One of the most rude in-game daily occurences
Intimidation and superiority play a large role in this sort of sales behaviour (which i detest greatly). I hope most of these people don't go in to sales careers.
"No noobs" = Don't dare offer anything low otherwise i'll intimidate the hell out of you. You'll be considered a noob if your offer doesn't please me.
"100k+xx ectos" = If you don't have this sort of cash then don't go near me. I am not interested in you. (What does this mean anyway? It can be intepreted as anywhere between 165k and 640k)
"Offer me" = I don't really know the value but I'm hoping you'll give me something decent OR I got verbally abused when I stated a price last time so now I'm too intimidated and I'm letting you call the shots.
"No reply = No Ty" = I'm so damn arrogant that your petty offers won't even be worthy of me replying in a few mere words that I don't accept the offer. Lowballers needn't bother with me.
Here's a nice example to make your blood boil:
Its one of the reasons I farm instead of trade.
"No noobs" = Don't dare offer anything low otherwise i'll intimidate the hell out of you. You'll be considered a noob if your offer doesn't please me.
"100k+xx ectos" = If you don't have this sort of cash then don't go near me. I am not interested in you. (What does this mean anyway? It can be intepreted as anywhere between 165k and 640k)
"Offer me" = I don't really know the value but I'm hoping you'll give me something decent OR I got verbally abused when I stated a price last time so now I'm too intimidated and I'm letting you call the shots.
"No reply = No Ty" = I'm so damn arrogant that your petty offers won't even be worthy of me replying in a few mere words that I don't accept the offer. Lowballers needn't bother with me.
Here's a nice example to make your blood boil:
Its one of the reasons I farm instead of trade.
Red Locust
There is a perfectly logical explanation for this and all other stupid behavior on the internets:
[warning: inappropriate language]
I used to tell myself it was all the little kids playing online games, but there've been many surveys showing the average age of gamers to be in the mid to late twenties.
[warning: inappropriate language]
I used to tell myself it was all the little kids playing online games, but there've been many surveys showing the average age of gamers to be in the mid to late twenties.
Originally Posted by Z'HA'DUM
some just take this game to damn serious... not any of you no, i mean those arrogant sellers! when someone is selling an item ive never heard of, and i ask if i could have a look at it, he sais to me "get lost"... maybe id like that item and would buy it but its their problem. because we are all anonymous on the internet, anyone can be mean to another, and get away with it, the social contact is down to minimum what is very very sad indeed...
Sometimes they go "Uh cool, thanks" close trade and go on their merry way. If they then offer something nowhere near its worth and say "No thanks, not enough" I generally get pestered for many minutes after until they resort to insulting me by calling me "greedy" "noob" "scammer" and various other colorful things. This happens quite commonly. Therefore, only when I feel real patient, I will allow "window shopping."

No noob offers = a pm that says "Ill trade X noobs for it" and/or offer 1 fur square etc. Putting that on your selling line = Me pming you something ridiculously stupid.
To clear your confusion "100k +XX ectos" = "100k +10e MINIMUM offer." Yes, if you dont have this money, dont bother. I dont go into Ferrari and offer them $25,000. If he is saying 100k +XX (two digits) ecto and I do not want to spend that type of money on that sword, he has filtered me out from PMing him.
Offer me = Ill offer the least I can while still considering it a fair price. I do not offer the price I think they want because people always ask for 5-20k more or 1-5 more ecto. I offer the low end of the spectrum so when we play the little haggling game we end up in the middle for both of us. (he asks for 90k, i offer 60 (he really wants 70-80k) etc. It is tiresome, but as a trader you have to deal with it. Everyone wants to get the best price they can.
If they say "No Reply = No thank You" I dont trading with them. People who usually have that tag on their items will want 20-100% more than its worth at the top end anyway (like chaos axes for 100k+40-50e).
I get bothered more by in-game auctions.
Worse off when they pm you days later and say "You won." Won what? "That sword you bid on 5 days ago." I have no bids on any auctions. "Yes, in Keineng." "What? If you meant the X i was looking for days ago I bought one already." "RED ENGINE GO RED ENGINE GO."
