GW on 56K?
Bahamut Zero
I'm really surprised that no one is talking about this already... maybe I missed it and it's not a problem, or it's just not possible...
Well, the question is:
Does GW play at all (or at least worth a crap) on 56k connections?
All I really need is a few one word answers from anyone who has tried it or knows from experience, thank you
Well, the question is:
Does GW play at all (or at least worth a crap) on 56k connections?
All I really need is a few one word answers from anyone who has tried it or knows from experience, thank you
Principa Discordia
I've only really ever seen one mention of it, and that was a complaint about loading times when moving from a city to the wild, or from city to city. Something about how it has to download new files.
I'm not entirely sure as I don't use 56k but it sounded like a harsh issue. Maybe a 56k user will stop by and help you out.
I'm not entirely sure as I don't use 56k but it sounded like a harsh issue. Maybe a 56k user will stop by and help you out.
Bahamut Zero
thanks for the info, but I have one comment: There are very rarely files to be downloaded while traveling if you installed the game with the CD. I know this because I am personally running the game on 384k cable, and this thread could really help a friend of mine (a potential W/Mo lol), and i really want him to start playing if possible. So if anybody knows someone playing on 56k, lemme know please!
Principa Discordia
Yeah, I had a feeling I could've been talking nonsense. Like I said it wasn't a problem I've had, just one I read about. *Shrug.*
I am playing on 56K (actually around 42 - 46K) and the game plays great. If you have the full retail version there aren't any files to load when you enter a new area unless the area has been patched. Even then it is a very quick affair. The longest I have ever had to wait for a new area to load was around 45 seconds when it had 15 files to transfer. If you have ever played City of Heros on 56K, this game is pretty close to that as far as performance goes, actually it is a bit better. I got some lagging on CoH and don't with GW. It is really nice that the patching is streamed in the background so there is no waiting for an update before you can play.
I haven't played on broadband, but I would suspect that the gameplay is very close to broadband performance on dialup. It is really amazingly well done especially with no monthly fees!
I haven't played on broadband, but I would suspect that the gameplay is very close to broadband performance on dialup. It is really amazingly well done especially with no monthly fees!
it depends on the game version
Retail: Only downloads new content, streamed in. Not a problem for modem users (well, not now, it depends how much they stream into the world
Web: Downloads all content as soon as you enter into a new zone. Can be 30mb the first time. Not a good plan for the bandwidth impaired.
Retail: Only downloads new content, streamed in. Not a problem for modem users (well, not now, it depends how much they stream into the world

Web: Downloads all content as soon as you enter into a new zone. Can be 30mb the first time. Not a good plan for the bandwidth impaired.
I have someone in my guild with ISDN, of course it's a bit of a speed difference. But he says he can play just fine.
Bahamut Zero
Sweet. Thanks guys
One more question: Davidmor, can you give me your system specs?... just wanna know how much RAM, video card stuff, and maybe processor speed. I would assume that the game would want these specs to make up for some online lag... so if you can, i'd like that info
Thx again for the help
One more question: Davidmor, can you give me your system specs?... just wanna know how much RAM, video card stuff, and maybe processor speed. I would assume that the game would want these specs to make up for some online lag... so if you can, i'd like that info
Thx again for the help
Originally Posted by Bahamut Zero
Sweet. Thanks guys
One more question: Davidmor, can you give me your system specs?... just wanna know how much RAM, video card stuff, and maybe processor speed. I would assume that the game would want these specs to make up for some online lag... so if you can, i'd like that info Thx again for the help |
Bahamut Zero
thanks davidmor, i kinda thought the comp specs meant more than the connection speed. And, just for the record, your comp's ram and videocard are awesome.
Originally Posted by Bahamut Zero
thanks davidmor, i kinda thought the comp specs meant more than the connection speed. And, just for the record, your comp's ram and videocard are awesome.

I just ordered GW from ebgames (got free 3 day shipping
) and i have 56k. But I only connect at 28.8 kbps or 31.2 kbps at my max. Do you think that will affect me any?

