Tyria's Next Top Model - The Finale -- Winner: Jaden Stone!
Maria The Princess
aww i eliminated the other shot (which i liked very much) just cuz i found that there is not enouth holiday theme in it, cuz sadly u cant have the wings in a town, and outside town theres not much holiday things
also i was so busy i didnt really have the time to explore more possibilities
ah well, im happy im not up for elimination
PS- OMFG incredible shot Malefic Mistress!!!!!!!
also i was so busy i didnt really have the time to explore more possibilities
ah well, im happy im not up for elimination
PS- OMFG incredible shot Malefic Mistress!!!!!!!
WOW! Malefic and Jaden, you guys had incredible shots! If I were any of the judges, it would be nigh impossible to pick the winner >.<
Darn myself for being seduced by that beautiful background. Totally my fault, but at least Im safe, phewww.
I eliminated this shot because the background wasnt as purty, im too dumb, lawl: http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q..._2006/wooo.jpg
Good work everyone!
Darn myself for being seduced by that beautiful background. Totally my fault, but at least Im safe, phewww.
I eliminated this shot because the background wasnt as purty, im too dumb, lawl: http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q..._2006/wooo.jpg
Good work everyone!
I probably should've explained this clearer, but some concerns were raised about Immunity. Things to note about Immunity are...
You do not have to take a picture, but in not doing so, you will probably get a 1 from each judges, of course it wont matter since you have immunity and cannot be eliminated anyways.
But of course that doesn't mean you don't have to take a picture, I would think that anyone who won would like to win again, so you are more than welcome to participate even with Immunity.
Immunity just means you can't be eliminated, it does NOT mean you can't take participate for that week.
Hopefully that cleared some stuff up!
You do not have to take a picture, but in not doing so, you will probably get a 1 from each judges, of course it wont matter since you have immunity and cannot be eliminated anyways.
But of course that doesn't mean you don't have to take a picture, I would think that anyone who won would like to win again, so you are more than welcome to participate even with Immunity.
Immunity just means you can't be eliminated, it does NOT mean you can't take participate for that week.
Hopefully that cleared some stuff up!
Wow Jaden's shot is amazing!! I can't even guess what emote that is!
Unlucky Slayer
I'm fairly sure that its the assassin dance.
Originally Posted by Maria The Princess
Originally Posted by Geishe
WOW! Malefic and Jaden, you guys had incredible shots! If I were any of the judges, it would be nigh impossible to pick the winner >.<
Thanks I took a heckof a lot of them before i finally got that one, That was litterally the last one i took and it blew me away how great it came out!!
Ok....after much, much, MUCH deliberations...we felt that the winner of MOTW should be... Although we all agreed that your picture was too dark, we felt that the atmosphere and pose was just stunning. It was very sleek and clean. Plus the star shined some light onto you, and it was just mesmerizing. For winning MOTW, you may choose one of two special prizes... 1. A complete set of dyes, one of each color, except grey...unless you really want it then ill just pay the extra 30 or so gold for it. lol Hopefully, this will bring you back one step closer to bringing back your normal colors if you dyed them for the holidays lol or 2. Three points added to your next score, which could essentially save you from the next round, carry you over to one of the top scores, or could mean absolutely nothing depending on how your work will show. Please get with me with your decision to your nearest convenience through email/pm/post/whatever. Onto eliminations...as there were no clear choice winner this round, there was also no clear eliminated contestant... I Only Protect You - All of us were just blindsided that you would show an ad and not actually advertise the product at hand. Naga Xaviera - On the flip side, you had a nice pose that showcased your undergarments, but the poor background choice/cropping made your character disappear. This was not an easy decision... Naga Xaviera, after three rounds of competition of having your character presence lacking in each shot, we felt there was no steady improvement, unfortunately, you are eliminated from this competition. Congratulations to Naga Xaviera for making it this far into the competition! Congrats to Jaden Stone for winning Week 3's MOTW and to everyone who passed onto the next round! Unlucky Slayer
The text on the MOTW picture could use a lighter color. The words just disappear in the picture.
Jaden Stone
Oh, hard decision. I guess I'll take the +3 points. It's not much, but you never know and I enjoy this contest way to much to take the dyes. Unlucky Slayer
Great work Jaden and everyone else! Cant wait for the next assignment.
Originally Posted by Unlucky Slayer
The text on the MOTW picture could use a lighter color. The words just disappear in the picture.
I agree...it came out bad, but I was too lazy to redo it...lol
Anyways, since youre a mod and all, do you know if there is a "spoiler" tag that you guys have? It's suppose to make the text font in white color and also highlights the text in white so that people have to highlight the text to read it? or something like that? I think that would be much more fun to use for the eliminated results...but I can't seem to find out how to use it, if there's even a thing for that on here... And thank you to Jaden for getting back with your choice! I'll make note of the three points! Week 4's assignment is almost done, i just need to look for my example picture for it lol I'll post it sometime later today when i find it! Unlucky Slayer
We dont have any Spoiler tags, yet. But we have been discussing that for some time as it would be nice to have when people are talking about various parts of the game that are new.
a spoiler tag is going to be abused, you can count on that.
