Alliance Recruitment

[GoDT] - rebuilding guild, needs a new alliance
TAM/GoE Alliance Looking for PvE Guilds
Kings Beyond the Wall [KING] welcomes experienced PvP Guilds looking for an Alliance
Believe the [Hype] r10+/c2+ guild looking for gvg alliance
ffmA is looking for Alliance
Mind Games LF minimum top 1k gvg alliance, prefer top 500.
Small Guild looking for Alliance
Eternally Forbidden LF HM Alliance
[SOCK] Spicy Original Chicken Korma LFA
The Legion Of PvE Pros [TLPP] LF Elite farming alliance!
We Make It Rain On Dem [HOEZ] Looking For Luxon Alliance
[AUST] blades looking for GMT + 10 guilds to join
Satanic Servants [SS] : Starting New Alliance..
The ARK Alliance is looking for 2 active GMT guilds.
[LoE] Elite Alliance
The Templars Of The Apocalypse [Zoso] Seeks Guilds
Stealin Peoples Mail [ATAO] is looking for a PvP Alliance
[LoA] Alliance Recruting Guild!
Legendary Ascalonian Warriors [LAW] Looking for an Active PvE / AB alliance!
Dont Be Silly Wrap Your [WiLy]
The Arctic Marauders [TAM] building an alliance - looking for experienced guilds
Virtual Failure [FaiL] Looking for GvG based alliance
Recruiting Kurzick Guilds
One is recruiting mature luxon guilds
[EYEZ] Looking to be the smurf of some PvP guild
R6+ HA Alliance LF More Active HA Guilds
[Rich]NL/BE Guild Zoekt PvP/PvE Alliance
Beer Drinking, swearing, mature alliance [Kurzick]
[Lord]HM/High-end Pve Alliance lf exp and active guilds!(European/Kurzicks)
CBA (Euro - PVP Guild) Looking for an active pvp alliance
Mystic Spiral [MYST] is seeking a new Guild!
Hordes of the Underworld [HotU] Is Recruiting Guilds (Luxon)
[nDoW] No Diplomacy Only War LF Alliance
Kids and Jeep LF guilds to join
[Pain/Doom] Alliance LF Kurzick Gmt +6-+12 Guilds
Looking for Kurzick Alliance
LF Mature relaxed guilds
[GotE] is lf either or
WPG seeking new Allies!
[Thay] looking for / starting PvE alliance.