20 Jul 2006 at 11:18 - 368
I postsed this in the wrong section, so I'm re-doing this here indstead. I think these are generally balanced. Before you are quick to rule a skill overpowered, take a close look at mana cost, cast and recharge times.
1. *Ward of Greater Power* - Elite Ward Spell. For 8-18 seconds, all non-spirit allies receive a +1 to their attribute of spells which they cast within this ward. (15/1/20) (Fire Magic)
2. Frozen Sphere – Spell. Send out a Frozen Sphere that strikes for 15-85 cold damage if it his and slows target foe for 3-8 seconds 66% slower. (15/2/20) (Water Magic)
3. Lightning Nova – Spell. All adjacent foes are struck for 15-55 Lightning damage and become dazed for 2-6 seconds. This spell has 25% armor penetration. (25/2/45) (Air Magic)
4. Lake of Ice – Spell. Create a Lake of Ice at your current location for 5-25 seconds. All foes who enter this area move 90% slower then normal. (15/2/30) (Water Magic)
5. Rodgort’s Fist – Spell. Target touched foe and all adjacent foes to that foe are knocked down and suffer 9-99 fire damage and are set on fire for 3 seconds. They are not set on fire if they are suffering from a Water Hex. (10/¾/20) (Fire Magic)
6. Boon of energy - Spell. You gain 1-3 health for you maximum energy amount. (5/¾/20) (Energy Storage)
7. Rodgort’s Favor – Enchantment Spell. For 10-25 seconds, all of your fire skills recharge 25% faster. (5/1/10) (Fire Magic)
8. Fire Dome – Spell. Foes near to the location where this spell was cast take 5-25 fire damage each second for 5 seconds and are set on fire for 1-3 seconds. (10/2/25) (Fire Magic)
1. Healing Winds – Enchantment Spell. For 5-8 seconds, all party members receive 1-4 health regeneration. (15/2/30) (Healing Prayers)
2. Comforting Thoughts – Enchantment Spell. Target ally receive 3 health regeneration for 10 seconds. When Comforting Thoughts ends, target ally is healed for 30-100 health. (10/2/10) (Divine Favor)
3. Recover Condition – Spell. Remove 1-3 conditions from target ally and bring it to yourself with it’s remaining duration. The next 1-3 conditions that ally would receive are negated. (10/¾/5) (Protection Prayers)
4. Balthazaar’s Blessing – Spell. Resurrect target ally with 10-60% health, zero energy and 1-5 strikes of adrenaline. All foes near this ally take 10-50 Holy damage when resurrected. (50% failure chance with Smiting Prayers 7 or less) (10/6/10) (Smiting Prayers)
5. Imbuing Essence – Enchantment Spell. For 15 seconds target ally gains 1 energy for each enchantment on them when they cast a monk spell. (5/1/30) (No Attribute)
6. Signet of Protection – Signet. Target ally receives +20 armor for 10-30 seconds. (2/20)(Protection Prayers)
7. Spirit of Holiness – Enchantment spell. For 3-10 seconds, your monk spells cost 3 less energy to cast. But, while this enchantment is on you, you take double Shadow damage. (10/1/30) (Divine Favor)
1. Animate Bone Mage – Animate a level 1-14 Bone Mage. Bone Mages cast level 1-10 Lightning Strike, Immolate or Etheral Light. (25/3/15) (Death Magic)
2. Grenth’s Scythe – Spell. All adjancent foes take 10-50 slashing damage and are crippled for 10 seconds. (10/¾/20) (Death Magic)
3. *Defy Armor* – Elite Hex Spell. Sacrifice 20% maximum health. For 8-18 seconds, target foes has a penalty of – 40 armor. (15/3/45) (Curses)
4. Animate Bone Leeches – Spell. Animate 3 level 0-8 Bone Leeches. Bone Leeches steal 2-12 health for themselves when they attack. (15/3/15) (Death Magic)
5. Soul Harvest – Hex spell. (For 10-18 seconds, target foes receives 20% less from healing and moves 20% slower. If target foes dies with Soul Harvest on them, the amount of energy you gain from Soul Reaping is doubled from that foe. (10/2/45) (Soul Reaping)
6. Soul Siphon – Hex Spell. For 5-15 seconds, target foes suffers -1 energy degeneration and you gain +1 energy regeneration. (5/2/30) (Soul Reaping)
