As an elementalist, i use NO enchantments on my own builds. My healing is a skill, my energy management is an attack. To bad cant get me with ench removing... the only ench i ever use is prodigy, and thats a 5 sec recharge...
Ferocious Strike {E} - 5e, 0c, 8r
You gain 9 energy and adr. and your pet does +25 damage.
(yes that really does help with energy management, its effective in my opinion, i usually bring glyph of lesser energy if im using more than 1 25e spell.)
Predatory Bond - 10e, 0c, 30r
for 17 secs you gain 25 health each time your pet hits with an attack.
(add call of haste for even more health, you can get over 300 with it)
So personally, i could care less about the ench removal, but the scythe wih its 41 damage 0_o... now hows that fair
Originally Posted by Frojack
Well it will certainly be interesting. The reason Elementalists will have potentially the most difficulty here is not just because of energy management but also because most of their defensive, self-support skills are also enchantments...
Sliver Armour
Swirling Aura
Magnetic Aura
Armour of Earth
Kinetic Armour
Aura of Restoration
Armour of Frost
Armour of Mist
Obsidian Flesh
Windborne Speed
Note: Obsidian Flesh stops all ench. removal... just making a HUGE point that anet already has given earth and water ench. removal defenses...
Obsidian Flesh {E} - 10e, 1s, 30r
For 18 seconds, you cannot be the target of foes spells, and gain +20 armor. You move 50% slower.
Mirror of Ice {E} - 5e, 3/4, 10r
For 60 seconds, the next time youre target by a spell, that spell fails and the attacker takes 70 damage. (note ~ does not affect hexes)
so mirror of ice is pretty much the ultimate cover up ench already. It does not trigger at hexes, (/mo with hex removal is nice) and this stops energy stealing, ench. removal, spikes, interupts!!! cmon look at the potential of this ench!!!
Originally Posted by The Great Al
I pretty much only play elem...but yeah, certain things need to happen by the time chapter 3 comes around for Elems to still be viable characters in the game. Damage? dervishes will do better pbaoe. necros do better single target damage and it's shadow damage. Support? Paragons. Nuking? not nearly as good after the nerf, but fire is basically the only usable element.
ROFL....still laughing..... ALMOST DONE...
Nuking... pshh nuking sucks, its been proven that nukes do a whole lot less than almost anything else, its only viable in pve. PVP, looks like the almight air spike is pretty much down the drain with all this ench. removal, but seriously NUKING THE ONLY USABLE!!! hahah... have you ever tried the other elements??!??!?!?!?? air can outdo a necro anyday, especially since necros usually have to get up close to do good spikes. air does enough damage, in the 50s to wars as well. for the same amount of energy. REALLY. Earth is my fav, with wards, spikes and aoe attack that do good damage and last for 5 secs, getting in at lest 3 hits if they are in the middle of it. Eruption is very good at spreading wars away from monks, and churning earth stops many of them from using sprint rush, and also totally annihilates touchers with escape. Unsteady Ground also is great as it will always hit 5 times beacuse if they attack theyre kd'd, who isnt always attacking...15 energy 20 recharge, now theres a good elite. water is snares, very effective, and also look at ward against harm, 15 energy 20 sec recharge, and a lot of defense, +24 vs EVERYTHING. warriors, rangers, elements, EVERYTHING, and no, it cannot be stripped. there is no counter.
Originally Posted by exiled mat
I DO think that at least the atunements and the aura of restoration enchantments must become skills.
1 in case of aura of restoration: Ele don't has any other good NON elite form of selfhealing.
2 enchantment stripped = low energy ele
3 desecrete enchantments + ele with their "superior" selfheal = death ele
Seeming as things are now ele MAY have the most energy, BUT their allmost all their skills Cost a hell lot of energy... And the results of those high energy skills aren't even as effective as a few adrenal build warrior skills....
ugg not another one...
Learn to use skills, energy tap, energy drain, GLYPHS... there are many many ways to conserve energy as an elementalist, you dont see necros or mesmers running out of energy do you? go about an elementalist the same way, you dont need to be dishing out aoe 25 energy spells do be effective, dont waste all the energy you have in the first 20 secs. find your own energy managment skills, i used BM, i was content on being a BM from the first moment the game came out. As for healing, thats what ur 2ndary is for.