Except, Factions has no Underworld of its own, no Fissure of Woe, no Sorrow's Furnace, No Tomb of Primal Kings.
And now with the release of Factions, Prophecies doesn't have an Underworld or Fissure of Woe of its own, either.
Also, bear in mind that the Titan Quests and Sorrow's Furnace update were both 4 months after the official release of a game we'd been playing off and on for almost a year already anyway. ToPK wasn't for another two or three months after that, even. ANet may yet have a similar addition for Factions, we don't know. Maybe this Nightfall jazz is part of a distraction so we don't expect a similar add-on?
Also, as you said, most of the area is tied to the storyline. As opposed to Prophecies which delivered you to the next mission area for you about half the time? So they kind of backhandedly forced you to explore more to advance the story in Factions? Not a terribly significant difference, IMO. Oh, btw, have you explored your way to the two Challenge missions deep in Luxon/Kurzick territory? That's a trek to the @$$-middle of nowhere. Obscure skill trainers were unfortunately eliminated due to the skill-acquisition system in Factions, but I think ANet was in a lose-lose situation there.
As for the Challenge missions themselves, them being boring or not is merely your opinion. You may choose to ignore their existence by not playing them, but that does not mean they don't exist and can be excluded from every discussion about content.
Personally, I like what they did with Factions maps. They didn't do a whole lot with the vertical aspect of the game in Prophecies, opting instead for a lot of sprawling landscapes. There are a lot more height contrasts and vertical artistic moves that they made use of in Factions that I appreciate. This may have decreased the amount they could make to cater to the explorer, but every decision has its benefits and drawbacks. Also, the use of the city was an interesting tool in Factions because it gave the environment more ambient life than Prophecies, where you trekked from scorched wasteland to icy wasteland to open plains to jungle to desert wasteland, eventually ending up in a fiery wasteland. However, I'm rambling.
But hey, if you don't like Factions? Don't play it. Not like you have to call ANet and tell them to stop charging your $15/mo or anything. You already got 3 months out of it, so if you want to continue that parallel, everything from here on out is gravy anyway. And just because you and others didn't like it doesn't mean that the downfall of ANet is near.
They struck gold with Prophecies. Just because they hit silver on round 2 or some other less precious metal doesn't mean they're going out of business now. Frankly, I don't think ANet will ever escape the shadow of Prophecies. It became like a first love to some people, and they'd have to make the second coming to appease that crowd and their fond memories of their first playthrough. The bar was lower for Prophecies. Nobody really knew what to expect. And we were all blown away. This raised the bar for Factions to attempt to exceed Prophecies so we would all be blown away again. When we weren't, people complained and they haven't stopped since. I doubt they ever will. After all, nothing will ever match that first high.