7. Malicious Gaze – Spell. If target foes is attacking, you steal up to 12-65 health from that foe. If they are not attacking, you deal 12-65 damage. (5/1/15) (Blood Magic)
8. Blood Lust – Spell. Sacrifice 20% max health. Target foes begins bleeding for
5-15 seconds. (5/2/10) (Blood Magic)
9. Deathly Touch – Skill. Touched targeted foe takes 8-35 shadow damage. If target’s foes health is above 50%, they lose 1 enchantment. (10/¾/20)(Death Magic)
10. Blood Feast – Spell. All foes in the area lose 1 enchantment, for each enchantment lost; you gain 10-40 health. (25/1/30) (Blood Magic)
1. Ether Ripple – Hex spell. For 8-18 seconds while this hex is on an enemy and they cast a spell, that foe and all nearby foes lose 2 energy. (15/2/10) (Inspiration Magic)
2. Sorrow - Hex spell. For 8-18 seconds, target foe and all adjacent foes receive 25% of their own attack’s damage. (15/2/30) (Domination Magic)
3. Illusion Flux – Spell. All adjacent foes from target foe experience the same Illusion hexes as your target for their remaining duration. (50% failure chance with Illusion Magic 4 or less.) (15/2/10) (Illusion Magic)
4. Repercussion – Enchantment Spell. For 5-18 seconds, the next time you are the target of a spell, the spell fails and you steal 5-12 energy from that foe. (5/1/25)(Inspiration Magic)
1. Knight’s Stance – Stance. For 5-10 seconds, you gain +24 armor, have a 50% chance to block attacks but move 33% slower. (5/0/30) (Strength)
2. Ettin Bash – Hammer Attack. If it hits, this melee attack strikes for +8-18 damage. If it is blocked your foe is knocked down and suffers 10-30 damage. If it is evaded you are knocked down and gain 5 energy. (6* [Adrenaline]) (Hammer Master)
3. *Spirit of War* – Elite Stance. For 5-12 seconds, you attack 33% faster, move 25% faster and take 25% less damage. Spirit of War ends if you are knocked down. (5/0/30) (Strength)
4. Blazing Sword – Sword Attack. If this sword attack hits, it deal +10-35 Fire damage. (8*) (Swordsmanship)
5. Intuitive Strike – Melee Attack. If this attack hits, you deal +1-5 Fire damage, +1-5 Lightning damage, +1-5 Earth damage and +1-5 Cold damage. (5/1/20) (Strength)
6. Ettin’s Stance – Stance. For 5-12 seconds, you cannot be knocked down, and your attacks deal 5-10 extra damage. Ettin’s Stance ends if you use a skill. (5/30) (Strength)
7. Defenders Advantage – Skill. If you’re wielding a shield, you block the next two melee attacks and the attacker suffers 8-15 damage each time. (5/30) (Tactics)
8. “Feel my power!” Shout. For 5-10 seconds, you and nearby ally’s attacks deal 3-12 more damage. This effect ends if you use a skill. (10/30) (Strength)
9. *Lethal Slice* - Sword Attack. If this melee attack hits, it strikes for + 10-24 damage and target foes loses 1 enchantment. (8*) (Swordsmanship)
1. Strong Footing – Stance. For 5-15 seconds, you gain +40 armor against physical attacks, but have –20 armor to elemental attacks. (10/0/30) (Expertise)
2. Nature Spirit (needs new name!) – Nature Ritual. Create a level 1-12 Nature Spirit, for all creatures in range of this spirit; they gain +1 to Beast Mastery and +1 to Wilderness Survival. This spirit dies after 35-110 seconds. (10/2/25) (Wilderness Survival)
3. Penetrating Lunge – Pet attack. If Penetrating Lunge hits, your pet deals 5-15 extra damage. This attack has 20% armor penetration.(10/10) (Beast Mastery)
4. Rabies – Pet Stance. For 10-25 seconds, your pet is immune to disease. When your pet strikes a foe, they become poisoned for 10 seconds. (10/30) (Beast Mastery)
5. Long Range Shot – Bow attack. Shoot an arrow twice as far as normal. This arrow deals 75% less damage. (10/1/5) (No attribute)
6. Druids Instinct – Skill. For 5-15 seconds, your ranger skills cost you 1 less energy to use. (5/0/60)(Expertise)
7. Brutal Training – Pet Stance. For 30 seconds, your pet deals 3-10 more damage when it attacks. (10/0/25)(Beast Mastery)