.
Holy Veil is, IMO, worthless. doubles hex cast time? uhh considering that many of the hexes i encounter frequently are 1/4 of a second cast times that is a complete waste. and you can only protect ONE person from them. and you lose a regen pip.
personally i go for all the 5 energy spells i can find. (orison, kiss, word and such). rather than some worthless hex breaker wannabe. tell me: how is Holy Veil better than Divine Boon?
there is no way in hell that your monk could keep up with the healng needed in high lvl areas. anywhere that hex removal is needed is also somewhere that enchantments like Seed are totally self destructive. you could, of course, say the same of breeze but breeze is cheaper AND can be recast quickly.
Breeze is much more energy efficient than continual condition removal. In terms of both time and energy. hex removal is so horribly time consuming that i gave up on it long long ago. Martyr is a nice efficient condition remover (along with purge). but it uses an elite and all those conditions will be back in full force in a matter of seconds.
Trying to remove all the hexes and conditions AND heal is a losing battle. sure bring a way to get rid of Dazed but that is the only really dangerous condition out there. hexes? rely on a mesmer for that, i would (and yes i DO have plenty of time as a mesmer).
i would not like to have you as my monk. when you have been the only monk in a team that totally cleared every mob in that condition and hex infested place called Sorrows Furnace THEN you can tell me how to deal with conditions and hexes.
hmmm. not as long as i had maybe expected.
I'd like to point out that Hex removal spells have a painfully long cast time. do you want your monk to take that much time out removing hexes? in high end PvE or any PvP that hex that i just wasted a second removing will be applied to two more people in that time. removing those hexes is more trouble than its worth.
I find that using Kiss i much more effective than removing hexes. make the hexes work for you.
when someone has 3 warriors pounding on them or lots of rangers targetting them removing the conditions is not a priority. breeze negates those conditions and any other that may be applied. maybe i'll use mend condition as a nice cheap heal when people have loads of conditions on them but conditions are not THAT crippling for most characters. Condition removal is not amazingly important.
Now thats just not fair Thecrusader. no class deserves the unwarrented hate that comes thier way. some people are crap. not some classes. those crap people are not only confined to Monks, or warriors. I like warriors as much as monks.
really and trully i don't want to forfeit the healing power i can gain from those 4 slots you describe. Remove Hex, Mend Ailment, Holy Veil, Healing Seed. i presume you will include a res in there and an energy management spell. that gives you a massive 2 whole slots for healiing spells. Orison you have commented on and i will presume Word of Healing.
Holy Veil is, IMO, worthless. doubles hex cast time? uhh considering that many of the hexes i encounter frequently are 1/4 of a second cast times that is a complete waste. and you can only protect ONE person from them. and you lose a regen pip.
personally i go for all the 5 energy spells i can find. (orison, kiss, word and such). rather than some worthless hex breaker wannabe. tell me: how is Holy Veil better than Divine Boon?
there is no way in hell that your monk could keep up with the healng needed in high lvl areas. anywhere that hex removal is needed is also somewhere that enchantments like Seed are totally self destructive. you could, of course, say the same of breeze but breeze is cheaper AND can be recast quickly.
Breeze is much more energy efficient than continual condition removal. In terms of both time and energy. hex removal is so horribly time consuming that i gave up on it long long ago. Martyr is a nice efficient condition remover (along with purge). but it uses an elite and all those conditions will be back in full force in a matter of seconds.
Trying to remove all the hexes and conditions AND heal is a losing battle. sure bring a way to get rid of Dazed but that is the only really dangerous condition out there. hexes? rely on a mesmer for that, i would (and yes i DO have plenty of time as a mesmer).
i would not like to have you as my monk. when you have been the only monk in a team that totally cleared every mob in that condition and hex infested place called Sorrows Furnace THEN you can tell me how to deal with conditions and hexes.
hmmm. not as long as i had maybe expected.
Rangers have Antidote Signet. It's not the most efficient solution, but it is something you can use yourself and not rely on someone else. I tend to bring it on my W/R when I do PvE, mostly to eliminate blindness. Rangers also have access to Melandru's Resilience. Not the best elite ever, but if you've been stacked with multiple hexes and conditions (works nicely in Sorrow's) it can give you a boost to keep going.
Teufel Eldritch
When I still played my healer Monk I considered it my job, not anyones else's, to make sure I brought along hex/condition removal. If someone else brought some cool. If they didn't no biggie as it was MY JOB to carry them.
Originally Posted by Teufel Eldritch
When I still played my healer Monk I considered it my job, not anyones else's, to make sure I brought along hex/condition removal. If someone else brought some cool. If they didn't no biggie as it was MY JOB to carry them.
