OOPS, I didn't bring a rez
When was the last time you said that to your party members?
For me it was last night in Nahpui Quarter. We had made it to boss #3 with only one dropout. I found myself so involved fighting an Essence of Dragon, and dragging him away from the rest of the party, that I wasn't watching anyone else's status. I finally finished off the essence and looked around with a sense of pride at killing him (playing a ranger) only to find "an empty area."
I checked the party box - everyone was dead - and started trying to locate a monk -- accompanied by the usual comments of "rez the monk," "get the healer first." Suddenly, I realized I hadn't brought a rez signet.
So there I was, full of health and energy, ready to go forward, and ALL ALONE.
END OF MISSION, all due to a beginner mistake.
Let's hear about one of your goofs that stand out in your memory. Just so I won't relive that "all alone" feeling.
For me it was last night in Nahpui Quarter. We had made it to boss #3 with only one dropout. I found myself so involved fighting an Essence of Dragon, and dragging him away from the rest of the party, that I wasn't watching anyone else's status. I finally finished off the essence and looked around with a sense of pride at killing him (playing a ranger) only to find "an empty area."
I checked the party box - everyone was dead - and started trying to locate a monk -- accompanied by the usual comments of "rez the monk," "get the healer first." Suddenly, I realized I hadn't brought a rez signet.
So there I was, full of health and energy, ready to go forward, and ALL ALONE.
END OF MISSION, all due to a beginner mistake.
Let's hear about one of your goofs that stand out in your memory. Just so I won't relive that "all alone" feeling.
Drow Lor
Im guilty of doing that sometimes...like when Im skill capping with my guildies, I want to take certain skills, but need that slot for the cap sig. I have done it sometimes with PUGs, but that was if we had more than one Monk and I felt that I needed another skill to take.
I always keep res with me unless asked not to, like when there would be more important skill to take with me instead of res. Given that I don't take it off by choice, it never comes as a surprise, so no "oops".
I always keep res with me unless asked not to, like when there would be more important skill to take with me instead of res. Given that I don't take it off by choice, it never comes as a surprise, so no "oops".
the only time i take my res off my skill bar is if running. it is then the first thing i put back on.
You had the party window closed, why?
rofl. Oh well , guess you have to solo the mission now everyone is dead and cursing you
Depends what build i'm playing...
Assassin i never take a res... either i'm the first to die or i would rather use the slot for somet more beneficial.
Assassin i never take a res... either i'm the first to die or i would rather use the slot for somet more beneficial.
Vladmir Mironov
The only time I don't bring a rez spell with me is when solo farming.
Ebony Shadowheart
Originally Posted by Vladmir Mironov
The only time I don't bring a rez spell with me is when solo farming.
As for the party window being closed, I do that too unless I'm monking.
Checking party health status is useless for a R/Me, there's nothing I can do to help anyone. The box just blocks my view.
The rez was off my skill bar because I had been capping with henchies.
But the point of the post was to hear about your screwups. I already beat myself up.
The rez was off my skill bar because I had been capping with henchies.
But the point of the post was to hear about your screwups. I already beat myself up.
I can count on one hand the times I didn't bring a rez and actually needed it. Once was in the Deep...but it wouldn't have helped anyway. One monk was not going to get anyone rez with the Oni's and Nightmare's beating on me.
I never bring it, and will only do so if asked.
I never bring it, and will only do so if asked.
Monkey Blonde
You guys turn off your party window ? I don't know how to articulate it, but I feel knowing the health of the rest of my party helps my awareness. The only time I turn off the party window is if I'm running somewhere.
On quests I never take a rez. If the group does something stupid and gets wiped there's always shrines. In missions it depends what class I'm playing. As a warrior I never take one. If the warrior has to rez something is drastically wrong. I have seen casters run ahead of me and lure agro. I figure the group is better off leaving them dead.
Former Ruling
What I find funnier than no rez, is them saying "Rez the Healer first!".
Becuase a Rez on the monk is usually a decent indicator that your monk is trouble and only likes to spam Healing Breeze and Heal Party (not 100% accurate, cause good monks in pve can bring rezs, but meh)
I've had monks stop in the middle of a fight and rebrith (REBIRTH!) someone...without even focus swapping.
Becuase a Rez on the monk is usually a decent indicator that your monk is trouble and only likes to spam Healing Breeze and Heal Party (not 100% accurate, cause good monks in pve can bring rezs, but meh)
I've had monks stop in the middle of a fight and rebrith (REBIRTH!) someone...without even focus swapping.
