Originally Posted by Divineshadows
A rez should never be optional in PvE for non-monk players. Rez signet is the most overpowered skill in the game and fast rezzing is ftw. A "comfortable" group may choose to take 4 rez instead of 6 or something of the like.
Your logic is baffling. If the mission is easy, then you bring a good elite skill that actually helps complete the mission. If the mission is hard, then you bring a junk elite skill to further add to the difficulty of the mission. Grand plan.
Rez signets? This isn't competitive arenas. It's "mandatory" for the monk to bring rebirth, otherwise they're obviously a noob.
This is all over generalization and I think you know it. There is no perfect build or skills that are mandatory in a group or for all missions. If you've played a ranger, you know this. A lot of rangers will change their skills at every chance they get, just to get a group or help adapt better to the situation at hand.
As far as the elite? Changing my elite will instantly make me so deadly that I can kill those run away mobs before they touch my squishies, right? Not to mention that running to the back lines will lure the remaining ones that have aggro on me, right to the other casters in the back. So let's see.. physical damage versus high AL and luring mobs to my squishees, sounds great. I'll change my build asap.
Originally Posted by Divineshadows
Try out tiger's fury, tiger stance, or frenzy instead of flurry. Heck, even berserker stance is better than flurry.
Dolyak signet and defy pain are crap whenever you are going for masters. You don't even have sprint or rush to catch back up to your team.
TF requires 4BM for 7 seconds, and would disable my shouts, heals, etc. Tiger stance is very nice, but has a recharge.. less than active 50% active. You can remedy this with knockdowns + On Your Knees!, which I plan on doing on my hammer warrior. Berseker stance? Why? I could take Iron Mist instead. How does Defy Pain hinder a master title? You're not the sole damage dealer in the party, you know. Dolyak signet when going for master's I agree with, I've said as much. I switch skills when the moment arises, and a good example is when mobility will do me more good, like in a master's group.
Originally Posted by Divineshadows
Putting a little bit of defense onto warriors makes sense when running with only one monk.
Duh? I would say the *majority* of the time I'm the only tank with no monk, or 1, or the henchmen monks. Which is my reason for running a warrior like I do.
Originally Posted by Divineshadows
Enemy AI do not kite from your warrior and they ball up nicely for you to spam cyclone axe doing massive damage to them. Therefore, it stands to reason that the damage potential of a warrior in PvE is even higher than in PvP. Under your current build, your statement is true you will do less damage. Use a real increased attack speed stance and bring either triple chop/dismember/executioners or eviscerate/executioners pairing it with cyclone axe and these are the only builds that will outdamage you:
Hexes and conditions exist in PvE too. How often are they removed? Conditions sometimes.. maybe 20% of PuGs like I said, hexes, not worth mentioning. I'm talking about PuGs for missions and quests, not FoW, UW, SF/GF, etc. As for a "real" attack speed, no thanks, see reason above. Flurry is the only IAS that doesn't have a super huge penalty. Damage is about 115%, correct me if I'm wrong? It also activates the "In Stance" condition for gear, the main reason I have it, as well as speeding up adrenaline gain. The skill only lasts 5 seconds, making it easy to land all your adrenal skills at full damage when it wears off, then reactivate it for your shield bonus.
Originally Posted by Divineshadows
Um...get better PUGs. Especially better monks. Or form the PUGs yourself which honestly does not require inspecting people's titles. Talking to people is ftw. If they are not willing to talk with you and do not wish to share what build/atts they are using, then they are not team players and do not deserve to be in a good PUG anyway.
Quote of the month! I would if I could. I don't inspect titles more than the last guy, with the exception of survivor. Maybe you missed that part in my last post.
Originally Posted by Divineshadows
A PUG with only one warrior can still be appropriately set up to kill fast assuming the warrior decides to do their part and add deep wound to drop targets fast. Being the only warrior on the team, you seem concerned that you may lose aggro due to one of your PUGs screwing up.
Yes, of course. Deep wound is nice but it won't save your team mates like you keep insisting it does.
Originally Posted by Divineshadows
A few points here:
- The faster you kill the more enemies you get to take down before the aggro gets lost meaning less exposure/risk to the rest of the team.
So all I have to do is kill them all before they can aggro? Got it.
Originally Posted by Divineshadows
- Dolyak signet and defy pain do not help at all once aggro is lost, because the enemy AI will target the lowest AL/health target. It would be more efficient for you as a warrior to place a ward v melee and spam watch yourself on your team once aggro has been lost than to use dolyak signet and defy pain. Look how silly it would be for your warrior to use ward v melee and realize how much sillier it is to use dolyak sig and defy pain.
