Create a Skill
Anet Nerf - Target foe's attacks are 50% less effective and loses all their armour bonuses
"Divide and Conquer!" - req Soul Reaping, Elite Shout E:10 C:0 R:45
For [5...15] seconds target foe's maximum health is reduced by [25...50]%. When Divide and Conquer ends, foe is restored and healed to 100% health. Target foe cannot suffer Deep Wound while under the effects of Divide and Conquer.
(it's a shout so that it can't be fast-recharged by wands and focii, and so it can't be immediately removed to make it useless... Soul Reaping so it can't be abused by everyone and his uncle)
Grenth's Gift - No attribute (Necromancer), Elite Skill E:10 C:1 R:45
Transfer all your hexes and their remaining durations to target touched foe.
For [5...15] seconds target foe's maximum health is reduced by [25...50]%. When Divide and Conquer ends, foe is restored and healed to 100% health. Target foe cannot suffer Deep Wound while under the effects of Divide and Conquer.
(it's a shout so that it can't be fast-recharged by wands and focii, and so it can't be immediately removed to make it useless... Soul Reaping so it can't be abused by everyone and his uncle)
Grenth's Gift - No attribute (Necromancer), Elite Skill E:10 C:1 R:45
Transfer all your hexes and their remaining durations to target touched foe.
Cry Of Sadness-Mesmer-Domination-NRg cost 15-recharge- 1 sec-
Elite Skill.The caster loses 6-17 nrg and target foe is knockdoen for 3 seconds.
Hex Opeal-Monk-Protection-Nrg cost 15-Recharge time 25 secs-
Spell.Target other ally cannot cast any hexes for 5-15 seconds and ally is healed for 15-35 health for 5-15 seconds.
Death Language-Necromancer-Death-Nrg cost 25-Recahrge time 15 secs-
Elite Enchantment.For 15-23 secs,target foe deals 10 more damage and the attacks the caster receive is negated.With each sucessful negation,the caster loses 2 nrg.
Balthazar Balance-Warrior-Strength-Nrg Cost 10-Recharge time 15 secs-
Attack.Strike target foe for 15-25 damage and target foe attack skills are replaced with Balthazar Balance.
Sway Of The Gods-Assissian-Deadly Art-Nrg Cost 10-Recahrge time 15 secs-
Elite Skill.Shadow step to target foe location and deal 12-26 dmg for the next 10 seconds.
Urn Of Master Togo-Ritlist-Communing-Nrg Cost 25-Recharge time 60 secs-
Elite Skill.You hold Master Togo ashes.When dropped,u summon Master Togo which deals 19-31 dmg with each sucessful hit.This lasts for 15 seconds.
Golden Weather-Ranger-Wilderness-Nrg cost 5-recharge time 45 secs-Natural Ritual-
Create a Create a level 1-8 Spirit.For pets within its range,pets deal 12 more dmg with each attack and the master of each pets loses 3 energy.
Begging Grenth-Nerco-Blood-Nrg cost 15-Recharge time 25-Enchantment upkeep -1
Elite Enchantment.While the caster is under Begging Grenth,the caster's cast blood magic spells 10-60% faster.If a spell is interrupted while this enchantment is active,Begging Grenth Ends.
Kiss From The Clouds-Monk-Heal-Nrg cost 10-Recharge time 15 secs-
Elite Spell.Target ally is healed for 120 health and u lose half of the health of that target ally.
Leap Of The Mighty-Warrior-Swordman-6 adreline-Recharge time 15 secs-
Elite Attack.You lose all adreline and Strike target foe thrice which strike for 10 dmg each.
Signet Of Opeal-Monk-Divine-Nrg cost NIL-Recharge time 20-
Elite Signet.You lose all energy.Target ally is healed for 200 health and is unable to be to attack for 15 seconds.
Elite Skill.The caster loses 6-17 nrg and target foe is knockdoen for 3 seconds.
Hex Opeal-Monk-Protection-Nrg cost 15-Recharge time 25 secs-
Spell.Target other ally cannot cast any hexes for 5-15 seconds and ally is healed for 15-35 health for 5-15 seconds.
Death Language-Necromancer-Death-Nrg cost 25-Recahrge time 15 secs-
Elite Enchantment.For 15-23 secs,target foe deals 10 more damage and the attacks the caster receive is negated.With each sucessful negation,the caster loses 2 nrg.
Balthazar Balance-Warrior-Strength-Nrg Cost 10-Recharge time 15 secs-
Attack.Strike target foe for 15-25 damage and target foe attack skills are replaced with Balthazar Balance.
Sway Of The Gods-Assissian-Deadly Art-Nrg Cost 10-Recahrge time 15 secs-
Elite Skill.Shadow step to target foe location and deal 12-26 dmg for the next 10 seconds.
Urn Of Master Togo-Ritlist-Communing-Nrg Cost 25-Recharge time 60 secs-
Elite Skill.You hold Master Togo ashes.When dropped,u summon Master Togo which deals 19-31 dmg with each sucessful hit.This lasts for 15 seconds.
Golden Weather-Ranger-Wilderness-Nrg cost 5-recharge time 45 secs-Natural Ritual-
Create a Create a level 1-8 Spirit.For pets within its range,pets deal 12 more dmg with each attack and the master of each pets loses 3 energy.
Begging Grenth-Nerco-Blood-Nrg cost 15-Recharge time 25-Enchantment upkeep -1
Elite Enchantment.While the caster is under Begging Grenth,the caster's cast blood magic spells 10-60% faster.If a spell is interrupted while this enchantment is active,Begging Grenth Ends.
Kiss From The Clouds-Monk-Heal-Nrg cost 10-Recharge time 15 secs-
Elite Spell.Target ally is healed for 120 health and u lose half of the health of that target ally.
Leap Of The Mighty-Warrior-Swordman-6 adreline-Recharge time 15 secs-
Elite Attack.You lose all adreline and Strike target foe thrice which strike for 10 dmg each.
Signet Of Opeal-Monk-Divine-Nrg cost NIL-Recharge time 20-
Elite Signet.You lose all energy.Target ally is healed for 200 health and is unable to be to attack for 15 seconds.
Detect Traps
Wilderness Survival
10 Energy CT: 1 sec recharge 20 secs
All nearby traps become visible to your party for 8 - 16 secs
Remove Traps
Wilderness Survival
5 Energy CT 2 sec recharge 20 secs
Disable and remove all traps in one location.
Wilderness Survival
10 Energy CT: 1 sec recharge 20 secs
All nearby traps become visible to your party for 8 - 16 secs
Remove Traps
Wilderness Survival
5 Energy CT 2 sec recharge 20 secs
Disable and remove all traps in one location.
Hedgehog's Defense {Beast Mastery}
5 energy cost, 30 seconds recharge
Stance. All your skills are disabled for 5 seconds. For 5...15 seconds, you have -20 armor penalty against blunt attacks and the melee attacker suffers 5...30 piercing damage. Touching foe suffers from bleeding for 5 seconds and receive 5...30 damage.
5 energy cost, 30 seconds recharge
Stance. All your skills are disabled for 5 seconds. For 5...15 seconds, you have -20 armor penalty against blunt attacks and the melee attacker suffers 5...30 piercing damage. Touching foe suffers from bleeding for 5 seconds and receive 5...30 damage.
Necro Minion skills
[energy cost 25][recharge 40-30sec][cast 5sec]
Hallowing minion- causes 3hp degen to their targeted foe
would be fantastic to have about 5 of them for constant 15 degen =D
[energy cost 30][recharge 40-30sec][cast 5sec]
Beserker minion- ability to use attack/defence enhancing skills
much like a warrior
[energy cost 40][recharge 60-40sec][cast 5sec]
Godly minion- ability to cast health regen and healing spells
(only able to control 1 at a time)
lvl1-5 healing breeze
lvl6-10 orison of healing
lvl11+ enhances healprayers
[energy cost 10][recharge 120sec][cast 2sec]
Ghostly minion- ability to summon those ghost from Sanctum cay
(the ones with ele abilitys)
I would have thought that all undead monsters would be at the command of a necro using the right skill, cant wait to seen what (if any) new minions will be in nightfall.