Keep auctions to sites or give "auctioneers" a time when it will be over, otherwise dont expect people to wait on you. There are very very very few items only YOU will have, if the price they offer is not what you are looking for, say No thanks. C/O is just there to enflate prices most of the time.
nice one makosi, too damn right.
Skyy High
Originally Posted by The Wolf Within
People just do this so they can either of these:
A. Get rich of a item that isnt worth crap. B. Make it harder for people who are not the greatest farmers. C. Just want to be a pain in the arse. D. Or all the above. |
This is why the entire concept of WTB WTS is a waste of time. if you can not get it from a drop, or a collector, or a Crafter. Then in my opinion it does not matter anyway. No matter what skin it is... If its not a NPC that you got it from, you are prob the victim of the N00b FU and FO machine. I swear that these 12yr old mentally challenged, foul mouth little jerks should to be taken out and chemically castrated so they can not produce more of their kind for the rest of reality.
Loki Seiguro
i admit i do say offer half the time but when people say offer to me i just say "sry i don't do that. the least you could do is give me an estimate"
Lady Ana Stacia
I have been doing a lot of selling as of late and also buying. When doing either I have price checked whatever I have and know what I am willing to either accept or pay for an item.
If someone doesn't like my offer and doesn't respond so be it. I just move onto the next person who has the same item.
If I am selling it is usually greens where others are selling them as well. I either post a price or say whisp offer. Not that I want to scam anyone but because I just want to get rid of the stupid item at a decent price and will accept lower then normal. at the same time tho I am not willing to advertise that. If someone makes a ridiculously low offer tho I will usually explain what it is pc'd at and what I am willing to take in case they are still interested. I have also directed people to guru so they can learn to pc themselves.
My problem more then not getting a response is all the scammers currently in Kaneing and Droks constantly trying to offer gold instead of plat.
If someone doesn't like my offer and doesn't respond so be it. I just move onto the next person who has the same item.
If I am selling it is usually greens where others are selling them as well. I either post a price or say whisp offer. Not that I want to scam anyone but because I just want to get rid of the stupid item at a decent price and will accept lower then normal. at the same time tho I am not willing to advertise that. If someone makes a ridiculously low offer tho I will usually explain what it is pc'd at and what I am willing to take in case they are still interested. I have also directed people to guru so they can learn to pc themselves.
My problem more then not getting a response is all the scammers currently in Kaneing and Droks constantly trying to offer gold instead of plat.

Former Ruling
Typical things to remember while Buying/Selling:
1) If you are BUYING, the Seller will usually want the High end of the Spectrum for it.
2) If you are SELLING, the Buyer will usually want the Low end of the Spectrum for it.
3) "Haggling" only exists on the Higher End Items. Unless you are dealing in 100k+xxectos you might as well set a firm price unless you want to do the "PM offers" thing where you hope they are Ebay noobs and offer a mil for your Charr Carving.
Put all three of those together, and factor in this is an online game (note: the link on the last page), and you see where "WTF NOOB GO AWAY WITH YOUR FAg0t OFFERS" come from.
1) If you are BUYING, the Seller will usually want the High end of the Spectrum for it.
2) If you are SELLING, the Buyer will usually want the Low end of the Spectrum for it.
3) "Haggling" only exists on the Higher End Items. Unless you are dealing in 100k+xxectos you might as well set a firm price unless you want to do the "PM offers" thing where you hope they are Ebay noobs and offer a mil for your Charr Carving.
Put all three of those together, and factor in this is an online game (note: the link on the last page), and you see where "WTF NOOB GO AWAY WITH YOUR FAg0t OFFERS" come from.
I'm guilty of doing this, but I can explain. I was selling a req9 15/-10 GPB, and taking offers for it. A guy PM'd me saying "1.5k", so I wasn't prepared to waste the valueable pixels to tell him why that was a silly offer.
