How will PvP ever take off? I meet people every single day who condemn this game because they can not the stupid chat system.
How hard can it be? This is an online game. Communication should be vital. Why is it that I can play some lame EA FPS like BF2 and have free in game voice support but not this? Why is it that trading, selling, buying, grouping and chatting is so horrible?
Why is the community at an all time low and why is the pvp not taking off? There are probably 10 times as many GW players who run around confused not knowing what to do!
Standing in a city.. it's chaos.. it's bad and it's unorginised. Everything is a hassle. people shout in their faces, people in general are mean and stupid, the newbies don't even get a chance to get into it, and its hard to meet guilds and people.
going into random arenas spread fears into many.
Communications. COmmunications. Anet is so focused on pvp in this game. Why can they not see that no matter how mant gazllion classes or skills or pve areas with duplicated monsters with uniqe skins, that the community still sucks?
When I log of guild wars in general I actually get mad. not because the game is bad, but because people are such racistic flaming morons. people just dont get along.
its not that simple to just put them all down in a chatroom and let them work it out.
economy, community, pvp, players... hell... EVERYTHING is being hold back by the poor in game communications tool. I dont give a twat if people feel like they wanna be anti social and bla bla bla bla, but even from a game mechanic point of view you cant denie that its screwed up.
And everyone agrees, the majority of factions review had their negatives about how stupid it was to group, meet people and trade and buy and sell. when GW came out over a year ago we where all like cutting them some slack because we expected they would fix it.
and yet Anet continue to ignore it. why cant they see? they call themselfs players of the game too. then perhaps they can see what a hostile experience it is to go into a random arena and getting threatened on your life for not being very good at pvp. some people will defend the current system and just say that its competitive, but I call BS.
Its just the bad tools that make so many people assholes. its almost impossible to find cool players in this big maze.
I dont usually whine or have problems with this game, but they said that they would add some sort of new trading system/bazaar/auction house before factions.. then they delayed it, and still nothing.
new classes and skills is great and all for pvp, but whats the point if most people cant find any decent people to play with. at least when you play lesser crap games like WoW you can actually talk to them with a proper chat and find people you can get along with.
I dont have any suggestions or ideas on how to do it, but I just know from my long online gaming experience that meet, trading and fighting with other people in GW is ackward and wrong. it makes me frustrated and I feel its severely limiting the games succes.
we all know that many people stick with MMORPGs for many years because of friends, even if they think the game is bad. EQ and WoW are good examples. good friends or nice guildies can make any bad game fun.
good friends or nice guildies could make GW king of all games.
my question to gailie if she could answer it; why why why won't anet prioritise this anymore? this is a hugh problem? im not an mmo expert or anything, but im just talking to a player. as a player and gamer who sits and listens to other frustrated gw players on general messege boards. i like the new interface changes, but its really not what i had hoped for...
