Solo Green Farming For >_> Sins
The Build works good on Kyril Oathwarden. Also tried Arbor Earthcall, but he doesnt get enough dmg. Not to be off-topic, but has anybody a nice build for him?

Originally Posted by dejsav
which skills you use for mesmer and monk construct?
Jeez, look the screenshots at the 2nd page.
ops sorry ^^"
Originally Posted by Scott
The Build works good on Kyril Oathwarden. Also tried Arbor Earthcall, but he doesnt get enough dmg. Not to be off-topic, but has anybody a nice build for him?
figured it out by myself

Originally Posted by CalypsoX
Yea, I made a suggestion earlier about making a hit list. Since I stumpled upon list, I have a huge laundry list of bosses I've tried, most of whom aren't listed anywhere in this forum because they either can't be separated or their group is too hard. Atm though, it seems like this thread is mostly about sunreach and kaolin farming.
What did you expect? People farm for money. Kaolins are the most valuable non-elite mission greens in Factions. In the last few days i've had 7 Kaolin Domination Staffs drop. Thats 50-60k each making it a grand total of 350-420k for practically nothing. 2 of them went to guildies for a discount, 5 sold for a total of 220k. Not to mention 2 Accursed Staffs (not sold) for a potential 100k each. Sunreaches Shield is worth 40-50k also, but can be an extremely awkward farm. If when you get there you find its impossible to kill them because Sliver won't target properly you have to restart. With Kaolins you can just wander off and go attempt another boss.
Theres really not much point farming bosses like Jayne imho. Vera is seemingly a very rare drop that sells for 40k... plus there are many problems people are having killing her.
When it comes to getting money its ALOT quicker to simply kill these Kaolin Bosses or Constructs, sell there valuable items and buy whatever green your after. I'd only go for the Scar Eater because the farm itself takes about 60seconds using an E/A.
Not to mention that with the AB event coming up there will be alot less people farming them.
Theres really not much point farming bosses like Jayne imho. Vera is seemingly a very rare drop that sells for 40k... plus there are many problems people are having killing her.
When it comes to getting money its ALOT quicker to simply kill these Kaolin Bosses or Constructs, sell there valuable items and buy whatever green your after. I'd only go for the Scar Eater because the farm itself takes about 60seconds using an E/A.
Not to mention that with the AB event coming up there will be alot less people farming them.
My point is that this build is able to tackle bosses that were previously considered impossible or painfully long to solo (a la priest pulling). People farm for money, but there are those that farm to collect, and others that do it for the challenge. And no, I'm not talking about doing jayne and or scar eater - that's been overdone too much as it is. Look at my list on page 2, and you'll see where I'm going. Also, if you really are bent on selling stuff, there are many collectors out there that are waiting to snatch up the greens that aren't currently in mass supply.
Originally Posted by Evilsod
If when you get there you find its impossible to kill them because Sliver won't target properly you have to restart.
Not sure I understand this statement. If you're referring to dp, its largely irrelevant to this build. If you're referring to random targetting, it will eventually target the boss once some of the melee are killed off (and as far as I know, no other boss farming spots have rits that rez). And if you're referring to the fact that the constructs happen to be near each other, that's the case for the majority of bosses in factions - siska, ssun, and ssyn are all near the same area in archipelagos, while Cho and Rien are both in shenzun tunnels.
@Scott - Damn, I forgot about ele boss again. Might as well take care of him while you're doing Kyril, Sunreach, and gang.
@Scott - Damn, I forgot about ele boss again. Might as well take care of him while you're doing Kyril, Sunreach, and gang.
I think Evilsod means that if Silver doesnt target, you gotta run all the way back again (which can be painstaking in the Sunreach farm)
Mesmer construct is easy to solo, but like 1:5 times, Silver targets him/her
Haven't gotten staff yet, but I reckon I will soon.
Mesmer construct is easy to solo, but like 1:5 times, Silver targets him/her

Haven't gotten staff yet, but I reckon I will soon.
Xaero Gouki Kriegor
wow if only visage skills could fit in this build, if only that could be true, uw = soloable by sin
Originally Posted by Xaero Gouki Kriegor
wow if only visage skills could fit in this build, if only that could be true, uw = soloable by sin
and what do you do at the end of shadowform? ^^
Mistical miss
shadow of haste will deal with that

Originally Posted by Evilsod
To see if it actually works. I don't really like spamming "WTS blabla" for an hour to get 60k.
