Originally Posted by Phoebe
If everyone used as much knowledge as you do you would most likely be poor because there wouldn't be any lack of knowledge off which you could make easy cash.
the profit made on trading has FAR less to do with knowledge, than patience.
yes, knowledge is important but regardless of how much someone understands economics, if they arent willing to stick for the extra they wont make money doing it.
the assumption that traders "rip off" people or "abuse new players" or people who "dont know value" is an argument made from the line of ignorance.
the fact of the matter is while most people may not know the value of every item, or even a majority of items off the top of their head, theres a GOOD chance they know the value of the items they are buying/selling. even if they dont, it takes only a few secconds-hours to get an accurate pricecheck (more or less) from the same people who would buy/sell the very item in question. so, the knowledge is out there and accessible to a greater or lesser degree.
however, even armed with all this knowledge, does not mean that person is going to get what was reccomended in the PC. why?
because the vast majority of the human race is lazy. if people have an item that they want to buy or sell, 9/10 times they will sell it for less than what they
could get just to make the sale quicker. or buy for more than what they
could work their way down too, again, just to make the sale quicker.
these guys may not be particularly good at trading, or have a high patience for it, or know the right people, and so even if they WANT to spend the extra time selling the item for that little extra bit of profit, it may not be worth their time.
so, the vast majority of the time, people sell for less than they could, or pay more than they have too, just to escape the actual act of trading.
this, is where traders come in. we dont go out "newb farming" (as its called in the world of traders), we simply buy items for 10% less than what they sell for from willing sellers who dont have the time or patience to do so themselves, and then sell for 10% more to people on the opposite end of the line. and in the process, a 20% commission is made (an experienced trader can regularly get 10-30%). occasionally you'll be able to haggle up and down a few plat, which for each individual trade isnt that big of a deal, but when you buy and sell 1,000+ items over the course of a trading career, that haggling adds up, and it adds up fast.
not to mention, people who sell items for less than they are worth, are usually repeat suppliers, as are people who buy for a bit more. if you know the kinds of items they buy/sell, all you have to do is rememebr or write down the name, and if you're good at keeping organized its easy to build a contacts list vast enough towards you can aquire more or less anything.
if on the other hand you resort to "newb farming" that is finding idiots selling for minute amounts, the kind of trade that only happens rarely, then you will not end up with a large contact list of suppliers/buyers, and in the long run, you will lose out.
this is why consistent smaller profits, will almost always make you more money than the occasional big payout.
if you're going to post, at least know what you're talking about.