Rumors and Facts about Chaper 2
Saborath Gilgalad
Why aren't they going to rasie the level cap. Thats stupid, its easy to get to lvl 20 the cap should be rasied to at least lvl 40. In the new WoW expansion the cap will be lvl 60. Leaving it at lvl 20 is a very stupid idea on arenaNets part.
Originally Posted by Saborath Gilgalad
Why aren't they going to rasie the level cap. Thats stupid, its easy to get to lvl 20 the cap should be rasied to at least lvl 40. In the new WoW expansion the cap will be lvl 60. Leaving it at lvl 20 is a very stupid idea on arenaNets part.
And then ? raising the level cap does 3 things:
- makes people cry for higher lvl cap if they reached the new cap.
- makes the 24/7 players more powerfull than the average player, forces grind.
- unballances current skillsystem. makes spells/attacks weaker, because more life = less % damage/spell or damage/attack. 130 backfire ? haha i have 1200 life at lvl 60.
THIS game is designet for :
skill>tactic>teamplay>time>lvl>farming>items>money >grind
wanna exchange "<" for ">" ??? then play NwN, WoW, etc..any other mmorpg.
Maybe +5 lvls wouldnt hurt this much, but i hope it will never happen.
its easy to get to lvl 20 the cap should be rasied to at least lvl 40 |
Would I want level increase? Sure!! But I prefer a balanced game. This is why Starcraft has lasted so long with ancient graphics using only 3 races - balance.
If higher level cap means bad balance - I pass.
If you like leveling up- I suggest playing with traditional MMORPG.
Pandora's box
I'd say: raise the level cap for pve and freeze it for pvp. So when your level 33 at pve and you enter a pvp game you'r back at level 20, with a recalculation of life etc. Same for skill levels. Lets say its raised in pve to 20, if your swordskill (without addings) is 20, and you enter a pvp game, its reset to 12.
This way pvp will stay balanced and pve has more options to grow into a real rpg alike game.
This way pvp will stay balanced and pve has more options to grow into a real rpg alike game.
Originally Posted by Saborath Gilgalad
Why aren't they going to rasie the level cap. Thats stupid, its easy to get to lvl 20 the cap should be rasied to at least lvl 40. In the new WoW expansion the cap will be lvl 60. Leaving it at lvl 20 is a very stupid idea on arenaNets part.

This would be saying, lets just increase your staring health in magic. In magic, with each new expansion, old useless skills become hot with new skills and some of the current hot skill get beat down by new ones. “New” mechanics (new jobs) shake up the game as we know it and bring huge amounts of new varity – breath of life.
The reason they don't put out any info (they know what there working on) is they don't want to get people hyped up for a new feature that gets pulled before it goes live (and hear about it from us

Mimi Miyagi
I'm sure ANet's having a really good chuckle over the OP's post though.
Sir Skullcrasher
some of these rumors looked too good to be true. 4 Races.... hmmm can they make that many changes well putting new areas for people to explore? I doubt it. Bigger guild battle (16 vs 16) I'm sorry but you want bigger battle go play FPS like counter strike or any other FPS. 8 vs. 8 is already tough as it is... and with smaller guild out there, how can they get 16 people on the team. It would make the guild match a pain to endure and win it. Instead of making it fun.
I agree with crimsonfilms, that as long as the level cap doesn't change the balance of the game, i would pass on it. Adding 5 or even 10 level to the existing system would be cool if they included in Guild Wars 2.
I agree with crimsonfilms, that as long as the level cap doesn't change the balance of the game, i would pass on it. Adding 5 or even 10 level to the existing system would be cool if they included in Guild Wars 2.
Waylayer Brixt
Up to 16 people spiking one at once...
Taken at a glance I would say 16v16 is not smart.
But hey, if you have 16 on one side spiking, and 16 on the other spiking, a chaotic battle of people dieing every 2 sec might have qualities some would like.
