Originally Posted by Ninna
Well if you READ my original post, I stated that I did search (in fact I found this exact thread that you linked). But the last post on that thread was 8-25-06. So,
using COMMON SENSE (now there's a novel idea for you), the information in that thread may be outdated since there have been several new builds since then (maybe you didn't know this but things change from build to build.... I know, crazy idea isn't it?). So I created a new thread to try to figure out what's going on.
I also mentioned in my original thread that wiki states that the cut scene deat at Vizunah sometimes counts against Survivor. This has been reported as recently as 12-19-06, (I admit, I didn't post this date).
Any other helpful comments you can make?
Originally Posted by Ninna
finished the mission 5 minutes ago and let the end movie play out complete
my death count was unchanged
I had 3 heroes and 12 henchies - no minions
for me,
the movie didnt count as a death
Thanks for the info. I'm gonna test it out later today and see what happens. I'll report back when I do.
Originally Posted by Navaros
I got Legendary Survivor on my Dervish. Wouldn't have happened if that cutscene counted as a death. It doesn't.
I believe you. But something is obviously going on. I didn't die in the entire mission (and I'm certain I had 0 deaths before the cut scene). After the cut scene I had 1 death, so something caused it. Perhaps it was hostile minions, but the minions didn't have any opportunity to be hostile since I skipped the cut scene (and I had nearly full health immediately before the mission end).
So it seems that the forced death in the cut scene may not be counting against Surivor, but something else that takes place during the cut scene IS causing a death.
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
The forced death does not count.
Whats happening is EVERY team is using Minion Masters in that mission, and at the end when you "die" the minions become masterless, so when you are "rezzed" in the cutscene the minions become hostile to you and begin to rape your party as the cutscene plays out - and THATS where your death is coming from...
Maybe that's what it is. But does this occur if I skipped the entire cut scene (which I did)? Or does skipping even matter; does the scene play out as a programmed requirement in the background even though I skipped it (let me know if what I just said doens't make any sense).
So what is the best way to approach this? Should I disconnect once the cut scene starts? Will that matter?
If it is in fact hostile minions causing the death, then it makes sense to kill off all minions before the last fight. But what if the other party has an MM? Should I keep on disconnecting immediately after I discover I have been coupled with a "real" (as opposed to AI) party at the mission start, and keep on trying until I get an AI party? (I hate to do that because I think it's rude toward the other party).
Also wiki reports that a death has sometimes been caused during the cut scene even when no minions are present at all. I'm very confused.
I have a question... What happens to the Surivor Title Bar in the Titles Tab of the Hero Window when you lose survivor? I just read on another thread that the bar (which shows how much XP needed until the next tier) disappears once you die and and are prevented from fruther progressing in that title. Is this true?
I ask because I know that my Survivor Title Bar is still intact and shows how much XP I need until the next tier. Am I still on track toward Indomitable Survivor? (I honestly don't think so because my /death count is 1).
Just wanted to check... I can't test it out until I get home.
EDIT: Never mind. I just tested it. Gone. No biggie I guess.