Why are ingame traders so stupid?
I just don't get it... Traders today are getting dumber and dumber. For example, I had a spare sskai sword for sale. I'm going to KC and advertising " WTS Sskais Sword" .... I get whisped "price"?, I said "offer?", he replied " nvm" .... now wtf is this, trading? So I think to myself - I will advertise with a price " WTS Sskai Sword 14k", than I get whisped "how much?" ... What did I forget to mention? If I replied 14k - no thx... O______O ... So I saw this guy spamming "wtb sskai sword 15k"... well later I found him and he said he wtb It. I said - 14k is a deal, he replied - "no 12k".. So I asked him why would he do that since he spammed he pays 15k... Than he replied " 11k" ... now what kind of an idiot is that? AND notice this - after I called him a lousy trader, he said "okay I buy just don't call me names"... So I decided that he realised It would be a good deal lol. Went to him and he showed me another copy of the green, so that I can be sure that he eventually bought it. Now that pisses me off - not only he didn't buy it, but he wasted my time. Ignore list... Than I went in KC - someone said " i buy".... Okay I went to him and I saw some items getting lined up in his part of the trade panel. So I said - It's 14k, I don't need items... Trading session canceled.... OKAY, move on. Went to the Forge. Someone said that want's to BUY it. Well one more time I get some items infront of me... I showed him my hammers so that he can understand that I don't need his. Well trading session canceled. MOVE ON... Finally went back to KC and just stared spamming wts sskai sword 14k until eventually some guy came to see it and paid 13k for it.
Earlier that day I sold the same sword at 15k and it took me exactly 2 minutes with a pretty fast trading. Why must I meet the other kind of... "traders".... :////
Basiclly, try to put yourself at the otherguys place. Doesn't matter IF selling or buying - Imagine your offer goes to you, how'd you react? BE REASONABLE and act like you are not a bot... -.o
People, LEARN TO TRADE!!!!
Oh, forgot to mention one thing... WTH means "no noobs" in the adverts??? Have you ever thought about the fact that even a noob, anyone with real money can have virtual money...? And someone can always give money to a "noob"... If that noob offers you the money u want, would your advert still mean anything to you? And how do you seperate noobs from non-noobs when you trade? If someone tries to actually TRADE and bargain with lower prices, I consider him noob? I don't mean lowballing... I mean slight changes... But hey - no noobs 100k + 10 ecto!! ok ok
Earlier that day I sold the same sword at 15k and it took me exactly 2 minutes with a pretty fast trading. Why must I meet the other kind of... "traders".... :////
Basiclly, try to put yourself at the otherguys place. Doesn't matter IF selling or buying - Imagine your offer goes to you, how'd you react? BE REASONABLE and act like you are not a bot... -.o
People, LEARN TO TRADE!!!!
Oh, forgot to mention one thing... WTH means "no noobs" in the adverts??? Have you ever thought about the fact that even a noob, anyone with real money can have virtual money...? And someone can always give money to a "noob"... If that noob offers you the money u want, would your advert still mean anything to you? And how do you seperate noobs from non-noobs when you trade? If someone tries to actually TRADE and bargain with lower prices, I consider him noob? I don't mean lowballing... I mean slight changes... But hey - no noobs 100k + 10 ecto!! ok ok
This is why we need an auction house.
But imagine a world without forums and auctions to trade with... It's all about ingame traders...
The truth itself
This has nothing to do with auction houses, this is just retarted players.
TBH, there should be a basic english test before you can enter english districts.
TBH, there should be a basic english test before you can enter english districts.
Welcome to the world of Internet, n_n.
There is always bad seeds here and there, it's just the way it works.
There is always bad seeds here and there, it's just the way it works.
Some of these guys are pretty dumb. I say WTS 15^50 Hammer, they trade me, offer a 15^50 hammer and say price. Like wth, I said WTS not WTB. Anyways, trading in game is a big hassle. Since theres a bunch of spam nobody reads what you said, some people are just idiots, etc.
