Originally Posted by Omega X
You have absolutely no imagination whatsoever
That's because I don't have to imagine - I've been there, I've done it. I've mapped quite literally hundreds of mazes, and solved more puzzles, most of them ridiculously illogical, than you can shake a very big stick at.
It won't hurt you if they threw a puzzle in your path every so often RATHER than fighting glitchy lvl 28 mobs all day everyday. It would actually make some ppl use BRAIN power for once in their Guild Wars lifetime.
I'd like to use my brain too. Thing is, mapping a maze isn't using your brain, it's simply trial-and-error-tedium. Puzzles may require engaging the brain, but only for the first person to go through - after that it's posted on every website and you can bet there's a website-reader in every PUG.
Lvl28 invincimobs can only entertain for so long.
Personally I don't find them entertaining at all. I hate invincimobs; it's completely the wrong kind of difficulty, especially in a game like GW. Slugfests like the bonus in Dragons Lair or the fight against Shiro in Factions is cheesiness squared.
If I had my way, at least the intelligent mobs would be playing by the same rules as the human players - dual-professions, 8 reasonable skills (with a random component), standard armor levels and bonuses, level 20 cap except for "epic" characters like Glint, who could be somewhat higher.
To balance difficulty so that players neither steamrolled the inferior AI nor got (on average) totally pwnt, you could vary the number of monsters per mob, but I'm guessing on average, in an area where the team size is 8, there should be 8-12 monsters per mob. They should also use reasonable tactics given skills and composition.
Closest to this ideal are the Avicara, although they don't meet it, and it's no coincidence they're such annoying biyatches to fight.
Not all monsters need be like this, but there should be some. Also, mobs need to move around and have a random component to their skills. There's, what, 150? necro skills, I shouldn't instantly know what skills that Avicara Guile has.
AND if not Puzzles, then what?
TACTICAL challenge. Terrain matter all too little in GW, and the PvE dangers are all too predictable.