The ones I hate are the ones that are selling an item, and when you PM them the exact value of it (I've done my fair share of PCing), they ignore you. Even worse are the ones that reply with "lol noob"
The ones I hate are the ones that are selling an item, and when you PM them the exact value of it (I've done my fair share of PCing), they ignore you. Even worse are the ones that reply with "lol noob"
They really need a better chat system, (that allows you to have multiple windows, tabs and mini chat rooms). It's really hard to keep track of whispers in say kaineng centre eng 1.
But in quieter districts, it is plain rude, or worse, ppl advertising when they set their status to offline....
But in quieter districts, it is plain rude, or worse, ppl advertising when they set their status to offline....
Originally Posted by cataphract
What I like the best are people with "WTS something Something perfect - no reply to noob offers". Then I go to public chat and say something like "100k +300 ecto" for that something Something perfect. The seller immidiately responds, I ignore, he responds again and then I say "I thought you ignored noob offers" and then the local chat goes full with "lol", "rofl", "gg" and "pwned", he whispers me something like "FU NOOB" and the like... He had it coming.
I don't trade ingame anymore, when I get into a trading town I usually have two reactions, the first one is to close local chat, the second to close trade chat.
The reasons for this
- spamming : with no grounds for it, people spam their offers every 5 seconds or so with absolutely no reason for it.
- Prices : on sites I can not only check prices but also do my shopping in the way I like, if there is an auction I can bid, if there is a direct sale I can buy. In game people most of the time expect propositions with me having not tool to check for common prices, expect haggling with me not having the time for it or simply expect me to over-pay an item
- Traceability : In game a vendor can change name pretty easily since after all he only needs access to a storage agent and to one of the trade towns to be in business, on site changing pseudo is wiping all of your trade history and as such all the trust you might have accumulated is wiped.
- Time : it simply goes way faster out of game
That's for buying, as for selling myself well either the weapons or mods i find interest guildies or alliance members and they get it for free or they don't and it goes to the merchant unless I see a friendly player around who might warrant a gift or two.
The reasons for this
- spamming : with no grounds for it, people spam their offers every 5 seconds or so with absolutely no reason for it.
- Prices : on sites I can not only check prices but also do my shopping in the way I like, if there is an auction I can bid, if there is a direct sale I can buy. In game people most of the time expect propositions with me having not tool to check for common prices, expect haggling with me not having the time for it or simply expect me to over-pay an item
- Traceability : In game a vendor can change name pretty easily since after all he only needs access to a storage agent and to one of the trade towns to be in business, on site changing pseudo is wiping all of your trade history and as such all the trust you might have accumulated is wiped.
- Time : it simply goes way faster out of game
That's for buying, as for selling myself well either the weapons or mods i find interest guildies or alliance members and they get it for free or they don't and it goes to the merchant unless I see a friendly player around who might warrant a gift or two.
What I find even more rude is when you put up a WTS for something and some idiot messages you offering HALF the price you want..
or even worse, they want to swap it for some Weapon which they think is AMAZING.. (but isnt)
Sorry, but if you message someone a rediculous offer then you arnt even worth speaking to because
a] you probably cant afford it
b] not really aware of said items value
c] probably just going to argue
d] Just wasting time
Also, how presumptuous of you to think they even saw your message... When I was selling my Bone dragon, I got so many tells that I just lost track of who was messaging me, and I had sold it by the time someone said "zomg why dont you reply?"
Its not people being rude, its just the Guildwars crappy trading system.
or even worse, they want to swap it for some Weapon which they think is AMAZING.. (but isnt)
Sorry, but if you message someone a rediculous offer then you arnt even worth speaking to because
a] you probably cant afford it
b] not really aware of said items value
c] probably just going to argue
d] Just wasting time
Also, how presumptuous of you to think they even saw your message... When I was selling my Bone dragon, I got so many tells that I just lost track of who was messaging me, and I had sold it by the time someone said "zomg why dont you reply?"
Its not people being rude, its just the Guildwars crappy trading system.
Mister O
Originally Posted by XvArchonvX
LMAO!! I just saw the guy who posted this in Kaineng spamming the exact same message over and over. I guess that shows you how effective the 'no noob offers' thing is, hehehe.
