questions on sickle prices.... i need help!! PLS!!
Twisted God
i have several questions about prices on sickles....
1. is higher dmg higher req better than lower req. low dmg?
2. does modding a clean sickle makes it worth more?
i have more questions i just cant think of at the time... if u can answer them it wud be much appreciated!! =) ty ty!!
1. is higher dmg higher req better than lower req. low dmg?
2. does modding a clean sickle makes it worth more?
i have more questions i just cant think of at the time... if u can answer them it wud be much appreciated!! =) ty ty!!
Sir Skullcrasher
sickle only worth golds when its 6-28 (req 8, 9, 10 or even 11) any high requirement would killed the price. Also there are more rarer weapons like Serpent Axe, Sephis Axe, Chaos Axe, and Crystalline Sword out there to get. You can mod the sickle but if the damage isn't max and the requirement is too high, sell it to merchant.
Twisted God
kk ty ty a lot!! =) btw i like the grey fox pic!!
every sickle above 6-24dmg belongs to high end forum .. below 6-20 its merchant food
Twisted God
how bout a 6-20 req7 10% stance??
mb you find one offering 3k or so.
what about a 6-27 (req8) clean?
couple of million...
I doubt the 6-27 will sell for a couple million...
It'll sell for a shitload. And that guy who said that serpent axes and dwarven axes dropped less than sickles.... well, he's wrong... A max damage one would be pretty much priceless....
Originally Posted by [Apple]
It'll sell for a shitload.
it might sell for above 200k-500k, but i feel sorry for anyone stupid enough to pay 1 mil for a non-max dmg weapon.
And that guy who said that serpent axes and dwarven axes dropped less than sickles.... well, he's wrong... A max damage one would be pretty much priceless.... |
the sickle drop rate is one of the most common in the game, the price of sickles comes purely from higher-damage sickles...and the sole reason a max dmg sickle would be worth a lot is because none are known to exist. however, in this we have a conundrum...if a max damage sickle were even possible (i am under the firm impression they are not) they would most likely be high in number, since the droprate of sickles as a whole is so very very common. in essence a max damage sickle would be rare because none exist, but at the same time, if a max damage sickle were possible chances are so many would have flooded the market by now that their value would depreciate, hence making a max damage sickle worth next to either scenario sickles remain relatively worthless in preportion to the other high-end axes...the same case exists for tribal axes.
(dwarvens being the rarest, followed by serpant)
Duke Slytalker
has anyone even seen a purple or gold sickle b4?
Originally Posted by Duke Slytalker
has anyone even seen a purple or gold sickle b4?
Duke Slytalker
Originally Posted by Akhilleus
no, it wont.
it might sell for above 200k-500k, but i feel sorry for anyone stupid enough to pay 1 mil for a non-max dmg weapon. you are once again incorrect; sickles are NOWHERE NEAR rare, heck, just by QUESTING ive found over 2-3 dozen since ive started playing many serpant axes have i found? MAYBEE half a dozen, and only one was max dmg, and NONE were gold, and ive only found 3 dwarven axes, only one of which was max damage. the sickle drop rate is one of the most common in the game, the price of sickles comes purely from higher-damage sickles...and the sole reason a max dmg sickle would be worth a lot is because none are known to exist. however, in this we have a conundrum...if a max damage sickle were even possible (i am under the firm impression they are not) they would most likely be high in number, since the droprate of sickles as a whole is so very very common. in essence a max damage sickle would be rare because none exist, but at the same time, if a max damage sickle were possible chances are so many would have flooded the market by now that their value would depreciate, hence making a max damage sickle worth next to either scenario sickles remain relatively worthless in preportion to the other high-end axes...the same case exists for tribal axes. (dwarvens being the rarest, followed by serpant) |
Continuing the theme of rare axes ... Do max dmg Tribal Axes exist? I was exploring around king's watch/pockmark flats all by my lonesome with my warrior (reall bored this morning) when a tribal axe dropped .. Low dmg of course but I had never seen one before. I equipped it and man that thing is huge! Would love to find a higher damage one, but I'm definitely keeping this one for now. Definitely the best looking axe imho
A sickle dropped too, also really low dmg. (Sickle is 5-12 and the Tribal is 4-7 and highly salvageable, heh)
A sickle dropped too, also really low dmg. (Sickle is 5-12 and the Tribal is 4-7 and highly salvageable, heh)
6-27 Sickle sold for like 3 mil plus like 200 ecto..I don't remember when this was..HIGH DAMAGE ONES ARE RARE,Low damage ones are common.Serpents axes aren't as rare,I know a place to get them like crazy..And max damage ones drop there,there has yet to be a max sickle drop yet,therefore making them rarer.
please tell me the place where to get the serpant axes ^.^
if you want low attack sickles go farm outside ice tooth cave, found 3 of them in one run. 5-11
if you want low attack sickles go farm outside ice tooth cave, found 3 of them in one run. 5-11
Originally Posted by Marik-Strife
6-27 Sickle sold for like 3 mil plus like 200 ecto..I don't remember when this was..HIGH DAMAGE ONES ARE RARE,Low damage ones are common.Serpents axes aren't as rare,I know a place to get them like crazy..And max damage ones drop there,there has yet to be a max sickle drop yet,therefore making them rarer.
serpants are FAR less common than sickles as a whole...the reason max damage sickles are rarer is just that they plain flat do not exist.
seeing as how a sickle can drop just about anywhere, im fairly certain if max damage sickles could drop, we'd have seen some by now.
and as for any numbnut paying 5 mil for a 6-27 sickle...well amen for ebay newbs...ive seen nearly half a dozen 6-27s in the past month alone. theres always the occasional chance you can find a moron...
