Oh come on let's be realistic. You cant avoid idiots in IRL as well. Not completely. You can spend more time in isolation, but that's similiar to turning off local chan.
If you think GW is a separate space-time continuum, think again. It's not. It represents the usual population out there. Maybe with a bit more kids but nothing drastic IMO. The real difference is that, IRL u would get smacked for saying some of the things, and online you get away with it.
The same solution for GW is as in IRL. Surround yourself with people you like. That's about it. Get in better guild, or if that's not option build friends list. I will admit it's not always easy, but it can be rewarding.
One other thing i'd like to say is - adapt. Sorry but, you cannot be that sensitive. No, i dont like a lot of talks in local can as well, etc. Yes i run into many #$$#%&$ people as well. But you need to learn how to handle it, and rage-quitting is awesome solution sometimes, if it's someone in your team, or just moving on, if it's in local chan. Yes yes, sexual talk, morbid talk, immature talks of any kind, toilet humor... but move on. Ignore it. There are a lot of things i dont like, or im saddened to see, but i try not to get in depression about it haha

Seriously, just as this sexual (and alike) talk frustrates you, so i am frustrated by slutty girls, selfish people in missions who run after loot jeopardizing mission after which i fail to get masters, people with attitude "but i dont like to think" (their own words btw), people who beg for money but dont want to farm themselves etc. I could make a huge list but it's pointless. So what im saying is - gather those you like around you. It works.