Not that I can't use it, but it's too time consuming, and too boring to keep spamming WTS's.
Anyway, there is also a list of farming builds, so might as well make a list of farmable bosses then.
And I can see the Kaolin stuff drop in prices very fast, just like the Stonereaper.

About the E/A thing. The problem is that Sliver Armor only increases the duration by 1 then.
Beside that, Shadowform will only last about 17 seconds.
This gives you less time to actually lure the mobs.
Although a 20% Enchantment mod, and energy staff is really prefered to keep the expensive skills like Gale up.
I think the best chance of having Sliver Armor targetting the right mob, is to wait till the boss is kind of alone. Then either rush in, or use Death's Charge.
Death's Charge seems to work pretty fine, but not all bosses. Sunreach is still a problem.
Originally Posted by Xaero Gouki Kriegor
wow if only visage skills could fit in this build, if only that could be true, uw = soloable by sin
I think it'll kill too slow for that.
I don't know how many hp an Attaxe or the phantom dude has, but I think it'll be too much. Well unless you lure a lot of mobs perhaps, and run back everytime. Evilsod
Originally Posted by CalypsoX
Not sure I understand this statement. If you're referring to dp, its largely irrelevant to this build. If you're referring to random targetting, it will eventually target the boss once some of the melee are killed off (and as far as I know, no other boss farming spots have rits that rez). And if you're referring to the fact that the constructs happen to be near each other, that's the case for the majority of bosses in factions - siska, ssun, and ssyn are all near the same area in archipelagos, while Cho and Rien are both in shenzun tunnels.
Well it meant both... Having to restart the run because some bosses you just can't flee from, specially wardens, before Shadow Form wears off so you die. And having to zone back. Killing off the melee is all good... but then what do you use to power Sliver Armour? If it kills off half the melee targets there before finally going after your boss not only have you lost considerable firepower, which healing can very easily outdo but you've lost alot of time you could've spent simply farming something more stable.
I have absolutely no idea about Sliver Armours targetting. For some reason yesterday it utterly despised Afflicted/Shiro'ken Assassins. It also seems to target Fungal Wallows instantly and sometimes Wardens. But what about the Scar Eater? I've lured 2 groups along with the boss group many times and never had it target anything but the boss. Perhaps its just Undergrowth/Kirins... but its never targetted them over the boss. It could well be it targets the highest level enemy first... which would explain the tendency to attack lvl28 Shiro'kens over lvl24 Bosses... but that doesn't always stand true. Whats the problem with E/A? 3/4 of the bosses listed have absolutely no groups before them or the groups don't deal enough damage to warrent an early Shadow Form. Mesmer Construct? This boss can be on the edge of your agro before needing to cast Shadow Form. Monk Construct, same again. Scar Eater, again. Jayne? Sunreach? And probably many more. Its only for bosses like the Warrior Construct that are very difficult to reach due to mobs beforehand that can easily kill you. The bonus to A/E though is that when Sliver Armour wears off on most of htese bosses you can just turn around and run off with Dark Escape and rest up for another try. Alvthebest
My problem with a Necro Kaolin is that i never with himself that silver armor attack to boss
Subtle change for stupidly easy Kyril Farming: A/Mo
16 Shadow 12 Smite Shadow Form Scourge Sacrifice Dark Escape Death's Charge Bane Sig Stonesoul Strike Spear of Light Purge Conditions (nto really needed, but it can help if lacerate is up and you stray into a trap) Wait till Kyril's Group is spread out, to try and avoid Shockwave from teh Earth Wardens, then immediately throw on Shadow form, Scourge Sacrifice (on Kyril) and Death's charge to him. 9/10 times he'll throw up Cultist's Fervor and Sac himself to death in a few seconds. If he doesn't throw up Fervor, you're pretty well screwed I'm afraid, write it off to bad luck and start again. Other skills are just for damage, I find tehy help if he's at 10% and refuses to cast, or God Forbid, Cultist's Fervor runs out before he dies. Success rate is close to 90%, and the whole run takes around three minutes from Durheim. Grats on the A/E build btw, I can see lots of people are having luck with it, but I seem to be cursed. When I approach Sunreach/Falaharn's group, either head on or looping past the warden spawn to go for the back route, I get killed by patrols/wallows. If I throw Shadow Form up too early to avoid them, it runs out before the boss is dead. I'm sure I'm just cocking up somehwere, so I guess I'll persevere. With Solo Farming Builds, and yesterday's across the board buff, there's never been a better time to love your 'sin! edited for a stupid skill mistake, tiredness ftl! Scott
Originally Posted by Alvthebest
My problem with a Necro Kaolin is that i never with himself that silver armor attack to boss
yeah thats the main problem with SLIVER (
![]() moenbase
For the Mesmer Construct.
