The Thing I Would like To See Most: Fishing
Holy Arch
r00nscape ftw!
no but smithing is a good idea, maybe do some quests for materials for your sword. i dunno i just think fishing is pointless, what would the fis be used for?
no but smithing is a good idea, maybe do some quests for materials for your sword. i dunno i just think fishing is pointless, what would the fis be used for?
ok fishing would be alittle out of place in Guild wars. They game is about fighting (pvp) other ppl all over the world to see whom is the best. If you want to fish or mine or stuff like that. go play runescape or someother game like that.
-Commander M
-Commander M
/signed --> not because i like to fish persay, but because having more options of things to do would be a good thing.
besides, how about this:
depending on where you fish, there is a chance that you might:
1) get a fish
2) get a "water-dwelling" BIG MONSTER
level of the monster depends on your level...
so if you fish in the tar pools around ascalon, could get some really weird stuff. if you fish in Kryta you could get a big fish or crab...
i think that it'd be great if there is something like you go ice-fishing in the Shiverpeaks and suddenly end up catching a 24th level Ice Wurm...
besides, how about this:
depending on where you fish, there is a chance that you might:
1) get a fish
2) get a "water-dwelling" BIG MONSTER
level of the monster depends on your level...
so if you fish in the tar pools around ascalon, could get some really weird stuff. if you fish in Kryta you could get a big fish or crab...
i think that it'd be great if there is something like you go ice-fishing in the Shiverpeaks and suddenly end up catching a 24th level Ice Wurm...

death fuzzy
this isnt final fantasy.
this is Guild Wars.
we dont need fishing
this is Guild Wars.
we dont need fishing
Holy Arch
what would fish be used for?
Manic Smile
Originally Posted by Orbberius
Oh god...Go play some other game to "how i mine for fish??"
The reason people who like PvP and don't want this game to turn carebear (you PvE fellahs) is because we don't want the developers wasting their time on stupid crap like this when they could be making more PvP maps / modes / etc. Also, GW has always labelled itself as a PvP game more than a PvE game. I'll acknowledge that the missions are great, and it's really fun the first time through, but honestly, once you've beat PvE, YOU PVP.
I want a MMORPG were you can do all the little things like fish and stuff as well as battles and crafting and, well everything, but i dont think Guild Wars was ever meant to be that MMORPG. Unfortunately it is the only one i will play until im 18 cos my dad beleives the words "subscription fee" to be the most hateful vicious and ugly words in existance. Suppose he right in a way. "sigh". Im sorry where was i going with this?
Originally Posted by Martian
I want a MMORPG were you can do all the little things like fish and stuff as well as battles and crafting and, well everything
Funny thread LMAO< LOLOLOLOLO Fishing HUh!! Cool theres fishing game out right Now Called Bassmasters 2006 by EA, chk it out!!!!
I honeslty would like to be able to go to that Castle on The beach in North Kryta Province, thats an awesome looking Castle could they allow acces to IT???? As of right now you cant even get close to it!!! BUt it would be Cool!!!
ANyway Fuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyy LMAO!!!!!!!!
I honeslty would like to be able to go to that Castle on The beach in North Kryta Province, thats an awesome looking Castle could they allow acces to IT???? As of right now you cant even get close to it!!! BUt it would be Cool!!!
ANyway Fuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyy LMAO!!!!!!!!
The truth itself
Go play runescape if you want battles and all in one, fishing, smithing, mining ect.
Hells Vengeance
Do you guys have anything better to do than to than complain? Everyone already knows about Runescape, if we wanted to we would, but we like Guild Wars and just want more stuff to do besides just PvP non stop.
Getting back to the REAL subject. Fishing would be good for just a mini-game to occupy you long enough while you are waiting for favor, just bored and want to talk to guildies while fishing, or just want to fish for the hell of it.(with good graphics)
Getting back to the REAL subject. Fishing would be good for just a mini-game to occupy you long enough while you are waiting for favor, just bored and want to talk to guildies while fishing, or just want to fish for the hell of it.(with good graphics)
Banin Galori
Originally Posted by Hells Vengeance
Do you guys have anything better to do than to than complain? Everyone already knows about Runescape, if we wanted to we would, but we like Guild Wars and just want more stuff to do besides just PvP non stop.
