Why isn't IWAY nerfed yet?
IWAY was nerfed..
it went from 150% total speed which came from tf/frenzy + iway
to 133% which comes from IWAY
IWAY people are too stupid to realize they are TF wars with crappy troll unguent
it went from 150% total speed which came from tf/frenzy + iway
to 133% which comes from IWAY
IWAY people are too stupid to realize they are TF wars with crappy troll unguent
Originally Posted by MarkyX
Exactly my point. IWAY, ranger spiking, and rank is killing off the competition. New players have no chance in hell to GvG or PvP (those 1 mill accounts? Know a couple of people who bought the game and sold it on ebay the next day. Does Anet still count these?)
I can't wait till the huge world tournament, which will be spike verses spike. Yawn. |
You know, there are other ways to kill people very fast besides IWAY or ranger spiking. And besides that, ranger spiking is not overpowered either.
It seems like you want each and every build with the potential to kill enemy players fast to be nerfed so that unskilled players have a 100% equal chance to beat a team of skilled players.
That would kill the competition.
Originally Posted by Navaros
You know, there are other ways to kill people very fast besides IWAY or ranger spiking. And besides that, ranger spiking is not overpowered either.
It seems like you want each and every build with the potential to kill enemy players fast to be nerfed so that unskilled players have a 100% equal chance to beat a team of skilled players. That would kill the competition. |
The beginning of GW and the Beta Weekends had way better tombs. You simply picked three monks, five guys, and just went. Might lose, might win, but in the end, it was fun and painless.
Now it's just "R6 looking for group, can play anything but not very good in either one."
The world tournament is going to remind of those MtG tournaments, where everyone uses the same build and strategies. If this is what Anet or the community wants....
Originally Posted by Ednemak
IWAY was nerfed..
it went from 150% total speed which came from tf/frenzy + iway to 133% which comes from IWAY IWAY people are too stupid to realize they are TF wars with crappy troll unguent |
All they have to do is simply make it not work on pets to fix the stupid skill.
Originally Posted by MarkyX
Actually from what I hear, IWAY is either radar range or the entire map now.
All they have to do is simply make it not work on pets to fix the stupid skill. |
iway in no way needs to be nerfed.
if you cant beat a iway team, sorry but you have HORRIBLE monks and players
this thread is unnecessary and wrong.
Iway got nerfed.
Iway doesnt need any nerf.
Iway got nerfed.
Iway doesnt need any nerf.
Originally Posted by MarkyX
Nah, more like people might actually say "Let's try this build."
The beginning of GW and the Beta Weekends had way better tombs. You simply picked three monks, five guys, and just went. Might lose, might win, but in the end, it was fun and painless. Now it's just "R6 looking for group, can play anything but not very good in either one." The world tournament is going to remind of those MtG tournaments, where everyone uses the same build and strategies. If this is what Anet or the community wants.... |
The exact reason that everyone uses the same builds and strategies is because the devs have already listened to people who make threads exactly like this one, asking for nerfs where nerfs were not needed. The devs nerfed many of the previously good builds which did not need nerfs at all, hence there are now less good builds to choose from. Which results in more people using the same builds.
If you want there to be more builds and strategies, then instead of asking for nerfs to all good builds (not that IWAY is even a good build), you should be asking the devs to never nerf again.
I fail to understand your logic here. If you do not mind losing, then you can still very easily grab three monks and five guys and just go. Of course you will lose, but since you don't mind losing, that's not a problem right? |
If you actually played tombs, you would've known that.
The devs nerfed many of the previously good builds which did not need nerfs at all, hence there are now less good builds to choose from. Which results in more people using the same builds. |
You should be able to create something more then two or three team builds. If not, you shouldn't be playing this game. I've made plenty of unique builds that didn't resort to iway or spiking, and we actually won against them in tombs or GvG.
The point I'm trying to make is that IWAY is totally ruining the atmosphere and challenge of GW. Play a drinking game. One shot if you face IWAY, another shot if the pets are named "ghostly hero" or "priest", and another shot if you lose.
In an hour, your parents/spouse/hooker/girlfriend will pity you as you sleep on your keyboard with your mates on Vent going "WTF"
Difference between losing when the group was formed in less then five minutes, then waiting an hour and losing. |
Originally Posted by MarkyX
The point I'm trying to make is that IWAY is totally ruining the atmosphere and challenge of GW. Play a drinking game. One shot if you face IWAY, another shot if the pets are named "ghostly hero" or "priest", and another shot if you lose.
If you are waiting an hour and then lose to iway team something is seriously wrong on your side. Iway can be countered by one skill from the entire +- 64 skills of the group.
You complain about diversity of builds. I think that Tombs are much more better than it has been with all the smite or spirits around. In every Tombs run, we meet oly 1 or 2 iway teams and much more other various builds.
