Role-Playing Districts

steve baisden

steve baisden

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

Williamson, WV


Omissions/corrections on previous post:
1) I misspelled "juvenilia". Sorry. I hate to get stuff like that wrong.
2) Why, if I'm such a RP advocate, do I give my in-game character my real name? A question for future discussion, message me and we can talk.
3) A really big thunderstorm has just blown through my area. Lightning, wind, heavy rain. Very cool, very nice. Wish you were here.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

I wrote eMails to the most important german Games-Magazines (Gamestar, Pc Games, PC Powerplay) and requested a newsflash on their website concerning our petition.

If someone could do so for US and UK magazines?

Here is the text (for those who can read german )

Liebe PC Powerplay-Redaktion,

ich muss für unser Anliegen leider etwas weiter ausholen. Ich möchte
Sie dennnoch bitten, meine Nachricht bis zum Ende zu lesen.

Die Berichterstattung Ihres Magazins zu ArenaNets und NCSofts CORPG "Guild Wars" (GW) kommt zu einem bisher überwiegend positiven Fazit. Auch wenn ein ausführlicher Test vermutlich erst in der nächsten Ausgabe erscheinen wird - und wir dementsprechend noch nicht beurteilen können wie "PC Powerplay" nach dem Langzeittest definitiv zu dem Spiel steht - ist mittlerweile (ca. 1 Monat nach Release) nicht von der Hand zu weisen, dass GW große Spielerzahlen anzieht und sehr starke Resonanz findet (nicht nur wegen
des Finanzierungsmodells).

Wie Ihren Testern aufgefallen sein dürfte, bietet GW zwar atmosphärische Settings und eine konsequent inszenierte (wenn auch etwas klischeehafte) Storyline, dennoch findet sich kaum "Rollenspiel" (im Sinne von "In Character"-Spiel) innerhalb des GW-Netzwerkes. Dies mag zum einen daran liegen, dass ArenaNet den Schwerpunkt auf actionlastiges Gameplay und anspruchsvolles PvP legt, zum anderen wird durch dieses Gameplay - aber auch durch das "No Monthly-Fee Konzept" - natürlich eine andere Zielgruppe angesprochen als z.B. bei Spielen wie Everquest o.ä. (Stichwort: "Counter Strike" im Fantasy-Gewand). Nicht zuletzt ist GW v.a.auf "instant action" ausgelegt, viele RP-typische Elemente, wie z.B. Non-Combat-Professions, wurden deshalb "wegrationalisiert".

Dennoch gibt es eine Vielzahl von Spielern, die RP in GW für möglich und sinnvoll halten. Das atmosphärische Szenario bietet viel Inspiration für Charakter-Hintergründe, die bereits vorhandenen Emotes regen zum "Sozializing" an und das GW-typische Instancing bietet
Möglichkeiten, die einer "guten alten" Pen & Paper - Runde sehr nahe kommen. Insbesondere die Tatsache, dass sich "die Welt um die Party dreht" und dass massive Veränderungen innerhalb der Spielwelt in den Instances machbar sind (im Gegensatz zu klassischen MMORPGs, wo auch der Bossmob immer respawnen muss...oder eine Brücke zu einem Gebiet nicht einfach zertört BLEIBEN kann, weil die anderen Spieler
schliesslich auch noch dorthin kommen wollen), legen ausgedehntes Role-Play eigentlich nahe.

ArenaNet äußerte sich im sog. "Fansite Friday" 35 (
zu diesem Thema und verwies auf die Instances als ideale Möglichkeit zum RP. Leider ist diese Lösung (wenn als einzige Lösung in Betracht gezogen) recht unbefriedigend. Natürlich sind die Instanzen ideal für RP, sobald man allerdings einen Outpost betritt wird die Immersion völlig zerstört. Bekanntermaßen sind die Outposts zur Zeit "Out of Character"-Hochburgen. Die Chat-Channel werden dominiert von Inhalten, die alles abdecken von "1337-Speak" über Trading-Abkürzungen ("WTS uber-sword, dmg 10-13") bis hin zu Gesprächen über erst später folgende Storyelemente ("Spoiler") - nur zum Szenario passende Inhalte sucht man in der Regel vergeblich. Dabei wäre es so einfach - statt "Need party for quest ´Supplies for the duke´, any1 join?" könnte der jeweilige Charakter sich auch in anderer Form äußern: "My companions and I willt try to search for Duke Barradin north of the wall. We are sure that he is in need for supplies. Are there any brave men who want
to join us? We need every sword we can get."

