Will nightfall offer enough stuff to entertain us?
Hey everyone, I've been playing guild wars for 15 months now, and started to notice that people who have been playing for a long time are getting bored with guild wars.
I've had a time where I stopped playing for 2 months, and started again, but this is way more serious, officers, members hell most people in my guild are getting bored with that stuff.
When factions was released it was something new and I did enjoy playing guild wars again, but will this last with nightfall?
Im asking all people who have been playing for more then 10 months to share an oppinion, because if its 10months -, chances are you can't even imagine becoming bored with gwars.
Ok, so here's my question: Will guild wars slowly die out if nightfall isnt good enough to keep us buzy?
I've had a time where I stopped playing for 2 months, and started again, but this is way more serious, officers, members hell most people in my guild are getting bored with that stuff.
When factions was released it was something new and I did enjoy playing guild wars again, but will this last with nightfall?
Im asking all people who have been playing for more then 10 months to share an oppinion, because if its 10months -, chances are you can't even imagine becoming bored with gwars.
Ok, so here's my question: Will guild wars slowly die out if nightfall isnt good enough to keep us buzy?
Answer : No.
Factions was made by a different dev team. The original team that worked on Prophecies are working on Nightfall. It has even been stated that Factions was PvP based. There currently isn't much basis for comparison.
Lord Palidore
I think it will end up the same as factions.
They can add new things, sure, but the fact is, unlike Guild Wars (core) that was worked on and developed by ONE team over a long amount, these expansions into the game are being worked by smaller teams, and in much less time- just about a year each expansion to be precise. I'm just dont think its enough time to provide:
-A good storyline
-A sufficient number of missions
-A balance in the game itself
-A good level of new content
Technically, Factions was also made by the same team as Prophecies, was it not?
Because with the first Guild Wars, it was 1 team of about 160 (or somewhere around that.)
Then after it released, 80 people split into Factions, other 80 would continue to work on the Prophecies campaign until November, when they started on Nightfall.
So yeah, besides the fact that they may have hired, or released people here and there, both teams are the "original" team I believe.
They can add new things, sure, but the fact is, unlike Guild Wars (core) that was worked on and developed by ONE team over a long amount, these expansions into the game are being worked by smaller teams, and in much less time- just about a year each expansion to be precise. I'm just dont think its enough time to provide:
-A good storyline
-A sufficient number of missions
-A balance in the game itself
-A good level of new content
Factions was made by a different dev team. The original team that worked on Prophecies are working on Nightfall. It has even been stated that Factions was PvP based. There currently isn't much basis for comparison. |
Because with the first Guild Wars, it was 1 team of about 160 (or somewhere around that.)
Then after it released, 80 people split into Factions, other 80 would continue to work on the Prophecies campaign until November, when they started on Nightfall.
So yeah, besides the fact that they may have hired, or released people here and there, both teams are the "original" team I believe.
thats my point, im afraid it wont offer enough replayability, which will cause people to quit playing gwars
Kern Wolf
Look at it this way: too much of ANYTHING gets boring after a while. Could be that people are just taking a break for a while, that's all...
Omega X
Originally Posted by silvershock
thats my point, im afraid it wont offer enough replayability, which will cause people to quit playing gwars
If they were to continue the "defeat bad guy" script, things are gonna feel repetitive and eventually people will leave to try other things.
take a break and come back for the next special event/chapter/when you feel like it.
Originally Posted by Loviatar
it is not meant to be played/replayed forever.
take a break and come back for the next special event/chapter/when you feel like it. |
There is no reason for anyone to keep playing this game if they are getting bored with it.
i've been around 12months and i'm still haveing fun with both games, so i don't see how people get bored so easly. Nightfall will most likey be alot harder then these two games becuase of the new things that they have put into them. We will have to wait till end of oct to find out.
