What's wrong with people?

Principa Discordia

Principa Discordia

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Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by Sideways
Simply put: people take games WAY too seriously.
As someone said earlier, it's different when the person/people in question seem to be going out of their way to make sure the whole team dies; People who only use team chat to type "STFU", "FU" and "N00B" without even reading it, people who rush into battle without even keeping with the team (resulting in their grizzly death by two or more opponents), and people who run off attacking whoever they like as the other three team members are concentrating on taking out the main healer/tank of the opposing team and ending up getting themselves killed.

I can accept "it's only a game", I can accept "don't take it too seriously", I can accept "oops, we died", and I can accept "sorry guys I didn't mean to screw up", but only to a point. When that point reaches being an utter retard and/or doing it on purpose then I really don't want to play on the same team as that person. I can handle losing, I can even handle losing consistently, I just can't handle losing because some retard won't even try and then has the nerve to chew me out because they obviously have no will to succeed or will to learn the game.

Edit: Oh, and if you read my earlier post, I mainly get mad when I seem to be stuck in whole teams of morons, and it happens.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

I agree, there's never a really good reason to curse at someone or put them down.
If you want to teach someone, then just tell them what to do.
Don't wait until they make the same mistake over and over and then lash out at them when you've built up your anger enough.

Also, if you want to criticize someone, it's usually better to whisper it. Most people don't like being citicized in public, but they will appreciate helpful suggestions.

In fact, I think that whispering is also a good way to deal with irrational jerks who curse at you.
When they start shouting and cursing at you, try responding through whispers to the guy.
People will usually calm down when you start talking with them one-on-one. When you start fighting over global or team chat, things tend to get out of hand since no one wants to back down in front of bystanders. I've actually come away with a few appologizes when I've done this.
However, there's always the occasional lunatic who will keep screaming at you over party chat even when you switch to whisper. These people end up looking like psychotic jerks when they keep ranting while you appear to be cool and calm.

Also, this post is not about complacent players, it's about people who curse and put others down over a bad play. The OP never said he didn't care about the game. He only said that people who get so angry that they start cursing and yelling at people need to realize that the purpose of the game is to have fun not win all the time.

Witchfinder General

Witchfinder General

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

They draw genitalia on the little radar. Kids are so cute.

Principa Discordia

Principa Discordia

Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by Witchfinder General
They draw genitalia on the little radar. Kids are so cute.
LOL! I've only seen that happen once, I've seen a lot of smiley faces though. And no, I didn't do it.

Witchfinder General

Witchfinder General

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Of course my title "kids" is a reference to mental age not calendar age
It doesn't offend me it is just damn funny .
Just like the whiteboards here at work, computerized scrolling, printable super whiteboards... People draw silly doodles on them... yaay for crazy expensive tech being used to tell dirrty jokes in pictogram form.

As for ress signet I bring it to the 4v4 pugs but doubt I will keep a slot for in more organized pvp environs like GvG

Pevil Lihatuh

Pevil Lihatuh

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Yorkshire, UK


lol i've been stuck in teams of nothing but morons. The point in getting mad? None. Well ok so i DO get mad, but i don't yell at them. It won't do any good, because htey are morons. So i just say 'sorry guys, gotta go' then leave that group. simple


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

I've got a good one okay I was doing I think the river mission anyway where you fight in arena's against stuff and the priest respawns them every two minutes. Okay so we had just died because people weren't able to read that we in the 2nd arena two teams at once and they sort of ran around trying to kill both teams at once and well of course we all died.

So we restart I wanted to skip the as many mobs along the way but they wanted the moral bonus so we killed all but one of the sand giants in the end. So we get to the arena kill off the mobs and well I start attacking the priest I tell everyone to attack the priest I fill up the chat log by spaming control attack but everyone except for my mate who came with me were attacking the boss. So once the whole team respawned right next to me I got rather annoyed and yelled at them since I well I figure they don't understand english and it won't matter and left. A minute later I get someone saying I'm an idiot that we have to kill the priest I kind of pointed out too him that he was attacking the boss and not the priest. So he tells me its might fault because we didn't get enough of a moral bonus.

Devil's Dictionary

Devil's Dictionary

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2005

Presumed missing...


Sometimes when use complicated skill combinations you simply don't have enough space in your skill belt for a Ressurection Signet. You should be able to trust your monk to be able to ressurect you when you die and with the number of Something/Mo in the game, I don't think always having the signet is a must.

Yeah, I played with a ridiculous PUG today. In the Fort Ranik mission they didn't bring a monk. Yeah, everyone of us had the signet, however everyone died so many times that eventually they run out of uses.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

I love it whern they are screaming at you for dieign but they did not thiink to bring resurect, possibly the most useful skill in PvP. I always have resurect, and res people as soon as they are down. Yet you ge some right Munters who won't go for the healers then scream at everyone when they get owned. I think it's a case of they don't think of workign as a team but prefr to work alone.

I ahda righ Munter in one mission who has a res left but fjust ran off to do his own thing,ignoreing all of us who ahd played the mission before. I got waistd and this guy just insulted everying becasue becasue he did not think of working as a team.

All I have to say is. It's all about the team. Keeping your party alive is the most important. So make sure you have packed your resurect skill.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

Also I make apoint of inviteing good payers to my guild this way if your stuck you know you have peopel who will work with you. rather than people who have there own ideas which are usually wrong.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by Ellestar
You really can't read or you're just a troll?
Hahaha! You're still a jerk even if you admit to being a jerk and don't change. If anything, admitting to knowing that yelling at someone else is an immature way to deal with frustration and generally disaffective but doing it anyway is WORSE than just plain old being immature and yelling.