It will probably affect you a little, but not much. In the towns/outposts where it is heavily populated you will probably see a little lag but once you go out into a mission you won't notice much. I did a 2 hour session connected at 26.6 and I didn't notice any lag at all in the missions and only a little bit in the towns. That was both PvE and PvP. You should be fine.
My friend played on 56k till a few days ago.
The only trouble he had was a bit longer load time, and dropping out.
He dropped out alot.
The only trouble he had was a bit longer load time, and dropping out.
He dropped out alot.
A game doesnt use 56 kb/sec from a user. Not even a mmorpg, and if it does the developers really should think about what the heck they are doing
Usually its around 8bit/sec for normal online games

Usually its around 8bit/sec for normal online games
I also have a 56K connection, and it doesn't seem that i'll change any time soon.
I know my pc is good enough to run Guild Wars, since i can play Half Life 2, no problems.
But will i have any problems with the streaming or downloading in new areas?
I haven't yet brought the game (im probably going to). But every time i start the GW client i downloaded (just to admire the login screen
), it has to download like 15 files. This is a bit annoying, will it be doing this all the time, even when i have brought the game CD and installed it onto Hard Disk.
I know my pc is good enough to run Guild Wars, since i can play Half Life 2, no problems.
But will i have any problems with the streaming or downloading in new areas?
I haven't yet brought the game (im probably going to). But every time i start the GW client i downloaded (just to admire the login screen

I'm on 56k, but after my character creation, I automatically get sent to the loading screen for Ascalon, and there's like, 8,600 files to download, which would probably take 24 hours, which I'm just not gonna do!
Surely all of these files aren't just patches?
I have the retail version, I didn't download it, so I shouldn't have to download everything for every town or
Surely all of these files aren't just patches?
I have the retail version, I didn't download it, so I shouldn't have to download everything for every town or
Wrath Of Dragons
What I recommend is going to the charachter logon screen, and then leave it overnight.
56k works fine, its just the load times after large updates
56k works fine, its just the load times after large updates
Kuldebar Valiturus
What may help those people that have low bandwidth connections (dial-up) is getting a copy of the GW.DAT from someone. Assuming you have a real life friend that plays the game on a fast connection, just have them get you a copy of their DAT file after they have done a -image.
This will reduce your streamed updates to zero until the next major game update.
Guild Wars plays very well on low bandwidth connections, the only draw back is large updates. If you don't have the retail version this will present a big problem. But, even with the retail version large game updates will still pose a delay.
So, just get a friend to give you a copy of his GW.DAT. (2-4 gigs)
This will reduce your streamed updates to zero until the next major game update.
-image Guild Wars client is designed to download the streaming updates in the background or when needed, in a way that will not much interfere with the user. This, however means that when a large-scale update is released, users may be required to wait while necessary files are downloaded and decompressed upon entering a new zone. With this switch, you can force the client to download and decompress all the pending updates on start up so you will not have to wait while entering a new area or mission. |
So, just get a friend to give you a copy of his GW.DAT. (2-4 gigs)
This is where my computer illiteracy comes in...
I have a friend who plays GW on a 4MB broadband connnection.
But what is GW.DAT, and how could he go around giving it to me?
Thanks for the replies by the way!

I have a friend who plays GW on a 4MB broadband connnection.
But what is GW.DAT, and how could he go around giving it to me?
Thanks for the replies by the way!
The Pointless
GW.DAT is the main file holding all GW data. Every map, model, image and sound is compressed and stored in that file, including any updates. When the game needs something, it extracts the files from GW.DAT and decompresses it.
The easiest and least bandwidth wasting option may be just to burn it to a Dual Layer DVD and pass it on to you to copy into your GW folder.
(If your friend can actually find Dual Layer DVDs anywhere!
The easiest and least bandwidth wasting option may be just to burn it to a Dual Layer DVD and pass it on to you to copy into your GW folder.
(If your friend can actually find Dual Layer DVDs anywhere!
I remember that A.Net stated that GW's networking was specifically designed for 56k.
What file can GW.dat be found in?
How do I navigate the computer to find it?
How do I navigate the computer to find it?
Cottage Pie
I am on a big fat 10MB connection MWhahahahahaha *laughs at you all* but anyhow, It will help you to run guildwars with the -image command if you experience lots of loading waits, the -image command downloads and decompresses all current gameplay files, something to leave your computer on overnight for. Just make sure that you remove the -image from the shortcut after it's done, cos guildwars will just close once all files are decompressed.
My gw.dat file is now 9GB for some stupid reason, so getting a mates might not be possible unless you split it.
My gw.dat file is now 9GB for some stupid reason, so getting a mates might not be possible unless you split it.
9 gb? wow....
Why, what is it usually?
The Pointless
Originally Posted by -Orestes-
What file can GW.dat be found in?
How do I navigate the computer to find it? |
As for the 9GB, my guess is that's everything for the 3 current games plus updates, including holiday events. Maybe a bit of rubbish from the Previews have been left in there too