Necro Curses
[energy cost 25][recharge 60sec][cast 1/4sec]
Greneths spite[E]- all curses in you skill bar are put on you for 20seconds, at the end of those 20seconds all hexs that were on you are placed on foes in the area (bow range XD)
[energy cost 15][recharge 30sec][cast 3sec]
Negativity[E]- target foe suffers -10 health degen for 5 seconds, at the end of those 5 seconds the hex is transferd to all that foes allies nearyby and then hex is then renewed on all thos foes
[energy cost 15][recharge 5sec][cast 3/4sec]
Bad karma- all foes in the area suffer 5dmg for every negative condition and hex on you (max 20-40)
Necro Blood spells
[energy cost 10][recharge 30sec][cast 1sec]
Blood Bath- all allies are healed for 20 for every corpse in the area
[energy cost 30][recharge 60sec][cast 5sec]
Blood Luster Ritual- for 10 seconds every spell and attack an allie does lets him/her steal 10-20 health from the nearest foe
(blood luster+(warrs)hundred blades-cycloe axe-triple chop OR (rangers)barrage=TOTAL PWNAGE!)
Well these are my skill ideas ive tried to keep them as real as possible no 999dmg stuff or instant deaths. (P.S i hope someone from guildwars sees these XD)
and heres some skills i would like to see in game (but probly never will)
[energy cost 5][recharge 45sec][cast 1/4sec]
Calling of the hordes[E]- uses every minion skill in you skill bar for +5 energy each (1 minion skill+CotH energy cost=10 ect) disables minion summoning skills for 10sec
[energy cost 40][no recharging time][cast 5sec]
Greneths Contempt[E]- destroy all minions and all foes on the map are struck for 50 dmg each, if you do not kill a foe with this attack then you get killed, for every foe that is killed the chance of you getting a gold weapon, rare materials, dyes are increased to 50% for 10sec
[energy cost 25][recharge 60sec][cast 1/4sec]
Minion master- for 60seconds no minion suffers from decay/degen or more than 20-10% health loss from a single attack, all minions are healed for 50 when hit by a warrior or rangers attack,and have +9health regen for 10seconds
[energy cost 25][recharge 40-30sec][cast 5sec]
Hallowing minion- causes 3hp degen to their targeted foe
would be fantastic to have about 5 of them for constant 15 degen =D
[energy cost 30][recharge 40-30sec][cast 5sec]
Beserker minion- ability to use attack/defence enhancing skills
much like a warrior
[energy cost 40][recharge 60-40sec][cast 5sec]
Godly minion- ability to cast health regen and healing spells
(only able to control 1 at a time)
lvl1-5 healing breeze
lvl6-10 orison of healing
lvl11+ enhances healprayers
[energy cost 10][recharge 120sec][cast 2sec]
Ghostly minion- ability to summon those ghost from Sanctum cay
(the ones with ele abilitys)
I would have thought that all undead monsters would be at the command of a necro using the right skill, cant wait to seen what (if any) new minions will be in nightfall.
Necro Curses
[energy cost 25][recharge 60sec][cast 1/4sec]
Greneths spite[E]- all curses in you skill bar are put on you for 20seconds, at the end of those 20seconds all hexs that were on you are placed on foes in the area (bow range XD)
[energy cost 15][recharge 30sec][cast 3sec]
Negativity[E]- target foe suffers -10 health degen for 5 seconds, at the end of those 5 seconds the hex is transferd to all that foes allies nearyby and then hex is then renewed on all thos foes
[energy cost 15][recharge 5sec][cast 3/4sec]
Bad karma- all foes in the area suffer 5dmg for every negative condition and hex on you (max 20-40)
Necro Blood spells
[energy cost 10][recharge 30sec][cast 1sec]
Blood Bath- all allies are healed for 20 for every corpse in the area
[energy cost 30][recharge 60sec][cast 5sec]
Blood Luster Ritual- for 10 seconds every spell and attack an allie does lets him/her steal 10-20 health from the nearest foe
(blood luster+(warrs)hundred blades-cycloe axe-triple chop OR (rangers)barrage=TOTAL PWNAGE!)
Well these are my skill ideas ive tried to keep them as real as possible no 999dmg stuff or instant deaths. (P.S i hope someone from guildwars sees these XD)
and heres some skills i would like to see in game (but probly never will)
[energy cost 5][recharge 45sec][cast 1/4sec]
Calling of the hordes[E]- uses every minion skill in you skill bar for +5 energy each (1 minion skill+CotH energy cost=10 ect) disables minion summoning skills for 10sec
[energy cost 40][no recharging time][cast 5sec]
Greneths Contempt[E]- destroy all minions and all foes on the map are struck for 50 dmg each, if you do not kill a foe with this attack then you get killed, for every foe that is killed the chance of you getting a gold weapon, rare materials, dyes are increased to 50% for 10sec
[energy cost 25][recharge 60sec][cast 1/4sec]
Minion master- for 60seconds no minion suffers from decay/degen or more than 20-10% health loss from a single attack, all minions are healed for 50 when hit by a warrior or rangers attack,and have +9health regen for 10seconds
Mr. G
Meld with Nature - 10 E, Wilderness survival, 1/4 casting time, 30 recharge
For 5....30 seconds become invisible to all monster foes and gain +1....8 Health regen. Meld with nature ends if a Foe comes ajacent to caster or caster moves
Call of Gaia [E] - 15 E, Wilderness Survival, 2 casting time, 120 recharge
Elite Ranger Stance, for 10....40 seconds your attacks cannot be Evadied or blocked, move 1.5....3 times faster and deal earth damage. While under the effects of call of gaia preperations last 20% longer and you move 25% faster.
When Call of Gaia ends all your skills are disabled for 10....3 seconds and you are knocked down for 2 seconds
Whistle - 3 energy, Beast Mastery, 1/2 casting time, 10 recharge time
Your animal companion is warped to your location
Eagle Eye - 10 energy, Expertise, 2 casting time, 40 recharge
Preperation. For the next 5....30 seconds your attacks have a extra 2....20% chance to an extra 5....15 damage and count as being shot from higher ground. Eagle eye ends if an attack fails to hit.
Needling rain [E] - 15 Energy, Expertise, 1/4 casting time, 10 recarge
If Needling rain hits it strikes for 20....100% damage, Upon hitting an additon arrow will be shot for each of the following condidions - Fleeing, Crippled, casting, regenerating or knocked down. Each aditional arrow hits for 30....10% less damage than the previous. Needling rain cancels all preperations and instantly recharges if more than 5....1 arrows hit.
I really want to see needling rain if only to chase down thoose annoying people who flee in AB, or when you see an ally chasing someone down near by. Its really and elite version of needling shot
For 5....30 seconds become invisible to all monster foes and gain +1....8 Health regen. Meld with nature ends if a Foe comes ajacent to caster or caster moves
Call of Gaia [E] - 15 E, Wilderness Survival, 2 casting time, 120 recharge
Elite Ranger Stance, for 10....40 seconds your attacks cannot be Evadied or blocked, move 1.5....3 times faster and deal earth damage. While under the effects of call of gaia preperations last 20% longer and you move 25% faster.
When Call of Gaia ends all your skills are disabled for 10....3 seconds and you are knocked down for 2 seconds
Whistle - 3 energy, Beast Mastery, 1/2 casting time, 10 recharge time
Your animal companion is warped to your location
Eagle Eye - 10 energy, Expertise, 2 casting time, 40 recharge
Preperation. For the next 5....30 seconds your attacks have a extra 2....20% chance to an extra 5....15 damage and count as being shot from higher ground. Eagle eye ends if an attack fails to hit.