To answer the question, no. How can a person be bored in Guild Wars Series of gAmes? There is always something to do or something to strive for. I might take a break every so often but I will always come back and pick up where I left off.
devils wraths
thing is mmorg or rpg or whatever you want to call them they all need something unique guild wars had some unique things but factions wasnt in my mind it was really just things that had been seen before. thats what makes rpg all differnt they are differnt thats whats attracts people but when something is nerally the same it kinder isnt fun
Originally Posted by NinjaKai
Factions was made by a different dev team. The original team that worked on Prophecies are working on Nightfall. It has even been stated that Factions was PvP based. There currently isn't much basis for comparison.
Hella Good
GW does not provide quality PvE experience. The story is pathetic, the engine needs improvements, game mechanics are crippled, pathing is more than horrific, etc. I expect more of the same for the PvE side of Nightfall.
GW has a wonderful PvP side to it where the true value of the game can actually be seen. However, the PvP grind hasn't been addressed and doesn't look like it's going to be addressed in NF. So, yes, more of the same here as well.
Factions was hardly anything to be thrilled about, NF will likely follow the same path. More of the same seems to pretty much be the formula ANet have chosen for GW. Surely, there will be new toys but they will get old faster than with Prophecies and faster than with Factions. Not enough has changed in the game to warrent high expectations of NF.
GW has a wonderful PvP side to it where the true value of the game can actually be seen. However, the PvP grind hasn't been addressed and doesn't look like it's going to be addressed in NF. So, yes, more of the same here as well.
Factions was hardly anything to be thrilled about, NF will likely follow the same path. More of the same seems to pretty much be the formula ANet have chosen for GW. Surely, there will be new toys but they will get old faster than with Prophecies and faster than with Factions. Not enough has changed in the game to warrent high expectations of NF.
Reaper of lost ones
People wont get bored of nightfall, or guildwars.
they already paid 40$ for it
they already paid 40$ for it
Originally Posted by devils wraths
thing is mmorg or rpg or whatever you want to call them
Played for almost 12 months now and I am bored of this game, I only do HA every now and then cause that's what still is fun. I've had times I quit for a few months aswell. But I won't definately buy Nightfall. After all, Factions was crap aswell.
awesome sauce
<--- Been playing since release and feeling the beginning signs of boredom. Unfortunately I dont have the finances for a new game so: NIGHTFALL, ENTERTAIN ME DAMMIT!!!! Joining a new guild ususally seems to re-spark my interest thoug.
Probably, just came back from a "summer break", so i havent even played factions that mutch yet.
Faction is the best man. Lvl character fast as heck to lvl 20. Have all the non elite skills available right in the beginning of the game. I mean, what is there not to love? It was only because of factions that I was able to make so many new characters and try all these diff. pro. I never bothered in prophecies because the process just took too long.
And to the original topic. If you dislike the game or get bored of it. Then don't buy or play the game. Nightfall is going to be have the same game engine, same skill designs so it'll always be more of the same. People think prophecies was cool because back then, it was a "new" game. But now everything after it is of course more of the same.
And to the original topic. If you dislike the game or get bored of it. Then don't buy or play the game. Nightfall is going to be have the same game engine, same skill designs so it'll always be more of the same. People think prophecies was cool because back then, it was a "new" game. But now everything after it is of course more of the same.
Malice Black
Ive been paying for 1yr and i got so bored i ended up giving away my orginal account..i did buy another but even now i only log on maybe once/twice a week, i just cant bring myself to grind all the way to lvl20 again
On the issue of nightfall..im prob going to buy it, i might preorder but then again i might wait and read a few reviews on here first.
i think nightfall will have a 3-6 month shelf life for most ppl, some will get to lvl20 in a day and those of us that work/have lives will work away at it slowly
On the issue of nightfall..im prob going to buy it, i might preorder but then again i might wait and read a few reviews on here first.
i think nightfall will have a 3-6 month shelf life for most ppl, some will get to lvl20 in a day and those of us that work/have lives will work away at it slowly
Originally Posted by Lord Palidore
I think it will end up the same as factions.