![]() ![]() ![]() |
Originally Posted by darkrunner25
Back on topic, it's too bad anet has teased us with the idea of an Auction house only to backtrack as time marches on. An auction house would eliminate the problem of most players not knowing what their items are worth because they could search for similar items and see what they are selling for. It would also greatly reduce prices as sellers would tend to undercut each other for the quick sale.
WoW players use a plugin called auctioneer (very memory-intensive) to track these information, and people using it (or noting/ memorizing prices) can easily outperform casual traders.
People corner whole markets there (like buying too cheaply offered raw materials or weapons and reselling them).
Depending on the limits of item and gold storage and parallel transactions, an auction house in GW might actually allow players or groups to dominate markets and enforce price levels, because they could see the whole market without time requirement, not just Kayneng eng-1.
The Silver Star
Last week an e-bayer said "WTB Icy Dragon Sword +30hp" i said i got one.. no response, then i asked how much he was willing to pay.. still no response.. so i said 100k because he was really starting to annoy me then he said ok... was upto him to purchase money online and waste it on me, i didnt force him
I am a "power seller" and make money selling items when needed, i usually post a price but sometiems i dont.
I do sometimes not see a message if there is to much spam but eery so often i tuen off all chats to see if i missed a wisper, then say eg "no thanks sorry" etc
(Hey franco and snowman (was in NEWB/GV its mighty raven

I am a "power seller" and make money selling items when needed, i usually post a price but sometiems i dont.
I do sometimes not see a message if there is to much spam but eery so often i tuen off all chats to see if i missed a wisper, then say eg "no thanks sorry" etc
(Hey franco and snowman (was in NEWB/GV its mighty raven

Respopnd with an outrageous price. For sure they will respond. Then don't answer them. Pay back! Don't worry if you really want it you will find it soon enough from another seller.
Originally Posted by makosi
"No noobs" = Don't dare offer anything low otherwise i'll intimidate the hell out of you. You'll be considered a noob if your offer doesn't please me.
"100k+xx ectos" = If you don't have this sort of cash then don't go near me. I am not interested in you. (What does this mean anyway? It can be intepreted as anywhere between 165k and 640k) "Offer me" = I don't really know the value but I'm hoping you'll give me something decent OR I got verbally abused when I stated a price last time so now I'm too intimidated and I'm letting you call the shots. "No reply = No Ty" = I'm so damn arrogant that your petty offers won't even be worthy of me replying in a few mere words that I don't accept the offer. Lowballers needn't bother with me. |
"PM Offer" and "No Reply = No Ty" are definitely "I hope you overpay" messages. Whenever anyone replies to me "PM Offer", I very succinctly say "sorry, I'm not interested." Which, on their end, I'm sure they're thinking "what do you mean you're not interested - you PM'd me!!!"
The problem is GW doesn't have the same sense of community that mmorpgs do. There are far too many people to keep track of, so you won't recognise the same person twice. People are also less attached to a particular character (less of the "main" syndrome). Also, you won't really recognise the same guild twice, as there are a bazillion guilds running around, and most guilds don't seem to care or have any pride in what their members do.
I hate this "phenomenon", but the thing I hate even more is something like this (true story):
I was trying to sell a low req 15^50 Celestial Longbow in-game, and I was asking about 75k for it or something. Well within guidelines and I felt it fair. So this guy is spamming "WTB RARE-SKIN BOWS AND AXES PM ME WITH SKIN AND PRICE" so I thought maybe he'd be interested, since I figured Celestial was at least semi-rare. He made no indication of how rare, either. So I PM him with the skin and price, trying to be polite, and I get this back:
And that's it. WTF is that? I wanted to slap him for being such a jerk-off. At least I didn't get "lol noob" eh?
I was trying to sell a low req 15^50 Celestial Longbow in-game, and I was asking about 75k for it or something. Well within guidelines and I felt it fair. So this guy is spamming "WTB RARE-SKIN BOWS AND AXES PM ME WITH SKIN AND PRICE" so I thought maybe he'd be interested, since I figured Celestial was at least semi-rare. He made no indication of how rare, either. So I PM him with the skin and price, trying to be polite, and I get this back:
And that's it. WTF is that? I wanted to slap him for being such a jerk-off. At least I didn't get "lol noob" eh?
midnight caretaker
I personally dont trade for money but i do farm and try to sell my items at low prices so i can get back to farming. I get aggrivated when u r selling at a very resonalbe price and you get someguy trying to low ball you when u r already selling at a low price and then has the nerve to call you a noob. Anyways when you are looking for an item one of the best places to find them at a low price are right here in the trade forums and auction system.
