Originally Posted by justadude
There are a lot of people who have tied much of their ego to this game and the ability to 'win' at this game. The nature of this game (ie Internet) really does afford them the ability to de-humanize the other players. In the interest of their own self worth they then proceed to hardline things like they never would dare irl.
Which is exactly why I don't bother to respond to people who are either low-balling or are just trolling. And no I'm not trying to be rude by not responding. I'm simply trying to avoid getting responses that are either people trying to abuse others, know-it-alls who try to tell me what things should be priced, or jerks that like to bother those who are trying to sell their stuff.
The response I got because someone didn't like the price I wanted on something I was selling:
Know-it-all giving his opinion:
Buying Monastery Credits:
So no traders who don't respond aren't being rude. It's just more than likely that we're sick of having to deal with people that want to mouth off. So rather than bother to respond we ignore and move on.
But I'm not going to defend those that think their stuff is 100 times what it should be priced; however when I am willing to accept fair prices, use the trade channel all the time, and don't spam and yet still expected to take this kind of garbage from people you can forgive me for not having much sympathy if someone doesn't page you back because they've rejected your offer.