It's funny you mention this, because that's what I do on my hammer warrior. I realize that Dolyak Signet and Defy Pain don't help too much once aggro is lost. What about when you have it? Frenzy ftw?
Originally Posted by Rera
Incompetent monk != incompetent group.
Most of the time you will only need defense and self-heal when the majority of your team is incompetent, and in those cases I just /ragequit. I don't see the point in adapting your build to play with people who don't know what they're doing and can't follow directions.
Teamwork maybe? Did it ever occur to you that everyone else does this who has any consideration for their group? Try playing a ranger, mesmer, or ritualist. Then count the times that you have to change your build because of your group. Trust me, the group you ragequited won't miss you. Warriors aren't that hard to find, and one with healing breeze would suit them better anyways.
Originally Posted by Rera
I have always maintained that the only acceptable warrior elites are attack skills. I have not *once* encountered a PvE area where I would rather have Defy Pain instead of Dragon Slash, Eviscerate, Triple Chop, etc.
I also don't see a res, which is a huge mistake.
I used to like Dolyak Signet, but in reality the movement penalty often isn't worth the armor increase unless you're farming. If you're *really* lucky, you won't ever have to move once you engage the enemy, but monsters in PvE are hardly ever that convenient, especially if your team is packing any nukes.
Yes, I see your point. They're the only elites because you say so, how silly of me. I try to make sure my "nukers" are smart enough not to bring those kinds of spells unless we have someone dedicated to snaring. Nothing ruins things like a firestorm. And I agree on Dolyak Signet. I never said it was the best thing since chalupas, I said it's defense that's attributed to strength. You can take it or leave it.
Originally Posted by Rera
Your team will keep you alive provided you don't hit Frenzy. A warrior with a shield has enough natural damage reduction that keeping her alive under all but the most extreme damage situations should be a piece of cake.
I've PuGed with people that get confused playing degen builds. They have monks and it shows, and they're in 80-90% of PuGs. Pleeeease. Depend on your guildies all you want, but this are PuGs here!
Originally Posted by Rera
I used to monk for guild FoW runs, UW, etc. so I'm not just a dumb warrior player that takes monks for granted. Back when I monked exclusively, none of my warriors took self-heals, they rarely used defensive skills, and I didn't have problems keeping them up. Granted, we were all reasonably competent players, but even so.
Not talking about UW, FoW, SF/GF, etc. You must be on top of your monk's game.
Originally Posted by Rera
When I switched to warrior primary, I found the situation to be the same - even with henchmen, I rarely had to take defense, and I never had to take self-heal.
You don't have to, even as a level 3 elementalist. They like to suicide. Everyone knows that.
Originally Posted by Rera
In terms of efficiency, you'd really like to squeeze as much damage onto your skillbar as possible. If you can beat the mission/quest just relying on your monks, you should be taking all offense.
Of course, and that's what I do when my brother and friends group with me.
Originally Posted by Rera
If you absolutely need defense for a given situation then by all means take your defensive skill, but there honestly aren't more than a handful of PvE locations where this could be true.
This is true with henchmen or friends playing. You can *almost* count on someone in a PuG of 8 to mess things up beyond the neat little sphere of teamwork like you've talked about. I'd build my bar all around my PuG, GvG style, if I could count on support like you get.
Originally Posted by Lynxius Pardonus
Concerning the SS necros, I have played an SS necro for quite some time now, and so I believe, your argument is not correct: .......
I agree with you on this, Lynxius, and it just gets more pronounced, the larger the mob. W/Ns used to be able to put up a show with Mark of Pain, but sadly those days are over without mass snares.
I'm sorry, OP for somewhat hijacking your thread, and rest assured I won't post in here again. If my points of view aren't clear by now, I don't know what else would help, anyways. Since someone didn't seem to get it before,
my opinion on titles is this:
I don't care. Protector, whoopee. Drunkard, whoopee. The only one that I'm leery of is Survivor. This is because in all likely hood, the person power leveled, farmed, or simply quit or ran away whenever they were in danger of being killed. Guildwars was still a team game last time I checked, and that kind of behavior is detrimental to any group. Sure, they could have worked their way through all that xp with only henchmen as company, so as not to be a quiter, and done it all legitimately. What are the chances of that?
If I see a cartogropher, sure, I might ask them along. Maybe I haven't done that mission before, and I know I can count on them to know the nuances of the map. That's all I have to say. =P