Ebony Shadowheart
Originally Posted by Monkey Blonde
You guys turn off your party window? I don't know how to articulate it, but I feel knowing the health of the rest of my party helps my awareness. The only time I turn off the party window is if I'm running somewhere.
As for my worst screw up (which as Darcy pointed out is the point of this thread) I can't think of anything offhand.... *thinks* .....
Ok here's one. I trashed a mini-pet when I first started because I didn't know what it was. That one probably takes the cake for most people, lol. I don't even remember how I got the darn thing, because I know I didn't buy it. (Obviously since I didn't know what it was or what it did) I think I traded someone else that was new for it or something, thought it was worthless afterwards, and threw it away.
if you're not a monk or monk secondary, just say you used it and gg.
Maria The Princess
i never bring rez when playing and ele! sometimes i dont take it when im a ranger... but the worse moment?
for ONCE i didnt take a rez being a monk, (i dont normally use it so i figured why take it this time?) and guess what? i was the only one left alive and god knows what my guildies were saying about me on private chanels
for ONCE i didnt take a rez being a monk, (i dont normally use it so i figured why take it this time?) and guess what? i was the only one left alive and god knows what my guildies were saying about me on private chanels

Family Draconis
personally, i've never had this problem. res sigs or a res spell have always been an integral part of my builds unless i'm soloing an area. usually, i try not to get too mad when other people dont bring their reses, but it should be assumed that everyone has at least the signet with them.
Heh, once I was PUG monking and brought a res sig instead of a hard res. (I had just been doing Altruum Ruins, where it is the right thing to do.)
It didn't end well. Oooh, were they pissed.
It didn't end well. Oooh, were they pissed.
Drow Lor
Originally Posted by Rathcail
I always keep res with me unless asked not to, like when there would be more important skill to take with me instead of res. Given that I don't take it off by choice, it never comes as a surprise, so no "oops". |
Arwen Shiningstar
[QUOTE=Former Ruling]What I find funnier than no rez, is them saying "Rez the Healer first!".
Becuase a Rez on the monk is usually a decent indicator that your monk is trouble and only likes to spam Healing Breeze and Heal Party (not 100% accurate, cause good monks in pve can bring rezs, but meh)
Wow are you serious!? Monks should always bring a res. I have been the only one left alive, I don't know how many times and the only reason we could finish the mission was thanks to rebirth/res. I can hear it already "they all died because you weren't healing" WRONG!! People need to understand the monking order....Yourself, Tanks, casters. So sometimes yes I am one of the one still alive but no bubbles no trouble because I have a res. If you are a monk you have to keep yourself alive first and foremost then your tanks. If you are dead who is healing? This is easily achieved by standing in the back/kiting. But to say a monk is in "trouble" because they have a res is just silly. Sorry to be off topic.
Becuase a Rez on the monk is usually a decent indicator that your monk is trouble and only likes to spam Healing Breeze and Heal Party (not 100% accurate, cause good monks in pve can bring rezs, but meh)
Wow are you serious!? Monks should always bring a res. I have been the only one left alive, I don't know how many times and the only reason we could finish the mission was thanks to rebirth/res. I can hear it already "they all died because you weren't healing" WRONG!! People need to understand the monking order....Yourself, Tanks, casters. So sometimes yes I am one of the one still alive but no bubbles no trouble because I have a res. If you are a monk you have to keep yourself alive first and foremost then your tanks. If you are dead who is healing? This is easily achieved by standing in the back/kiting. But to say a monk is in "trouble" because they have a res is just silly. Sorry to be off topic.
Legolas Ravenwood
I bring a Res' as a spacer on my skillbar! 
Like when I'm exploring, ZH, Dodge, Escape, Res, other skills...
So I dont accidentaly hit 4 and use troll unguent or something.
1. So I dont break the running pattern and
2. So it doesn't get interrupted by the 1337 AI reactions!
Like when I'm exploring, ZH, Dodge, Escape, Res, other skills...
So I dont accidentaly hit 4 and use troll unguent or something.
1. So I dont break the running pattern and
2. So it doesn't get interrupted by the 1337 AI reactions!
La Bella Vita
One time I had been playing my monk in RA, and a guildie asked me to help them with the Iron Mines Mission, so I went to go help them. I was in the middle of changing my build into a more pve friendly build when suddenly we're in mission, and I hadn't equipped a hard res, though I still had my res sig. Luckily no one died, so no one was the wiser.
