10 Dec 2005 at 21:17 - 310
Here's my idea for the Assassin:
Evasion (Primary): each point in evasion increases your chance to dodge attacks by 2%. Many skills, especially those related to hiding, dodging, or enhancing speed/mobility become more effective with higher Evasion.
Tools(?): No inherent effect. Many assassin skills, especially those that use tools such as bombs, caltrops, daggers, or drinks become more effective with higher Tools(?).
Poisons: No Inherent effect. Many assassin skills, especially those relating to the use of poisons to weaken or harm opponents, become more effective with higher Poisons.
Weapons Artist(?): Increases the damage you do with Dual-wield weapons, and your chance to inflict a critical hit with them. Many skills, especially Dual-wielded weapons skills or those that aid the assassin's melee attacking capabilities become more effective with a higher Weapons Artist.
Some Skills:
Healing Potion(?): 5 energy, 5/4 second cast, 4s reset.
Skill. Restore 50...160 health. Easily interrupted. Tools.
Caltrops: 5 energy, 1 second cast, 30s reset.
Skill. Cripple target foe and all adjacent foes for 3...15 seconds. Tools.
Smoke Bomb(?): 10 energy, 1/2 second cast, 30s reset.
Skill. Target foe and all adjacent foes become blinded for 2...10 seconds. Tools.
Shadow Thread: 10 energy, 1 second cast, 8s reset.
Skill. Throw a series of 4 daggers at target foe dealing 2...20 damage per dagger. Tools.
Kunai: 5 energy, 1/2 second cast, 4s reset.
Skill. Throw a dagger at target foe, dealing 4...40 damage. Kunai moves 2x faster than normal projectiles. Tools.
Dagger Fan(?): 10 energy, 1 second cast, 4s reset.
Skill. Throw a dagger at target foe and up to 5 adjacent foes, dealing 2...20 damage each. Tools. (This skill has a very wide "adjacent" range.)
Blasting Powder(?): 5 energy, 2 second cast, 10s reset.
Preparation. All dagger attacks inerrupt target foe and all adjacent foes, as well as blinding them for 1...3 seconds. This preparation lasts 15 seconds. Tools.
Venomous Blades: 10 energy, 2 second cast, 12s reset.
Preparation. Melee weapons and dagger attacks inflict poison for 2...14 seconds. This Preparation lasts 24 seconds. Poisons.
Dark Fever: 10 energy, 2 second cast, 12s reset.
Preparation. Melee weapons and dagger attacks inflict Dark Fever poison, increasing casting time 70% for 2...14 seconds. This preparation lasts 24 seconds. Poisons.
Shadow Lacerations: 10 energy, 2 second cast, 12s reset.
Preparation. Melee weapons and dagger attacks deal an additional 2...12 shadow damage. This preparation lasts 30s. Poisons.
Touch of Death: 15 energy, 2 second cast, 12s reset.
Preparation. Your next melee weapon or dagger attack inflicts Touch of Death, this lasts for 12 seconds. Once Touch of Death ends, the victim takes 30...130 damage through armor. This preparation lasts 30s or untill someone is succesfully hit with an effected attack. If more than one foe is struck with this, then the targeted foe will recieve the effect. Poisons.
Mercurial Assualt(?): 5 energy, instant cast, 5s reset.
Stance. Attack speed increases by 33% for 6...12 seconds, also, all non-assassin skills become disabled for 6 seconds and stealth state is deactivated. Weapons Artist.
Rain of Daggers(?): 5 energy, instant cast, 5s reset.
Stance. For 10 seconds, Dagger skills recharge 30...60% more quickly and cost 40% less energy to use, also, all auto-attacks are disabled for 5 seconds. Weapons Artist.
Wisp Blade: 6 adrenaline.
Dual-wield attack. Strike target foe and all foes adjacent to yourself for +2...20 damage. Weapons Artist.
Marrionette: 5 energy, 8s reset.
Dual-wield attack. Target foe suffers from Crippling and Bleeding for 4...20seconds. Weapons Artist.
Cross Slash(?): 4 adrenaline.
Dual-wield attack: strike target foe twice, inflicting weakness for 1...5 seconds. Weapons Artist.
Gouge: 4 adrenaline, lose all adrenaline on use.
Dual-wield attack. You attack the target foe, causing blindness for 1...5 seconds. Weapons Artist.
Silent Rage(?): 6 adrenaline.
Dual-wield attack. Strike target foe 4 times, dealing 30...20% reduced damage. Also, all enchantments are removed from yourself when using this attack. Weapons Artist.
