[Petition] Profession Changer ~ Guild Hall & Hero window [H]
Definitely PLZ!!! cant afford to go from drok's to KC to senji's to LA and back to drok's everytime i wanna change professions..
Definitely PLZ!!! cant afford to go from drok's to KC to senji's to LA and back to drok's everytime i wanna change professions..
Jumping out of a group to map to a different continent or town to change profession to fill a gap in the group...Pain.
Jumping out of a group to map to a different continent or town to change profession to fill a gap in the group...Pain.
/signed !
Knightsaber Sith
stop being lazy
stop being lazy
My warrior NEEDS to switch between classes for different aspects of the game.
My warrior NEEDS to switch between classes for different aspects of the game.
Dfx Gladiator
/double signed
In a few chapters this will be an absolute must, i don't see myself travelling to Cantha to change to /Rt, then later to Elona to become /P and help guildies and an hour later to the 4th chapter continent to get an other secondary so i can pvp.....
In a few chapters this will be an absolute must, i don't see myself travelling to Cantha to change to /Rt, then later to Elona to become /P and help guildies and an hour later to the 4th chapter continent to get an other secondary so i can pvp.....
Underworld Calling
/signed this will save the slow loaders time if they can just hit h and its right there
Drunkn Munky
Stranger The Ranger
The truth itself
Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
stop being lazy |
Stop being lazy?
Why are you playing Guild Wars?
Would you like to remove Map travel too?
And Proffession changing all together? You can always create a new RP character with another 2nd.
oh yeah, and also remove PvP-characters, LZAY PEOLPE!!11
Lethorn Maeran
Jecht Scye
great idea. would definitely speed up intraguild scrimmages and GvG setup.
great idea. would definitely speed up intraguild scrimmages and GvG setup.
Tuoba Hturt Eht
Once again, the original post has been updated with the latest signatures, both signed and un-signed.
Kindly keep this thread clean, and keep those signatures comin'
Thank you.
Kindly keep this thread clean, and keep those signatures comin'
Thank you.
I am pretty sure I read that when nighfall releases we will have "Build Templates" which we will make and we can switch to any build in any outpost, this includes changing professions.
So I dont reall know that we need a petition anymore, but I guess time will tell.
If we cant do the switching in Nightfall then.......
So I dont reall know that we need a petition anymore, but I guess time will tell.
If we cant do the switching in Nightfall then.......
Knightsaber Sith
Well it's been said in PCGamer that Nightfall will allow you to switch secondaries through the skill template window. So I guess it's [K] (assuming that's the template button
) and not [H]. I don't think you need to push this petition anymore.

Tuoba Hturt Eht
The Night Fall Preview Event has confirmed the functionalities of the "K" "Skills & Attributes" window.
The ability to change our secondary professions without having to go through any loading screens is confirmed.
I hereby express my utmost gratitude to ANET.
ANET, thank you for listening.
The ability to change our secondary professions without having to go through any loading screens is confirmed.
I hereby express my utmost gratitude to ANET.
ANET, thank you for listening.
Eh... I'm new to this forum, so apologies if this is a stupid question - and I'm not stalking you Irish, honest...
but why are people still signing this? The feature has been put in and someone has reported this
but why are people still signing this? The feature has been put in and someone has reported this
Tuoba Hturt Eht
Sorry, my bad, I should have wrote this in the original post instead.
Post #142
Post #142