You can get on the ramp thing Above him. Then Death Charge on him make a fast Sliver Armor, and it's usually a more succesful hit. :} But navigating can be a major problem there because the bridges are 'bugged'. (clicking on the bridge results in an actual click under the bridge.) Aeon_Enceladus
Keyboard movement ftw :P
But yeah, that's really useful, Death's Charge. I find that Sliver Armor targets diagonally, sometimes I move a little to correct the targetting, and it works. Zerimar
/applause /bow /WOOT WOOT
Great Job on the build. So exciting!! This goes down in history. ![]() oh and /Favorits-Add to favorites Ima Hob0
i was thinking abut the possibilities of farming trolls with this, but then i realized that this build is mostly for one specific target, and silver armor wouldnt have too much.
Killed Darkroot succesfully (not a terrible surprise, huh?). Nevertheless I find having Rajazan's Fervor (can be substituted for with Totem Axe but I like the way he runs with sword
![]() EDIT: Uhh, and great build too m8 CalypsoX
Originally Posted by Evilsod
Killing off the melee is all good... but then what do you use to power Sliver Armour?
Well, here's the good news.
1) Anything that attacks you triggers sliver armor - this includes spirits and even random uncharmed pets that happen to want to attack you for whatever reason (yes, it does happen). 2) Sliver armor is triggered by attacks AND spells targetting you. 3) There's a lot of flexibility with the build because the only really must have skills are shadow form and sliver. For example, I've killed Bahnba Shockfoot, Lukrker Foulfist, Sourbeak Rotshell, even though their group consists only of a max of 4 enemies (minus boss) total. Here's an example also where Ele primary is imporant, since you need the stronger sliver armor and damage spells. My build is: Shadow Form Sliver Armor Glyph of Elemental Power Deaths Charge Tenai Crystals Obsidian Flame Dark Escape Dash The boss's group is random - mix of rangers, rits, and warriors. Many times I kill off the warriors first, but I'm still able to take the boss down because the rits drop attacking spirits and I spam my damage spells whenever they come up. You can probably drop dash and put in another damage spell too (crystal wave). moenbase
Originally Posted by CalypsoX
3) Here's an example also where Ele primary is imporant, since you need the stronger sliver armor and damage spells.
Problem what I see with E as a primairy is that Sliver doesn't really add much time duration, only 1 (?) second more. Perhaps the damage increases more, haven't checked on that.
Also, Shadow Form is only 17 seconds I think? But I'll have to try this tomorrow then. Made an E/A though, but when I saw the spells i wasn't really that confident in the build. Perhaps it does work out nicely though. If the Kirin in the same area as Sourbeak needs really all the mobs in order to finish him off. I've tried it numberous times without the other (3-4) Kirin close to the group, but failed it everytime since it doesn't do enough damage. So I wonder how I can kill Sourbeak then since he's in a much much smaller group. But then again, I haven't tried, perhaps he has a weak against Earth. How do you do Bhanba btw since he uses a shockwave that causes instant death. Goes right through Shadow Form. CalypsoX
Originally Posted by moenbase
Problem what I see with E as a primairy is that Sliver doesn't really add much time duration, only 1 (?) second more. Perhaps the damage increases more, haven't checked on that.