Letztlich bleibt das aber Geschmackssache. RP ist nicht jedermanns bevorzugte Spielweise und genauso, wie Rollenspieler sich durch OOC gestört fühlen, könnten Nicht-RPler von "schwulstigem Gespamme" genervt sein. Insbesondere in GW dürften Rollenspieler auch quantitativ in der Minderheit sein. In klassischen MMORPG wird dieses
Problem i.d.R. über die vielfältige Serverlandschaft bewältigt. Rollenspieler spielen einfach auf "RP-Realms" wie in "World of Warcraft" und haben damit eine "Heimat" und eine Legitimation (können also gegen "Störenfriede" mit Recht vorgehen). Da GW aber eine einheitliche Serverstruktur bietet und somit quasi alle Spieler in einem "Realm" spielen (Stichwort: Worlds at War), ist diese Möglichkeit ausgeschlossen. Was aber möglich WÄRE, ist die Nutzung der "District"-Technologie zur Errichtung eines definierten
RP-"Bereiches". Um nun zum Punkt zu kommen: Wir (=eine Gruppe RP-Begeisterter GW-Spieler aus aller Welt) haben eine Petition zur Errichtung von RP-Distrikten in GW gestartet. Wir nutzen hierfür einen Forums-Thread der Website "Guild Wars Guru" - diese Seite genießt den Status einer "offiziellen Fansite", ist international und bekannt dafür, dass sie von den ArenaNet-Entwicklern gelesen wird. Unser wunsch ist ein RP-District pro Outpost, der technich ein "International District" ist, aber das Label "Role-Play" trägt. Um von ArenaNet ernstgenommen zu werden, benötigen wir möglichst viele "Virtuelle Unterschriften". Eine kleine Newsmeldung auf wäre unserer Sache - wie Sie sich sicher vorstellen können - sehr dienlich. Wenn also (vielleicht nach der ohnehin doch von Ihnen zu erwartenden GW-Berichterstattung) die Möglichkeit bestünde, kurz auf
unsere "Unterschriftensammlung" hinzuweisen, wären wir Ihnen sehr dankbar.

Die Petition befindet sich hier:

Für weitere Fragen oder auch Quellen zum Thema "RP in Guild Wars"
stehe ich natürlich jederzeit zur Verfügung.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Mühen

Mathias "Melmoth" Wölfelschneider
für die RP-Community bei gwguru

PS. Auch wenn Sie vermutlich generell auf "News"-Anfragen nicht anworten, wäre eine kurze Notiz sehr freundlich - so könnte ich die Community hinter dem Projekt über Erfolg oder Misserfolg informieren.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

There is another MAJOR problem with our petition.

A) Many people told me they won´t sign it because they have to register on the board. Is there any way to allow guests to post (maybe regulated per thread)? This would be very important!

B) It should be sticky. Is there any moderator in here? *shouts*

Raven Agorath

Raven Agorath

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005


Veritas Crusade


Just to tell you, If your looking to RP, Im allways on the International District from around about 2pm-2am , Im usually in Fort Ranik or failing that Ascalon City, If not im using my other Character (my Character's Brother) to try and recruit, although nothing usually happens >< , he is usually in Ascalon city at the start of the game, Just look for the guy shouting Propaganda ^^

(Ok im in Fort Ranik right now, Look for the guy sitting down, International District)



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

The PETITION is now reachable via

Spread the word!

Mariena Feladon

Mariena Feladon

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Silhouette Stars [sil]


Originally Posted by Raven Agorath
Just to tell you, If your looking to RP, Im allways on the International District from around about 2pm-2am , Im usually in Fort Ranik or failing that Ascalon City, If not im using my other Character (my Character's Brother) to try and recruit, although nothing usually happens >< , he is usually in Ascalon city at the start of the game, Just look for the guy shouting Propaganda ^^

(Ok im in Fort Ranik right now, Look for the guy sitting down, International District)
Not true! It's now 15:49 (2:49 PM GMT) and you're not online!

You liar!



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Neoven on promotion-tour through all european districts of Ascalon:

Please join him. We need promotion in America, too!



