ANet: Get rid of the "locked door" concept in Nightfall
Splatter Mcnasty
My biggest complaint about Factions is the idea that I am forced to play through the entire storyline on EVERY character, if I want each character to have access to the whole map. I wouldnt mind if certain cities/outposts were locked at the beginning, but it would be nice if you could enter with any character once you have completed the storyline with at least one character. I'm not advocating that all outposts appear on the map for all characters, I am simply asking that outpost access behave more like skill unlocks: Once you've gained access to a town on one character, allow other characters on the account access through alternate means, such as running or ferrying.
Stealthy Trapper
That's ANets way of nerfing something we love yet again.
That's ANets way of nerfing something we love yet again.
Definitely a good idea, although there would be problems with people who hadn't gone through the storyline getting into groups of people who had, and thus skipping it.
I love that they have said that they aren't against running, but put a feature in to elimate it.
I really don't mind the locked door concept too much, the only time it really bothers me is when you can't get outside into a zone from inside a town because of a locked door. That's very stupid. I have to go to another town and traipse all the way across the zone.
I really don't mind the locked door concept too much, the only time it really bothers me is when you can't get outside into a zone from inside a town because of a locked door. That's very stupid. I have to go to another town and traipse all the way across the zone.
Originally Posted by Cherno
I love that they have said that they aren't against running, but put a feature in to elimate it.
But i agree make it so you must play through it at least with one character, then the gates are unlocked for all of your characters, so at least we have the choice after that.
Ok I love running poeple... its fun for me to run past mobs.. kite use different tactics everytime.. all while hearing the interesting convos of the ones being run... but GW shattered that fun for me in factions... for a game with no grind.. it seems getting to end was a grind in itself... please take way this pain of grinding and give us runners our livelyhood bak

I loved the locked doors. Please keep them A.Net! It's so nice to hear all these runners for x amount of money and no one looking for a party just runners. So yeah i hope they stay.
Originally Posted by onilink
Definitely a good idea, although there would be problems with people who hadn't gone through the storyline getting into groups of people who had, and thus skipping it.
That was an extremely annoying part of Factions. Playing through it once with one character was ok, but having to repeat it multiple times to get all my characters to get to elite missions/armor/Jade Quarry/etc was very annoying.
I'd also suggest Anet takes away anything that would discourage exploring other parts of the game (merchants who won't deal with you, loosing points on one side for taking a reward from another). Annoyances like that don't make the game feel more realistic, they just make it annoying.
That was an extremely annoying part of Factions. Playing through it once with one character was ok, but having to repeat it multiple times to get all my characters to get to elite missions/armor/Jade Quarry/etc was very annoying.
I'd also suggest Anet takes away anything that would discourage exploring other parts of the game (merchants who won't deal with you, loosing points on one side for taking a reward from another). Annoyances like that don't make the game feel more realistic, they just make it annoying.
/SIGNED as well.. PvPers don't have time to Grind all day
unholy guardian
i just listened to that one interview with jeff and the er game thingy o gaming steve lol, they said they liked runners, i wonder what really caused the lock door thing if they said outright they liked the idea of people creating their own jobs.
Problem is, even where there are not locked doors, it's incredibly hard to run, so many traps mobs, i just don't think factions could have been ran almost at all. Everything seems to have crippling anguish or just something to kill you, you would just overwhelmed.
i just listened to that one interview with jeff and the er game thingy o gaming steve lol, they said they liked runners, i wonder what really caused the lock door thing if they said outright they liked the idea of people creating their own jobs.
Problem is, even where there are not locked doors, it's incredibly hard to run, so many traps mobs, i just don't think factions could have been ran almost at all. Everything seems to have crippling anguish or just something to kill you, you would just overwhelmed.
Sir Mad
If you don't wanna play the game, don't play it.
If you don't wanna play the game, don't play it.
Sir Jameson
I think it would be convenient if the locked-door concept was gone in Nightfall, but I'm also fine with it if Anet leves it in. I'll just have to beat the game a few more times with all 5 characters.