On topic, grats to Jaden Stone, awesome pic! and many thanks for the judges not to eliminate me. I'm very happy I get another chance ^^ The Last Anthem
Wow both of the assassins did an AMAZING job and gratz on MOTW Jaden
Grats Jaden Nice job!
Stalker Haras
LadyNilene, for the group shot of all the remaining models, might I suggest that you turn Malefic Mistress around so she is facing the same direction as the other contestants.
It seems like she is sort of an "outcast" so to speak in that picture. Geishe
Well, thats kinda how it works too in ANTM, I remember when girls would be like on the opposite sides of one another when it got smaller and smaller in competition.
Congrats Jaden!!!! LadyNilene Happy New Years Eve Everyone! For our fourth week of competition, you are to show gratitude to any of the gods of Guild Wars by rallying them up for the new years! I want you guys to exert a lot of movement and show some dynamic poses! I want to see how you guys will work with an immobile prop. I can't exactly give you a car or an airplane to work with like the girls from the show do, so you're going to have to settle with god statues lol....As you can see with my examples, there are alot of ways/angles/etc you can go about doing this! Whoops, forgot the questions... 1. Where did you take your picture? 2. What god did you choose and why? 3. Explain. In addition to our rules... Obviously, I want to see how you guys work around a giant prop, so there will be no taking pictures with in game portraits of the gods or dervishes that can transform into avatars of the gods, etc etc...only the statues. This will be due Friday January 5, 2007. Alright guys, if you have any more questions or concerns about this assignment, please get with me! Good luck and have fun!!! xxSilhouette
Intresting assignment! Time to brainstorm!
i LOVE this assignment, its inching closer and closer to high fashion (on the intra-web... go figure >.>)
Oh which god to pickkkk.... Brandon1107
Ahhh! It's killing me to watch this and to now participate. When this contest is over will there be another one? Gooood Luck!
Disclaimer: Firstly, the following information is just SPECULATION! Thing's are subject to change. lol, it was Charlie's Angels inspired...I know the colors are probably off, and not every profession is shown...but I think it came out pretty good! Yes, this will be my official promotional...thing...for Cycle 2...if there is even one...lolOk, a lot of people have expressed their interest for a Tyria's Next Top Model, Cycle 2 and I can't keep quiet on the matter anymore...so I'm going to give a little ***possible*** taste of what to expect for TNTM Cycle 2. And of course I'm excited for another run myself...so here we go... Tyria's Next Top Model Cycle 2 Promotional Teaser: Date: Yes, there is a Tyria's Next Top Model Cycle 2 in the works...meaning, yes we are willing and working on a second run, but a second cycle will not happen any time soon! The set date for TNTM Cycle 2 is in Late March 2007! Of course this will only happen if there is enough people still interested in the competition! I'm trying to keep up with Anet's decision to release new campaigns every six months...with new characters models/armor/areas open...that would leave alot more variety for this competition. But remember, a second run will only happen if people are still interested in it! I'm getting mixed signals on this...people have expressed that the time frame of the competition is too wide thus making it boring to keep up with...while others are constantly excited about it...so we'll find out at the end of Cycle One...which is still a long way since we're only on Week 4 of competition! My only concern with doing a second cycle is the budget/prizes... All the prizes and stuff come directly from me, Gema, and Setsuna...everything that we got from drops and junk, we immediately put into our budget for TNTM. With us trying to match anet's release dates...the budget and quality of prizes might fall quite a bit...but we are working hard in trying to keep everything at more than decent level. Applications/Preliminaries: This time round, things will be much...MUCH, more in depth and more involved. I'm still kinda upset that we had someone dropping the contest, so I'm definitely going to screen the application process much more! What you might expect are.... 1. An email questionaire. (Kinda like what we did with Cycle 1, but more in depth of course) 2. Specific screenshots. (I want a taste of what you're capable of) 3. In game interview with me. I want to see if you're really committed to doing this competition, so if you can put up with the tedious application process, you might just put up with the whole competition...lol Previous Contestants For Cycle 2? It's definitely a possibility...I know some of you have came to me about this, but I really want everyone to have a shot...I will definitely consider new entries before old ones, but old ones are definitely welcome to try out again. I guess...? Judge Position Opening One of our judges is really involved with another online game...so that judge might drop, so we ***MIGHT***hold an additional application for a judging position. Right now, that person is still very committed to helping with our deliberations and is still very active in our affairs...but we'll have to see where everything will go before deciding on that. If we do recast a judge, let me just say, this will be even more horrendous. When I came up with the idea of Tyria's Next Top Model...I really wanted judges that would be unbiased and fair. So there were no other perfect choice than two of the first people I met when playing Guild Wars! My beloved guildies who shared my interest for Sailor Moon also cared for the Top Model shows, so...here we are lol, so if another person were to take a position, we will expect a lot! Male Version!? We are still on the fence about that...I know some have expressed their interest in doing a male version, but I don't know if enough male characters would be interested in doing it... I think that's the gist of it...for now anyways... Hope everyone enjoyed this little TNTM Cycle 2 teaser...Please, please pleaseeeee continue to email/pm/post some feedback! This shows me that people are continually interested in this, and having constructive feedback is never a bad thing! Alright guys, thanks a bunch!!! mojave mango juice
Grats Jaden ^_^
Judge 3: It's a good shot, but the animations coming from the hands are a bit much
To be fair, shouldn't the aura be ignored in this? It's not like you can turn it on and off... | And YAY, another chance to enter! I missed the first time... Katina
I submitted a shot, I loved the one I took and I hope you guys will as well! I went through so many Screenshots and got many opinions, it was tough. But silly me didn't read the "movement!" so I have all this glam shots and no movement! But I think I found "the shot".
