Chinese farming in Augury Int - an inside report
Willy Rockwell
Here is a firsthand report on Chinese griffon farming in Augury International 1. I was able to team with a Chinese monk named Tc Chaos Bb. Tc is a professional gamer, his job is to farm for griffons, and he works alongside many other Chinese players doing the same thing.
As soon as we left Augury, Tc cast Blessed Aura, Balthazar’s Spirit, Mending, and Protective Spirit. During combat he also used Shield of Judgement, Symbol of Wrath and Healing Breeze. That’s seven of his skills, I don’t know what the 8th one is.
Tc ran south right past all the scorpions. He did stop to kill minotaurs when he found them in a group. When he got to where the griffons are, he ran around agroing every griffon and every minotaur he could find. They ALL surrounded him at the same time. As far as I could tell, his health never dropped below 100% the entire time. Soon, every minotaur and griffon lay dead and he picked up the drops and returned to Augury. The trip took less than 10 minutes.
My thanks to Tc for allowing me to join him on his hunt. I hope I didn’t get in his way with my feeble attempts to help. It was a real privilege to be allowed into the secret world of Chinese farming.
Thanks Tc....your friend Willy
As soon as we left Augury, Tc cast Blessed Aura, Balthazar’s Spirit, Mending, and Protective Spirit. During combat he also used Shield of Judgement, Symbol of Wrath and Healing Breeze. That’s seven of his skills, I don’t know what the 8th one is.
Tc ran south right past all the scorpions. He did stop to kill minotaurs when he found them in a group. When he got to where the griffons are, he ran around agroing every griffon and every minotaur he could find. They ALL surrounded him at the same time. As far as I could tell, his health never dropped below 100% the entire time. Soon, every minotaur and griffon lay dead and he picked up the drops and returned to Augury. The trip took less than 10 minutes.
My thanks to Tc for allowing me to join him on his hunt. I hope I didn’t get in his way with my feeble attempts to help. It was a real privilege to be allowed into the secret world of Chinese farming.
Thanks Tc....your friend Willy
please dont encourage these people.....
Willy Rockwell
Originally Posted by MistressYichi
please dont encourage these people.....
kimo the healer
I have a story of american griffon farming in augury rock.
Go back to original post:
replace "Tc Chaos Bb" with "pwn ownz"
Go back to original post:
replace "Tc Chaos Bb" with "pwn ownz"
Willy Rockwell
Here is a link to the NY Times article, called Ogre to Slay? Outsource It to Chinese
I don't know specifically about your new friend's situation, but you should be aware that
-often these farmers work for pennies a day in sweatshop conditions, very much in keeping with more traditional third world sweatshops in the garment industry.
-the practice of selling in game gold for real world money violates the EULA, and in certain jursidictions, may also be against the law
-on a much more mundane level, this practice skews the in-game economy, and indirectly, forces the game developers' hand into making updates which have historically at least, been unpopular.
I might try and curb my enthusiam for the phenomenom, if I were you. There's nothing about the build or skillset that isn't common knowledge and practice. The companies that employ these individuals, or use bots, do so solely to translate in-game currency and items into real world cash for their own profit.
-often these farmers work for pennies a day in sweatshop conditions, very much in keeping with more traditional third world sweatshops in the garment industry.
-the practice of selling in game gold for real world money violates the EULA, and in certain jursidictions, may also be against the law
-on a much more mundane level, this practice skews the in-game economy, and indirectly, forces the game developers' hand into making updates which have historically at least, been unpopular.
I might try and curb my enthusiam for the phenomenom, if I were you. There's nothing about the build or skillset that isn't common knowledge and practice. The companies that employ these individuals, or use bots, do so solely to translate in-game currency and items into real world cash for their own profit.
Damon Windwalker
Originally Posted by sleazeh
I don't know specifically about your new friend's situation, but you should be aware that
-often these farmers work for pennies a day in sweatshop conditions, very much in keeping with more traditional third world sweatshops in the garment industry. |
And you gotta admit that it this kind of "sweatshop" would sure beat an industrial one!