Also, Shadow Form is only 17 seconds I think? But I'll have to try this tomorrow then. Made an E/A though, but when I saw the spells i wasn't really that confident in the build. Perhaps it does work out nicely though. If the Kirin in the same area as Sourbeak needs really all the mobs in order to finish him off. I've tried it numberous times without the other (3-4) Kirin close to the group, but failed it everytime since it doesn't do enough damage. So I wonder how I can kill Sourbeak then since he's in a much much smaller group. But then again, I haven't tried, perhaps he has a weak against Earth. How do you do Bhanba btw since he uses a shockwave that causes instant death. Goes right through Shadow Form. The damage is very significant because each time sliver armor hits, it does an additional 8 damage (at 14 earth for a sin which is 33 compared to 18 earth for elementalist which is 41), which really adds up since it's always hitting the same target. Dark escape halves the damage from shockwave, but it will still kill you if you have more than 40% dp (approximately). Do not get poisoned though by the traps. Read my post again, because you're in a smaller mob, you utilize your other damage spells to do the job. During the duration of sliver or shadow, whichever is shorter, you can get off 1 tenai/crystal (due to the recharge) and 2 obsidian flames (one of which can be glyphed). Add in another crystal wave, and you're looking at close to 500 additional armor ignoring damage. J54W
can you pls write down sunreachs skill setup and "how to" list?! this thread is very messed up.
![]() p.s. realy nice builds, im proud that even sins know how to solo ![]() moenbase
There's really something fishy about Sliver Armor.
When I fight the Skill Eater with it, with about 5 mobs around me I can most of the time get it to target the boss. But when I do the same trick to the Roottripper boss in Mount Qinkai who only has 1 or 2 other mobs around me, then it'll always target the others. Even better, it jumps from targetting the boss to another mob :s ateddybear
Time to make an assassin ^.^
Not looking forward of going through the campaign though. Evilsod
Originally Posted by CalypsoX
Well, here's the good news.
1) Anything that attacks you triggers sliver armor - this includes spirits and even random uncharmed pets that happen to want to attack you for whatever reason (yes, it does happen). 2) Sliver armor is triggered by attacks AND spells targetting you. 3) There's a lot of flexibility with the build because the only really must have skills are shadow form and sliver. For example, I've killed Bahnba Shockfoot, Lukrker Foulfist, Sourbeak Rotshell, even though their group consists only of a max of 4 enemies (minus boss) total. I'm not stupid. I know what Sliver Armour activates off. But wands do bugger all, spells also aren't repeatadly cast 'that' often. A ranger attacks 2s-2.8s. A wand is slow, dunno the time. A melee sword warrior is 1.3s, assassins are 1.3/0.65s. The damage coming off those is significantly greater than the casters. Not to mention half of them STOP attacking to heal your target. CalypsoX
Nor did I say you were. My main point is that sliver armor IS NOT your only means of killing something. This whole conversation got started because you claimed it was pointless to go farm anything else, and your reasoning was monetary based. As I have said and someone else, not everyone goes boss hunting just to get rich, and the flexibility of this build allows someone to tackle almost any kind of boss (minus rangers) where there are mobs nearby, and that even a small mob of 3 or 4 enemies is still workable.
Originally Posted by ateddybear
Time to make an assassin ^.^
Not looking forward of going through the campaign though. Hmm... I'm not sure I would make one if I didn't have one already. As you've mentioned, getting through the campaign is a chore with a sin. Also, think of the countless hordes of sins that are farming these greens into the dirt. Eventually you'll be able to buy at rock-bottom prices. I've got a lowbie sin, but the thought of going through this content again is so uninspiring that I think I'll wait. The only real reason to go through with a sin now would be so that it's ready an waiting for farming in Nightfall. Just my $0.02 Desires
Originally Posted by MelechRic
Hmm... I'm not sure I would make one if I didn't have one already. As you've mentioned, getting through the campaign is a chore with a sin. Also, think of the countless hordes of sins that are farming these greens into the dirt. Eventually you'll be able to buy at rock-bottom prices.
I've got a lowbie sin, but the thought of going through this content again is so uninspiring that I think I'll wait. The only real reason to go through with a sin now would be so that it's ready an waiting for farming in Nightfall. Just my $0.02 Thats why I released the build actaully. If your willing to take a sin through the campain its not like makeing a 55 monk for underworld then you earned it lol. Also with how prices are already slowly lowering on things like sunreach it might not be worth the time for some people to make one. Thom Bangalter
Well, now I realize why I was sucking so bad, i was relying way to heavily on sliver armor to do my damage, and only bringing like aftershock as another attack skill.
