
Amazing and Godly Vampiric (5:1) Hammer of Fortitude (+29) W/ 15% dmg > 50% Health
WTS ~ P E R F E C T ~ Axe Grip of Fortitude ~ Health +30
WTS: Rare Fellblade 15% w/enchant (req9) & 7 gold max weapons(14,15>50,w/enchant)
Nice gold sword and bows
Sundering Bow String 10/10 Buy out: 30k
Selling Very Nice ALL Gold Items all max damage and many near perfect
Selling Gold Zealous Longbow of Shelter
WTS::: Perfect Axe 15>50 10/10 Sundering +30 Health req.8----
2 purple max armor shields with low req.
Great Gold Firestaff Of Enchanting (max. dmg.)
Gold Battlepick of Defence (max dmg)
Axe Grip of Enchanting (19%)
Selling Tanzits Cleaver Axe Green Great Mods
Selling some of my items =)
WTS Fortitude +30 Bow Grip - 40k B/O
!!swords, Hammers, Upgrades!!
WTS Tanzit's Cleaver
22 Gold and Purple Items. Staffs, Sword + more!
Few Greens and golds, All have at least 1 perfect mod :P
wts-4 Perfect Upgrades, 2 Near Perfect Upgrades,4 Green Items and 1 Un'id Req7 Sword
Vamperic Longsword of Fortitude - All Max Mods
10/10 Sundering Hammer Haft
Swords cheap buyout 15% enchanted stance etc also req7 18<
Green Auction, Inc Razorstone, Drago Flat Bow
Storage Items ~~~ NEED TO GO!
Break hammer of enchanting, +13% dmg while enchanted, enchantments last 14% longer
Zealous Gladius, +20% bellow 50%, energy 1/1
Sundering long sword of fortitude, +14% above 50%, armor pen. 10/10, +25hp
Nice Gold Items - Including Bow +14%>50 Health, Sword Enchant 18%, Vamp Hammer 5:1
Wts Gold Max Shield +27(always) -2(ench)
Awesome Cleanout
WTS Gold Perfect Stormbow
wts-req 8 ornate buckler+29h always+gold max stormbow req 10 15% always+10/10+20%ent.
Selling: Rare Skeleton Shield with 29 Life Always and -2 dmg In Stance.
Unidentifed MAX DMG WAR HAMMER Req 8
Rare Fellblade 15 enchanted, req 12
FS: Max Unidentified Gold & Purple items, etc.
WTS +15>50 Longbow req 9!!(Feathered Version)
WTS Lots upgrades cheap!