
UN'id 8 req chaos,eternal shield,nice shadow bow and more!
2 gold shortbows +13%>50, Purple twin hammer
Selling Cheap Golds, Unided Golds, gold shields, and health upgrades
[WTS] sickle
WTS 6 gold Shadow Bow´s
Tanzits cleaver auction (just about best cleaver in game) also green look for details
Assorted Gear for Sale
WTS Perfect 5/-1 Vamp Bow String and Perfect Hammer Grip of Hammer Mastery
WTS staff wrapping of defense +5
WTS Max Damage Gold Eternal Bow +12%>50
WTS Gold Storm Bow of Enchanting +13%>50
Sundering Longbow of Markmanship |13-24 piercing dmg| + a few cool extra's
2 Very Nice chaos(req9)Axe´s....15%dmg while enchanted +30Health!!!!
19-35 Max Dmg Ebon Foehammer of Warding +18% Dmg, Armor +7
Wts Vampiric Ascalon Bow Of Fortitude (stats Inside)
~~Rare Sundering Chaos Axe of Defense - 14% > 50~~
Rare Gold Chaos Axe with 14 over 50 and 2 perfect mods
Godly Gold Composite Bow
+5 energy henge sword
Store Clearence! WTS all my items!
Perfect Staff Wrapping of Fortitude +30 HP!
Dead Staff (gold)
WTS +30 hp sworld pommel
Selling 4 Perfect or Near Perfect Weapons, 1 unid Fiery Dragon Sword, 1 (-2/-2) Aegis
Auctioning GREENS and some other weapons, come in to see!!!
Gold vamp hammer
Gold Weapons and Perfect upgrades!
WTS: gold vampiric half-moon
Vendor reserve prices, near-max staff & nick-knacks
Gold Chaos Axe
CHAOSAXE 15>50 10/10 +30 Health
19 GOLD items! STARTING BIDS: 1,000 G ONLY!
Hale staff head +29 to health.
WTS Storm Bow and 2 smiting staffs
WTS (gold) Vampiric Falcion of Enchanting!!
Selling Huge amount of Good Gold Goldly Items.
smiting staff
Sundering Fellblade of Defense
Wts Gold Max Dmg Chaos Axe 13% All Times, -10 Armor