Well, I admit I'm not a hard-core seller.
Things that are difficult to price (IMHO) such as shields, I will follow the description with "pm with offer."
What I find rude, is when my ad says "pm with offer"--which doesn't mean I hope you overpay, it means I don't have a d**n clue and I don't want to CHEAT anyone, I'll probably take the first offer I get--someone shows interest, and asks me how much.
"PM with offer"--if it turns you off to buy from someone with that tag, fine, leave it alone. But if someone is asking for an offer, for the love of Dwayna, make an offer!
Maybe I should end my selling (rare as it is) with "pm with noob offers."
Things that are difficult to price (IMHO) such as shields, I will follow the description with "pm with offer."
What I find rude, is when my ad says "pm with offer"--which doesn't mean I hope you overpay, it means I don't have a d**n clue and I don't want to CHEAT anyone, I'll probably take the first offer I get--someone shows interest, and asks me how much.
"PM with offer"--if it turns you off to buy from someone with that tag, fine, leave it alone. But if someone is asking for an offer, for the love of Dwayna, make an offer!
Maybe I should end my selling (rare as it is) with "pm with noob offers."

I honestly disregard WTB and WTSs unless I really want the item. I personally really don't sell ANYTHING. Why? It is EXTREMELY annoying shouting "WTS <weapon> for <price/your offer>" and not getting ANY response. So there I am, shouting WTS WTS WTS!!! And everyone just ignores me. I really don't care about the price, as long as it is higher than what i get from an NPC I'm fine.
Well If you are selling in the busiest houre, in district 1 in kaineng. And more then 2 people are interested in the item, I understand that its hard to keep up and answer to all of them. What I hate more is when I try to sell something, and People keep spamming to sell their items, like I allways see some people saying the same sentence 5 times in a row so that people will notice them. Or people not turning their caps off.
From my game experience I allways found out, in every game where you get in contact with lots of players, there are allways rotten apples between them. The larger the gaming community, the more rude they get.
Other things that are annoying me are:
- I was in a party with a friend of mine, he died but I got a really nice black dye drop. He was really happy, never gotten more then 2k. Now my res signet wasnt recharged yet, as i was W/R that day I didnt have infinite res.
So all the party members were dead or left the party, while me and another guy were still alive. I know he had resurrect cause he used it before. What he did was wait till he could pick up the dye, and then res my friend. So it was between me and him, unfortunatly he got it. I got angry but went on with the party, about 10 minutes later, only I was alive and the guy had a golden warden vestment laying there, hoping for the best I waited till I can pick it up... Yay it was a +50 health rune, showed it to the guy thinking I would give him that, then canceled the trade and gave it to my friend, muhaha THAT felt good.
From my game experience I allways found out, in every game where you get in contact with lots of players, there are allways rotten apples between them. The larger the gaming community, the more rude they get.
Other things that are annoying me are:
- I was in a party with a friend of mine, he died but I got a really nice black dye drop. He was really happy, never gotten more then 2k. Now my res signet wasnt recharged yet, as i was W/R that day I didnt have infinite res.
So all the party members were dead or left the party, while me and another guy were still alive. I know he had resurrect cause he used it before. What he did was wait till he could pick up the dye, and then res my friend. So it was between me and him, unfortunatly he got it. I got angry but went on with the party, about 10 minutes later, only I was alive and the guy had a golden warden vestment laying there, hoping for the best I waited till I can pick it up... Yay it was a +50 health rune, showed it to the guy thinking I would give him that, then canceled the trade and gave it to my friend, muhaha THAT felt good.
this is 'divide and conquer'... its proven effective.
It may be rude, but it is also effective. Dont buy from these people if you care about rudeness. simple.
