I don't play Guild Wars anymore
I bought the game the day after it came out (it wasn't available in my local store the day it came out) and played it for a bit, then got busy with work for a few month's and hardly played GW during that time. Then work quietened down and I got to play the game for awhile and played it regularly till hmm about a month ago when I stopped playing it.
Guess I got bored of it somewhat. Although I admit there are few games that actually hold my attention long enough to inspire me to actually finish them from start to finish in one sitting (one sitting = playing non-stop till I finish, whether it takes me 2 days or 2 month's to complete). For me some of my stoppage was boredom from doing the same things over and over - although thats my fault for restarting character's a lot, some frustrationg with the stupidness of henchmen (although the henchmen in GW are a *lot* better than the henchmen in some other games you can play...), getting annoyed with the stupidness/arrogance/etc of players in cities/outpost's and some other stuff I can't remember anymore.. hehehe
What keeps me even thinking about GW? The fact that I still want to finish the PvE storyline and see how it goes, I love the fact that I can quit the game and come back a month later and pick up where I left off, no monthly fee's.. and well, I like the game even if some parts of it drive me batty
Oh and the game looks and sounds great IMO, and I like that I can kill the music if I want to listen to something else.
In all honesty I like GW quite a bit and will finish the PvE side of it at some point - thats definately a goal for me. There are few games which inspire me enough to go back to them and/or finish them and GW is one of them. I may only have played 400-500 hours, but that's been 400-500 hours of fun and enjoyment and in a way even though I'm not playing much right now, I still look forward eagerly to getting back into the game and playing it again - does that seem strange for a game I got "bored of"? hehe It's the same way I feel about a few other games.. some of which I've easily spent over 2K hours playing! hehe. I have never regretted GW and it's definately been worth the money I spent on it.