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Alliance Recruitment
KASS alliance recruiting guilds
[coL] alliance looking for a few more guilds
Strong and brave [Wipe] lf hardcore GvG alliance!
[RDA] is recruiting casual PvE guilds
[Loki] LF PvE Kurz Alliance
[GoE]/[TAM] Alliance Looking for another!
LF Kurz Alliance
New kurzick guild seeking allies
[SD]Silent Dragons is Looking for Friendly and Fun Alliance that does PvE and PvP
[VIP] Are looking to join an alliance :)
[drug] alliance recruiting
Sell Your Kidney And Buy Obsi[LoOL] LF HA Ally
Marked for Elysium seeking guilds to ally with us!
Artemis Rising [Hex] Alliance looking to expand to more PVP Guilds!
[KISS] Alliance is recruiting
[AoL] Looking for Active PvP alliance
forming a PvP alliance
Zoso Alliance Seeks Allies
[One] is recruiting mature/older Luxon guilds
NL/BE, Kurzick Alliance
Legend Of The Golden Dragons [LTGD] 7/10
The Legion Of PvE Pros [TLPP] LF Elite farming alliance!
GvG guild looking for alliance
Bust A Move [BaM] LF active pvp/pve mixture alliance
Clan of Elders (COE) LF more Kurzick Guilds
TTA is looking for an extremely active PvE guild
[Tuna] is looking for an active PvP alliance.
Alliance of The Eternal Champions looking for small guilds
[Mode] is looking for a Luxon PvP alliance
Looking for PvE Kurzick Alliance
LoA Alliance looking for more guilds!
Then Angelic Guard[AG] Alliance LF a few more friendly kurzick guilds
SNOW - Super-active Elite PvE Alliance - 'Needs' 1 more Ally
[Loki] LF PvE Alliance
[aR] Arise and Ruin is LF PvP/GvG Kurzick Alliance
LF PVE Kurzick alliance
The [EYE] Alliance is LF more guilds as allies! (luxon)
[Lord]HM/High-end PvE Alliance lf exp and active guilds!(European/Kurzicks)
Elysian Knights [EK] searching for two active guilds to complete alliance!
Legendary Frozen [SOUL] Starting new alliance
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