Wraith Slash(?): Instant cast, 4s reset.
Skill. For 8 seconds, evade the next attack against you, if this was a melee attack, you strike the foe for 5...20 damage. Your active preparation takes effect on this attack, as with any normal one. Weapons Artist.
Shadow Step: 10 energy, instant cast, 10s reset.
Stance. For 4...16 seconds, you move 40% faster, also, attack skills are disabled for the duration. Evasion.
Dark Shift: 5 energy, 1/2 second cast, 45s reset.
Skill. Appear directly behind the target foe and attack once. Any Preparation effects caused from this attack have their attribute-altered effects doubled. Range 5...25 feet. Evasion.
Shadow Weave: 10 energy, 5/4 second cast, 15s reset.
Enchantment(Stealth?). The Assassin enters a "stealth" state for 10...60 seconds. This skill is easily interrupted. Any direct damage recieved while in this state will remove it from you. Evasion.
(While in the stealth state, the Assassin cannot be highlighted by any means other than a direct "mouse-over", becomes very semi-transparent, they do not appear on enemy radar, and the Assassin's NPC aggro range is reduced to 1/8 of normal.)
Soul Shadow(?): Skill. While this skill is in the toolbar, the assassin is followed by a double of itself. This double has all of the same armor, weapons, and skills. But it's armor level is reduced to 40...80%, and it's health is reduced to 20...50% of that Assassin's. Selecting the skill from the toolbar will toggle on and off whether or not the double will follow you, or stay in exactly the same spot. Also, the double will not fight unless attacked in melee, or if the Assassin begins attacking a target while the double is actively following. Selecting the icon will also ressurect the double for 15 energy and disabling all skills for 10 seconds if it has died.
Summon Shadows(?): 15 energy, 4 second cast, 40s reset.
Spell. Summon 1...6 doubles of yourself for 15...60 seconds. These doubles appear exact in every way to the assassin, follow the assassin very closely, and will attack any target the assassin does. But they do NOT do any actual damage, they are immune to AoE attacks, and they only have 1...60 health, though armor level is still equall to that of the assassin. Also, they will APPEAR to cast any skill the actual assassin uses, though the skills are only capable of applying effects to themselves. Evasion.
Tranquil(?): 5 energy, 10s reset.
Maintained enchantment(Meditation?). While you maintain this enchantment, you are unable to move, attack, or cast any spells other than Tranquil. But you gain +6 energy regeneration and +2 health regeneration. No Attribute.
Art of Withering(?): 10 energy, instant cast, 45s reset.
Stance. For the next 20 seconds, all preparations are instant cast, their energy cost reduced by 10, and recharge 80% more quickly. No Attribute.
The (?) symbols after some names mean that i'm not sure that is what the name should be.
I've made some of the skills that would be a little too powerful to use mid-fight "easily interrupted" so that to actually use them in the middle of a melee fight, you would first need to do something such as blinding the enemy. For example, to use the Healing Potion skill, you would first have to use Gouge, or to escape a fight; you could throw down a smoke bomb, go into Shadow Weave/Stealth, and then you could use Shadow Step.
Also, while Dark Fever is technically a hex, it would be cured by skills that cure poison, rather than skills that remove hexes.
And with the dagger attack skills I listed, they might seem to do kind of low damage for the energy cost, but the idea is to use them with preparations/poisons. For example, you could Use Dark Fever with Kunai to quickly weaken a specific casters abilities, or you could use Shadow Lacerations with Shadow Thread to do serious damage.
I've come across what might be a problem; to be an effective assassin with skills like these, you would practically have to put almost every attribute point into all of the various assassin skill lines. To offset this, the skills should scale quickly in power from the start, and gain less with each consecutive attribute point, untill still reaching the mentioned skill maximums at 12 points. So you might increase the healing on Healing Potion from 50 to 75 with your first point, but the next would bring it 92. (Probably not the actual numbers i'd suggest using with that skill.) Also, any point after 12 should increase the skill by a normal rate.
I'm not certain, but I think the Soul Shadow double should have the same name as the assassin too, but appear in the "Ally" part of the party tab for healing purposes. That would be hilarious to leave your double standing somewhere out in the open in PvP, watching from stealth as the other team walks up, "OMG, hes just standing there!" then throw a smoke bomb and a venomous Dagger Fan down as they crowd the double to take it out, and run away, lol.
I am going to continue to add more skills to this post as I think of them.
(EDIT)-Haha, I hadn't read the forum much before posting this, and now that I have, it seems like I had stolen a lot of the ideas and tweaked them. I swear that isnt what I did, heheh.