Taken at a glance I would say 16v16 is not smart.
But hey, if you have 16 on one side spiking, and 16 on the other spiking, a chaotic battle of people dieing every 2 sec might have qualities some would like.
Pevil Lihatuh
if they can give more levels, make them still easy to reach and NOT unbalance the game, I'm for it.
However I doubt they can increase the cap without it being annoying to reach it, and make pvp unbalanced. Since this is the only game I pvp in (I hate things like WoW or UO where its all "omg i can hit faster than you coz I've got X amount of uberleet speed and you dont") i'd rather the balance doesn't get spoiled. If they can do it, all hail to them.
I do like gaining levels, but i have plenty of other games to do that in. At least this game is pretty unique
However I doubt they can increase the cap without it being annoying to reach it, and make pvp unbalanced. Since this is the only game I pvp in (I hate things like WoW or UO where its all "omg i can hit faster than you coz I've got X amount of uberleet speed and you dont") i'd rather the balance doesn't get spoiled. If they can do it, all hail to them.
I do like gaining levels, but i have plenty of other games to do that in. At least this game is pretty unique
16vs16 EoE would rape groups.
Originally Posted by User Name
apparently my Ford IS a Mercedes simply because I labeled it incorrectly. Also, I am an idiot. Kill me please.
The company that created the
Game World
labelled the
character classes
Therefore in your analogy:
The person who created the
labelled your
a "Mercedes".
if you have to buy chapter 2 im pipe bombing a-net and burn my copy and pipe bombing a-net again.
Somehow, I kinda agree with Saborath Gilgalad. I'd like to see more changes to PvE because these days, when you've reached level 20, PvE seems kinda boring without the leveling system (sorry, I'm used to Leveling MMORPGs). PvE is still kinda fun.. that's if you are farming or wanting to kill a certain boss, other than that, there's really no point in PvEing if GW is meant to be based on a tournament/battle play.
Mercury Angel
Originally Posted by Monseir
if you have to buy chapter 2 im pipe bombing a-net and burn my copy and pipe bombing a-net again.
It's been known for ages that Anet would support the server and developement costs by releasing large amounts of content in the form of "Chapters", in addition to free content updates such as, "Sorrow's Furnace".
The question has always been how long it would be between chapters, and what exactly each chapter entails. Edit: And price, forgot about that. >_<
Though I don't suggest quoting me on this, I'll look for a link later, but I believe it was mentioned that with Chapter 2, people who didn't buy it would still get some additional content as well.
I'd assume it'd be access to some of the new maps and whatever new skills and changes existing professions receive, for starters, among a few other quality of life improvements, like toggle capes (which has already been done, just using it as an example.)
But, that's totally speculation. Even what seems like common sense to one person can be totally off the mark.
Whether you buy chapter 2 or not, I don't believe Anet is going to entirely neglect you.
Price? I give you the Mishkin guarantee that it will cost £17.99 or less on
EDIT: on the day of release too...
EDIT: on the day of release too...

Originally Posted by Monseir
if you have to buy chapter 2 im pipe bombing a-net and burn my copy and pipe bombing a-net again.
Originally Posted by IceD'Bear
You will have to pay to access chapter 2 content, but you don't have to buy it if you want to continue playing chapter 1.
Hooray Nuke
i would think that chap 2 will have new places, somewhere past tyria or the place outside amnoon that everyone thinks is the arena. i think its called rin empire or something. im pretty sure its only 2 races added, but they will have 9 char slots for all the proffessions and one extra for PvP, i think that would make sense.
If they give us 9 (+1pvp) character slots I WILL EAT MY LEG.
It would be cool to have a PVP only slot, but I reckon we'll have 6, 7 slots maximum.
It would be cool to have a PVP only slot, but I reckon we'll have 6, 7 slots maximum.