Needling rain [E] - 15 Energy, Expertise, 1/4 casting time, 10 recarge
If Needling rain hits it strikes for 20....100% damage, Upon hitting an additon arrow will be shot for each of the following condidions - Fleeing, Crippled, casting, regenerating or knocked down. Each aditional arrow hits for 30....10% less damage than the previous. Needling rain cancels all preperations and instantly recharges if more than 5....1 arrows hit.
I really want to see needling rain if only to chase down thoose annoying people who flee in AB, or when you see an ally chasing someone down near by. Its really and elite version of needling shot
Mr. G
Originally Posted by gov1
[energy cost 40][no recharging time][cast 5sec]
Greneths Contempt[E]- destroy all minions and all foes on the map are struck for 50 dmg each, if you do not kill a foe with this attack then you get killed, for every foe that is killed the chance of you getting a gold weapon, rare materials, dyes are increased to 50% for 10sec [energy cost 25][recharge 60sec][cast 1/4sec] Minion master- for 60seconds no minion suffers from decay/degen or more than 20-10% health loss from a single attack, all minions are healed for 50 when hit by a warrior or rangers attack,and have +9health regen for 10seconds |
And the MM skill is good but the healed on W/R attacks is just pointless, and the regen could be toned to +%?
But on the + side I really like that Karma 1....Thats a skill i want to have....DO it anet!
Sli Ander
How about an AoE Pacifism skill for Rangers, call it Friend of Nature, Nature's ally or something. It would need to be a single use signet or a high energy cost, high recharge skill to keep it from being abused though.
For 3 seconds, All nearby foes are hit for 2-15 fire damage every 1/4 seconds.
This would sound the AoE thing in mobs like mad, but it wouldn't be bad either.
For 3 seconds, All nearby foes are hit for 2-15 fire damage every 1/4 seconds.
This would sound the AoE thing in mobs like mad, but it wouldn't be bad either.
Master Adamdk
Burning Rage {E}
Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: 3 Seconds
Recharge: 30 Seconds
For (7...13) seconds, Target foe and all adjecent foes are struck for (11...55) fire damage, and are set on fire for (1..4) seconds.
Slashing Fury {E}
Adrenaline Cost: 8
Sword Attack. If it hits, you strike for (13...40) damage, cause Bleeding for (5...18) seconds, and gain (1...6) strikes of Adrenaline. If it misses, you are blinded for (3..9) seconds and suffer from Bleeding for (18....12) seconds.
PsD (Powerful Spiked Diversion) {E}
Energy Cost: 10
Casting time: 1 Second
Recharge: 10 Seconds
If target foe was casting a spell, that spell is interupted, that foe takes (10...60) damage, and that spell takes (10...30) additional seconds to recharge. If you don't interupt the foe, you loose (20...7) energy.
Furiating Shot {E}
Energy Cost: 10
Recharge: 15 Seconds
Bow Attack. If it hits, you strike for (15...45) Damage and cause that foe to suffer from a Deep Wound for (8...18) Seconds. If that foe was suffering from a hex, you deal an additional (2...10) Damage. If Furiating Shot misses, all of your Preparations are caused to recharge for (11...6) seconds.
Dirty Arrows
Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: 2 Seconds
Recharge: 12 Seconds
Preparation. For 24 seconds, all your arrows are dirtied with mud, causing the target foe and all adjacent foes to be blinded for (6...15) seconds. If any arrows miss, you are blinded for (15...6) seconds.
Burning Rage {E}
Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: 3 Seconds
Recharge: 30 Seconds
For (7...13) seconds, Target foe and all adjecent foes are struck for (11...55) fire damage, and are set on fire for (1..4) seconds.
Slashing Fury {E}
Adrenaline Cost: 8
Sword Attack. If it hits, you strike for (13...40) damage, cause Bleeding for (5...18) seconds, and gain (1...6) strikes of Adrenaline. If it misses, you are blinded for (3..9) seconds and suffer from Bleeding for (18....12) seconds.
PsD (Powerful Spiked Diversion) {E}
Energy Cost: 10
Casting time: 1 Second
Recharge: 10 Seconds
If target foe was casting a spell, that spell is interupted, that foe takes (10...60) damage, and that spell takes (10...30) additional seconds to recharge. If you don't interupt the foe, you loose (20...7) energy.
Furiating Shot {E}
Energy Cost: 10
Recharge: 15 Seconds
Bow Attack. If it hits, you strike for (15...45) Damage and cause that foe to suffer from a Deep Wound for (8...18) Seconds. If that foe was suffering from a hex, you deal an additional (2...10) Damage. If Furiating Shot misses, all of your Preparations are caused to recharge for (11...6) seconds.
Dirty Arrows
Energy Cost: 15
Casting Time: 2 Seconds
Recharge: 12 Seconds
Preparation. For 24 seconds, all your arrows are dirtied with mud, causing the target foe and all adjacent foes to be blinded for (6...15) seconds. If any arrows miss, you are blinded for (15...6) seconds.
Sli Ander
Another idea. Don't know if this has been mentioned before. How about some Elementalist skills like fire storm for water? Rain storm, or something to be more effective against fire creatures. Or maybe ranger skills like Winter. Rain storm(i know its same name) fire attacks while this is effective do x less damage. Have one to counter each element.(And then change ele skills around to counter those...)
shield slice
attrub tatics
hit 2ce at target fow 1 with shield and 1 wwith weapon if iht by shield target becomes bleeding and all skills rechanreged for 4 seconds
10 energy
45 recharge
attrub tatics
hit 2ce at target fow 1 with shield and 1 wwith weapon if iht by shield target becomes bleeding and all skills rechanreged for 4 seconds
10 energy
45 recharge

summon noobs
5 energy
25 rechanrge
summons 15-10 random noobs that have just lost in a pvp event and is waiting to return to town
to ure team untill they die
5 energy
25 rechanrge
summons 15-10 random noobs that have just lost in a pvp event and is waiting to return to town

mitch herbort
mind minion. mesmer,uses conjure phantasm on foes mre degen the higher the death magic
death minion. necro, causes poison to target enemies
healing minion. monk, heals the master and party members, only move orison of healing
deadly minion. assasin, does more damage than a normal minion but has less defence
spirit minion. rit, uses life
zealos minion. gives the master 1-15 energy every 20 seconds
to make it fair u can only use one at a time, or im not sure how this would work : / but it seemed like a pretty good concept to me. Everything is improved depending on ur death magic.
death minion. necro, causes poison to target enemies
healing minion. monk, heals the master and party members, only move orison of healing
deadly minion. assasin, does more damage than a normal minion but has less defence
spirit minion. rit, uses life
zealos minion. gives the master 1-15 energy every 20 seconds
to make it fair u can only use one at a time, or im not sure how this would work : / but it seemed like a pretty good concept to me. Everything is improved depending on ur death magic.
mitch herbort
Originally Posted by Sli Ander
Another idea. Don't know if this has been mentioned before. How about some Elementalist skills like fire storm for water? Rain storm, or something to be more effective against fire creatures. Or maybe ranger skills like Winter. Rain storm(i know its same name) fire attacks while this is effective do x less damage. Have one to counter each element.(And then change ele skills around to counter those...)
Kendar Muert
Spreading Flame- Elite spell
Attribute- fire magic
Cost- 30
cast time- 1/3 second(s)
recharge- 90 second(s)
Send out a wall of flame once per second for the next 1..3 seconds that strikes all foes in the area for 25..150 fire damage and sets them on fire for eight seconds. All foes nearby a struck foe are set on fire for 2....8 seconds, and are struck for 30 fire damage per second so long as the burning lasts.