Not that I support the farming at all - I agree that it ruins the game economy and is of questionable legality and ethics - but you should have your facts straight

Willy Rockwell
Sleazeh wrote:
I'm well aware of the ethical and legal questions involved in discussing the phenomenon of Asian game farming, that is why I started the thread "Mystery in Augury Int 1" and why I made an effort to learn more about it from the inside.
I would hardly call this player my "new friend" as he will probably get in trouble for sharing his world with me. For that reason I feel compelled to honor his generosity and skill...otherwise his life is not one we would envy.
Further, I doubt his build is "common knowledge". I watched this player single-handedly defeat over 30 griffons and minotaurs simultaneously without seeing his health slip at all. While I believe the practice of selling virtual currency violates the spirit of the game and ruins the economy for honest players, I respect the skill of this one player who allowed me to witness his farming.
I don't know specifically about your new friend's situation, but you should be aware that... |
I would hardly call this player my "new friend" as he will probably get in trouble for sharing his world with me. For that reason I feel compelled to honor his generosity and skill...otherwise his life is not one we would envy.
Further, I doubt his build is "common knowledge". I watched this player single-handedly defeat over 30 griffons and minotaurs simultaneously without seeing his health slip at all. While I believe the practice of selling virtual currency violates the spirit of the game and ruins the economy for honest players, I respect the skill of this one player who allowed me to witness his farming.
I contend that the build is in fact, common knowledge and widely used.
I also contend that justifying sweatshop labour with the argument that "it's better than nothing" is no justification at all.
Edit: I'm including a link to a thread here from a while ago that illustrates some of the realities of farm houses:
I also contend that justifying sweatshop labour with the argument that "it's better than nothing" is no justification at all.
Edit: I'm including a link to a thread here from a while ago that illustrates some of the realities of farm houses:
do any search on the "Invinci Monk" builds. since the aoe nerf they added shield of judgement. no difference otherwise as its the same skills and stats and items.
so yes it is common knowledge
so yes it is common knowledge
Originally Posted by MistressYichi
do any search on the "Invinci Monk" builds. since the aoe nerf they added shield of judgement. no difference otherwise as its the same skills and stats and items.
so yes it is common knowledge |
ok most ask what it is. there are a few modified builds that were EXACTICALLY like this one used even before the aoe patch. a guildmate in my old guild use this build with every skill that you listed. i have screenshots at home of the equipment and the conversation where they stated the skilsl and attributes. if you look hard enough you can find a build very similar if not exacticalyl like this one. they arent some nuclear secret or something.....
Originally Posted by unienaule
If you actually had done that search, you would have found, instead of it being common knowledge, most people either 1)Ask what it is ...
And to the OP: What I said above. Solo Monking is pretty old by now.
Originally Posted by kimo the healer
I have a story of american griffon farming in augury rock.
Go back to original post: replace "Tc Chaos Bb" with "pwn ownz" |
No tattoos ! I'm impressed.
No tattoos ! I'm impressed.
kimo the healer
invinci monks use ascalon armor.
Originally Posted by ecirbaf
No tattoos ! I'm impressed. |
Eet GnomeSmasher
What I want to know is if this guy himself said that he was a "professional farmer" working for a sweat shop that sells gold on Ebay..... or just an assumption that he does just because he's Chinese.
I mean there's a lot of idiots that think Chinese player = farming Ebay seller.
I mean there's a lot of idiots that think Chinese player = farming Ebay seller.
Fyre Brand
From our perspective there are many human rights violations in some parts of Asia and China in particular. I notice how much people focus on what is going on over there and sweat shops and bots and farming and blah. I know sometimes E-Bay and in game purchasing is brought up, but it seems to me this is much more looked over since it's in our back yard. There would be NO farming and botting for items if rich western gamers didn't buy these items. This is something we have much more control over than what is happening in a highly controlled country outside of our direct jurisdiction. We can have a direct influence on this by not purchasing gold and items from websites that sell these. Ebay isn't even the main source of this, but sites set up solely for this purpose. When we as an American or European server community really care about this problem we will stop it on our end and then it will stop on their end.