gabrial heart
I think signing this is pontless at the moment, concidering they are pretty far into development. I liked having the option and making the runs, so i'd like to see an open door policy brought back. I don't however like getting to the last few missions with PUG's that have no idea how thier build works.
I don't think having the doors open for second timers is the answer, but i do like the "merchants don't sell unless you have certain quests done" idea someone posted in another thread.
I don't think having the doors open for second timers is the answer, but i do like the "merchants don't sell unless you have certain quests done" idea someone posted in another thread.
unholy guardian
Originally Posted by Sir Mad
If you don't wanna play the game, don't play it. |
why would you get the run if you aren't playing it? People play their own way, we don't tell you how to play, do we?

im kinda impartial. Id say let parts of the game be ran. But leave some really vital missions as locks like THK or Sanctum.
I liked the lock door concept for certain things, and at the same time, i wish i could run to some missions.
I liked the lock door concept for certain things, and at the same time, i wish i could run to some missions.
Stealthy Trapper
I just love the people who get on here and go "if you don't like the game then don't play it"............
If you don't wanna hear the complaints then don't check the forum......
People are complaining about one aspect of the game here in this SPECIFIC thread.....they most likely enjoy the other 1500 great reasons to play GWs.
It's human nature to vent about one thing yet enjoy (but not talk about) the other 1500 things. It makes us feel good. You don't like to hear the complaining then go away.

If you don't wanna hear the complaints then don't check the forum......
People are complaining about one aspect of the game here in this SPECIFIC thread.....they most likely enjoy the other 1500 great reasons to play GWs.
It's human nature to vent about one thing yet enjoy (but not talk about) the other 1500 things. It makes us feel good. You don't like to hear the complaining then go away.

Allowing skipping is fine, but if there is a valuable end-game reward, such as the amulet of the mists, or special armor skins, it should only be available to those who played through the whole game.
There are differences between Factions and Prophecies, which is why having unlocked gates would have been somewhat of a problem...
First, you get a pretty nice reward for beating Factions. Prophecies got you a free ticket back to Thunderhead Keep when you finally finished Hell's Precipice. If people had the chance to run their characters through Factions and accelerate themselves to the finish, everyone would have one of every end-game green already by now
Second, Factions has an issue with its map where almost all of it is on the same continent. In Prophecies, there were pseudo-roadblocks such as the ascension process (though the missions themselves are easily run, you still have to kill your doppleganger) or the biggie, Thunderhead Keep.
So what's my own opinion on the matter? What I would have preferred in factions is locked gates LATER in the game, but not earlier like some would like. This way, it would sort of mirror how prophecies was..if you wanted to just get to a part of the later game you could buy a run, but if you wanted to actually complete the game you'd need to do a few later missions.
As for Nightfall, if they continue the new trend of actually rewarding game completion, I'd want some kind of hinderances to remain in the game, but in the same pattern as above...more focused on the late-game content than the early stuff.
First, you get a pretty nice reward for beating Factions. Prophecies got you a free ticket back to Thunderhead Keep when you finally finished Hell's Precipice. If people had the chance to run their characters through Factions and accelerate themselves to the finish, everyone would have one of every end-game green already by now
Second, Factions has an issue with its map where almost all of it is on the same continent. In Prophecies, there were pseudo-roadblocks such as the ascension process (though the missions themselves are easily run, you still have to kill your doppleganger) or the biggie, Thunderhead Keep.
So what's my own opinion on the matter? What I would have preferred in factions is locked gates LATER in the game, but not earlier like some would like. This way, it would sort of mirror how prophecies was..if you wanted to just get to a part of the later game you could buy a run, but if you wanted to actually complete the game you'd need to do a few later missions.
As for Nightfall, if they continue the new trend of actually rewarding game completion, I'd want some kind of hinderances to remain in the game, but in the same pattern as above...more focused on the late-game content than the early stuff.
It's not just running. If you're out and about just exploring, it is annoying to find somewhere new and... there's a fecking gate in the way!
Get rid of this artificial means to force people to replay bits and/or stretch the game out :P
Get rid of this artificial means to force people to replay bits and/or stretch the game out :P
I like the PvE aspect of GW to the extent of being able to have a good time when you actually manage to form a tolerable party... Other than that GW PvE BLOWS! and even worse, Anet exponentially ruins their own PvE enviroment by nerfing the only solution to the lack of good parties by nerfing soloing every time it gets good, or when the solo build has any hope of reaping what it sews.
And Factions; the awesome letdown... the only great thing that this expansion did was bring in some more players that may possibly help to alleviate this party up problem. I mean come on guys, Assassins are so easily counterred in PvP (which makes me wonder why they are called assassins, should just call them cathaders or something else annoying in life.) and ritualists are the ultimate backline class that has a LIMITTED impact on the fight.
Maybe Im just a dick thought... I mean the alliance battle thing has potential. But if you are on the side that was depending on some R/N newb minion master ~ fun out tha window and onto the pile of your teams corpses below.
That said, ANET, please introduce useful professions that are fun for more than a week.
And Factions; the awesome letdown... the only great thing that this expansion did was bring in some more players that may possibly help to alleviate this party up problem. I mean come on guys, Assassins are so easily counterred in PvP (which makes me wonder why they are called assassins, should just call them cathaders or something else annoying in life.) and ritualists are the ultimate backline class that has a LIMITTED impact on the fight.
Maybe Im just a dick thought... I mean the alliance battle thing has potential. But if you are on the side that was depending on some R/N newb minion master ~ fun out tha window and onto the pile of your teams corpses below.
That said, ANET, please introduce useful professions that are fun for more than a week.
Stealthy Trapper
Originally Posted by SpeedyKQ
Allowing skipping is fine, but if there is a valuable end-game reward, such as the amulet of the mists, or special armor skins, it should only be available to those who played through the whole game.
Nah we went for a year with Droks runs to get the best armor only to go back and play through with leet armor...
I don't think I ever heard a complaint form a lvl 10-12 newb group that scored a lvl 20 warrior with droks armor to help them through a tough mission. Locked doors is just a bad attack on having fun.
Locked doors just equals less time of developing a game (which still costs full price) only to extend game play to make you think your getting a full game.
Originally Posted by Sir Mad
If you don't wanna play the game, don't play it. |