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Society of the Burning Shadow [SBS]


Awesome work guys, nearly a hundred signatures and going strong. I'll be furthering our cause in Lion's Arch later today, and hopefully I'll survive the encounter. I saw the guys shouting about it yesterday, warmed my heart right up. Nice work guys!

(OOC: Hey, are you guys' RP guilds recruiting? If so, I'd be happy to join, as I'm guildless and rearing for RP. IC Name: Arctic Inferno. Thanks!)



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by ArcticFlame
Awesome work guys, nearly a hundred signatures and going strong. I'll be furthering our cause in Lion's Arch later today, and hopefully I'll survive the encounter.
Good luck. LA is a good idea, because I didn´t reach it yet. Good luck! I encountered some...let´s say...aggression yesterday (at Sardelac Sanitarium).


I tried to contact the Admin of this board via PM:

Hello Inde!

I tried to contact a moderator first, but I didn´t get any answer. I hope that I don´t annoy you - as the Admin of this board - too much with my concern.

I represent the gwguru - board members that started the "Petition for role-playing districts". We chose gwguru for this petition because it occupies the status of an "Official Guild Wars Fansite" and is know to be visited by ArenaNet developers (we also like the site, btw. )

To become a real success (read: "to collect as many signatures as possible"), the whole thing could need two major changes concerning the functionality of this board. That is why I contact you.

1.) Would it be possible to make the thread sticky?

2.) (even more important): Many potential subscribers didn´t sign the petition because they had to register on the board. Would it be possible to allow guests to post in that (specific) thread?

You would help us and the whole GW-roleplay-community a lot.

Thank you!

Mathias aka Melmoth

Oh, have a look at this:

Kane Blackstar

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005


i made a petition for anyone to sign:

please sign it =)



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Society of the Burning Shadow [SBS]


Thanks for the offer, but I think it's been done. We now have petitions going in many places at once. The more, the merrier!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005


Broken Blades


This might have already been said, but I have a thought:

I do not support the petition for role-playing districts in "Guild Wars," for one very important reason:

It's too much trouble for the devs, which means it would probably cost us money to implement. You'de have to add dedicated districts under entierly new outpost district menu choices, because you couldn't just say "District 1 = RP for everything" because what if it overflows and you need District 2 and District 2 isn't there for that outpost?

I have a better idea: an RP Chat Channel. Turn it on and the others off and you end up with something that is virtually the same as RP Districts, but with much less hassle.

Just a suggestion...

Kane Blackstar

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

we can let the guild wars and arena net people figure out how to incorporate role playing into the game. my thought was... this is sorta big but id say worth it, they should make an entire continent for role playing, in the next explansion update or something...



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Society of the Burning Shadow [SBS]


A continent will be a bit much... it'll have to be policed, and not many people will buy it probably. At least districts people can join and leave as they please, and no one is forcing anyone to do anything. All we want really is a place for roleplayers to meet and greet. It'll make things better for everyone, even the people trying to sell stuff - the less people uninterested in their wares, the better off they are.

As for the Chat channel, it works, but there's just something about actually seeing the actions being done. Roleplay chat is nice, but then again, there's roleplay chat via telnet.

Oh, and I don't think our RP district is going to 'overflow' any time soon now. We're not THAT many in number, you know. XP

Kane Blackstar

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

haha, youd be surprised, we are quite alot in numbers.... we have alot of petitioners, and not just here, but on other sites too... im sure if we had a role playign continent, many people would come RP with us...



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

It's too much trouble for the devs, which means it would probably cost us money to implement.
Nobody knows that besides the ANet devs.

Edit: Yes! The Petition-Thread is STICKY!

Rich Baldwin

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

I'm really interested in RPing as well. I'll be playing one of four characters: Istvan Woodswarden, Uther Wonderworker, Gerhard van Holdt, and Omar ibn Shahib--Feel free to look me up. I'm currently in a guild, but it's not an RP guild, and if I get interested enough in RP and it builds up like I hope it will, I'd love to move into an RP guild in the future.

I'm for an RP channel. The district idea would be nice as well, but I think it will probably end up being too costly for the development team to set up, since it would probably require space on each server to be constantly available for RP groups that might not be using much or any of that space at any given moment. Of course we might end up with enough RPers to make it worth their while . . ..