Other than that, I can't really recall any instances where I was last person standing. The only time I don't take a res is playing in AB/Fort Aspenwood, or solo farm.

Other than that, I can't really recall any instances where I was last person standing. The only time I don't take a res is playing in AB/Fort Aspenwood, or solo farm.
i only don't bring rez when i'm running, sometimes when skill capping or questing w/ henchies
a few times i have forgotten to bring a res after i'd been playing in aspenwood or quarry, then went back to pve and had to quickly reskill. if i forget as a monk, i just make extra sure that the someone won't die before i do. as a non /mo i just fight until the party lives or dies, since there's no pt in me being the last one standing
but i find it difficult to see how someone can play effectively when they have their party window closed. especially if you're a melee damage dealer, you generally are pretty focused on the battle, and won't know when your backlines go down, your monks are in trouble, or when your entire party is in trouble because damage is coming in faster than heals.
but maybe that explains the many instances i've seen of players charging the enemy while a monk stand afk 1 1/2 radar ranges away.
a few times i have forgotten to bring a res after i'd been playing in aspenwood or quarry, then went back to pve and had to quickly reskill. if i forget as a monk, i just make extra sure that the someone won't die before i do. as a non /mo i just fight until the party lives or dies, since there's no pt in me being the last one standing
but i find it difficult to see how someone can play effectively when they have their party window closed. especially if you're a melee damage dealer, you generally are pretty focused on the battle, and won't know when your backlines go down, your monks are in trouble, or when your entire party is in trouble because damage is coming in faster than heals.
but maybe that explains the many instances i've seen of players charging the enemy while a monk stand afk 1 1/2 radar ranges away.
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
What I find funnier than no rez, is them saying "Rez the Healer first!".
Becuase a Rez on the monk is usually a decent indicator that your monk is trouble and only likes to spam Healing Breeze and Heal Party (not 100% accurate, cause good monks in pve can bring rezs, but meh) |
I've had monks stop in the middle of a fight and rebrith (REBIRTH!) someone...without even focus swapping. |
As for closing the party window? I only close it when I'm soloing. I like to keep tabs on how the rest of the party is doing. Maybe it's jsut a habit I picked up from running all over the place with Henchies.
I don't close my radar, it's needed to watch movement of foes and how I keep track of party movement. A ranger is normally between the front and back lines helping keep enemies away from the monks & casters and is not part of the melee. My windows change according to the character I'm playing.
This time though I got over-involved with my own battle. My ranger got cornered while trying to pull the essence away from the party.
This time though I got over-involved with my own battle. My ranger got cornered while trying to pull the essence away from the party.
Terra Xin
Res Sig is the most important skill in the game, I never forget to bring it unless im by myself.
I have been in a couple of groups when the last man standing did not have a rez. The last time was just a couple of days ago, The Eternal Grove mission. The last man standing was a ranger with no rez, we could have fisnihed the mission, not masters maybe, if he had a rez :/
Oh a GW forum
I don't put enough investment into pugs to take a res. If the team is so bad they wipe in a pve mission, time to find a new group.
I have never taken mine off when leaving presearing after the quest the only time I do is when I farm or run.I have taken my Monks out though to switch over to a hard res as well as any /mo.There have been parties I have been in when someone didn't even have a res signet.They had to go and buy it in Ascalon.
Originally Posted by Arwen Shiningstar
Wow are you serious!? Monks should always bring a res.
Personally, res is my 8th skill and all my builds are 7 skill builds due to that. The most annoying feature is not having a perma res for some builds, using the res sig and then being the last one left standing. Happens a lot with henchies.
Though, I have done what the op did. Changed skills over from farm build and forgot to include the res sig. I was somewhat suprised at the spare slot and wondered what I usually had sitting there... thank god it didn't become a problem, and was something I corrected the moment we got into an outpost.
And yes, if the party is dead and I have a res sig, I make sure I know who's got a perma res before ressing anyone.
pvp healing monk=never bring res
pve monk=always rebirth
enough said
pve monk=always rebirth
enough said
My experience came about a year ago. I was guesting for a friend's guild for the first time. These guys were all older so I was afraid to let them down. Anyways we get into a match, Peace Machine Grr rank 650ish, versus Evo, rank 30 at the time. I thought my ommision would be brought out for sure, but lucky we did realy well.