Because there are many different ways to play your Profession, some may not bring certain skills because they don't know better. Some, like Charcoal Ann, do know better and might not bring them because they have personally found them to be inefficient in some cases. It is not a simple matter of deciding that a player is bad because they play differently.
To point out a pattern of behavior you don't like is one thing, to do so with the presumption that it is "your job" to play a certain one is preposterous. This is a case of lack of communication and the fact PvE isn't really much in the way of teaching you how to play the game.
So, yeah, if you're playing in Pick up Groups, it is just as much your fault as the other player's. Warrior/Monk is one of the most popular combinations for a reason, it's self-sufficience is greatly appreciated in the party and it has the capacity to deal with one of Warrior's greatest weaknesses, being rendered nearly worthless by a condition.
The original poster specifically chose to deviate from that by playing War/Me. Because of this "creativity", he suffers from a Monk likewise doing something different than expected. The reason I avoid Pick up Groups is because there is so much expectations, a complete lack of communication, and a lack of understanding of different playstyles.
With that off my chest, I'm out. This thread started out as a belligerent rant thread and I can only imagine it ending as a belligerent rant thread.
Teufel Eldritch
Yes I know there is no where in the game that specifically states that a Monk must carry hex/condition removal. Yes I know professions can be played in many ways. Not once in my post did I point out something I did not like. All I said was...when I still played Monk I(as in me, myself & I) considered it my job. Not once did I mention Wa/Mos.
I think in PvE Healing Breeze is a worthy skill. In few instances is it worth anything in PvP. But even in pve...
Not every condition and Hex can be removed all the time and nether should it be considered to be. But some conditions and hexes are high priorty.
Soothing Images or Pacifism, Weakness or Blind on warriors.
Malaise or Migraine, Daze and cripple on casters (espcally monks)
Just to name a few. Depending the situation, some hexes/condidtions are best removed instead of ingoring there effects.
Oh... and I guess it is possible to remove all/most hexes and conditions on one target with reasonable time. A heal build I like to use..
Holy Veil/Comtemplation of Purity/Mantra of Recall/DivineBoon...
Remove 4 hexes and 3 conditions while gaining 240 health and 20 energy.
If you can reduce your healing to 3 skills..maybe orison, seed and dwaynas kiss, you can stay free of hexes and conditions and heal the team with plenty of energy to spare. (pve)
Let a prot monk take care of the rest.
If your the sole monk make sure everyone takes at least one selfheal and bring Mend Condition, RoF, Protective Spirit.
In missions that are not overly aggro centric this is often sefichant.
...thats a sidenote..
I think we all understand givin the discussion, or should come to the understanding that - If you want to do well communicate/corridanate.
Anything outside of this is a recipe for disastor. Even 4 healing monks cant save you.
Not every condition and Hex can be removed all the time and nether should it be considered to be. But some conditions and hexes are high priorty.
Soothing Images or Pacifism, Weakness or Blind on warriors.
Malaise or Migraine, Daze and cripple on casters (espcally monks)
Just to name a few. Depending the situation, some hexes/condidtions are best removed instead of ingoring there effects.
Oh... and I guess it is possible to remove all/most hexes and conditions on one target with reasonable time. A heal build I like to use..
Holy Veil/Comtemplation of Purity/Mantra of Recall/DivineBoon...
Remove 4 hexes and 3 conditions while gaining 240 health and 20 energy.
If you can reduce your healing to 3 skills..maybe orison, seed and dwaynas kiss, you can stay free of hexes and conditions and heal the team with plenty of energy to spare. (pve)
Let a prot monk take care of the rest.
If your the sole monk make sure everyone takes at least one selfheal and bring Mend Condition, RoF, Protective Spirit.
In missions that are not overly aggro centric this is often sefichant.
...thats a sidenote..
I think we all understand givin the discussion, or should come to the understanding that - If you want to do well communicate/corridanate.
Anything outside of this is a recipe for disastor. Even 4 healing monks cant save you.
Any way you look at it there are no missions that require condition, or hex removal in this game. I think you must be thinking of a different game. PvP yes, PvE no.
I did the exact mission he's talking about with me as a monk and 1 other warrior, no hench. We were just going to do the infusion run but decided to continue on. The warrior is an awesome PvE warrior but still.
Lay blame wherever you want but with four monks in the group the OP didn't lose because of a lack of condition curing ability.
I'm not the greatest monk around, I know at least one other guy that puts me to shame but it's not that hard and blaming the monks in the infusion run for not having a condition and hex cure is just another way to not take responsibility.
Any way you look at it there are no missions that require condition, or hex removal in this game. I think you must be thinking of a different game. PvP yes, PvE no.