Less signal to noise ratio if you sell at one of the trading posts, either here or at gwonline....I've sold some items in these places in less than 15 minutes, during the day at work. People who lurk there will generally pay a lot more than you'd expect, so auction it and add a ridiculous sum for buy out. Some lack the patience to bid and will just buy your item. I got 15K armor doing this.
extra bacon
when i was actively trading, i used the ventari's sell forums and the guru auctions to sell. saved time and allowed me to (usually) avoid fools like what the OP encountered ingame.
and if anyone randomly opened a trade window with me ingame and put some items up, i clicked submit and accept and they always cancelled the trade and went away. (i thought they were giving me gifts.
and if anyone randomly opened a trade window with me ingame and put some items up, i clicked submit and accept and they always cancelled the trade and went away. (i thought they were giving me gifts.
It's not about the way they speak, I can understand even though it sometimes annoys me. It's about the way they communicate - they barely do...
unholy guardian
ok normally i try to ignore the player oriented rants, but i mean sheesh, they asked you the price when you said it?! My god what is wrong with the players.
Originally Posted by Arkantos
Some of these guys are pretty dumb. I say WTS 15^50 Hammer, they trade me, offer a 15^50 hammer and say price. Like wth, I said WTS not WTB. Anyways, trading in game is a big hassle. Since theres a bunch of spam nobody reads what you said, some people are just idiots, etc.
But I have to agree with those players who waste your time by doing other horrid things, by that I mean REPEATEDLY.
But I don't mind showing the item to people so that they can check the stats before buying. Some sellers refuse to show me the items they're selling. Why??? For the sake of common sense, why??? How the heck am I supposed to know what you're giving to me if you don't want to show it to me?
I always assume those type of people to be scammers at most.
Traders,those where either dumb or smart,dumb for just not getting it or smart for trying to manipulate you to sell it for less,depends on there intentions.
Originally Posted by extra bacon
and if anyone randomly opened a trade window with me ingame and put some items up, i clicked submit and accept and they always cancelled the trade and went away. (i thought they were giving me gifts.
I think the main reason things are the way they are is because it's an unregulated "industry". Without further regulation or help from ANet, I'm afraid it's going to remain this way for a long long time to come.
Bwahaha nice!One sold me some nice daggers for cheap that way though so ofcourse i didnt screw around with him,was a to good opportunity to throw away.
Ive quite possibly had the worst traders ever. I had around 9 people in a row go "how much" Me: "100+30" "No thanks" [Cancel]. Even when i advertise a price everytime in capitalized text it seems everyone asks for prices. Ive gotten ignored by probably 30-40 people the last week due to the fact that i get pissed and b**ch out each person that does it trying to get in their head to read the WHOLE post. But anyways just giving my experience in my in game trading.
bacardi the cat
I was hanging round in Ascalon english discrict waiting for a guild mate and I saw someone saying wts minipet titan 20k. Good deal I though and as I had 20k in my storage I whispered him I'd buy. So we met by storage and he put up a trade window. After a while I could see he had put something in the window but hadn't pressed submit so I couldn't see it. I asked him to press submit so I could check what it was and then I'd put up my money. No response. So I asked him again and he whispered back 'no worth too much' , closed the window and run off.
He then started spamming it again and so I whispered him and said 'do you want to sell it?', he replied 'yes' so I said 'i'll buy it then'. But no response from him.
A little while later I could see a few more people saying the same things I had said in local so it was obvious he was trying it with other people.
Ok wtf was the point? He didn't seem like a scammer and seemed to really want to sell it for real. But if he had a minipet and didn't know how to use the trade system then he must have got it as a present. But then he must have been over a year old and surly he must have learnt how to use the trade system within that time.
It was just a baffling episode for everyone concecered I think.
He then started spamming it again and so I whispered him and said 'do you want to sell it?', he replied 'yes' so I said 'i'll buy it then'. But no response from him.
A little while later I could see a few more people saying the same things I had said in local so it was obvious he was trying it with other people.
Ok wtf was the point? He didn't seem like a scammer and seemed to really want to sell it for real. But if he had a minipet and didn't know how to use the trade system then he must have got it as a present. But then he must have been over a year old and surly he must have learnt how to use the trade system within that time.
It was just a baffling episode for everyone concecered I think.
extra bacon
bacardi, sometimes you come across ppl who for whatever reason, forget to press the submit button and wait til they see your side of the trade. has happened to me numerous times when i'm buying things ingame. usually after i click submit to offer the payment, they click submit as well. well they have to in order for the trade to proceed. then just check the item before accepting.