Wrath Of Dragons
no. the 9gig is a leftover from a bug back in the day. it will gradually shrink. i remember an article somewhere, but i cant find it. It should be less then 4gig. If he has a dvd burner or an external harddrive, have him copy the GW.dat onto it, then you just go in and replace the one you have with the new one
Lady Lozza
Dial-up connection are only a problem when updates happen. That is AFTER you have downloaded the original game files. For those who are just starting to play now, you have to realise that the original game has been out for over a year now (1.5yrs to be exact) and has had multiple changes to its engine, gfx, and also content. It should also be noted that Factions and NF are not run on separate servers, so you have to download some of the stuff relating to those campaigns as well. First load will be hell, but the game itself is completely playable on a dial-up connection. I was playing for a while on a 56k modem, but a 28k line.
I run a dual 6k dsl line at home. But while I am at work I use a seira Wireless modem that connects through Cingular, which can be compareable to the slowest dial-up connection. I only have problems when there are major updates and my signal is low, sol Guild Wars should play quite well on a 56k dial up. You will encounter some slowdown during the loading screensand even possibly during the misssions, but that should be expected especialy during times where there are a lot of players on. Other than those issues you should be fine, just gotta put up with a bit of the headaches.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Bane of Worlds
If you own Nightfall then try to install it from the 3 CDs or 1 DVD(if you own NF CE) and you should have a file size of 2.88 GB as of Nov18(this is what my gw.dat file size is atm and during of the halloween event the file size was 2.77GB). You could also just physically move the gw.dat file from the DVD and have it load the updates(I done this).Don't leave game client in -image in a single setting as it actually yields a larger size but periodically load an area to "see" game client use the space efficiently. You'll actually see the gw.dat file decrease and not just get larger as the game client is writing over the outdated files and not just adding to .dat file. Also, try to go to your program folder and physically delete the old file.
You could find a friend who has it also but gw is can be ran fairly well unless you want to use a program like teamspeak or vent on top on of it as highend pvp requires...
I"m a dialup user sadly...
---Follower of Grenth
You could find a friend who has it also but gw is can be ran fairly well unless you want to use a program like teamspeak or vent on top on of it as highend pvp requires...
I"m a dialup user sadly...

