
WTS Gold Sundering Chaos Axe of Enchanting
Awsome Gold Items Fell Blade, Dragon Sword, Bone Staff All Godly
Wts Max +15%dmg enchanted storm bow 12req
Really good staff for E/Mo's
Crstaline Sword for sell!
Upgrades-Bowstrings x4 (sundering 10/7 highlight)
Gold Max +15%>50 Weapons (req 8 Spikey Hammer, req 8 Feathered Longbow, more!)
WTS Storm Bow 15-28 req9 +15% Always Energy -5 10% Sundering +30HP
11 Gold Weapons. mostly swords
Shadow Shield +29 Health always Quick Recovery From Daze
Gold Chaos, Shadow Sheilds, Green items...check these out
GOLD Fire Staff Near-Perfect
Auction [Exceptional Items At Exceptionally Low Prices including perfect weps]
Gold /Magmas Shield/flamberge/bows/aegis/mursaat hammer, all for auction.
Wtt These Weapons For Ectos
The Stonehart- Healer Offhand.
Gold Unid Fellblade
WTS: golden half moon wit 13%dmg all the time!
WTS Storm Bow 15-28 req9 +15% Always Energy -5 10% Sundering +30HP
Auctioning Various Gold Items
deliciousness (bump me pwease)
70 Gold, Green & UNID’d Items!!! Storm Bows, Chaos Axes, Magmas Shields and more!!!
Sigil for sale
Omg Look At This!!!!
WTS Green Gorrels Staff and Green Thorgals shield also need price cheack
SELLING - Gold(max) Elementalist Earth/Water Staff of fortitude, lots of stats!
Summit Axe/Hammer 15>50%, Summit Shield +27 hp always
WTS Green weapons
WTS: nice bow
WTS Stoneheart and Boulderbeard's Short Bow
WTS: Shields (Gold, Purple)
Golden Bow: max dmg., energy gain +1/-1, armor +5, +16% damage (hexed)
WTS +30HP Bow Grip & +30HP Staff Wrapping
Frostys B/O golds greens upgrades
+5 Energy Denravi Sword with 20% Enchantment pommel
Selling 14 various items
Selling: The Shadestone
14>50 longsowrd, hp+30, 10:10 sunder
-50 Focus Item Up for sale