Eles need at least one good overpowered spell lol.
to go with this spell-
Glyph of destruction
No Attribute
Cost- 20
Cast- 1 second
recharge- 30
For 15 seconds, the next spell you cast deals double damage and lengthens conditions set by it by 20%
Glyph of recharge-
Attribute- energy storage
Cost- 15
cast time- 1
recharge time- 15
The next spell you cast recharges instantly, but when cast disables all your other spells for 10...4 seconds
Attribute- fire magic
Cost- 30
cast time- 1/3 second(s)
recharge- 90 second(s)
Send out a wall of flame once per second for the next 1..3 seconds that strikes all foes in the area for 25..150 fire damage and sets them on fire for eight seconds. All foes nearby a struck foe are set on fire for 2....8 seconds, and are struck for 30 fire damage per second so long as the burning lasts.
Eles need at least one good overpowered spell lol.
to go with this spell-
Glyph of destruction
No Attribute
Cost- 20
Cast- 1 second
recharge- 30
For 15 seconds, the next spell you cast deals double damage and lengthens conditions set by it by 20%
Glyph of recharge-
Attribute- energy storage
Cost- 15
cast time- 1
recharge time- 15
The next spell you cast recharges instantly, but when cast disables all your other spells for 10...4 seconds
~Elite Spear Mastery
"Hundred Spears"
Energy Cost:15
Description:Skill only active if ennemy have more life that you.For each enchant that ennemy have,send 4 Spears,1 Barbed one,1 Poisoned,1 Deep Wounded,1 Vampiric one!
Yeah yeah i know it to much Powerful
~Elite Beast Mastery
"Beast Arrow"
Energy Cost:15
Description:Skill only useful if you have a pet.Sacrfice your pet,the point of the arrow will be the head of your sacrifced pet(in metal),the attack gonna strike x10 how much point you have in Beast Master,plusdepending on what pet you sacrificed different effect are used:
Lizard:Ennemy is crippled
Crab,Spider:Ennemy is poisoned
Wolf,Panther,W.Tiger,Tiger,Lynx:Ennemy is bleeding
Moa,BlackMoa,Bear:Ennemy is knocked down
Phoenix:Ennemy is burned
~Elite Spear Mastery
"Hundred Spears"
Energy Cost:15
Description:Skill only active if ennemy have more life that you.For each enchant that ennemy have,send 4 Spears,1 Barbed one,1 Poisoned,1 Deep Wounded,1 Vampiric one!
Yeah yeah i know it to much Powerful

~Elite Beast Mastery
"Beast Arrow"
Energy Cost:15
Description:Skill only useful if you have a pet.Sacrfice your pet,the point of the arrow will be the head of your sacrifced pet(in metal),the attack gonna strike x10 how much point you have in Beast Master,plusdepending on what pet you sacrificed different effect are used:
Lizard:Ennemy is crippled
Crab,Spider:Ennemy is poisoned
Wolf,Panther,W.Tiger,Tiger,Lynx:Ennemy is bleeding
Moa,BlackMoa,Bear:Ennemy is knocked down
Phoenix:Ennemy is burned
Shadow Dragon
Fury Slash {E}
Elite Sword attack. 15 energy, 60 second recharge.
Attack target foe three times. each attack doing progressive damage. lose all andrenaline and gain none from attacks. 75% chance failure if swordsmanship is below 10. damage starts at max for sword increasing by x1.5 each attack.
thoughts on this please.
Fury Slash {E}
Elite Sword attack. 15 energy, 60 second recharge.
Attack target foe three times. each attack doing progressive damage. lose all andrenaline and gain none from attacks. 75% chance failure if swordsmanship is below 10. damage starts at max for sword increasing by x1.5 each attack.
thoughts on this please.
Hunters Whistle
Wilderness skill
5 energy 1/2 s cast time 30 s recharge
all foes in the compass range will run towards & attack you.
Wilderness skill
5 energy 1/2 s cast time 30 s recharge
all foes in the compass range will run towards & attack you.
I had been working and finally put the finishing touches tonight on a little skill crafter website. Just wanted to post it here in case you guys wanted to see your skills the may they were meant to be displayed
Originally Posted by Pillz_veritas
(I dont have a necro or a mesmar so i just make goofy ones for them)
anyways, heres mine
Illusion of Death
Mesmer Illusion Elite Hex Spell
Energy:25 Cast Time:7 seconds Recharge:1 minute
Target enemy is dead for 10-40 seconds. They come back with half health.
Iraqalypse Now
"Ignore Me!"
30second recharge
Your attacks deal +1...8 damage. This shout ends when you are hit with a physical attack.
30second recharge
Your attacks deal +1...8 damage. This shout ends when you are hit with a physical attack.
Carl Butanananowski
Name: Well of Destruction {elite}
Attrib: Death Magic
Energy Cost: At LEAST 20.
Cast Time: 3 Seconds
Recharge: 60 seconds
For (3-11) seconds, any enemy inside Well of Destruction has -20 armor, their movements are slowed by 20%, and their maximum health is lowered by 10%. THIS SKILL CAUSES EXHAUSTION.
Name: Dwaynas Forgivness{elite}
Attrib: Either healing or prot.. im leaning for healing
Recharge: 90 seconds
Energy: 20
Casting time: 5 seconds.
Description: When you cast Dwaynas Forgivness, all allies within its range lose all monk enchantments, hexes, and conditions. For each monk enchantment, hex, or condition removed IN THIS MANNER, you lose (15-5) health.
Class: Sin
Name: Rain of Daggers
Cast Time: 1 Second(s) (or w/e default attack time is)
Recharge: 15 seconds
Energy Cost: 10
Attribute: Dagger Mastery
Descrip: Dual Attack. When you use Rain of Daggers, attack target foe (2-4) times. For each successful attack, foes adjacent to you take (5-25) dmg.
Class: Ritualist
Name: Spirit of Reversal
Cast Time: 3 Seconds
Recharge: 60 seconds
Energy Cost: 10
Attrib: Communing (or w/e the spirit summoning attrib is x.x)
Descrip: Every time this spirit attacks, it deals no damage, but one random condition from any ally in its area and its remaining duriation is transferred(sp) to attacked foe. This spirits attacks are twice as slow as other spirits attacks. This spirit dies after (20-50) seconds.
Class: Ranger
Name: Calf Strike
Cast Time: 1/4
Recharge: 30 seconds
Energy: 10
Attrib: Beast Mastery
Descrip: (im pretty sure this is a copy) Your pet attempts a Calf Strike on target foe. If your pets attack is succesful, target foe begins bleeding for (4-9) seconds, and is crippled for (2-5) seconds.
Class: Mesmer
Name: Shutdown
Cast Time: 1 Second
Recharge: 12 seconds
Energy Cost: 10
Attrib: Domination Magic
Descrip: (basically, this is a copy of blackout.) For (2-5) seconds, all of touched target foe's skills are disabled, and all of your skills are disabled for 5 seconds.
Class: Warrior
Name: Skull Bash
Adrenaline Cost: 6
Recharge: N/A
Cast Time: N/A (default attack time)
Attrib: Strength
Descrip: Lose all adrenaline. Target touched for is interrupted and knocked down.
Class: Ritualist
Name: Blunt Weapon
Energy Cost: 10
Recharge: 15
Cast Time: 1 second
Attrib: N/A (atm)
Descrip: Weapon Spell. For (3-11) seconds, target ally's next successful physical strike (NOT ELEMENTAL) deals +(5-18) damage and causes 'Dazed' for (3-8) seconds on target foe.
Class: Warrior
Name: Headbutt
Adrenaline: 4
Cast Time: Default Attack Time.
Recharge: N/A
Attrib: Strength
Descrip: Target touched foe becomes 'Dazed' for (2-9) seconds. If touchehd foe is casting a spell, that foe is interrupted.
Class: Warrior
Name: Lunge (elite)
Adrendaline: 8
Recharge: 15
Cast Time: <default attack time>
Attrib: Swordsmanship
Descrip: For (2-5) seconds, you run 33% faster. The next time you succesfully strike an enemy in melee, you do +(8-34) damage, and your target suffers from Bleeding for (2-9) seconds. If your target was already bleeding then they are also afflicted with Deep wound for (2-9) seconds.