I really hate sellers who say "offer" and when you offer just ignore you as your price is too low for them or sellers who wont haggle.
eternal pho
You know what I really h8 about some in game traders? When you're selling a nice or perf item, and someone whispers "Hey I'll take it". Then instead of gold/ectos, they attempt to get your item buy trading a bunch of worthless blue/purp crap and then argue with you that their items are worth your item. I mean when I say "WTS", that doesn't mean I want to trade.
Talon one
i bought garboks cane the other day, it went like this:
me: WTB garboks cane (spammed a couple times)
seller: i sell
me: how much?
seller: offer
me: 4k
seller: 6k, and its yours
me: ok
seller: 7k
me: o_O
i bought it for 7k, thats still cheap compared to the time i'd have to spend farming to get it. but i usualy end up selling items for cheap and buying (which i rarely do) for pretty high prices. simply because i dont want to spend a lot of time trading.
those ppl advertising with 'no noob offers' actually use reverse psychology, because selling to noobs who bought their gold is exactly what they want.
me: WTB garboks cane (spammed a couple times)
seller: i sell
me: how much?
seller: offer
me: 4k
seller: 6k, and its yours
me: ok
seller: 7k
me: o_O
i bought it for 7k, thats still cheap compared to the time i'd have to spend farming to get it. but i usualy end up selling items for cheap and buying (which i rarely do) for pretty high prices. simply because i dont want to spend a lot of time trading.
those ppl advertising with 'no noob offers' actually use reverse psychology, because selling to noobs who bought their gold is exactly what they want.
Use online auctions via guru or gwtraders. It will save you time.
Agreed. The fact that they wouldn't respond IF the price is not likeable just makes them crappy traders. It's called trading, and in order to trade you should be abe to bargain and that is not possible with people who won't even respond. Anyways, ingame trading can be quite fun if you meet nice players. And i've haggled for some 100gold for example. I don't do because it's vital for me, but because of the fun...
I've had some cases when we both came to a price similar to 1987 gold or sth like it. It's just feels more like trading. And it makes you feel good too. Amused if not better lol. Anyways, let's not forget the fact that most of these "traders" are just some young 12-year-olds or less, who can't really communicate with other people at all ... -.-

when you say, "WTS 250 woods for 2k or 8g each" and you get whisper, "how much" that just triggers me off, are they blind or sumthing?
when you say, "WTS 250 woods for 2k or 8g each" and you get whisper, "how much" that just triggers me off, are they blind or sumthing?
I keep my head cool,im also stubborn as hell though,if i make a price,you wont be able to haggle off a single gold.
Mister O
Well, I have 1 funny in game trading in KC id1 last time:
buyer: WTB Kai's Sword
me (pm): I have 1 for you
buyer (pm): how much?
when I was about to type 5k...
buyer (pm): 100k? (OMG ebayer!!!)
me (pm): eerrrr.....60k then (I am bad, but not too bad)
buyer (pm): deal
buyer: WTB Kai's Sword
me (pm): I have 1 for you
buyer (pm): how much?
when I was about to type 5k...
buyer (pm): 100k? (OMG ebayer!!!)
me (pm): eerrrr.....60k then (I am bad, but not too bad)
buyer (pm): deal
I can understand the point of view of some of the buyers here.
Take for example this situation:
Seller - WTS Item X
Me - How much you want for it?
Seller - offer
Me - 5K
Seller - Its worth twice that n00b
I've run across a fair amount of sellers who refuse to tell you how much they want, but get pissed off if you offer anything lower than what they want.
Take for example this situation:
Seller - WTS Item X
Me - How much you want for it?
Seller - offer
Me - 5K
Seller - Its worth twice that n00b
I've run across a fair amount of sellers who refuse to tell you how much they want, but get pissed off if you offer anything lower than what they want.
well it's stupid when people say "offer" when 99% of the time the only offer they will except is the price it goes for or higher. And then get pissed at you for offering something lower. I think that's dumb. Just be upfront and say what you want instead of trying to bs people.
when someone says "offer" I spit the dummy at them, telling them that I'm not going to play little guessing games with them over what price they'll let it go for and tell me the price they're expecting, then I'll see if I can meet it.