They can add new things, sure, but the fact is, unlike Guild Wars (core) that was worked on and developed by ONE team over a long amount, these expansions into the game are being worked by smaller teams, and in much less time- just about a year each expansion to be precise. I'm just dont think its enough time to provide: -A good storyline -A sufficient number of missions -A balance in the game itself -A good level of new content -Replayability |
Missions could use a boost in number, but they supplemented this by required primary quests.
Balance is strived for every day...don't you see the skill updates? Sure some people might gripe about them but in the end they usually are right. They ahev legions of PvE and PvPers in house to voice concerns.
Content... do the quests.
Misc Merik
Look at it this way: too much of ANYTHING gets boring after a while. Could be that people are just taking a break for a while, that's all... |
I personally have taken several 2-3 week vacations from gw and just let myself go hmm I feel like playing gw and my cycle restarts itself.

I'll likely play until 1 of 2 things happens:
1. I run out of money to keep buying the new chapters and such.
2. They branch out into sci-fi and add lazer beams and space ships.
1. I run out of money to keep buying the new chapters and such.
2. They branch out into sci-fi and add lazer beams and space ships.
Hell, they are introducing two more character classes, now I need to collect two more Fissure Armors :S Guess I'll be playing for some time to come

Cynn Evennia
Im really excited about Nightfall. Im more of a PvEer so i am glad that Nightfall is focused on that part. After all i have seen it is a very promising chapter, maybe the best in the saga. Time will tell.
I agree that the storyline is kinda bizarre, and i dont understand its logic completely. I hope this will be improved but the fear of a chimera is always in the air (Raisu in the Nightfall cinematic gives me the creeps).
About the gameplay, well it just follows the same line established since Profecies. Its main features are the 8 skills with only one elite to equip and the absence of a progression tree like in KOTOR or D&D (eg armor or weapon proficiency light-medium-heavy). This gives you the chance to test any possible build on your character and makes you build your belt carefully each time. Its not a "better than x" thing, just "different".
I agree that the storyline is kinda bizarre, and i dont understand its logic completely. I hope this will be improved but the fear of a chimera is always in the air (Raisu in the Nightfall cinematic gives me the creeps).
About the gameplay, well it just follows the same line established since Profecies. Its main features are the 8 skills with only one elite to equip and the absence of a progression tree like in KOTOR or D&D (eg armor or weapon proficiency light-medium-heavy). This gives you the chance to test any possible build on your character and makes you build your belt carefully each time. Its not a "better than x" thing, just "different".
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by silvershock
Ok, so here's my question: Will guild wars slowly die out if nightfall isnt good enough to keep us buzy?
1) Will the PvE be good? Yes, it most likely will.
2) Will the PvP'ers be happy with it? No, they wont. They never, ever are. They bitch & complain about the PvE as a matter of principle.
3) Do people eventually tire of a game? Yes, they do. People tire of WoW, people tire of Oblivion, people tire of Counterstrike, and yes, people tire of GW. Eventually they will all die. And be replaced by something new.
Factions sucked cause you couldnt do quests for skills. You had to buy every single one of them. And the "fast as heck to lvl 20" part is not fun either. Also you spend all of your time on a noobie island and when you get off its lvl 20+ area.
Sir fredman
^----I agree. If you don't want to play...well, don't play its as simple as that
Horseman Of War
you know if the game is 'dying', why can I still make a dye-farmer in presearing and still be spammed in LC for 'help me im newb and i have no clue and I just bought the game today!'
Factions, obviously, has even more newbs (or at least easier to spot "anyone have a good weapon?")
i remember those days... Hell, the first time I GOT to post-searing, I ended up being in a group that just kept doing mission after mission (and I had no idea what a mission WAS- like everytime I turned around I was getting 'mission bonus 1k' here and 'loading' there. I was in yaks bend after the first day, and I had absolutely NO CLUE.