The thing that sucks about this build, for me, is that the boss I most want to farm does aoe nontargetted attacks, so it slides under shadow form. Oh well...Great build for the bosses it works on, I just may never get that offhand.... Evilsod
Originally Posted by CalypsoX
Nor did I say you were. My main point is that sliver armor IS NOT your only means of killing something. This whole conversation got started because you claimed it was pointless to go farm anything else, and your reasoning was monetary based. As I have said and someone else, not everyone goes boss hunting just to get rich, and the flexibility of this build allows someone to tackle almost any kind of boss (minus rangers) where there are mobs nearby, and that even a small mob of 3 or 4 enemies is still workable.
It still has its limits. With 3 to 4 enemies in a mob it may be workable... but the chances are its easier to do with a million other farming builds too. Fair enough people like to make a complete list... but the majority of people who have Assassins will have another character capable of the solo. Even a touch ranger is flexible in the sense only 3 skills are set in stone (and even then 1 can be altered on rare occasions). Imo if you can kill it with 1 character thats all that really matters. The only exceptions really would be bosses like Sskai who the fastest (warrior) farm is very high risk, so others are wanted.
Meh, i've been doing fine farming Kaolins using nothing but Sliver for damage. Unless Rust counts for the Warrior ![]() Mistical miss
Raisu palace explorable: the oni and the mesmer boss are not that hard to kill (be sure to have 2 groups attacking when u aggro the boss) with glyph-sliver
both drop mediocre - bad greens, but its fun trying ![]() CalypsoX
I'd go after Sseer and probably Byrne, their greens are highly desired.
Originally Posted by Thom Bangalter
Quote: Well, now I realize why I was sucking so bad, i was relying way to heavily on sliver armor to do my damage, and only bringing like aftershock as another attack skill.
The thing that sucks about this build, for me, is that the boss I most want to farm does aoe nontargetted attacks, so it slides under shadow form. Oh well...Great build for the bosses it works on, I just may never get that offhand.... Use dark escape to halve damage. Use earth magic armor buffs. Use shadow refuge and/or aura of restoration. Be creative. Btw, which boss are you referring to? zadinos
One quastion guys. The door to constructs are closed for me outside Zin Ku.
Anyone here knows which q or mission opens the door for me? moenbase
You need to do Sunjiang mission first.
And probably also Arborstone and Boreas Seabed if you haven't done it yet. I've tried that E/A build now on Sourbeak. Only been able to kill him once though. All the other times his friends were killing me with some shockwave things, even with Dark Escape it still kills me. Also tried the Scar Eater, and with this build you don't need knockdowns to kill him, even if he does Healing Burst you can most of the time outdamage him. You just have to wait with Sliver so Kirins, and Undergrowth will be close to you. The Koalin Domination staff also dropped for me now on my A/E. It really took me a long time because Sliver almost never target the right mob. And running away isn't always an option. The Yeti Ritualist boss in Mount Qinkai can also be done pretty easy with the E/A. Same as with the Ranger yeti boss in Mount Qinkai which i can't target, as well as the Woe Spreader in Maishang Hills, and the channeling boss right outside Jade Flats (Luxon). It just refuses to target them for some reason. I still do have problems with the Time Eater though. I can't do enough damage for him to kill him. Also sometimes he interupts your Sliver Armor with a signet when you have Shadow Form up. :{ zadinos
Ty for your help
![]() Northrog
Thanx for the build I've just dropped the everthorn's chakrams.
I use a slight variation : - shadow form - glyph of elemental power - silver armor - obsidian flame - teinai's crystals - aftershock - shadow of haste - dark escape Shadow of haste + dark escape can make you teleport back if something goes wrong. It happens often that silver armor miss the intended target even with death's charge. So the above combo is very usefull. Hyourinmaru
just a question why doesnt sliver always hit??
i did sunreach like 60 times and i only killed him like 5 times -___- Evilsod
Northrog... why bring Aftershock with no knockdown? Why not just bring Crystal Wave?
If we knew how to make Sliver armour target specific targets... we'd of all had about 3million worth of Kaolins drop by now. |