The ending cutscene can result in you dying and ending up with /deaths reporting 1, if you have minion masters around and minions still alive
I got my Ritualist through the mission just fine, with hardly anybody in the party dying (just 2 or 3 deaths for a warrior and another rit) - in other words it was a good party that went on to get Masters even. My char did not die at all during the mission
Come the ending cutscene, not everyone skipped (12 out of 16 or something)
Of course, the minions all turned hostile during this cutscene (when it progresses). I noticed my character was being attacked too.
Mission finishes, I check /deaths to make sure all is ok and I get 1 death reported

Anyone going for Survivor be very wary about going with minion masters for this mission. 16 people won't all necessarily skip the end, and if they don't, this BUG may result in your character ending up with a death.
I'm really hoping someone from Anet can sort this out for me, I spent a good amount of time with my Survivor before taking the plunge and going for that blasted mission (which is an irritating mission even before this happened) - went over to Tyria, did every quest I could around Kaineng etc.
Anet: Fix cutscene death problems! That's not the only problem one, I know of at least one other one where characters have died because of the cutscene/positioning next to enemies.