Originally Posted by Hooray Nuke
i would think that chap 2 will have new places, somewhere past tyria or the place outside amnoon that everyone thinks is the arena. i think its called rin empire or something. im pretty sure its only 2 races added, but they will have 9 char slots for all the proffessions and one extra for PvP, i think that would make sense.
Originally Posted by -Loki-
Rin is where you ended up after the Nolani Academy mission where Rurik has his showdown with Adleburn. The door off the side of Amnoon is the arena. Do some random arenas and you eventually fight tere, and it uncovers the map for you in there. The biggest hope people have is the possibility of going to Cantha., which is way south, past the Fire Islands.
Definitely be looking forward to the ima have a hard time sleeping right now
Hanuman li Tosh
Originally Posted by Saborath Gilgalad
Why aren't they going to rasie the level cap. Thats stupid, its easy to get to lvl 20 the cap should be rasied to at least lvl 40. In the new WoW expansion the cap will be lvl 60. Leaving it at lvl 20 is a very stupid idea on arenaNets part.
Mandy Memory
i know you can download the expansion...just like you can download this game...
and to get 1 wrong makes me think they all are wrong (and on the race one...we can only hope its wrong)
and to get 1 wrong makes me think they all are wrong (and on the race one...we can only hope its wrong)
If there will be an additional race then the game should have another story. As in you would be playing Charr that invade Ascalon... or something like that. Arenas would be have to be devided and lots of other stuff should be taken into consideration. All in all it would make no sense at all... at least to me.
Wait til next year and we all will see what it's all about.
Wait til next year and we all will see what it's all about.
Originally Posted by Sister Rosette
So let me get this straight, you don't want a copy of these classes, you
want a copy of something else that's been done to death? ![]() |
Originally Posted by Saborath Gilgalad
Why aren't they going to rasie the level cap. Thats stupid, its easy to get to lvl 20 the cap should be rasied to at least lvl 40. In the new WoW expansion the cap will be lvl 60. Leaving it at lvl 20 is a very stupid idea on arenaNets part.
This game isn't WoW, stop confusing the two.
The issues with lvl cap are as follows.
PvE will be boring unless lvl cap is bumped up, even a bit to 25-30. BUT OH NOES!!! This will affect ppl in PvP, and ppl with expansion are lvl 25 or so, and ppl without are lvl 20, oh noes!
Unless Anet made it so lvl 20 was the cap for pvp, and no pve player could enter pvp unless they were lvl 20, or they got downgraded to lvl 20 for the duration of the pvp match or whatever.
Mimi Miyagi
Or...they made a new hall of heros for level 30s (or whatever). Level restrict the current tombs to 20, like any other arena. Le the expansion players play in hteir own hall - with it's own rewards - and let the original game players have theirs.
Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?
Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?
Ice Blessings
To balance out the expansion, will old charaters be given new skills to counter expansion playable charaters? Or will we still have the same skills?
Also.. will anet keep updating the "orginal" game or just the expansion?
Also.. will anet keep updating the "orginal" game or just the expansion?
Popping in a for a couple of quick notes:
1. This is "Rumors and Facts about Chaper [sic] 2", not "debate meanings" or "lvl cap discussion". I don't feel like going back and deleting all those posts, so stop responding to User Name (who was banned for a reason) and don't respond to whoever posted about level caps.
2. You can disagree with moderators if you want to; just do it politely, as being rude/stupid is like selling drugs to a policeman. Better yet, just don't be rude to anyone.
1. This is "Rumors and Facts about Chaper [sic] 2", not "debate meanings" or "lvl cap discussion". I don't feel like going back and deleting all those posts, so stop responding to User Name (who was banned for a reason) and don't respond to whoever posted about level caps.
2. You can disagree with moderators if you want to; just do it politely, as being rude/stupid is like selling drugs to a policeman. Better yet, just don't be rude to anyone.
Originally Posted by Ice Blessings
To balance out the expansion, will old charaters be given new skills to counter expansion playable charaters? Or will we still have the same skills?
