
WTS bow & hammer upgrade
Delicious Fellblade
WTS Max Dmg Gold Mursaat Hammer
Max Dmg Crystalline Sword; +11% above 50
WTTrade sundering 10/10 hammer haft
WTS : Sundering axe of defense, 2 green items
WTS Gold UNID Chaos Axe, Shadow Bows and more
WTS: Chaos Axes
Selling Awsome Gold Weapons!!!
Wts Gold Max 30 Always!! Shield
WTS Gold Fellblade req10 14>50 cripple longer
selling gold vampiric ivory bow of fortitude / only req 8
Perfect Vampiric Bow String
WTS: Gold Water Staff and Gold Hammer
-2/-2 Eternal Shield, & other quality item auction
Selling Furious Gladius of Warding, Max. Dmg., Dmg +14%, Armor +6(vs. elements), more
Wts Composite Bow Gold
WTS good mesmer weapon, and a hammer 15%^50, sword 15%^50 all item are gold rare
purple fellblade 4 sale
+30 health sheild all the time
"Perfect" req 9 skeleton shield
WTS Razorstone
Max gold vampiric recurve bow of enchanting 5:-1 +15>50 20% longer
legend's (+15% enchanted/over 50) bows and swords and 14>40 axes and a few upgrades
Lots of max gold items - yakslapper - 5:-1 bow string
req 8 Chaos Axe 14%>50 with perfect mods
Green Sceptor,Gold bow and 2 gold staffs
WTS Various Items (gold, purple)
2 Axes (req 8 and 9) for sale
req8 maxdmg hammer, life stealing:4, 15%dmg health>50%.....
WTS Gold Max SPIKY WAR HAMMER 15^50, Req 9, Perfect SUNDERING & FORTITUDE mods
WTS Max Longswords 15>50 and 20<50 both req 8
WTS bowstring and sword pommel.
WTS Gargash's Recurve Bow anda Horn Bow
WTS Gold Short Bow - Check Out Pix -
Max Gold Items, taking offers, just need to clean out bank!
WTS Tanzit's Defender
WTS Perfect Gold Sword and Shield Combo