Originally Posted by Clone
I can understand the point of view of some of the buyers here.
Take for example this situation: Seller - WTS Item X Me - How much you want for it? Seller - offer Me - 5K Seller - Its worth twice that n00b I've run across a fair amount of sellers who refuse to tell you how much they want, but get pissed off if you offer anything lower than what they want. |
Sir Skullcrasher
Originally Posted by Andy_M
This is why we need an auction house.
well it's stupid when people say "offer" when 99% of the time the only offer they will except is the price it goes for or higher. And then get pissed at you for offering something lower. I think that's dumb. Just be upfront and say what you want instead of trying to bs people. |
I HATE ingame trading. It has become so damn annoying. I don't sell anything ingame anymore.
I suggest you all should use guru auctions where I'm selling all my stuff.... but wait... no... the site would become even slower then.
Originally Posted by Bokocasso
I just don't get it... Traders today are getting dumber and dumber. For example, I had a spare sskai sword for sale. I'm going to KC and advertising " WTS Sskais Sword" .... I get whisped "price"?, I said "offer?", he replied " nvm" .... now wtf is this, trading? So I think to myself - I will advertise with a price " WTS Sskai Sword 14k", than I get whisped "how much?" ... What did I forget to mention? If I replied 14k - no thx... O______O ... So I saw this guy spamming "wtb sskai sword 15k"... well later I found him and he said he wtb It. I said - 14k is a deal, he replied - "no 12k".. So I asked him why would he do that since he spammed he pays 15k... Than he replied " 11k" ... now what kind of an idiot is that? AND notice this - after I called him a lousy trader, he said "okay I buy just don't call me names"... So I decided that he realised It would be a good deal lol. Went to him and he showed me another copy of the green, so that I can be sure that he eventually bought it. Now that pisses me off - not only he didn't buy it, but he wasted my time. Ignore list... Than I went in KC - someone said " i buy".... Okay I went to him and I saw some items getting lined up in his part of the trade panel. So I said - It's 14k, I don't need items... Trading session canceled.... OKAY, move on. Went to the Forge. Someone said that want's to BUY it. Well one more time I get some items infront of me... I showed him my hammers so that he can understand that I don't need his. Well trading session canceled. MOVE ON... Finally went back to KC and just stared spamming wts sskai sword 14k until eventually some guy came to see it and paid 13k for it.
Earlier that day I sold the same sword at 15k and it took me exactly 2 minutes with a pretty fast trading. Why must I meet the other kind of... "traders".... ://// Basiclly, try to put yourself at the otherguys place. Doesn't matter IF selling or buying - Imagine your offer goes to you, how'd you react? BE REASONABLE and act like you are not a bot... -.o People, LEARN TO TRADE!!!! Oh, forgot to mention one thing... WTH means "no noobs" in the adverts??? Have you ever thought about the fact that even a noob, anyone with real money can have virtual money...? And someone can always give money to a "noob"... If that noob offers you the money u want, would your advert still mean anything to you? And how do you seperate noobs from non-noobs when you trade? If someone tries to actually TRADE and bargain with lower prices, I consider him noob? I don't mean lowballing... I mean slight changes... But hey - no noobs 100k + 10 ecto!! ok ok |
B: if someone asks the seller for the price of an item and they respond "offer," that generally means the seller doesnt know what the hell its worth, and is fishing for a number. the seccond i see someone reply to me with "offer" ill turn them down.
C: no noobs in advertisements is referring to the kind of people you wrote this thread about; ones who spam WTB XXXXitem for XXXXmoney, then when you offer to sellt hem one for less than their initial offer, they try to negotiate you down even further. people like that very quickly lose my interest.
D: refuse to sell to idiots, even if they are willing to pay what you want; if you sell to someone with a modicum of intelligence theres a chance they will be a repeat customer if everything goes well. furthermore, if you get to talking with other traders with a decent thinking capacity it makes for very good "connections" for the future...an overwhelming amount of my higher-end item trades are made privatly, not by shopping in trade districts.