A lot of people who get bored, never actually get to any of the cool areas that us old-timers enjoy the most. The average player gets to Lions Arch before quitting the game... I wonder if they even know what the ToPK IS... (personal favorite for a break from pvp)
also- whys it so hard to find a group in Zos Chrivos Channel??? That challenge is SO FUN (although they need to reset the top 10 from when the gate glitch was still on imo)
Factions, obviously, has even more newbs (or at least easier to spot "anyone have a good weapon?")
i remember those days... Hell, the first time I GOT to post-searing, I ended up being in a group that just kept doing mission after mission (and I had no idea what a mission WAS- like everytime I turned around I was getting 'mission bonus 1k' here and 'loading' there. I was in yaks bend after the first day, and I had absolutely NO CLUE.
A lot of people who get bored, never actually get to any of the cool areas that us old-timers enjoy the most. The average player gets to Lions Arch before quitting the game... I wonder if they even know what the ToPK IS... (personal favorite for a break from pvp)
also- whys it so hard to find a group in Zos Chrivos Channel??? That challenge is SO FUN (although they need to reset the top 10 from when the gate glitch was still on imo)
Yeah, this game is growing and growing. I just helped a newbie yesterday, in factions with a new character which I had literally just created. She was more powerful then me, but I had all the experience, and I helped her all the way to choosing a second profession.
Finished Prophecies twice and enjoyed it, Factions once and did not. The expansions just get rushed imo.
Originally Posted by NinjaKai
Factions was made by a different dev team. The original team that worked on Prophecies are working on Nightfall.
Originally Posted by Lord Palidore
Technically, Factions was also made by the same team as Prophecies, was it not?
Because with the first Guild Wars, it was 1 team of about 160 (or somewhere around that.) Then after it released, 80 people split into Factions, other 80 would continue to work on the Prophecies campaign until November, when they started on Nightfall. So yeah, besides the fact that they may have hired, or released people here and there, both teams are the "original" team I believe. |
Originally Posted by Hella Good
GW does not provide quality PvE experience. The story is pathetic, the engine needs improvements, game mechanics are crippled, pathing is more than horrific, etc. I expect more of the same for the PvE side of Nightfall.
GW has a wonderful PvP side to it where the true value of the game can actually be seen. However, the PvP grind hasn't been addressed and doesn't look like it's going to be addressed in NF. So, yes, more of the same here as well. Factions was hardly anything to be thrilled about, NF will likely follow the same path. More of the same seems to pretty much be the formula ANet have chosen for GW. Surely, there will be new toys but they will get old faster than with Prophecies and faster than with Factions. Not enough has changed in the game to warrent high expectations of NF. |
Originally Posted by Ristaron
I'll likely play until 1 of 2 things happens:
1. I run out of money to keep buying the new chapters and such. 2. They branch out into sci-fi and add lazer beams and space ships. |
Originally Posted by nomercy
Factions sucked cause you couldnt do quests for skills. You had to buy every single one of them. And the "fast as heck to lvl 20" part is not fun either. Also you spend all of your time on a noobie island and when you get off its lvl 20+ area.
I just alternate between different games when i'm starting to get bored. Same for GW itself, i sometimes change characters, i don't like monking the whole day... i usually end up playing a warrior or elementalist to actually hurt some people when i'm bored of keeping 'em alive
Bored of GW? At times. But i know what i might get bored of, so i just change before it even gets so far.... i don't want to leave my fellow players behind because of a game, even though it's the only reason i actually play with them...
Bored of GW? At times. But i know what i might get bored of, so i just change before it even gets so far.... i don't want to leave my fellow players behind because of a game, even though it's the only reason i actually play with them...
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
3) Do people eventually tire of a game? Yes, they do. People tire of WoW, people tire of Oblivion, people tire of Counterstrike, and yes, people tire of GW. Eventually they will all die. And be replaced by something new.