It may be rude, but it is also effective. Dont buy from these people if you care about rudeness. simple.
i just hate it when people try to tell me i'm a newb and correct me. i was clearly selling my req 8 15^50 20/20 +30 chaos axe in LA for 100k + 25e as the c/o, someone pm's me to see (which i hate btw when i list all the stats in my WTS line), and then he sells '25k' and i tell him 'no, i already have someone buying for 100k+25e, do you wish to raise?' and he replies 'no, i'm not a nub, thats only worth 25k.'
I agree with a lot of points. I grew tired of spamming endlessly in the channels so I started to sell all the items I got from working my chest running for ym titles on here instead. It's great. Forums FTW anyday. Got real sick of the "you newb" this and "you newb" that. I swear, you don't play the game identical to someone else and they slap the "newb" label on you. *Groan* But, anyway, people tend to be very rude when they can't get the item for next to nothing at all. Hell, I'll sell you a 50k sword for 10k just to get it out of my storage so I can keep working my title. Long as it covers my key cost. = ^_^ =
Gun Pierson
Personally I'm at the point where I buy or sell as least as possible in game. If I need something, I will simply buy it here on the forums. I can't stand all the crapp anymore.
I do the same of the above, the only things I sell in game anymore is weapon mods, which I dont really wanna go make a thread to sell a +30hp bow grip lol, my experience with this is all you have to do is lower the price about 5k, and everyone will try to buy it just to spam and make some profit, if you think about it, for farmers or chest runners, the time you spend trying to sell something for a high price, youd farm double of it, so lowering that 5k really is worth it.
The Silver Star
Agreed Franco, if you try and sell to high then you actually lose more than you gain in the long term, i usually colect say 20/20 and +30hp for sword in a day or two then sell them to some nub cheaper as package who things that 20/20 and +30hp will make his wep sell faster :P
However i buy most of my itmes from friendslist only, makes it much easier to ask friends ratehr than relying on nubs in-game -_-
However i buy most of my itmes from friendslist only, makes it much easier to ask friends ratehr than relying on nubs in-game -_-
I totally agree with most of what has been said here, most people who "PM offer" and don't reply probably are waiting for some sucker to make a foolish offer well over the item's worth. There are alot of real jerks on the internet.
However, on the flip side, I have had problems several times where I've posted "wts ..." and included a price and I always seem to get people PMing me asking how much. This becomes a real problem when I have 4 or 5 people pming me at once over the item and I'm trying to chat with them all, only half of them aren't even interested after hearing a price that was stated plainly in my original post anyway, and I am unable to answer some people which may have been legitimate buyers because people can't pay attention or read. Like I said, alot of jerks.
So if you pm someone an offer and don't get an immediate response it is possible your PM was one of many that seller is trying to sort through. Possible but unlikely, because of all the stupid, stupid jerks on the internet.
Thank you.
However, on the flip side, I have had problems several times where I've posted "wts ..." and included a price and I always seem to get people PMing me asking how much. This becomes a real problem when I have 4 or 5 people pming me at once over the item and I'm trying to chat with them all, only half of them aren't even interested after hearing a price that was stated plainly in my original post anyway, and I am unable to answer some people which may have been legitimate buyers because people can't pay attention or read. Like I said, alot of jerks.
So if you pm someone an offer and don't get an immediate response it is possible your PM was one of many that seller is trying to sort through. Possible but unlikely, because of all the stupid, stupid jerks on the internet.
Thank you.
The following is a kind of rant but also for educational purposes >_>:
"Offert" is not a word. I know most of the European English members aren't primary English speakers, but there is no 't' in 'offer', there never has been and never will be.
You don't 'need' 100k+XX ectos. You 'are looking for', 'would like' or 'asking for'. You need water and food.
There is no reason for you to state a price and request and offer for the same item in the same sentence. It makes you look clueless and inspires no confidence between you and your audience. Saying 'ONO' (or nearest offer) lets people know that you're flexible but know roughly how much you expect from your item.
Caps lock, spamming and over-use of large symbols like "@@@@@" sends your message out and it will be noticed but people will think you're greedy and desperate. It deters your potential buyers.
