Originally Posted by Riken Chrono
Does this thread need any more posts? Its about this OP is poor and wants Fow armor! so he wants to change fow so you dont have to pay! nuff said, kthxbai. lawlz if you want money go do HoH and get a 15^50 req 7 crystalline lawlz
I have three sets of fow armor not one was purchases to make me feel l337 or superior I got them because they looked cool. My first necro set I got just after I ascended my necro and hadnt even played it properly same with my ele. I like all my characters to look awsome and couldnt care less how much the armor costs it just so happens that it was fow armor which I liked. I had no skill as an ele or necro when I bought them but I thought they looked cool. FOW armor is purely a gold skink it is not designed to recognise skill.
Maybe make armor which requires you to complete every quest and mission including bonus/masters then have to do some mammoth mission to get the armor but Anet will never make FOW armor obtainable this way.
I have spent millions on armor alone. If everyone who had FOW armor did not have it and instead had millions of gold the price of items would increase drasitically. Instead of buying multiple FOW armor sets I could buy a 15>50 crystalline sword. Through buying them I cannot afford them thus preventing me driving the price of items up through having tons of excess gold.
The OP seems to be jealous of those who have way too much time on there hands or are actually talented at making gold. Some of my favourite trades include buying shields for 50k then reselling for 400k
Quit winging about it and get farming/trading etc if you want it sooo bad. FOW armor was never designed to show your skill. A person in 1.5k armor could be more skillful than someone in FOW armor. I never judge a person on what armor they have. Some of the wealthiest people I know have only 1.5k armor. Some of the worst people I have met have FOW armor.
Maybe introduce King Of A Big Deal armor which is a reward for being a KOABD.
To be skillfull in Guild Wars you dont need rare skin items or expensive armor. Collectors items, Greens or 1.5k armor are all you need. If you like/want FOW armor and cannot afford it thats your problem. I have had the time and patience to grind to get it. Just because you cannot be bothered does not mean Anet should change it to allow lazy people to get it. If Anet did change it there would be tens of thousands of people with FOW armor who are not as skilled with those who do.
The ideas of an uber hard quest to get the skillfull armor wont work. Look at FOW and the trip to the forgemaster, you can 3 man it. People over in the services forum offer to do it for you. The idea of the pressure pads and getting people to stand on them wont work as the customer can just stand on them too. The idea of making a quest where it is sooo hard only 8 people in an 8 man team can do it and not 7 wont work. A massive number of teams would fail due to it being sooo difficult a team where noone can make mistakes would be required. This would lead to massive grind and would be one big mess. PUGing it would be impossible and even guild/alliance teams would struggle.
Your idea is atrocious and if I was you I would be embarrassed and ask to have my name changed. Maybe Anet making armor for people with KOABD in Nightfall would be nice but again getting the title is not skill but grind. People with skill dont need armor to show their skill they would be recognised by others. Take Racoth, Sno, Stryder Kairu (sp) etc they are all recognised for their skill and not for having some uber set of armor.