
Gold Trucheon
Cheap weapons, 2 bows and a shield
WTS Good Gold Wingblade Sword
Wts Max Vamp Sword + More Mods
Sundering Recurve Bow of Warding 4 Sale!!
WTS Perfect Composite Bows and Short Bows
**Req. 7 strenght Defender | +28 hp always | -2 enchanted**
Wts:zealous Spatha Of Fortitude
WTS GOLD MAX BOW: 15-28 / REQ: 8 / DMG +15%>50% HP / SUND 10/9 / ARM +6 (VS ELE)
WTS cheap upgrades
WTS: Barbed Gladius of Fortitude, max dmg, 14% above 50%, +29hp, leghtens bleeding
almost perfect Goldedn storm bow
GOLD Vampiric Battlepick of Denfense
Max Gold Fellblades, Eternal shields & Thorgall's Shield
SEPHIS AXe Eternal SHIELD/BOW, Near Perf FIRE STAFF, Air wand, FDS, req 7 & much more
Gold Mesmer Staff Max Damage + near perfect mods
Selling perfect vamperic bow string
Low Req Unidents For Cheap
WTS Drago's Vampiric flat bow (green)
>>>>>>>Golds, upgrades etc.
Selling all my Junk! maybe you like some of it;)
Auction: Max dmg weapons, 14-15% dmg mod [Hammers, Bows, Swords, Axes] + Yakslapper
Wts Mediocre Hammer
Sundering Storm Bow of Fortitude, req 10, 13% enchant, Perfect Mods
FIXED PRICES -Upgrades and Rares Blowout!!!!
CLEARANCE: Shields, Axe Upgrades and More
WTS [[ Sword pommel of swordsmanship 20% ]]
WTS Green Thorgall's Stone Smasher
WTS: gold rod, cane, and sword
WTS- 2 Almost Perfect Gold Hammers Hammers, 1 gold Eternal W/ Life
GREEN Stoneheart Monk - Air Wand - Shadow Shield
Some Perfects and near perfects ... Have a look ;)
WTS 7 green items
Selling Rods, staves, swords, a hammer and a wand.
Sundering Butterfly Sword of Fortitude 10/10 + 28 Health
CLEAROUT , Hammers , Bows , Axe's
Green items & Upgrades
WTS Gold Items/Superior Rune/Serpent looking staff