Also.. will anet keep updating the "orginal" game or just the expansion? ~Ice~ |
2. Yes, they will be updating both games, but much more notably on the Chapter 2 server(s), so you don't have to worry about it
Originally Posted by Vilaptca
I thought they said new RACE. As, not raceS...
Mursatt, Charr, those are different races.
my guess
no new races to play with ... ( if they put a new playable race , everyone will play that race from the start of GW2 .. and then ... old GW world would be empty )
new professions , yes ...
new skills for every profession , yes
new map , of corse
new game mechanics ... i hope so ( quests that lead to pvp and after to pve and then to pvp , ... this could make some missions almost impossible just to get there ... its what i want )
no new races to play with ... ( if they put a new playable race , everyone will play that race from the start of GW2 .. and then ... old GW world would be empty )
new professions , yes ...
new skills for every profession , yes
new map , of corse
new game mechanics ... i hope so ( quests that lead to pvp and after to pve and then to pvp , ... this could make some missions almost impossible just to get there ... its what i want )
One thing is certain.... it will be a retail release... and you will have to buy it.
One thing is certain.... it will be a retail release... and you will have to buy it.
Originally Posted by neoteo
new map , of corse
Mimi Miyagi
Well, if the second game is "supposed" to have the same amount of content as the first, it would entail a new map - perhaps accessed via a portal on the current map. There just isn't any room on the current map to provide as much content except via the same mechanics they used for SF, UW, FoW, etc. I doubt they would go that same route, as certain parts of your game HUD (map, radar, etc) don't work properly as it does in the "world".
But, we'll see in another 6 months or so, I guess.
But, we'll see in another 6 months or so, I guess.
o well, this doesnt really concern me, ill be moving on to the next game and being mind robbed back into diablo 2 by the time chapter 2 comes out
Originally Posted by generik
Tip, humans are all one race, that includes rangers.. eles.. warriors.. what have you.
Mursatt, Charr, those are different races. |
I decided to look anyway. The frog says we will see new races (monsters to fight and such) but he wasn't sure about playing a new race, he hasn't heard anything about that.
I'll keep reading, but I thought there was one where they said we could play a new race.
Originally Posted by Omega_2005
1. There was a comment about new skills. IMHO I think there will be newer skills, or more powerful versions of the skills available to those characters wielding the Chapter 2 Set
Not more powerfull. If they really do what they promised there will be just MORE skills for those having the expansion, not more powerfull skills. You should be still able to fight chapter2-chars with chapter1-chars. Only difference that will occur : the chapter2-people have more options to choose from and not access to godlike "crush any chapter1-creep-skills".
In magic The Gathering this principle failed, because at some point of the new cardsets the "developers" invented creatures with skills you could only counter by having creatures of the same cardset yourself. That was the point i stopped playing MtG. I hope it does NOT happen to GW. If you (devs) introduce any new abilities (not skills) make them accessable for all chars. (stupid example : floating chars can only be hitten by floating chars)
label a mercedes... hehe...
For an astronomer/astrophysics, any element other than Helium and Hydrogen in the periodic system is a metal. For chemists this label happens too be used for elements found later in the periodic system. And those guys are scientists.
Mimi Miyagi
Originally Posted by Urda
Not more powerfull. If they really do what they promised there will be just MORE skills for those having the expansion, not more powerfull skills. You should be still able to fight chapter2-chars with chapter1-chars. Only difference that will occur : the chapter2-people have more options to choose from and not access to godlike "crush any chapter1-creep-skills". |
I'm sure that ANet is very cognizant of game balance, after all, they have been nerfing skills since day one, but that doesn't mean any skills/items/monsters will be the same levels, power, whatever as what is currently in the game in the next expansion. Anything passed off as "fact" is nothing more than conjecture, except what has been specifically noted in interviews, chats, etc - which has been fairly vague, IMO.
We don't even know how many new professions there will be.