Willy Rockwell
Originally Posted by Eet GnomeSmasher
What I want to know is if this guy himself said that he was a "professional farmer" working for a sweat shop that sells gold on Ebay..... or just an assumption that he does just because he's Chinese.
I mean there's a lot of idiots that think Chinese player = farming Ebay seller. |
Originally Posted by sleazeh
I don't know specifically about your new friend's situation, but you should be aware that
-often these farmers work for pennies a day in sweatshop conditions, very much in keeping with more traditional third world sweatshops in the garment industry. -the practice of selling in game gold for real world money violates the EULA, and in certain jursidictions, may also be against the law -on a much more mundane level, this practice skews the in-game economy, and indirectly, forces the game developers' hand into making updates which have historically at least, been unpopular. I might try and curb my enthusiam for the phenomenom, if I were you. There's nothing about the build or skillset that isn't common knowledge and practice. The companies that employ these individuals, or use bots, do so solely to translate in-game currency and items into real world cash for their own profit. |
kimo the healer
I agree with DeepFyre.
Keep in mind that people pay their life savings and risk their lives to come into this country. Just to wash your dishes or pick your fruit.
Keep in mind that people pay their life savings and risk their lives to come into this country. Just to wash your dishes or pick your fruit.
leeky baby
from what i hear hes getting payed from playing games,which oviously we all do alot of and when i play games getting paid for it i wouldt be complaing also i have read articles that these people can be reaching up to $100,000 dollars a year but dont no if its for farming the gold or what ;D
Takeko Nakano
Originally Posted by kimo the healer
Keep in mind that people pay their life savings and risk their lives to come into this country. Just to wash your dishes or pick your fruit.
Remember the RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOle-picking disaster in Morcombe Bay (England) a little while ago? Lots of Chinese illegal immigrants died because their Triad/evil Chinese gang bosses didn't tell them anything about the tides in the area. It was a question of "Go work for me, or I have you sent home/have your family there beaten up."
People who tolerate illegal immigration because it helps fund their lifestyles are as bad as the people that mistreat them.
Eet GnomeSmasher
Originally Posted by Willy Rockwell
I met him in Augury Int 1, he says farming is his job, he says he is in China. I think I already said these things.
What IS the bonus from using ascalon armor?
Eet GnomeSmasher
Originally Posted by leeky baby
i have read articles that these people can be reaching up to $100,000 dollars a year but dont no if its for farming the gold or what ;D
Willy Rockwell
Originally Posted by leeky baby
from what i hear hes getting payed from playing games,which oviously we all do alot of and when i play games getting paid for it i wouldt be complaing also i have read articles that these people can be reaching up to $100,000 dollars a year but dont no if its for farming the gold or what ;D
My question is this: How does he get everything he agroes to fight him? Everytime I try this, a few griffs/mino's stop pursuing and run back to their spawn points... I can't get everything on the map to stay on my toon!
He Sprays Eau De Griffon on himself... gets them all worked up :P
Wonder how many people in this world have the will power to do this day in and day out? I get tired of farming griffons in just 30mins.
I'd farm all day if someone paid me.
#chippxero: remember that all you'd farm would have to be sold and the gold will go to some guy who will make the real money out of it...
i like the way you presented this "inside report", the pics are shot nicely.
as a few people already mentioned, the build isn't new - but how many things are truly unique in this world? ^^
#adressing the real issue
the only thing that bothers me is the fact that there are humans that make their money from humans that work for next to nothing...
starting to get philosophical, but most of the western societies are nothing more than a plutocracy where capitalism evolved into a state where you make way more money with the work of other people then actually working yourself. (i don't want to start on the mutation of the media, filtered information and corruption throughout the political and industrial fields of many modern countries)
i feel bad for those people who are forced to either work in a factory all day for minimum wages or in a sweatshop (and all that under a regime that lets humans rott in prisons,...)
for pennies! and then have a few people sell all that "time" for big bucks to people from the 1st world [who dont have the time, but the money to buy that time]
you see the perversion? time of a person from a 2nd or 3rd world country seems to be worth less then time from someone from a 1st world country.