Toll Booth Willie
I really hope this chapter is good. Me and my friends were really disappointed with factions and need a chapter to keep us active as it is getting boring. After 14 months I still love prophecies.
As a PvE player I just didn't get enveloped in the environment and maps.
Areas seemed small and I hate the gated areas. Open world enviroment please.
For me to be satified make huge areas with lots of quest/missions (no fedex quest either). Things like Rotscale should be more common. Come on throw out some lvl 30 monsters in the hard to get to areas. This game needs more "team" PvE with good payouts. TBH we have plenty of solo areas in c1-2, I would love for most areas to require a team. I enjoy going to town where ppl spam lf more for quest/mission, instead of 50 mo/w or w/mo going in and out as fast as they can. Teams are good for building the community and imo its the community that determines the longevity of the game.
As a PvE player I just didn't get enveloped in the environment and maps.
Areas seemed small and I hate the gated areas. Open world enviroment please.
For me to be satified make huge areas with lots of quest/missions (no fedex quest either). Things like Rotscale should be more common. Come on throw out some lvl 30 monsters in the hard to get to areas. This game needs more "team" PvE with good payouts. TBH we have plenty of solo areas in c1-2, I would love for most areas to require a team. I enjoy going to town where ppl spam lf more for quest/mission, instead of 50 mo/w or w/mo going in and out as fast as they can. Teams are good for building the community and imo its the community that determines the longevity of the game.
People are kind of passing the point. Will Nightfall offer enough stuff to entertain us? Of course it will. How long? Hard to say. But now we have three chapters so the likelyhood of finding something to do only increases. Now there will be even more content between three. So I think with three out there the shorthand answer will be:
And the more chapters and "stuff" they add will increase the likelyhood of staying "Entertained" Nuff said.
Edit: Numa and Rupee also hit the second point I would make head on.
And the more chapters and "stuff" they add will increase the likelyhood of staying "Entertained" Nuff said.
Edit: Numa and Rupee also hit the second point I would make head on.
why won't anet entertain me for eternity? i'm paying good money for to be entertained for an infinite number of years!!@$@%#
If you are not into PvP, the PvE game stops when you finish the storyline asumming if you are lucky enough to find a competent PuG or have friends/guild to help you in your timezone.
Then if you are not keen on farming/getting pretty armour or items...the game ends for you unless you decide to create more character and repeat...then you fork out another USD50 every 6 months to do that again. WoW isnt looking so bad after all.
I have been playing for close to 14 months completing GWP and GWF with all six of my toons and 15k amours, Elite mission, titles, greens etc and now i am playing something else, not sure if Nightfall or other expansion down the road will be the same old things to capture my interest for the game since the feeling of achievement and discovery for the game is gone even with "new" land, skills, class, items to explore.
Maybe i am just sick of the game and am still bitter from Factions which was a big dissappointment for me and killed the mood for future expansion of GW... will wait and see about Nightfall.
Then if you are not keen on farming/getting pretty armour or items...the game ends for you unless you decide to create more character and repeat...then you fork out another USD50 every 6 months to do that again. WoW isnt looking so bad after all.
I have been playing for close to 14 months completing GWP and GWF with all six of my toons and 15k amours, Elite mission, titles, greens etc and now i am playing something else, not sure if Nightfall or other expansion down the road will be the same old things to capture my interest for the game since the feeling of achievement and discovery for the game is gone even with "new" land, skills, class, items to explore.
Maybe i am just sick of the game and am still bitter from Factions which was a big dissappointment for me and killed the mood for future expansion of GW... will wait and see about Nightfall.
i would have been long gone without forcing myself to play something no longer fun to play.
in your position i would have simply decided Factions sucks , put it aside and waited to see how Nightfall turned out.
whilt taking a break from Factions i would have been playing another game/reading/garden/ham radio (tech class)/go outside/visit friends/etc.
how someone can be sick of a game and not have anything better to do than to force themselves to play while being bitter on a fan site i cant comprehend