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

nd up being too costly for the development team to set up
Future Update

Here are some of the changes we're working on for next week's update:

* For players on the European servers, there will be different districts for each supported language: English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Players will be placed by default into the district that matches their current language preference, but they will still be able to travel to any available district.

(taken from

So I don´t think it is expensive for ANet to set up districts.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005


I do not support this idea or petition , please do not PM me again , Melmoth

Stating that i do not support this idea is not disrespecting or insulting you , i dont care WHAT country you're from , in my opinion , its not that good of an idea.

Thank you and have a nice day



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005



now dont get me wrong, iv got no problem wit RPing, but there are some flaws that, to me are unavodable. one of which is: what r u guna do about the total jerk who jumps into the RP dist and starts running around yelling about politics?

Snipe Kan

Snipe Kan

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005




i think this RP district idea would be a great addition 2 an already hit game. i wouldnt be found in there but yah i know of ppl hoo like 2 act in character during an online-game adventure and i think its awesome althought i dont like 2 RP myself this would really be a great addition


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

Maybe some for of tavern or Pub in each City where you can go to RP. And to stop greffers, you have to buy 1 drink every 10 minutes.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005


I think that an RP district is a fantastic idea! Every once in a while, I like to let loose my acting... skills. *snicker* But this isn't something that's very important to me personally. There are just too many things that I would like to see done first.

/NOT singed


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2005

Clan International


i so agree with this, i send them a message about sigil too hard to get for small guilds, they reply, please talk thisin forums im like wtf, i ask u question about are u updating and u told me to foward this to somewhere else?

i would acutally like to see some ppl other than team in the areas, its so boring really, just ur 8 ppl wondering off i know we some kind of hero but this doesnt sound right man! 8 ppl take on whole summit drawfs... wth is wrong with that picture! i would acutally like to make friends, only place is in teams, or trading or forums or guilds, wish to get a place where everyone can go and stay on a map and make friends by chatting or stuffs


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Stolen Dreams


Sigils are easy to get, They where 1 plat in Tombs yesterday from the Trader.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

To be true there is a problem in realizing an RPG District or something
of the sort.

The smallest problem is how to technically implement this.

Speaking from experience, the bigger problem is to keep the
RPG-play at a certain niveau and proper moderated.
To be true you need at least a staff that can support player groups
in the size of 12 people at the beginning stage. Before you have
established a solid community that is able to manage themself.
Now concider how many individuals you need.
Thats just out of range for realization.
And to find the parameters to create an environment so that it
could work with self organizing processes just takes to long.

The best way to deal with your desire is to build a guilde or
subcommunity in Guild Wars and attract players that are willing
to play this way. There will always be interruptive people, but within
a small group it is easier to handle them.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Personally, I come from a PK MUD where going out of character is a bannable offense.

So, of course, I support this idea, considering how much more pleasant the atmosphere is an RP-enforced environment is.

I believe, however, you're going to be disappointed if they do implement it. Why?

It requires moderating. A whole LOT of moderating. In the other game of 400 players, it required 12 immortals constantly zapping themselves from place to place. And do remember, that's 400 players... Guild Wars has significantly more players than that. If not, it'll get flooded just like any other district with the unsavory sort.

One possible way of doing this is a vote->kick from district but the problem is... with respectively so few RPers, some guilds and again, unsavory types, might take advantage of inviting a whole bunch of their friends and kicking everyone who comes in--netting themselves a private district.

Although the other person's idea about an RP channel is nice... the problem lies in that again, people can misuse channels and flood the RP channel.

What do I think is the solution then? I don't think there is any easy one, but this might work better:

Guild Halls are not easy to get, true. I've personally started the game too soon to ever have been in a Guild Hall (and found no guild I'm interested in joining yet). So I don't know if this is an option already or not.

But what about guests in Guild Halls (I do not believe this is possible at the moment)? If you can invite a significant number of people into a particular RP guild's Guild Hall (by request or something)... and then have RP sessions of muti-guilded people in large numbers.

Eh... this idea is more or less a stopgap solution and is meant to be beyond just the RP audience, better to get ArenaNet to move if they ever wish to do so.