Getting back to the REAL subject. Fishing would be good for just a mini-game to occupy you long enough while you are waiting for favor, just bored and want to talk to guildies while fishing, or just want to fish for the hell of it.(with good graphics) |
Hells Vengeance
EXACTLY! We already said in the beggining we would like it as a mini-game.
Originally Posted by Pinch
The reason people who like PvP and don't want this game to turn carebear (you PvE fellahs) is because we don't want the developers wasting their time on stupid crap like this when they could be making more PvP maps / modes / etc. Also, GW has always labelled itself as a PvP game more than a PvE game. I'll acknowledge that the missions are great, and it's really fun the first time through, but honestly, once you've beat PvE, YOU PVP.
If all Anet wants is to have a PvP game, it will be Guild Wars: Tournaments. There will be no Ascalon, no Kryta, no Ring of Fire, just a bunch of arenas, the tomb of Primeval Kings, etc. The fact that there are LOTS of PvE content and continues to have more proves that GW is NOT JUST a PVP game...
Honestly, I have nothing against PvP, I don't have a problem with Anet developing more content for PvP. I appreciate the fact that many PvP experts have really done their homework on the skills and I enjoy reading up on many of the strategies and tactics they employ.
What I do have a problem with is the attitude of many PvP players.
For some reason, peer vs peer competitive play seems to bring out the worst instinct in many people. If they win, they brag over those who lose and try to make the losers feel bad. If they lose, they get on the case of which-ever team-mate they believe made them lose the game. This attitude carries over into the board (here), and people that wants different thing than them (such as those who dislike PvP and would prefer more PvE content) are called names and derided.
Funny thing is, I thought it was meant to be a 50/50 split between PvE and PvP. Was I wrong about this ?
I finally went and did my first bit of PvP (apart from the bit you are forced to do) in the game - a snowball fight. Yup - the asshats (meaning overly competitive types) even ruined a simple snowball fight.
I finally went and did my first bit of PvP (apart from the bit you are forced to do) in the game - a snowball fight. Yup - the asshats (meaning overly competitive types) even ruined a simple snowball fight.
The whole "first ever competitve rpg!!11damn" was just to get you to buy it. The nice graphics, and the whole PVE side of it was just to get others to buy it. It's all business.
Gaile Gray said NO FISHING.
read the thread.
read the thread.
Banin Galori
Originally Posted by Andy_M
Funny thing is, I thought it was meant to be a 50/50 split between PvE and PvP. Was I wrong about this ?
I finally went and did my first bit of PvP (apart from the bit you are forced to do) in the game - a snowball fight. Yup - the asshats (meaning overly competitive types) even ruined a simple snowball fight. |
Whether PvP or PvE is better is besides the point.
Originally Posted by death fuzzy
this isnt final fantasy.
this is Guild Wars. we dont need fishing |

Also, can we all agree that we all now know about Runescape, et-al.
This is the Sanitarium, which is for interested parties to share their ideas. Let's try to be a little open-minded about each others thoughts, even if you don't agree with them.
Off topic I know, but I need to vent a little:
Originally Posted by Guardian of the Light
Being that both threads managed to get by and gain multiple pages, PieXags has merged the two in order to avoid further confusion and...other stuff like that.
The undead Mesmer
Good job little piece of pie btw what flavour is that lemon?
I would love fishing (not the grinding part ofcourse)
but you shouldnt be able to sell it to other people only merchants so that its only for fun and maybe when houses are gonna be implented as tokens on the wall :3
I would love fishing (not the grinding part ofcourse)
but you shouldnt be able to sell it to other people only merchants so that its only for fun and maybe when houses are gonna be implented as tokens on the wall :3