Class: Elementalist
Name: Glyph of Recovery (elite)
Energy Cost: 5
Cast Time: 1/4
Recharge: 90 seconds
Attrib: Energy Storage
Descrip: You lose half of your current exhaustion. All of your skills are disabled for (6-2) seconds.
Class: Ele
Name: Fire Shield
Energy Cost: 15
Cast Time: 2 seconds
Recharge: around 30 seconds.
Attrib: Fire Magic
Descrip: For (9-27) seconds, target ally has a 'Fire Shield' around them, and has +24 defense against water damage. Anyone successfully striking target ally in melee begins burning for (2-5) seconds. This spell causes exhaustion.
Class: Warrior
Name: Parry
Energy Cost: 5
Cast Time: 1/4
Recharge: 30
Attrib: Tactics
Descrip: For () seconds, you 'block' the next successful melee attack on you, and the attacker is knocked down. If the attacker is weilding a sword, that foe takes (27-63) damage.
Class: Monk
Name: Signet of Rebuke
Energy Cost: 10
Cast Time: 1/4
Recharge: 30 seconds
Attrib: Smiting Prayers
Descrip: If target foe is attacking or casting a spell, you interrupt that foe's action. If target foe was casting a spell, they lose (3-7) energy. If interrupted foe was attacking, they lose all adrenaline and take (5-35) damage.
Class: Necro
Name: Shroud of Guilt
Energy: 15
Cast Time: 2 Seconds
Recharge: 45 Seconds
Attrib: Curses
Descrip: Spell. Sacrifice 10% max health. For (5-10) seconds, whenever target foe gains adrenaline, that foe, and foe's adjacent to him, take (5-25) damage.
Class: Necro
Name: Shroud of Torment
Energy: 15
CT: 2 Seconds
Recharge: 45 Seconds
Attrib: Curses
Descrip: Spell. Sacrifice 10% max health. For (5-10) seconds, any hex cast on target foe within the duration of this spell lasts twice as long.
Class: Necro
Name: Shroud of Distractions
Energy: 15
CT: 2 Seconds
Recharge: 60 seconds
Attrib: Curses
Descrip: Spell. Sacrifice 10% max health. For (5-10) seconds, target foe is easily interrupted. Each time target foe is interrupted, you lose (3-1) energy.
(see a pattern yet? :P)
Shroud of Soothing
Energy Cost(EC): 15
CT: 3 seconds
Recharge(R): 45 Seconds
Attrib(AT): Curses
Descrip: Sacrifice 20% max health. For (5-10) seconds, target foe cannot gain adrenaline, but for every time target foe would have gained adrenaline, you lose (12-5) health.
Shroud of Destruction
EC: 15
CT: 20
R: 60 seconds
AT: Curses
Descrip: Spell. Sacrifice 20% max health. For (5-10) seconds, target foe deals no damage, but every time target foe would have dealt damage, you lose (4-1) energy.
Shroud of Evasion {elite}
EC: 15
CT: 2 seconds
R: 45 seconds
AT: Curses
Descrip(DCP): Spell. Sacrifice 10% max health. For (5-10) seconds, target foe 'evades' all physical attacks against him. When Shroud of Evasion ends, target foe loses (2-5) energy and (5-17) health for each attack evaded.
Shroud of Conditions
EC: 15
CT: 3 seconds
R: 60 seconds
AT: Curses
DCP: Spell. Sacrifice 15% max health. For (5-10) seconds, any condition target foe is afflicted with, in the duration of this spell, has its duration doubled. You lose (4-1) energy for each duration lengthened in this way.
Shroud of Pain
EC: 15
CT: 3 seconds
R: 45 Seconds
AT: Curses
DCP: Spell. Sacrifice 10% max health. For (5-10) seconds, each time target foe suffers a new degenerative spell or condition, that foe has an extra (1-2) pip(s) of degeneration.
Attrib: Death Magic
Energy Cost: At LEAST 20.
Cast Time: 3 Seconds
Recharge: 60 seconds
For (3-11) seconds, any enemy inside Well of Destruction has -20 armor, their movements are slowed by 20%, and their maximum health is lowered by 10%. THIS SKILL CAUSES EXHAUSTION.
Name: Dwaynas Forgivness{elite}
Attrib: Either healing or prot.. im leaning for healing
Recharge: 90 seconds
Energy: 20
Casting time: 5 seconds.
Description: When you cast Dwaynas Forgivness, all allies within its range lose all monk enchantments, hexes, and conditions. For each monk enchantment, hex, or condition removed IN THIS MANNER, you lose (15-5) health.
Class: Sin
Name: Rain of Daggers
Cast Time: 1 Second(s) (or w/e default attack time is)
Recharge: 15 seconds
Energy Cost: 10
Attribute: Dagger Mastery
Descrip: Dual Attack. When you use Rain of Daggers, attack target foe (2-4) times. For each successful attack, foes adjacent to you take (5-25) dmg.
Class: Ritualist
Name: Spirit of Reversal
Cast Time: 3 Seconds
Recharge: 60 seconds
Energy Cost: 10
Attrib: Communing (or w/e the spirit summoning attrib is x.x)
Descrip: Every time this spirit attacks, it deals no damage, but one random condition from any ally in its area and its remaining duriation is transferred(sp) to attacked foe. This spirits attacks are twice as slow as other spirits attacks. This spirit dies after (20-50) seconds.
Class: Ranger
Name: Calf Strike
Cast Time: 1/4
Recharge: 30 seconds
Energy: 10
Attrib: Beast Mastery
Descrip: (im pretty sure this is a copy) Your pet attempts a Calf Strike on target foe. If your pets attack is succesful, target foe begins bleeding for (4-9) seconds, and is crippled for (2-5) seconds.
Class: Mesmer
Name: Shutdown
Cast Time: 1 Second
Recharge: 12 seconds
Energy Cost: 10
Attrib: Domination Magic
Descrip: (basically, this is a copy of blackout.) For (2-5) seconds, all of touched target foe's skills are disabled, and all of your skills are disabled for 5 seconds.
Class: Warrior
Name: Skull Bash
Adrenaline Cost: 6
Recharge: N/A
Cast Time: N/A (default attack time)
Attrib: Strength
Descrip: Lose all adrenaline. Target touched for is interrupted and knocked down.
Class: Ritualist
Name: Blunt Weapon
Energy Cost: 10
Recharge: 15
Cast Time: 1 second
Attrib: N/A (atm)
Descrip: Weapon Spell. For (3-11) seconds, target ally's next successful physical strike (NOT ELEMENTAL) deals +(5-18) damage and causes 'Dazed' for (3-8) seconds on target foe.
Class: Warrior
Name: Headbutt
Adrenaline: 4
Cast Time: Default Attack Time.
Recharge: N/A
Attrib: Strength
Descrip: Target touched foe becomes 'Dazed' for (2-9) seconds. If touchehd foe is casting a spell, that foe is interrupted.
Class: Warrior
Name: Lunge (elite)
Adrendaline: 8
Recharge: 15
Cast Time: <default attack time>
Attrib: Swordsmanship
Descrip: For (2-5) seconds, you run 33% faster. The next time you succesfully strike an enemy in melee, you do +(8-34) damage, and your target suffers from Bleeding for (2-9) seconds. If your target was already bleeding then they are also afflicted with Deep wound for (2-9) seconds.
Class: Elementalist
Name: Glyph of Recovery (elite)
Energy Cost: 5
Cast Time: 1/4
Recharge: 90 seconds
Attrib: Energy Storage
Descrip: You lose half of your current exhaustion. All of your skills are disabled for (6-2) seconds.
Class: Ele
Name: Fire Shield
Energy Cost: 15
Cast Time: 2 seconds
Recharge: around 30 seconds.