I didn't take the last challenge too seriously, immunity ftw! It was fun though! =]! Here is a sample shot, I found it more...riskay, more Maxim magazine like -Katina Xo Xo! mrmango
Nice Katina! Congrats to Jaden!
I <3-ed the rits and Maria of course. Haha G'luck w/ the next competition! Geishe
I like the idea of a second cycle of TNTM, LadyNilene. If you have problems with prizes... maybe, fans and contestants can do a donation thingy, or give presents to winners of MOTW?? I would love to see this continue with success.
P.S Nice Shot Katina! Jaden Stone
This assignment is killing me! I am really having trouble getting anything worth while. Must have done over 1000 screens of crap. So frustrating! Why couldn't the prize have been immunity
Here's one that turned out ok... but really didn't fit in the "movement" that the assignment was asking for. Geishe
well, it sure is a dynamic pose (the other requirement from what lady said.)
very very pretty... like usual, Jaden. broodijzer
yeah it's tough. I have the perfect shot, but it's at like a splitsecond of an emote, it hasn't been on a screenshot properly yet
ohh a cycle two!!! fun stuff!! =) I'll have to go for that one too
oooh Cycle 2, that means i have another chance eh? also will Cycle 1 contestants get to participate? if there is a Cycle 2, when is it?????
Cycle twooo!!! =]=]=]=]!!! Yaaaayy!! im gonna prepare ! im gonna practise heeh@ aahh so many emotiosncant type them all!
ANyways! great pic jaden! I loooove the pose shes really powerful and confident lookin in it! cosyfiep
love to try again, but after the last snafuu doubt that I would make it in, yet again......
but would still love to see what others think of as 'top model' material...... Roguish Seraph
I really can't believe that I missed this before, even since I love going through all the threads in The Outer Circle section. I absoluely love ANTM and watched every season ('cept the recent one). I'm actually watching the marathon right now. I know I'm a little crazy but I love taking photographs and the assignment each week they give the models are spectacularly executed giving more of a range of each model.
I'm so bummed that I missed this contest, but I'm excited that there is possibility of another cycle. I will apply definatly next time, but March is stretching it, even if your guys are waiting for a new campaign. We haven't even heard word of anything, not even a rumor. But I understand for it being stressful enough. I wouldn't mind trying to apply for the other judge position ? I will provide some items,cash,winterdays gifts,etc. for prizes for this cycle or the next if I'm not accepted either. I wish to see more of this and hope it doesn't die because of budget issues. Anyway good luck to all the Tyria models. Also..I will help with a male version if any one is interested Daenara
I'd love to participate in another cycle! I've been checking this thread every day or so just to see what's been happening.
That is a beautiful shot Jaden. I love the contrast of her soft angel wings with her spiky hair! Geishe
LOL, Jaden and her short hair just reminded me of Jaeda and her short hair makeover >.< Sorry, just had to point out the coincidence.
I think I got my shot, this time I actually like it quite a lot. Hope the judges will like it too. Jaden Stone
Submitted mine today. I'm not entirely happy with it, but it works with the assignment. This was by far the hardest and most frustrating assignment for me so far. That +3 better come in handy!
Its a shame your not happy about it =[ but if it fits! Wait til you see, in a few days il be sayin "Your not happy with this??!! Why not!?!" lol, id love to take part in cycle two. In any way possible lol.
Finally submitted mine. Hopefully it works with the assignment, I had too much fun playing with the organic aspect of Melandru.
And also noticed for the first time that ranger arms go all funny during the /jump emote. It looks like they have no shoulders. Maria The Princess
^^ and eles arms look like there missing pieces wheb shes dancing
*sigh* i wish eles had their OWN god, so hard to choose lol |