Speaking in a foreign language in a place like Kaineng Center [English] (or any other country) is rude and mostly inneffective as people won't understand. Make some effort with translators if you really need to sell in a different language area.
Use of words like "GODLY" and "OMG" also make you sound desperate to sell. If an item is that great, the skin and stats speak for themselves and won't requre such promotion.
You don't sell 'dagger'. They're ALWAYS in pairs and should be referred to as daggers. This applies to most things in plural.
*Feels better*
"Offert" is not a word. I know most of the European English members aren't primary English speakers, but there is no 't' in 'offer', there never has been and never will be.
You don't 'need' 100k+XX ectos. You 'are looking for', 'would like' or 'asking for'. You need water and food.
There is no reason for you to state a price and request and offer for the same item in the same sentence. It makes you look clueless and inspires no confidence between you and your audience. Saying 'ONO' (or nearest offer) lets people know that you're flexible but know roughly how much you expect from your item.
Caps lock, spamming and over-use of large symbols like "@@@@@" sends your message out and it will be noticed but people will think you're greedy and desperate. It deters your potential buyers.
Speaking in a foreign language in a place like Kaineng Center [English] (or any other country) is rude and mostly inneffective as people won't understand. Make some effort with translators if you really need to sell in a different language area.
Use of words like "GODLY" and "OMG" also make you sound desperate to sell. If an item is that great, the skin and stats speak for themselves and won't requre such promotion.
You don't sell 'dagger'. They're ALWAYS in pairs and should be referred to as daggers. This applies to most things in plural.
*Feels better*
Originally Posted by makosi
You don't 'need' 100k+XX ectos. You 'are looking for', 'would like' or 'asking for'. You need water and food.
Originally Posted by Franco
1) They didnt notice your message in all the spamming they are doing
2) They are idiots. 3) They dont have a clue how to power trade and are wannabe high end sellers 4) If they say offer, tell them to learn how to sell 5) do all the above and laugh at them. If they call you noob,ignore list ftw. |
99% of the time their next response is "newb."
fact of the matter is, people who spam WTSes and WTBs all day, are not traders, they are trader wannabes. a real trader is like a tiger; sits in the shade untill the right prey springs up at the right time, and takes immidiate action before anything or anyone can react.
well they usually say *no reply = nty* right? no offence

For me, the rudest thing is all the spam buying/selling in local chat. I even pointed this out to someone in Marketplace last night, saying it's rude to spam sell in local chat and to go to Kaineng for that. His first pm reply to me was "OK THX". Yes, he types in all caps (another rude occurence). A minute later, he pms me "THAT WHAT YOU THINK" and continues to spam in local. So I put him on ignore and pm back "It's what I know... sorry you can't understand that".
Ole Man Bourbon
Selling is pretty easy. The trick is to
A) Know the value of your item (look it up here in price check, though pc threads overvalue items a tad)
B) Advertise that price for it, but be willing to quickly come down 10-15% to close the deal
Works almost every time. You get interest quickly, and deter people from chickening out (you know, open the trade window, stand there, and logout with no comment). Usually you get either one person saying "I'll buy," one person saying "can you take off ~5k?," and one "lol." 2 out of 3 ain't bad and in this case both are sales. Don't be greedy: just move the merchandise so you can get back to work (and fun).
I hate sellers that won't name a price. They are selfish idiots who are wasting time within wasting time, which is truly sad and probably pretty hard to do if you think about it.
A) Know the value of your item (look it up here in price check, though pc threads overvalue items a tad)
B) Advertise that price for it, but be willing to quickly come down 10-15% to close the deal
Works almost every time. You get interest quickly, and deter people from chickening out (you know, open the trade window, stand there, and logout with no comment). Usually you get either one person saying "I'll buy," one person saying "can you take off ~5k?," and one "lol." 2 out of 3 ain't bad and in this case both are sales. Don't be greedy: just move the merchandise so you can get back to work (and fun).

I hate sellers that won't name a price. They are selfish idiots who are wasting time within wasting time, which is truly sad and probably pretty hard to do if you think about it.