Attrib: Fire Magic
Descrip: For (9-27) seconds, target ally has a 'Fire Shield' around them, and has +24 defense against water damage. Anyone successfully striking target ally in melee begins burning for (2-5) seconds. This spell causes exhaustion.
Class: Warrior
Name: Parry
Energy Cost: 5
Cast Time: 1/4
Recharge: 30
Attrib: Tactics
Descrip: For () seconds, you 'block' the next successful melee attack on you, and the attacker is knocked down. If the attacker is weilding a sword, that foe takes (27-63) damage.
Class: Monk
Name: Signet of Rebuke
Energy Cost: 10
Cast Time: 1/4
Recharge: 30 seconds
Attrib: Smiting Prayers
Descrip: If target foe is attacking or casting a spell, you interrupt that foe's action. If target foe was casting a spell, they lose (3-7) energy. If interrupted foe was attacking, they lose all adrenaline and take (5-35) damage.
Class: Necro
Name: Shroud of Guilt
Energy: 15
Cast Time: 2 Seconds
Recharge: 45 Seconds
Attrib: Curses
Descrip: Spell. Sacrifice 10% max health. For (5-10) seconds, whenever target foe gains adrenaline, that foe, and foe's adjacent to him, take (5-25) damage.
Class: Necro
Name: Shroud of Torment
Energy: 15
CT: 2 Seconds
Recharge: 45 Seconds
Attrib: Curses
Descrip: Spell. Sacrifice 10% max health. For (5-10) seconds, any hex cast on target foe within the duration of this spell lasts twice as long.
Class: Necro
Name: Shroud of Distractions
Energy: 15
CT: 2 Seconds
Recharge: 60 seconds
Attrib: Curses
Descrip: Spell. Sacrifice 10% max health. For (5-10) seconds, target foe is easily interrupted. Each time target foe is interrupted, you lose (3-1) energy.
(see a pattern yet? :P)
Shroud of Soothing
Energy Cost(EC): 15
CT: 3 seconds
Recharge(R): 45 Seconds
Attrib(AT): Curses
Descrip: Sacrifice 20% max health. For (5-10) seconds, target foe cannot gain adrenaline, but for every time target foe would have gained adrenaline, you lose (12-5) health.
Shroud of Destruction
EC: 15
CT: 20
R: 60 seconds
AT: Curses
Descrip: Spell. Sacrifice 20% max health. For (5-10) seconds, target foe deals no damage, but every time target foe would have dealt damage, you lose (4-1) energy.
Shroud of Evasion {elite}
EC: 15
CT: 2 seconds
R: 45 seconds
AT: Curses
Descrip(DCP): Spell. Sacrifice 10% max health. For (5-10) seconds, target foe 'evades' all physical attacks against him. When Shroud of Evasion ends, target foe loses (2-5) energy and (5-17) health for each attack evaded.
Shroud of Conditions
EC: 15
CT: 3 seconds
R: 60 seconds
AT: Curses
DCP: Spell. Sacrifice 15% max health. For (5-10) seconds, any condition target foe is afflicted with, in the duration of this spell, has its duration doubled. You lose (4-1) energy for each duration lengthened in this way.
Shroud of Pain
EC: 15
CT: 3 seconds
R: 45 Seconds
AT: Curses
DCP: Spell. Sacrifice 10% max health. For (5-10) seconds, each time target foe suffers a new degenerative spell or condition, that foe has an extra (1-2) pip(s) of degeneration.
Carl Butanananowski
Originally Posted by Super_Nerd0
anyways, heres mine Illusion of Death Mesmer Illusion Elite Hex Spell Energy:25 Cast Time:7 seconds Recharge:1 minute Target enemy is dead for 10-40 seconds. They come back with half health. |
Illusion of Death{elite}
Illusion Magic
EC: 25
CT: 5 seconds
R: 90 seconds
DCP: For () seconds, if target foe dies whilst hexed with 'Illusion of Death', any attempt to ressurect them fails. After () seconds, they are ressurected with half health and 25% energy.
Sli Ander
I like that Signet of Rebuke, its a good across the board counter for a monk. Hopefully Anet will take some inspiration from threads like this...
Also check out that website. Its awesome. The only thing its missing is a Skill button, which most people would want to customize in photoshop anyway...
Kudos to all!
Also check out that website. Its awesome. The only thing its missing is a Skill button, which most people would want to customize in photoshop anyway...
Kudos to all!
Just Because Carl Butanananowski had to whine my skills go here.
Animate Undead Mage
EC: 20
CT: 3
R: 10
AT: Death Magic
DCP: Exploit nearest corpse to animate a level 1-14 Undead Mage. Undead Mages use a level 1-12 Flare spell.
(cant think of a name)
EC: 10
CT: 1
R: 5
AT: Death Magic
Nearest Minion is Shadow Stepped to target foe and healed for 25-150 health.
And because i hate touchers
EC: 15
CT: 0
R: 60
AT: Tactics
For the next 60 seconds you steal 50-100 Health from any foe who touches you.
Animate Undead Mage
EC: 20
CT: 3
R: 10
AT: Death Magic
DCP: Exploit nearest corpse to animate a level 1-14 Undead Mage. Undead Mages use a level 1-12 Flare spell.
(cant think of a name)
EC: 10
CT: 1
R: 5
AT: Death Magic
Nearest Minion is Shadow Stepped to target foe and healed for 25-150 health.
And because i hate touchers
EC: 15
CT: 0
R: 60
AT: Tactics
For the next 60 seconds you steal 50-100 Health from any foe who touches you.
Cold Golem - spell
ec: 15
ct: 2
R: 45
at: water magic
Create a lv.3-16 walking Cold Golem, This Golem deals 5-30 cold dmg on it's attacks, it has 10-80 armor and it loose 10% max health each time it attacks, the Cold Golem does not suffer health degen.
Flame Golem - spell
ec: 15
ct: 1
R: 45
at: fire magic
Create a lv.3-16 walking Flame Golem, This Golem deals 8-40 fire dmg on it's attacks, it has 5-60 armor, the Flame Golem does suffer-3 health degen.
Lightning Golem - spell
ec: 15
ct: 3
R: 45
at: air magic
Create a lv.3-16 walking Lightning Golem, This Golem deals 10-50 lightning dmg on it's attacks, it has 5-40 armor, the Lightning Golem does suffer-2 health degen.
Crystal Golem - spell
ec: 15
ct: 4
R: 45
at: earth magic
Create a lv.3-16 walking Crystal Golem, This Golem deals 5-20 earth dmg on it's attacks, it has 20-100 armor, the Crystal Golem does suffer-1 health degen.
Golem Feast - spell
ec: 15
ct: 2
r: 20
at: Energy Storage
Heal all your golems for 40-180 health, this spell causes exhaustion.
Cold Golem - spell
ec: 15
ct: 2
R: 45
at: water magic
Create a lv.3-16 walking Cold Golem, This Golem deals 5-30 cold dmg on it's attacks, it has 10-80 armor and it loose 10% max health each time it attacks, the Cold Golem does not suffer health degen.
Flame Golem - spell
ec: 15
ct: 1
R: 45
at: fire magic
Create a lv.3-16 walking Flame Golem, This Golem deals 8-40 fire dmg on it's attacks, it has 5-60 armor, the Flame Golem does suffer-3 health degen.
Lightning Golem - spell
ec: 15
ct: 3
R: 45
at: air magic
Create a lv.3-16 walking Lightning Golem, This Golem deals 10-50 lightning dmg on it's attacks, it has 5-40 armor, the Lightning Golem does suffer-2 health degen.
Crystal Golem - spell
ec: 15
ct: 4
R: 45
at: earth magic
Create a lv.3-16 walking Crystal Golem, This Golem deals 5-20 earth dmg on it's attacks, it has 20-100 armor, the Crystal Golem does suffer-1 health degen.