I say lock all the gates but let unlocking them be account-wide, not just for that one character. That way it makes sure you play through at least once but doesn't limit you when you want to just explore with your next character

I don't like the gates, and not because I want to run somewhere.
I like to explore. I like to take a group and fight through an area and see where it takes me. It is very annoying to clear an area or two, have racked up a hefty DP, and find an outpost only to have an NPC tell you that you can't enter untill you do some mission.
Factions really let me down on the exploration aspect. It was great that you could reenter a mission area as an explorabe area after it was completed, but being able to just randomly explore and see where you end up was not an option.
I like to explore. I like to take a group and fight through an area and see where it takes me. It is very annoying to clear an area or two, have racked up a hefty DP, and find an outpost only to have an NPC tell you that you can't enter untill you do some mission.
Factions really let me down on the exploration aspect. It was great that you could reenter a mission area as an explorabe area after it was completed, but being able to just randomly explore and see where you end up was not an option.
I agree to locked doors really cramped my exploration desires (which have nothing to do with the titles) especially in the beginning when I first brought my Tyrian characters over. After awhile it hasn't been too bad, but yes it does feel like grind.
Better yet, leave them in. The gate progression system was by far my favorite part of Factions' PvE; it truly reinforces the point that, no, this is not your average MMO.
I don't like the locked portals concept. But I do think EVERY mission should be required to finish the game.
I like the design of the crystal desert in Prophecies. You were free to run wherever your little legs (or hired legs) could take you. The 3 ascension missions could be done in any order. But to advance past the desert you had to do all 3 missions first.
I like the design of the crystal desert in Prophecies. You were free to run wherever your little legs (or hired legs) could take you. The 3 ascension missions could be done in any order. But to advance past the desert you had to do all 3 missions first.
I don't mind some of the gates being locked but having them ALL locked is a little ridiculous. The thing that makes no sense is gates are locked so you can't go outside when you've already finished the mission. ex. Unwaking waters.
I <3 the desert in Prophecies. Open spaces, interesting environment, reasonable difficulty and interesting story.
I <3 the desert in Prophecies. Open spaces, interesting environment, reasonable difficulty and interesting story.
Li Tian
/signed, as you do it with one char, should apply to account that all is unlocked not just one char at a time, same as the irritating opening of the material storage with each char...why?
Yeah rigth you get lvl 9 doing acsenchion in the desert and instantly jump to lvl 20, then you have to do missions with them. Thats screwd, they don't know what they are doing or what skills they need, or don't even have the skills because the jump over parts of the game.
/not signed
/not signed
/Not signed
The locked gates are brilliant. I haven't seen a level 3 in Cavalon yet. I also care little for people's lost "income" from running.
Leave locked the gates!
The locked gates are brilliant. I haven't seen a level 3 in Cavalon yet. I also care little for people's lost "income" from running.
Leave locked the gates!
/not signed
There was less spam in local chat with running and there was no low level toons in last few main mission areas. As far as exploring and running just pick up the primary quests then all locked gate wouldn’t be a problem.
There was less spam in local chat with running and there was no low level toons in last few main mission areas. As far as exploring and running just pick up the primary quests then all locked gate wouldn’t be a problem.
Sai of Winter
I'm in for getting rid of the locked gates. Going through the game with 2-3 characters is okay, but it gets boring/tiring with 4 or more characters. I just want to get to a certain point of the game without going through the earlier missions for the fourth, fifth, sixth time, and so on. Sometimes it's a little frustrating.