I'll personally sign a petition and wish you the best of luck anyway though, despite the complications.

vail darkblade

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2006

grey knights of the lost king


great idea guys im a part time roleplayer myself so i can see both sides of the rping ideas...... i think that there should be a rp district becouse spme rpers like ourselves can get in the way sometimes/and non rpers get in our way when we r role playing see u in game maby


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Woah, massive bump Vail. There's a petition for this, stickied at the top of the page.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

Guild Of Tweakers


How many people have signed it yet? :P
Did anyone count? O.0


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006



/Maewen puts away her bow and smiles encouragingly

"This news of finding a district is welcome. My friend and I travelled to Shing Jai monastery to improve ourselves. After only a few days, I must confess I have difficulty finding places and people in the monastery. As yet we do not know any other people except our teachers. Many I have passed are too busy preparing for fights or challenging others and none have spoken to me. Oddly, it seems a peaceful place despite the arena, for the usual inhabitants are calm and kind.

We come from a village called England. I usually walk beneath the flags of 'English seven' in hopes of meeting others from my region. But if I pass through English five I may call out. I do not know whether any will hear me. I am unaccustomed to shouting in the wilderness, and it seems rude in a monastery. You may see Ariel with me, an assassin who usually keeps me company. Although our philosophies are different, we respect each others. We have fought challenges together before. We know of a house in Liverpool where any may play at pen and paper games. I could tell you of more adventures.

Anyway, I am looking to make friends in this new wilderness. The Naga certainly dislike me now. Taya is an excellent healer, but not much for conversation. My pet tiger doesn't talk either. I was so lonely, I couldn't find my smile. It would be good to meet others in Shing Jai.


Prince Pulsar

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

Elven Alliance


(OOC: Well i am happy to see this i heard about it in rl and I am on board anything regarding RP, as i have been playing GW sense it launched, i stopped playing for that reason alone lack of RP, I rp on SWG sense that gamed launched.. I have a GUild in GW named Elven Alliance, As i rp an Elf Prince sent to help, If anyone wants to set up rp lines, please contact me in game and everything.. I am down... Name is Prince Pulsar LONG LIVE RP the real MMORPG aspect.. )



Site Contributor

Join Date: Mar 2008


Order Of The Etherbloom Crown [ZEN]

I'm sure ANET could do this. WoW did it, apparently.

I'm all for it. I think nude dancing and spamming kills gameplay.
Luckily I'm in a guild where we all RP, but it's never easy to find fellow RPers in districts clammed with people obsessing over fast XP, gold, titles and all that is of common value. People don't seem to care much for the lore of GW (anymore?).

It's a difficult task, but yea, I think ANET could pull this off.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2007

Might find me roaming around doing missions in hard mode...or maybe I'm lost in the Underworld...



Great thread necro!

After reading the other thread, I was thinking about searching for one like this too. I think it would be pretty cool. I have a feeling that this thread being as old as it is already answers the question for us though



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006

668 the neighbor of the beast



/signed for RP district.

Would be a nice change to visit and not have retards spamming for guilds, to sell crap, dancing, showing their stupid emotes etc etc etc. I found a RP group 2x since I have played and greatly enjoyed both.

~the rat~

pleeeeeeeaaaaasssseee Regina, we have cookies



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005


Bah you fools can't you see the Gods have forsaken oure calls for this enlightment. All youre prayers for this blessing do not reach there gates. How you people keep trying on something so hopelessly out of reach. Makes me wonder how you even managed to become a Sunspear!



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


Fruitcake Over Eggnog [Sobr]


/signed fo sure

I love role playing. Only thing that makes pve fun ^^

Fleur De Lyss

Fleur De Lyss

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007



This will never happen, why ?

the answer is simple.

GW makes tons of references in its own game that cut away from the roleplay of the game. References to RL and other things, such as Candy Cane Weapons - Banana Scythes - Most in-game Speech (especially in quests and quests rewards) - and alot added in by festivals.

Also, This would cause alot of controversy because most people find Roleplay sort of a embarrasing and odd act. What you call "griefing" is just a natural reaction too it. Just like most of you probably state your opinions about homosexuality and middle eastern religions.

General point - I wouldn't hope for any RP distract anytime soon.

and I'd like not to hear any "All of the stuff you listed is completely fine for RP, its just a little more fu and creative"; No, it contradicts RP

Lady Raenef

Lady Raenef

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2007

Oregon, USA.

Zero Mercy [zm]


I'm using Resurrection Signet!

Anyway, I love drama. I love role-playing. I think idea is...stupid.




Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jan 2007



/signed to close this thread.

Not happened for over 3 years, more important things to do.