Golem Feast - spell
ec: 15
ct: 2
r: 20
at: Energy Storage
Heal all your golems for 40-180 health, this spell causes exhaustion.
I think the ele's Glyphs could be better, more varied, and more interesting. Notice that the Glyphs I'm suggesting will trigger on the next qualifying spell, not simply the next spell.
Glyph of Ethereal MagicThat's all I have for now.
Elementalist - No Attribute
Energy 5
Cast time: 0
Reuse 30
Your next offensive element spell does double damage to spirits.
Glyph of Aquatic Binding
Elementalist - Water Magic
Energy 5
Cast time: 0
Reuse 45
Your next water hex lasts 10%...50% longer.
Glyph of Ease
Elementalist - No Attribute
Energy 5
Cast time: 0
Reuse 60
The next spell you use that causes exhaustion costs no energy.
Glyph of Frost Fire
Elementalist - Fire Magic
Energy 5
Cast time: 0
Reuse 15
Your next offensive fire spell does cold damage instead. 50% chance of failure with 4 fire magic or less.
Glyph of Girth
Elementalist - No Attribute
Energy 5
Cast time: 0
Reuse 45
The radius of your next area of effect spell is increased by 1 catagory.
Glyph of Static
Elementalist - Air Magic
Energy 5
Cast time: 0
Reuse 15
Your next offensive air spell has an additional 5%...15% armor penetration.
Glyph of Stunning
Elementalist - No Attribute
Energy 5
Cast time: 0
Reuse 20
Your next offensive air spell interrupts target foe's action.
Glyph of Heat
Elementalist - Fire Magic
Energy 5
Cast time: 0
Reuse 30
The next offensive fire spell causes another 3...20 fire damage on hit.
Glyph of Delay
Elementalist - No Attribute
Energy 5
Cast time: 0
Reuse 25
The next spell you cast takes effect 3 seconds later.
Glyph of Sturdiness
Elementalist - Earth Magic
Energy 5
Cast time: 0
Reuse 60
Your next earth enchantment is reapplied once if it is removed. 50% chance of failure with 4 earth magic or less.
Signet Of Hope - Signet. For each dead party member in the area, you gain 1..7[9] energy.
Cast Time - 1 second
Energy Cost - 0
Recharge time - 15 seconds
Attribute - Divine Favour
Panaecea - Enchantment Spell. For 8 seconds, The next time target ally recieves a condition that condition is negated and ally gains 10..63[72] health
Cast Time - 3/4 second
Energy Cost - 10
Recharge time - 5 seconds
Attribute - Protection Prayers
Feeling Of Regret - Hex Spell. Target foe moves 90% slower for 1..2[3] seconds. If that foe was attacking, that foe takes 10..44 [55] damage.
Cast time - 2 seconds
Energy cost - 10
Recharge time - 10 seconds
Attribute - Illusion Magic
False Hope - Hex Spell. Target foe is healed for 200..85[71] health. After 10 seconds target foe takes 15..55[62] damage for each hex or enchantment on that foe.
Cast time - 2 seconds
Energy cost - 10
Recharge time - 15 seconds
Attribute - Illusion Magic
Dominance - Enchantment Spell. For 5..20[25] seconds all of your domination hexes last 20..84 [105]% longer, but cost twice as much energy to cast.
Cast time - 2 seconds
Energy cost - 10 seconds
Recharge time - 45 seconds
Attribute - Domination Magic
Doubt - Hex Spell. For 5 seconds, the next time target foe fails to hit in combat, that foe takes 8..53[68] damage.
Cast time - 1/4 second
Energy Cost - 5
Recharge time - 2 seconds
Attribute - Domination Magic
Passing Dream - Elite Spell. Target other ally loses all hexes and you recieve all hexes that ally had and their remaining durations.
Cast Time - 1 second
Energy Cost - 5
Recharge time - 10 seconds
Attribute - None (Mesmer)
all I have at the moment, comments appreciated
Signet Of Hope - Signet. For each dead party member in the area, you gain 1..7[9] energy.
Cast Time - 1 second
Energy Cost - 0
Recharge time - 15 seconds
Attribute - Divine Favour
Panaecea - Enchantment Spell. For 8 seconds, The next time target ally recieves a condition that condition is negated and ally gains 10..63[72] health
Cast Time - 3/4 second
Energy Cost - 10
Recharge time - 5 seconds
Attribute - Protection Prayers
Feeling Of Regret - Hex Spell. Target foe moves 90% slower for 1..2[3] seconds. If that foe was attacking, that foe takes 10..44 [55] damage.
Cast time - 2 seconds
Energy cost - 10
Recharge time - 10 seconds
Attribute - Illusion Magic
False Hope - Hex Spell. Target foe is healed for 200..85[71] health. After 10 seconds target foe takes 15..55[62] damage for each hex or enchantment on that foe.
Cast time - 2 seconds
Energy cost - 10
Recharge time - 15 seconds
Attribute - Illusion Magic
Dominance - Enchantment Spell. For 5..20[25] seconds all of your domination hexes last 20..84 [105]% longer, but cost twice as much energy to cast.
Cast time - 2 seconds
Energy cost - 10 seconds
Recharge time - 45 seconds
Attribute - Domination Magic
Doubt - Hex Spell. For 5 seconds, the next time target foe fails to hit in combat, that foe takes 8..53[68] damage.
Cast time - 1/4 second
Energy Cost - 5
Recharge time - 2 seconds
Attribute - Domination Magic
Passing Dream - Elite Spell. Target other ally loses all hexes and you recieve all hexes that ally had and their remaining durations.
Cast Time - 1 second
Energy Cost - 5
Recharge time - 10 seconds
Attribute - None (Mesmer)
all I have at the moment, comments appreciated

To the above:
Hey, those skills aren't all that bad, TBH. Though the last one is a bit rigged.
Hey, those skills aren't all that bad, TBH. Though the last one is a bit rigged.
Elite offhand dagger attack. Must follow the dual attack. All stances and enchantments on you end. Shadow step to target foe location and strike for +10..20 dmg and cause Bleeding, Deep Wound and Weakness for 10...20 seconds. After that, you shadowstep back.
Energy cost - 10
Recharge time - 10 secs
Attribute - Critical Strikes
Elite Enchantment spell. For 10...30 seconds, the next time you use melee atack skill on foe, you shadowstep to that foe, act the skill and shadowstep back.
Energy cost - 15
Recharge time - 15 secs.
Atribute - Shadow Arts
Elite offhand dagger attack. Must follow the dual attack. All stances and enchantments on you end. Shadow step to target foe location and strike for +10..20 dmg and cause Bleeding, Deep Wound and Weakness for 10...20 seconds. After that, you shadowstep back.
Energy cost - 10
Recharge time - 10 secs
Attribute - Critical Strikes
Elite Enchantment spell. For 10...30 seconds, the next time you use melee atack skill on foe, you shadowstep to that foe, act the skill and shadowstep back.
Energy cost - 15
Recharge time - 15 secs.
Atribute - Shadow Arts
Summon Rotting Hounds(e)
10e, 5sec(cast), 15sec(recharge)
Exploit nearest corpse. Summon 2 level 1..16 Rotting Hounds. Their attacks deal 25 damage and cause disease for 1...16 seconds. A maximum of 5 Rotting Hounds can be summoned at one time. This is an elite skill.
Tiger Slash(e)
7 adrenaline, 1/4sec
This attack strikes for +1...20 damage and causes bleeding and deep wound for 1...17 seconds. This is an elite skill.
Summon Rotting Hounds(e)
10e, 5sec(cast), 15sec(recharge)
Exploit nearest corpse. Summon 2 level 1..16 Rotting Hounds. Their attacks deal 25 damage and cause disease for 1...16 seconds. A maximum of 5 Rotting Hounds can be summoned at one time. This is an elite skill.
Tiger Slash(e)
7 adrenaline, 1/4sec
This attack strikes for +1...20 damage and causes bleeding and deep wound for 1...17 seconds. This is an elite skill.