I did the exact mission he's talking about with me as a monk and 1 other warrior, no hench. We were just going to do the infusion run but decided to continue on. The warrior is an awesome PvE warrior but still.
Lay blame wherever you want but with four monks in the group the OP didn't lose because of a lack of condition curing ability.
I'm not the greatest monk around, I know at least one other guy that puts me to shame but it's not that hard and blaming the monks in the infusion run for not having a condition and hex cure is just another way to not take responsibility.
Rico Carridan
Originally Posted by Charcoal Ann
This could well be a lengthy post.
I find that using Kiss i much more effective than removing hexes. |
Originally Posted by Charcoal Ann
but conditions are not THAT crippling for most characters. Condition removal is not amazingly important.
Originally Posted by Charcoal Ann
really and trully i don't want to forfeit the healing power i can gain from those 4 slots you describe. Remove Hex, Mend Ailment, Holy Veil, Healing Seed. i presume you will include a res in there and an energy management spell. that gives you a massive 2 whole slots for healiing spells. Orison you have commented on and i will presume Word of Healing.
Holy Veil is, IMO, worthless. doubles hex cast time? uhh considering that many of the hexes i encounter frequently are 1/4 of a second cast times that is a complete waste. and you can only protect ONE person from them. and you lose a regen pip. |
Originally Posted by Charcoal Ann
Trying to remove all the hexes and conditions AND heal is a losing battle. sure bring a way to get rid of Dazed but that is the only really dangerous condition out there. hexes? rely on a mesmer for that, i would (and yes i DO have plenty of time as a mesmer).
i would not like to have you as my monk. when you have been the only monk in a team that totally cleared every mob in that condition and hex infested place called Sorrows Furnace THEN you can tell me how to deal with conditions and hexes. |
Originally Posted by Rico Carridan
When it comes to breeze, well, aside from the fact that is one of the least efficient ways to heal someone (do a search for "Healing Efficiency and Divine Favor"), it is also an enchantment, meaning that a very happy monster could turn your 232 points of breeze into 100 points of damage with a shatter enchantment. And monsters *love* that spell.
Rico |
Personally I think that breeze has its place and counteracting poison and bleeding is one such place for it.
Saba The Hobo
Personally, I always take a condition removal, but can't remember the last time I took a hex removal in PvE, if simply because most of the hexes you encounter are pointless (i.e. the mesmers love to cast empathy on my monk), and can easily be worked around. Things like blind, dazed, bleeding, etc. need to get taken care of, however (I hate degen).
Pevil Lihatuh
I only read like the first page.
First off: sure one of the monks shoulda brought condition removal of some kind.
Second: any player who thinks that just coz they're not a monk they shouldn't take healing needs their head examined. As a ranger there is no way i'll go without Troll Unguent. I have it maxed at 10 health regen. NO condition can counter that. I'm bleeding? Health goes up. Poisoned? Health goes up. Why do I take it? No matter how good your monk (or 2, or 3) are, there are gonna come points when they are out of energy/too busy with tanks/dead when you have to help yourself. Seriously, taking no heal is like not taking res signet "because thats the monks job".
Thats the problem. Many classes can do 'everything', just not as well as the one designed for it. Even if you aren't needing healing sig, if you can take it along, a monk is gonna thank you for it. Not taking any healing is just asking for death.
First off: sure one of the monks shoulda brought condition removal of some kind.
Second: any player who thinks that just coz they're not a monk they shouldn't take healing needs their head examined. As a ranger there is no way i'll go without Troll Unguent. I have it maxed at 10 health regen. NO condition can counter that. I'm bleeding? Health goes up. Poisoned? Health goes up. Why do I take it? No matter how good your monk (or 2, or 3) are, there are gonna come points when they are out of energy/too busy with tanks/dead when you have to help yourself. Seriously, taking no heal is like not taking res signet "because thats the monks job".
Thats the problem. Many classes can do 'everything', just not as well as the one designed for it. Even if you aren't needing healing sig, if you can take it along, a monk is gonna thank you for it. Not taking any healing is just asking for death.
Zhou Feng
Originally Posted by Fyre Brand
There is a time to remove a condition or hex and a time to add regen in some manner. In an environment where constant condition application is present you normally don't mend a condition, you apply regen. It's just better energy management, not to mention casting time spent on one individual. There are two types of condition removal one that heals for the number of conditions left and one that heals based on removal. Which one to bring? Not as simple as it sounds.
Perhaps it has uses for pve, but mend ailment is and will always be more efficient then hb IF dealing with conditions.
Normally any monk who knows what they are doing and running prot will take mend ailment most of the time over most of the other condition removal... but not always this is the case though.