Do people still play this game?




Join Date: Jun 2005



Originally Posted by Roza
Well, there are good and friendly guilds out there that would be happy to invite you, with rank 48 and all that. Just ask for a guild when in tombs (you will get a lot of posts, just ask some questions and you will find a nice one), or join a guild team in tombs and if you like the other players, ask if you can join.

thank you for the tips , but im guild leader , the guild is growing slow .. but we want pvp so we will get there.




Join Date: May 2005


I don't play Guild Wars anymore I bought the game the day after it came out (it wasn't available in my local store the day it came out) and played it for a bit, then got busy with work for a few month's and hardly played GW during that time. Then work quietened down and I got to play the game for awhile and played it regularly till hmm about a month ago when I stopped playing it.

Guess I got bored of it somewhat. Although I admit there are few games that actually hold my attention long enough to inspire me to actually finish them from start to finish in one sitting (one sitting = playing non-stop till I finish, whether it takes me 2 days or 2 month's to complete). For me some of my stoppage was boredom from doing the same things over and over - although thats my fault for restarting character's a lot, some frustrationg with the stupidness of henchmen (although the henchmen in GW are a *lot* better than the henchmen in some other games you can play...), getting annoyed with the stupidness/arrogance/etc of players in cities/outpost's and some other stuff I can't remember anymore.. hehehe

What keeps me even thinking about GW? The fact that I still want to finish the PvE storyline and see how it goes, I love the fact that I can quit the game and come back a month later and pick up where I left off, no monthly fee's.. and well, I like the game even if some parts of it drive me batty Oh and the game looks and sounds great IMO, and I like that I can kill the music if I want to listen to something else.

In all honesty I like GW quite a bit and will finish the PvE side of it at some point - thats definately a goal for me. There are few games which inspire me enough to go back to them and/or finish them and GW is one of them. I may only have played 400-500 hours, but that's been 400-500 hours of fun and enjoyment and in a way even though I'm not playing much right now, I still look forward eagerly to getting back into the game and playing it again - does that seem strange for a game I got "bored of"? hehe It's the same way I feel about a few other games.. some of which I've easily spent over 2K hours playing! hehe. I have never regretted GW and it's definately been worth the money I spent on it.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


I am still playing GW almost every night and with lots of enthusiasm. PVE only. I find the game still interesting even after so many months of play, because I am playing the game completely through with 5 primary professions (all but warrior, which I have no interest to try, guess that says a bit of what kind of player I am). When I say completely through, I mean I am doing each and every quest and mission, and not getting run. This takes time, but it is enjoyable to me because I am enjoying greatly trying out and learning all the unique skills and spells of each character class.

Anet did, in my opinion, a great job in designing each character class, where there is a primary skill line that can only be used by the profession as primary. This makes me want to play out each of the professions as primary professions, as opposed to just switching one character's secondary profession.

By playing the game completely with each profession, I am also learning well what all the various skills and spells can do, even the "low level" ones that might be abandoned later in the game. I doubt if people who get run through the game get such an intensive education and experience as I do, and the game must certainly seem boring in short time if one plays each profession in the same manner (e.g. tanking elementalists).

But this is just a game. And I know at some point it will get tiring and boring, and then I will stop playing every night. But I am happy to know that there is still enough to do in the game even after finishing the game, so that I can come back to GW every once in a while and enjoy it again (hopefully Anet will keep the servers going).



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Worthing, UK

(Don't fear) The Beaver

It's a great game, and I'll be happy to come back when I get Chapter 2 and a bunch of new content. Nice thing is as there is no monthly fee, I don't feel obligated to hang about and wait for stuff to happen (cough*ryzom*cough)...