/not signed
Locked gates is one of the best features in Factions. It means you actually have to play the game instead of being run through and not knowing how to play well. With locked gates it means that the areas that are meant for level 20 players actually have level 20 players and none else, which is how its meant to be.
Untrue. Just go to Harvest Temple and walk out the portal. There you are in Unwaking Waters explorable.
Locked gates is one of the best features in Factions. It means you actually have to play the game instead of being run through and not knowing how to play well. With locked gates it means that the areas that are meant for level 20 players actually have level 20 players and none else, which is how its meant to be.
Originally Posted by BrutusV
The thing that makes no sense is gates are locked so you can't go outside when you've already finished the mission. ex. Unwaking waters.
Splatter Mcnasty
Originally Posted by logan90
/not signed
Locked gates is one of the best features in Factions. It means you actually have to play the game instead of being run through and not knowing how to play well. |
Guildwars is NOT about your character's level, it is about how you play your character and the skills you choose to use. A low level character can do just as well as a high level character. The "running = noob players" argument is soooo old and over-used, it just sounds ridiculous now.
Retribution X
I played prophecies a LONG time before factions was released, and I was really dissappointed that I couldn't get run. Why?
Because certain missions in factions are IMPOSSIBLE with certain classes+henchies, and Finding a decent group is next to finding shit in a toilet that has been flushing for 39 minutes straight.
I played prophecies a LONG time before factions was released, and I was really dissappointed that I couldn't get run. Why?
Because certain missions in factions are IMPOSSIBLE with certain classes+henchies, and Finding a decent group is next to finding shit in a toilet that has been flushing for 39 minutes straight.
Kijik Oni Hanryuu
/not signed
It's refreshing seingpeople actually saying LFG and not LFR, and people are complaining so much about how "ZOMG tyria is emptiez!!" uhh duh, everyone and their mother got a run to uh droks, then to the crystal desert, then through all of the missions there.. everyone is at THK or RoF or a farming spot, in Cantha you actuallyhave people in justabout every outpost, so it's not empty, if nightfall doesn't have gates I can guarantee most of it will be empty once chap 4 comes out..
Running is crap too, it's taking the easy way out. THe runners are nothing more than farmers and some are scammers too. I also say this from the perspective of some who did get run, only because it is now a necessity in the tyrian world because eveyryone else has "Teh 1337 Armor" because they got run, while the guys who try to play legit get left behind.
It's refreshing seingpeople actually saying LFG and not LFR, and people are complaining so much about how "ZOMG tyria is emptiez!!" uhh duh, everyone and their mother got a run to uh droks, then to the crystal desert, then through all of the missions there.. everyone is at THK or RoF or a farming spot, in Cantha you actuallyhave people in justabout every outpost, so it's not empty, if nightfall doesn't have gates I can guarantee most of it will be empty once chap 4 comes out..
Running is crap too, it's taking the easy way out. THe runners are nothing more than farmers and some are scammers too. I also say this from the perspective of some who did get run, only because it is now a necessity in the tyrian world because eveyryone else has "Teh 1337 Armor" because they got run, while the guys who try to play legit get left behind.
If I choose to not do every single quest/mission on my 6th PVE character, I would rather be able to walk into a town I see while out exploring.
If I choose to not do every single quest/mission on my 6th PVE character, I would rather be able to walk into a town I see while out exploring.
Originally Posted by FaeBaul
Assassins are so easily counterred in PvP (which makes me wonder why they are called assassins, should just call them cathaders or something else annoying in life.) and ritualists are the ultimate backline class that has a LIMITTED impact on the fight.