You complain about diversity of builds. I think that Tombs are much more better than it has been with all the smite or spirits around. In every Tombs run, we meet oly 1 or 2 iway teams and much more other various builds.
Originally Posted by MarkyX
The beginning of GW and the Beta Weekends had way better tombs. You simply picked three monks, five guys, and just went. Might lose, might win, but in the end, it was fun and painless.
the people have specializations before. if you ask for a protection monk, youll receive a request, let him do his job and youll get protected. you want a tank, youll get a tank who knows what hes doin. if you ask for an ensnare ranger, he will come and say ready. no questions will be asked and everybody is good to go and win, say a couple.
specialization = skill = you know what youre doin = no ts needed.
and if you lose, you discuss whats wrong with the build and try to patch it. no one will just easily scream "noob" and disappear.
learning from failure = devising a new plan = creativity
/rank destroyed these 2 aspects.
not all IWAYS will branch out to the build that they really wanna play. they may stay warriors for the rest of their gw life. but good thing bout them is that they did their stuff lotsa times and dont need to be told what to do.
I guess all the people that said "this thread is stupid" or "iway doesnt need to be nerfed" havent noticed that we cant even have favor long enough anymore. I really dont care anyway, just stating that because of all these iway groups, Europe and Korea are dominating.
Originally Posted by Finch
I guess all the people that said "this thread is stupid" or "iway doesnt need to be nerfed" havent noticed that we cant even have favor long enough anymore. I really dont care anyway, just stating that because of all these iway groups, Europe and Korea are dominating.
all like know the reason
"A lot of iway" -> "europe and korea have the favor more time"
Originally Posted by MarkyX
Many major players either quit or major haitus now. GvG is bascailly only the top 20, with the rest of the ladder being either nobodies or build-stealers. Even so, the top 20 gvg isn't exactly competitive, since no one is around.
Even so, it bascailly means that GvG is void in any serious competition. |
the drizzle
I don't care about IWAY, I just feel the need to say that Anet does care. If they didn't care we would still be dealing with spirit spam as well as who knows what, and we would never have gotten Sorrow's Furnace for free.
Originally Posted by romO
what in the world are you talking about??? last i checked we were rank 20, so i guess in your book, that gives me the right to talk so lets go. even teams around rank 100 can be competitive and there are definetely good teams not in the top 20, but rather in the top 50, especially with new guilds of great players being formed constantly. Bored Of Tombs [BoT] just formed and they are just getting started gvging. gvg competition is huge, and all of the top 20 teams play. ALL of them. constantly. every day. many games. otherwise, you will lose your status on the first page. the competition is great, and guilds prepare specifically for other top teams' builds. there are a lot of newb teams doing gvg, sure, but they dont usually interact with the top guilds, so just because newbs are playing against one another it doesnt mean that there is no competition at the top. since the reset, gvg activity by top teams has never been higher.
i think the problem is there just arent enough people playing. imagine if there were a seriously intense amount of people playing.. they could create the unranked competition, and the ranked competition. the ranked one for people say r3+, and the unranked one for newer players, and if you win the final stage of the unranked one you go to the ranked tournament.
sure, it will take about 10 hours to get to the hall from the unranked area, but then how many unranked people even get past one map these days?
this system could even go past people buying new acounts since it would be slower to get to the hall from the unranked tournament, and it would just make sense to go to the higher level of competition.
IF there were enough people on. i just think that if they did this you would enter the unranked tournament and jump straight to the second to last round of the ranked one =/
sure, it will take about 10 hours to get to the hall from the unranked area, but then how many unranked people even get past one map these days?
this system could even go past people buying new acounts since it would be slower to get to the hall from the unranked tournament, and it would just make sense to go to the higher level of competition.
IF there were enough people on. i just think that if they did this you would enter the unranked tournament and jump straight to the second to last round of the ranked one =/
Originally Posted by Mentalmdc
1) if the pet is not an ally then it could not be healed by the teams monk
Originally Posted by MarkyX
Right...so why is it that the past 10 gvg battles when I was with a guild was been rank 1000+ ? If the higher ranked guilds were really competitive, we would, you know, be facing them.
look like someone got owned by iway everytime
Originally Posted by smurfhunter
and we are, you know, facing them
Even the higher ranked guilds don't gvg that often because they will know that they are facing a higher ranked guild or wait a very long time.
and yet Nu has played 260 matches (holy shit). xoo has played 435 matches.
im sure they met at least one guild in all those
(dont hate me for picking those two guilds out - theyre just the ones that have the highest number of wins/losses)
im sure they met at least one guild in all those

(dont hate me for picking those two guilds out - theyre just the ones that have the highest number of wins/losses)
Because, IWAY is a very weak build. If they nerfed stupidity, they would nerf IWAY.