E: the whole reason the golden age of trading is over; where a substantial number of people selling quality items were the same few players repeatedly, the traders who made millions off of selling golds and whatnot have mostly quit because of the craptacular way anet has handled items.
sure, poorer players dont like elitist traders, but when we ran the show there were FAR less imbicils doing the trading. why? now that any halfwit with half an hour to spare can get a green or perfect ch2 gold item, you are seeing an abundance of idiots selling stuff because an abundance of idiots actually ahve stuff to sell. 8 months ago if you didnt have a brain, you didnt have items worth looking at (usually), now that the stupid, demanding players who are too incompitent to get anything without anet increasing droprates 10 fold have succeeded in getting their way, the same idiots who were previously incapable of achieving wealth due to their own educational limitations are now flooded with greens and ch2 items...and they wish to sell them.
i guerentee you, if we went back in time, and anet had never made greens, and ch2 golds didnt drop as much as they do now, there would be FAR less idiots to deal with when trading. the downside, however, is that items would be more expensive (gold ones at least).
personally i think there is a happy medium; im all for greens, they are cheap, affordable ways of not-so-wealthy players to get items...but increasing the ch2 gold drops to the point where 80% of the GW public will at one point own an 8 15>50 phoenix blade or whatever, was retarded on anets part. they have effectivly done irreperable damage to the game economy and world of trading. selling stuff these days is near impossible because everyone you deal with has the IQ of a baked potato...one without the sourcreme and cheese, and the few former powertraders who havent quit ebcause of this, no longer trade, because we already have enough money towards we dont need to deal with degenerates for 8 hours a day to make a living. result: nearly 100% of the people in trade channels should be shot these days.
hehe great. i like the last sentence xD
OK what I really hate is f***ers who put in gold instead of plat trying to scam
Tried to sell 10 Ectos last week for 70k and 1 guy put 70g up 3 times before I told him to either put in 70k or piss off as I had screenshots of him agreeing to price and then trying to scam
he just canceled and ran away
*ahhhh* gets the blood boiling
Tried to sell 10 Ectos last week for 70k and 1 guy put 70g up 3 times before I told him to either put in 70k or piss off as I had screenshots of him agreeing to price and then trying to scam
he just canceled and ran away
*ahhhh* gets the blood boiling
My Documents
Deadbeat window shoppers are my favorite.
Especially the seemingly interested that open a trade window with you, only to place something they believe or claim is "better" or "worth more" after showing them the item you have for sale. This "trade," however, isn't complete until it's punctuated by the trade window closing via the "potential buyer" zoning/logging out and all your whispers to them are ignored thereafter.
Awesome. :[
Especially the seemingly interested that open a trade window with you, only to place something they believe or claim is "better" or "worth more" after showing them the item you have for sale. This "trade," however, isn't complete until it's punctuated by the trade window closing via the "potential buyer" zoning/logging out and all your whispers to them are ignored thereafter.
Awesome. :[
I hate trading in this game, or any other game.
The whole point seems to be a dance to see who can screw the other guy for more money the fastest.
The whole point seems to be a dance to see who can screw the other guy for more money the fastest.
^ agreed
from this past weekend... the double your fun...
Loves desire: WTS 5 UNid Golds for 5k (for your title seekers) --> NO window shopping <--
(Joe smith) Can i see them?
(tom jones) Do you have swords?
I've gave up saying NO and NO
As for "Offers"..... or people say "no Noob offers" there just looking to rip off someone or a higher price then the current market price.
from this past weekend... the double your fun...
Loves desire: WTS 5 UNid Golds for 5k (for your title seekers) --> NO window shopping <--
(Joe smith) Can i see them?
(tom jones) Do you have swords?
I've gave up saying NO and NO
As for "Offers"..... or people say "no Noob offers" there just looking to rip off someone or a higher price then the current market price.
My favourites are the 'traders' who come upto you and try to flog you an item of your profession.
Just last week as i headed to the Storage in KC someone came upto me and put a 15^50 Zodiac bow into trade... so i just submitted and accepted. He whispered me saying '50k'... then eventually a few minute later he closed the trade.
How can people even trade in KC anyway... the spam makes my head hurt its so bad.
Just last week as i headed to the Storage in KC someone came upto me and put a 15^50 Zodiac bow into trade... so i just submitted and accepted. He whispered me saying '50k'... then eventually a few minute later he closed the trade.
How can people even trade in KC anyway... the spam makes my head hurt its so bad.
lol that just happended to me many times on newb island when my char was near storage.