Originally Posted by chalt2
Yes let the narrowminded find the way to misunderstanding...
Arrogance, thou hast corrupted this one...
Originally Posted by chalt2
I have NO doubt that there are those that will stick out their chest and be proud of the fact that they have several that they have one in the Hall of Heros and are hold for 20k to 30 k gold in order to let another Guild obtain a hall.
When you get some levels you
might realize what an insignificant amount of money that is. I've bolded might because with you I do have to wonder, and here's why:
Originally Posted by chalt2
So for the unfortunete ones that at this time have no desire to participate in PvP or are building their players to one day be able to compete in PvP, we cannot through the normal and intended gameplay obtain a Sigil that would allow us to open a Guild Hall of our own.
Hello sir. You fail Remedial Reading Comprehension 101. Want to know why you got an F? Maybe you should take a look at the box this game came in.
Oh look! The box says "Guild Wars"! Could it be that this game was designed for PvP players, not the SAME pack of carebears who sign up for every PvP MMO and then complain about not being exclusively catered to? I just don't understand you guys. You want to PvE in a PvP game and expect to be given equal rewards, thus demeaning those rewards for everyone else.
Guess what! You can go to Everquest, PvE with all your guild friends all the time and get a really cool guild hall that you can decorate, without ever having to even look at a PvP arena! Oh man, you could do that in AO too! Or DAOC! Or, Jesus Christ, EVERY SINGLE MMO on the market right now!! Instead, you've decided to pick up the game that was made for
us and throw a big screaming hissyfit because
your needs are not met.
Originally Posted by chalt2
we cannot through the normal and intended gameplay obtain a Sigil that would allow us to open a Guild Hall of our own
Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong! You just refuse to. You refuse to even
try. Guild halls don't have scrimmage courts, you don't need one in order to train. Meet up with your guildies at an arena with arranged teams and practice, practice, practice. Run Tombs as many times as you can! Every time you lose, identify what you did wrong or what the other team did right, and adapt. It's not hard.
A chimp could do it. Even if you're really,
really horrid, the law of probability dictates you will eventually run up against a team of pugs even worse than you. It's just a matter of persistence.
But are you out there training? No, you're here whining instead because you can't get immediate satisfaction without effort! Honestly, I hope you don't try and pull this kind of stunt when you get to the real world, or you'll be in for some pretty jarring reality checks.