Stance. For 2..7 secs you take +5...2 dmg from target foe attacks. After that you strike for +10..20dmg for every attack you've taken.
Energy cost - 15
Recharge time - 25 secs
Attribute - Critical Strikes
Bloody Revenge
Elite Stance. For 5..10 secs you suffer Weakness. When Weakness ends, you shadowstep to enemies which stroke you while you suffered weakness and deal +10..15 dmg for each attack taken and cause Bleeding.
Energy cost - 15
Recharge time - 45secs
Attribute - Critical Strikes.
Stance. For 2..7 secs you take +5...2 dmg from target foe attacks. After that you strike for +10..20dmg for every attack you've taken.
Energy cost - 15
Recharge time - 25 secs
Attribute - Critical Strikes
Bloody Revenge
Elite Stance. For 5..10 secs you suffer Weakness. When Weakness ends, you shadowstep to enemies which stroke you while you suffered weakness and deal +10..15 dmg for each attack taken and cause Bleeding.
Energy cost - 15
Recharge time - 45secs
Attribute - Critical Strikes.
Master Adamdk
Blood of the Vampire {E}
Elite Enchantment. Sacrifice 33% maximum health. For (8...15) seconds you gain + (1...4) Blood Magic. When this enchantment ends, for each condtion or hex you are suffering, you loose 5 energy.
Elite Enchantment. Sacrifice 33% maximum health. For (8...15) seconds you gain + (1...4) Blood Magic. When this enchantment ends, for each condtion or hex you are suffering, you loose 5 energy.
Kriel Drache
Okay, first one
Elite Elementalist Hex Spell, Fire Magic
15 Energy, 3 Second Casting Time, 20 Second Recharge Time
For 10 seconds, target foe takes 10-22 Fire Damage per second if he/she is holding an item.
Second one
Well of Sacrifice
Necromancer Well Spell, Blood Magic
10 Energy, 2 Second Casting Time, 10 Second Recharge Time
Exploit the corpse nearest to the target ally. For 5-11 seconds, any Conditions on allies in the Well of Sacrifice are transferred to you.
Elite Elementalist Hex Spell, Fire Magic
15 Energy, 3 Second Casting Time, 20 Second Recharge Time
For 10 seconds, target foe takes 10-22 Fire Damage per second if he/she is holding an item.
Second one
Well of Sacrifice
Necromancer Well Spell, Blood Magic
10 Energy, 2 Second Casting Time, 10 Second Recharge Time
Exploit the corpse nearest to the target ally. For 5-11 seconds, any Conditions on allies in the Well of Sacrifice are transferred to you.
Scavenger Rage
Originally Posted by Kriel Drache
Okay, first one
Superheat Elite Elementalist Hex Spell, Fire Magic 15 Energy, 3 Second Casting Time, 20 Second Recharge Time For 10 seconds, target foe takes 10-22 Fire Damage per second if he/she is holding an item. Second one Well of Sacrifice Necromancer Well Spell, Blood Magic 10 Energy, 2 Second Casting Time, 10 Second Recharge Time Exploit the corpse nearest to the target ally. For 5-11 seconds, any Conditions on allies in the Well of Sacrifice are transferred to you. |
2. Think its a little bit overpowered since it would render taited useless for instance. Maybe we could do the opposite from the first one here, make it elite and buff a litle the duration.
Merged the last two posts.
Originally Posted by Carl Butanananowski
Name: Dwaynas Forgivness{elite}
Attrib: Either healing or prot.. im leaning for healing Recharge: 90 seconds Energy: 20 Casting time: 5 seconds. Description: When you cast Dwaynas Forgivness, all allies within its range lose all monk enchantments, hexes, and conditions. For each monk enchantment, hex, or condition removed IN THIS MANNER, you lose (15-5) health. Class: Sin Name: Rain of Daggers Cast Time: 1 Second(s) (or w/e default attack time is) Recharge: 15 seconds Energy Cost: 10 Attribute: Dagger Mastery Descrip: Dual Attack. When you use Rain of Daggers, attack target foe (2-4) times. For each successful attack, foes adjacent to you take (5-25) dmg. Class: Ritualist Name: Blunt Weapon Energy Cost: 10 Recharge: 15 Cast Time: 1 second Attrib: N/A (atm) Descrip: Weapon Spell. For (3-11) seconds, target ally's next successful physical strike (NOT ELEMENTAL) deals +(5-18) damage and causes 'Dazed' for (3-8) seconds on target foe. Class: Warrior Name: Lunge (elite) Adrendaline: 8 Recharge: 15 Cast Time: <default attack time> Attrib: Swordsmanship Descrip: For (2-5) seconds, you run 33% faster. The next time you succesfully strike an enemy in melee, you do +(8-34) damage, and your target suffers from Bleeding for (2-9) seconds. If your target was already bleeding then they are also afflicted with Deep wound for (2-9) seconds. Class: Monk Name: Signet of Rebuke Energy Cost: 10 Cast Time: 1/4 Recharge: 30 seconds Attrib: Smiting Prayers Descrip: If target foe is attacking or casting a spell, you interrupt that foe's action. If target foe was casting a spell, they lose (3-7) energy. If interrupted foe was attacking, they lose all adrenaline and take (5-35) damage. Class: Necro Name: Shroud of Guilt Energy: 15 Cast Time: 2 Seconds Recharge: 45 Seconds Attrib: Curses Descrip: Spell. Sacrifice 10% max health. For (5-10) seconds, whenever target foe gains adrenaline, that foe, and foe's adjacent to him, take (5-25) damage. Class: Necro Name: Shroud of Torment Energy: 15 CT: 2 Seconds Recharge: 45 Seconds Attrib: Curses Descrip: Spell. Sacrifice 10% max health. For (5-10) seconds, any hex cast on target foe within the duration of this spell lasts twice as long. Class: Necro Name: Shroud of Distractions Energy: 15 CT: 2 Seconds Recharge: 60 seconds Attrib: Curses Descrip: Spell. Sacrifice 10% max health. For (5-10) seconds, target foe is easily interrupted. Each time target foe is interrupted, you lose (3-1) energy. (see a pattern yet? :P) Necro Shroud of Soothing Energy Cost(EC): 15 CT: 3 seconds Recharge(R): 45 Seconds Attrib(AT): Curses Descrip: Sacrifice 20% max health. For (5-10) seconds, target foe cannot gain adrenaline, but for every time target foe would have gained adrenaline, you lose (12-5) health. nEcrØ Shroud of Destruction EC: 15 CT: 20 R: 60 seconds AT: Curses Descrip: Spell. Sacrifice 20% max health. For (5-10) seconds, target foe deals no damage, but every time target foe would have dealt damage, you lose (4-1) energy. NëcR0 Shroud of Evasion {elite} EC: 15 CT: 2 seconds R: 45 seconds AT: Curses Descrip(DCP): Spell. Sacrifice 10% max health. For (5-10) seconds, target foe 'evades' all physical attacks against him. When Shroud of Evasion ends, target foe loses (2-5) energy and (5-17) health for each attack evaded. Necro Shroud of Conditions EC: 15 CT: 3 seconds R: 60 seconds AT: Curses DCP: Spell. Sacrifice 15% max health. For (5-10) seconds, any condition target foe is afflicted with, in the duration of this spell, has its duration doubled. You lose (4-1) energy for each duration lengthened in this way. NECRO Shroud of Pain EC: 15 CT: 3 seconds R: 45 Seconds AT: Curses DCP: Spell. Sacrifice 10% max health. For (5-10) seconds, each time target foe suffers a new degenerative spell or condition, that foe has an extra (1-2) pip(s) of degeneration. |
i love the shroud line of skills for the necro, sounds like a good idea.
all of those other skills are nice too, though Signet of Rebuke should probably be a mes skill.
Keep in mind that this Skill can get disabled if you Clearly miss your oppenent