Originally Posted by NowTumi
did you bother reading my full post or are you just trolling for comments or what?
1. at least two of them, whom i talked to, are NOT sweatshop managers. i like to ask what you based your "all of them are..." statements on. 2. as previously mentioned, i see anglicized chinese named (chinese pronounciation spelled in english) as well as korean characters. it could just be that chinese can't be used in names yet. 3 - 5. err -- i actually sold a crystalline sword... it was pretty much a give-away. i think the buyer is a guy / gal in taiwan (not mainland china). 6. doh-duh -- if you had read my post, you would have noticed that i translated the chinese with english phonem based spelling as well. 7. you talked to a bot? what did it say? "Hi, I am a bot script?" The people i talked to actually replied "hi", one guy did a /wave. that doesn't sounds like bots to me. 8. so how do you know the guys in LA D1 are not biz people? after all, they could be buying the weapons in AR IntD1 and selling in LA D1 and the extra gold they then sell on ebay? my post based on the fact that I am a Chinese American who can speak and type Chinese and I talk with them on instant messager group chat everyday. I often get price infomation from them since they are pros in selling/buying. I myself am totally against game money for real money thing. All my transactions are not involved in real money.BTW, my post did not point to your posts, just in general clarifying some misunderstanding about them. no need to get so personal. |
Anyways, some of them may be farmers, but no need to crash on the lot.
I can translate some if you like. No over-requests though