Twisted God
i got a friend that got a max sickle 15^50!! he showed it to me and i was really amused!!! i forgot to get screenshot but ill try to get one if he lets me see it again!! =) how much will this go?? bout maybe 5mil + 200+ ecto?? lol
Originally Posted by Twisted God
i got a friend that got a max sickle 15^50!! he showed it to me and i was really amused!!! i forgot to get screenshot but ill try to get one if he lets me see it again!! =) how much will this go?? bout maybe 5mil + 200+ ecto?? lol
gimme his in-game name, and let me validate its existence...i guerentee it will never happen.
Xunlai Master
Originally Posted by Twisted God
i got a friend that got a max sickle 15^50!! he showed it to me and i was really amused!!! i forgot to get screenshot but ill try to get one if he lets me see it again!! =) how much will this go?? bout maybe 5mil + 200+ ecto?? lol
btw is it req7?
Originally Posted by Xunlai Master
wtf.. 6-28 sicke with +15%>50%??? i would like to c that also..
btw is it req7? |
it also has 10/10 sundering and +30 hp.
Twisted God
it doesnt.... its clean
Twisted God
except the 15^50
The Yoink
Originally Posted by Twisted God
i have several questions about prices on sickles....
1. is higher dmg higher req better than lower req. low dmg? 2. does modding a clean sickle makes it worth more? i have more questions i just cant think of at the time... if u can answer them it wud be much appreciated!! =) ty ty!! |
uh.... why didn't you just ask your friend with the 15 ^ 50 max dmg sickle these questions?
Maybe you mean an Icy Dragon Sword? 'Cuz they, uh... sorta look like a, uh... sickle... riiight
The Herbalizer
I love the way it is always a friend has it along with the classic my photo editing programme is not working.
While we are on the subject of rediculously rare weps. Has anyone ever seen or heard of the weapons with "unusual" mods on them. Stuff like +100 health on weps or -3dmg always on shields? I heard that employees sneak them in from time to time and when found get removed. I have only heard people discussing it and thought is there a grain of truth in any of this?
While we are on the subject of rediculously rare weps. Has anyone ever seen or heard of the weapons with "unusual" mods on them. Stuff like +100 health on weps or -3dmg always on shields? I heard that employees sneak them in from time to time and when found get removed. I have only heard people discussing it and thought is there a grain of truth in any of this?
Twisted God
sorry it wasnt 15^50 it was 12^50.... ima get a screenshot soon
Originally Posted by Twisted God
sorry it wasnt 15^50 it was 12^50.... ima get a screenshot soon
i'm still waiting...
... he has to take time to learn how to alter on photoshope be patient it will come from paintshop ... max dmg sickle lol
Yea, let me guess, your friend wont show it to anyone else ingame too, right?
Twisted God
srry the pic is taking too long its cuz school just started so i havent had any time to play but I WILL!! I WILL post a pic here!! ill post a new thread on it once i get it!! =) ty!!
Post a link to that thread here
Originally Posted by Twisted God
srry the pic is taking too long its cuz school just started so i havent had any time to play but I WILL!! I WILL post a pic here!! ill post a new thread on it once i get it!! =) ty!!
and ill also have to ask to see it in-game.
The Primeval King
Can't wait to see this pic lol..
I bought a sickle, 6-19 dmg required 8 for 3k.. I know it was a waste of money, but It's not like I will ever USE a sickle for fighting since they can't be max damage.. It's just for showing off ^^
I have a few questions about sickles though-
Can they be blue, purple, or gold?
Can you mod them?
Have they had stats like 15% damage while enchanted?
I bought a sickle, 6-19 dmg required 8 for 3k.. I know it was a waste of money, but It's not like I will ever USE a sickle for fighting since they can't be max damage.. It's just for showing off ^^
I have a few questions about sickles though-
Can they be blue, purple, or gold?
Can you mod them?
Have they had stats like 15% damage while enchanted?
The Herbalizer
Can they be blue, purple, or gold? Can you mod them? Have they had stats like 15% damage while enchanted? |
2. Yes
3. and No, but they have had low dmg bonuses i think such as +10%
The Primeval King
Thanks Herbalizer
Waiting for the inevitable...
"What do you mean max damage isn't 6-18?????"
"What do you mean max damage isn't 6-18?????"
Ryan Neveow
I was in drock's today and while I was trading I saw a guy post "selling 6-26 gold sickle 13>50% - 5k". I finished the trade and asked the guy about his sickle he said that he had just sold it to another guy. "Nick Khan" bought it for 200 ecto. Im pretty skeptical about this. Does anybody know "Nick Khan", I'm waiting for him to be online. Anybody hear about any other things like this? Gaile may have told the team to make sickles more common and "normal", like wingblades or something.