it sickens me and i wonder how long we will be able to continue living on the back of the 3rd world.
just my 2 cents
i like the way you presented this "inside report", the pics are shot nicely.
as a few people already mentioned, the build isn't new - but how many things are truly unique in this world? ^^
#adressing the real issue

the only thing that bothers me is the fact that there are humans that make their money from humans that work for next to nothing...
starting to get philosophical, but most of the western societies are nothing more than a plutocracy where capitalism evolved into a state where you make way more money with the work of other people then actually working yourself. (i don't want to start on the mutation of the media, filtered information and corruption throughout the political and industrial fields of many modern countries)
i feel bad for those people who are forced to either work in a factory all day for minimum wages or in a sweatshop (and all that under a regime that lets humans rott in prisons,...)
for pennies! and then have a few people sell all that "time" for big bucks to people from the 1st world [who dont have the time, but the money to buy that time]
you see the perversion? time of a person from a 2nd or 3rd world country seems to be worth less then time from someone from a 1st world country.
it sickens me and i wonder how long we will be able to continue living on the back of the 3rd world.
just my 2 cents
Gold sellers use farming bots.
If anyone would stop yelling about equal rights for 30 secs. and do a little math. You would see that there is no profit gain from having to pay people to play at each computer.
They use bots plain and simple. Some "overseers" will play at one computer while the rest of the computers he/she is in charge of bots merrily away.
And dont call an argument unjustified. It IS alot better to oversee 5-10 computers for a job than having to do manual labor for 12 hours a day for the exact same pay....
*let me edit something in here. Im not advocating the practice of "sweatshopping" wherever it occurs.. Im simply saying that working on / with computers is alot better (imo) than manual labor. Would you rather hoe a field for 10 hours a day, or press a few keys?*
But people are morons and believe everything they read / see online.. heck thats why viruses work.. Morons and computers.. a match made in america..
If anyone would stop yelling about equal rights for 30 secs. and do a little math. You would see that there is no profit gain from having to pay people to play at each computer.
They use bots plain and simple. Some "overseers" will play at one computer while the rest of the computers he/she is in charge of bots merrily away.
And dont call an argument unjustified. It IS alot better to oversee 5-10 computers for a job than having to do manual labor for 12 hours a day for the exact same pay....
*let me edit something in here. Im not advocating the practice of "sweatshopping" wherever it occurs.. Im simply saying that working on / with computers is alot better (imo) than manual labor. Would you rather hoe a field for 10 hours a day, or press a few keys?*
But people are morons and believe everything they read / see online.. heck thats why viruses work.. Morons and computers.. a match made in america..
i'd rather play 12 hours a day then work on an assembly line for the same pay...
i just wanted to point out the perversion of the capitalistic plutocrazy that we call modern society...
it doesn't matter if you look at virtual goods for onlinegames or shoes or whatnot - the principle is the same: make money from other people's work.
well i am going to stop... this isn't a forum to discuss global degeneration.
(just remembered the time when people bought minotaur horns in big piles for 50g each...)
i just wanted to point out the perversion of the capitalistic plutocrazy that we call modern society...
it doesn't matter if you look at virtual goods for onlinegames or shoes or whatnot - the principle is the same: make money from other people's work.
well i am going to stop... this isn't a forum to discuss global degeneration.
(just remembered the time when people bought minotaur horns in big piles for 50g each...)
If you've ever lived in China or India, you would have a better perspective on the options that workers in those countires have. I laugh when the media and celebrities try to get us riled up about sweatshops in other much poorer countries. If these sweatshops were closed down, do you think these workers would find other employment? Truth be told, most of them would not. Just cuz the idea of a sweatshop is horrendous to us, it doesn't make it horrendous to people from poorer conditions.
China and India are two nations where the labor supply far exceeds the labor demand. That is just a simple economic fact. Pulling our sweatshops from these countries would only reduce the labor demand further, creating more unemployment. These workers want to earn money to help feed themselves and their families. Pretending that you are doing a good thing by taking away their livelihood is phenomenally idiotic.