---Follower of Grenth
My friend plays GW on a 56k connection and it plays fine. The only thing that slows him down alot is when there is a large update that comes out and he is stuck downloading it for a little while. For the rest of it, it plays fine.
I'm on a 56k connection. GW runs fine (lags a little at certain time periods, basically when the servers are all really crowded, ie. weekends, early evenings, etc.) for the most part.
Of course updates can be a problem, but that's something I can deal with considering ingame performance is pretty good.
Now, I think there's two retail versions of Prophecies, since some people have stated that if you install it from the CDs you don't have to download much other than patches...this was not the case for me. Installing from the CDs installed a scant megabyte or two, then downloaded the rest when I went through character creation the first time. Yes, I had to sit at the "Ascalon City" loading screen for around 20 hours. Thankfully that was the longest one, all other major loads have been at most 8 hours or less.
I still sometimes have to load when I enter an area (even if I've been to it before), either because they've updated it, or someone I'm partied with has content I havn't loaded before (Like a weapon or minipet or skill).
Bottom line? GW is definatly playable on 56k, if you have some patience, and are willing to put up with loadiing sometimes, and the occasional lag spikes. I'd say it's absolutly worth going through that, considering how well it runs ingame.
Of course updates can be a problem, but that's something I can deal with considering ingame performance is pretty good.
Now, I think there's two retail versions of Prophecies, since some people have stated that if you install it from the CDs you don't have to download much other than patches...this was not the case for me. Installing from the CDs installed a scant megabyte or two, then downloaded the rest when I went through character creation the first time. Yes, I had to sit at the "Ascalon City" loading screen for around 20 hours. Thankfully that was the longest one, all other major loads have been at most 8 hours or less.
I still sometimes have to load when I enter an area (even if I've been to it before), either because they've updated it, or someone I'm partied with has content I havn't loaded before (Like a weapon or minipet or skill).
Bottom line? GW is definatly playable on 56k, if you have some patience, and are willing to put up with loadiing sometimes, and the occasional lag spikes. I'd say it's absolutly worth going through that, considering how well it runs ingame.
we had 4 copies running off of a ~56k dialup connection at once before, with minimal lag. however that was a while ago and i doubt that it would work as well now
Dont forget that not just the speed, but the quality of the connection is an issue as well. A lot of my lag issues in some games have shown to be from too many bad(timeout)hops.
Yes GW is quite playable on 56k in fact better than many online games! One thing to thank NCsoft for, it sucks being stuck on dial up, but atleast I can plau GW. ^^
I use the -image command after any major update to make sure I don't get stuck downloading a bunch of crap loading some zone that was changed. If it's big, I usaully just leave it on all night.
Other than that the game playes great, really populated districts are a bit annoying (wish there was a go to least populated district option) as you may have to wait 30 seconds or so before you can move. Not always though.
Other than that, when you first start playing it will really suck, as you will have to download a lot of stuff. Best thing you could do would be to have a friend put it on a DVD for you. (Or take your PC to a new cafe) My GW.dat file is around 4GB after NF. I'd be wiling to send you it if you like. As downloading that much on dial up would probably take over 300 hours...
I use the -image command after any major update to make sure I don't get stuck downloading a bunch of crap loading some zone that was changed. If it's big, I usaully just leave it on all night.
Other than that the game playes great, really populated districts are a bit annoying (wish there was a go to least populated district option) as you may have to wait 30 seconds or so before you can move. Not always though.
Other than that, when you first start playing it will really suck, as you will have to download a lot of stuff. Best thing you could do would be to have a friend put it on a DVD for you. (Or take your PC to a new cafe) My GW.dat file is around 4GB after NF. I'd be wiling to send you it if you like. As downloading that much on dial up would probably take over 300 hours...
King Of Da Beasts
Originally Posted by Tarkhan
it depends on the game version
Retail: Only downloads new content, streamed in. Not a problem for modem users (well, not now, it depends how much they stream into the world ![]() Web: Downloads all content as soon as you enter into a new zone. Can be 30mb the first time. Not a good plan for the bandwidth impaired. |
Alex Weekes
Originally Posted by
I remember that A.Net stated that GW's networking was specifically designed for 56k.

Can I play Guild Wars on a dial-up modem? Yes, you can. We are well aware that many users do not have broadband access, and we want the largest possible number of gamers to be able to join our game without being held back by technical issues like their Internet connection. We have designed Guild Wars to function excellently on a dial-up connection and players confirm they have no problems with their connection, even when playing on a server located in a different continent. |

Guild Wars is designed to run using minimal bandwidth. This helps you, because it means the game can run on slower internet connections just fine. It also helps us, as it means that our bandwidth costs are lower.
Teh Legacy
I have teh 56K demon, and it's really not too terribly slow. Not if you get the retail version, that is. All I recommend is getting a GOOD modem that won't lose it's connection, that will come and haunt you.
Thread Necromancy ftl!
But a good ISP is just as important as a modem, as a lot of the "crappy" ones will not let you stay connected for more than 3-4 hours at a time.
But a good ISP is just as important as a modem, as a lot of the "crappy" ones will not let you stay connected for more than 3-4 hours at a time.