And don't kid yourself by thinking that the working conditions of other laborers in these nations is any better than those of the workers in sweatshops. There are a ton of abusive and exploitative practices that go on in these nations. The abuse that occurs in sweatshops is not propogated by Americans, but rather are an indication of the larger business practices of these nations.
It just bothers me when (typically rich and sheltered) people try to take food off someone else's table in the name of "social justice" or some other catchphrase of the day that they don't know the meaning of. Go live in these nations with sweatshops, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, China, Cambodia, etc. for several years, and then your opinion on this topic may have some value. Otherwise, go back to your cushy life and don't pretend you care about or understand the plight of people whose shoes you've never walked in.
China and India are two nations where the labor supply far exceeds the labor demand. That is just a simple economic fact. Pulling our sweatshops from these countries would only reduce the labor demand further, creating more unemployment. These workers want to earn money to help feed themselves and their families. Pretending that you are doing a good thing by taking away their livelihood is phenomenally idiotic.
And don't kid yourself by thinking that the working conditions of other laborers in these nations is any better than those of the workers in sweatshops. There are a ton of abusive and exploitative practices that go on in these nations. The abuse that occurs in sweatshops is not propogated by Americans, but rather are an indication of the larger business practices of these nations.
It just bothers me when (typically rich and sheltered) people try to take food off someone else's table in the name of "social justice" or some other catchphrase of the day that they don't know the meaning of. Go live in these nations with sweatshops, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, China, Cambodia, etc. for several years, and then your opinion on this topic may have some value. Otherwise, go back to your cushy life and don't pretend you care about or understand the plight of people whose shoes you've never walked in.
Just cuz the idea of a sweatshop is horrendous to us, it doesn't make it horrendous to people from poorer conditions. |
Just saying that "omg! gold farming makes people work in sweatshops" is probably the most ignorant argument one can make against gold farming. I support gold-farming from a humanitarian real-life perspective.
On the other hand, I don't support gold-farming from a virtual perspective because it makes it difficult for new players to take part in the fun of bidding on rare items.

Trust me, a lot of poor people would be just as happy to work in a sweatshop than not having a job at all. The pay is bad but it's better than nothing. There are just way too many people in China and India.
There are a lot of Chinese Carry-outs in our area and I chatted with them before. They said selling American Chinese Food is so profitable!!! lol They couldn't earn sh!t in China but now they have pretty decent life here.
I am from Taiwan and my situation is a lot better than those in China. lol Thanks to my parents of course. Now I am a Canadian living in America!
There are a lot of Chinese Carry-outs in our area and I chatted with them before. They said selling American Chinese Food is so profitable!!! lol They couldn't earn sh!t in China but now they have pretty decent life here.
I am from Taiwan and my situation is a lot better than those in China. lol Thanks to my parents of course. Now I am a Canadian living in America!
dont feel no pain
Originally Posted by [Apple]
What IS the bonus from using ascalon armor?

acidic artist
i recently switched my region over to europe just to see whats happening over there. boy was i surprised. i went into augury dist 1 and all i saw was a constant stream of tatooed female monks heading out to the griffons. i thought the whole farming deal was bad with the asian farmers. europe has them beat by miles. dont get me wrong cuz im a solo monk myself. i dont see anything wrong with it. this is a off topic but i was readin some threads in here the other day and one mentioned ebay. so i headed over to ebay and done a quick search on guild wars. 36 pages worth of crap on there. 90% were lots of gold so i didnt bother with lookin into that. what interested me were the ones that had actual bids on them. i havent read the forum rules and whatnot so i wont put in links. but what caught my eye the most was a "perfect crystallin" sold for $200 bucks. what kind of people pay real money for a game item?? either they have more money than brain or spendin mom and dads money. i also saw a "perfect storm bow" that is still on aution and is at $49.99 right now. also 25 ecto going for around $20. this is just insane
that is the problem with it, if ppl are actually paying that much. more and more ppl will farm and sell stuff on ebay.
i say anet just hired some ppl to pretend to be a buyer or seller, and ban all the shit
i say anet just hired some ppl to pretend to be a buyer or seller, and ban all the shit