Because of my lack of res sig, I made sure I spammed "To the Limit!" twice as hard
Because of my lack of res sig, I made sure I spammed "To the Limit!" twice as hard

rofl, I was in arborstone, monking, with a couple guildies and henchies. We get to the end of the middle path, on the stairs where the Oni spawn. Lets just say the Oni overwhelm us and kill all but me... so I tell them that I got no res.... and I got kicked from the guild. lol the leader was mad but joking and invited me back right away 
edit: I wasn't expecting any human deaths... but should've brought res anyway just because M IRITE?

edit: I wasn't expecting any human deaths... but should've brought res anyway just because M IRITE?
Well I've got a similar story. I was playing a ranger, and I had Rebirth. We had been playing Hell's Precipice (the last Prophecies mission) for well over an hour, close to the end. Things were going wrong, and only a monk and me were still alive, being pursued by enemies. I figured I'd sacrifice myself to them so that the monk could get away alive, and resurrect us.
I found out shortly afterward that the monk didn't bring res.
I found out shortly afterward that the monk didn't bring res.

to be fair, when I monk, sometimes I don't use a resurrect of any kind, but this is usually on purpose...
when I do my own smiting/pet build, the skills generally have no room for a revive besides the one for the pet (I let it die often so party members dont :P)...
If I go with people (always guildies since i dare not be a smiting monk in a PUG... damn people assuming every monk is there to heal or protect them :P), I always tell them, "hey I'm using my smiting build and I am not bringing a revive because of that", especially the case when I hench with friends.
Otherwise, with almost every character I bring with into a pug or basic group, I have a revive of some sort... I just don't trust the skill of people I haven't played with (and I say this because there have been countless occasions where I was the last one alive and had to revive the entire party, in places like FoW etc), and almost randomness of some areas to not have one, especially in cantha with the Oni popping out when you least expect and want them to...
PS.: this is entirely from the PVE perspective
when I do my own smiting/pet build, the skills generally have no room for a revive besides the one for the pet (I let it die often so party members dont :P)...
If I go with people (always guildies since i dare not be a smiting monk in a PUG... damn people assuming every monk is there to heal or protect them :P), I always tell them, "hey I'm using my smiting build and I am not bringing a revive because of that", especially the case when I hench with friends.
Otherwise, with almost every character I bring with into a pug or basic group, I have a revive of some sort... I just don't trust the skill of people I haven't played with (and I say this because there have been countless occasions where I was the last one alive and had to revive the entire party, in places like FoW etc), and almost randomness of some areas to not have one, especially in cantha with the Oni popping out when you least expect and want them to...
PS.: this is entirely from the PVE perspective
Originally Posted by ateddybear
rofl, I was in arborstone, monking, with a couple guildies and henchies. We get to the end of the middle path, on the stairs where the Oni spawn. Lets just say the Oni overwhelm us and kill all but me... so I tell them that I got no res.... and I got kicked from the guild. lol the leader was mad but joking and invited me back right away
![]() edit: I wasn't expecting any human deaths... but should've brought res anyway just because M IRITE? |
I hate Factions missions, I don't know why I try.
Originally Posted by Cunning
Arborstone is one the worst missions ever, we had one death in a team of 8 in a particularly (overpowered) difficult spot, the one that died was our only monk, so I started using Res Chant (I was a Resmer) on the monk, needless to say the cathedral would collapse every 2 or 3 seconds interrupting my 4 or 5 second res. The most painful thing is that NO ONE else seemed to have a res sig, yet only one person had died and as a result we lost 50% of our healing, and then everyone else died after about 30 seconds.
I hate Factions missions, I don't know why I try. |
the problem is if you or an ally dies in these places, and you only have a close/touch revive... it's going to be hopeless =/ that is unless you can find some area to stand that's just out of the way.
signet or rebirth are some of the more ideal things for that situation.
Jeff Highwind
Actually I got a funny story about a mixup of resurrection skills.
Back when I started my "bid to get to HoH" Campaign, my ranger was standard R/Mo Barrage Vicariously with Rebirth at 8. At Team Battles, we get to a fight and my PuG team would've won if I had casted Rebirth faster. When we get back to the outpost they told me to switch to Signet for PvP. AFter a minute I state "Ah, I never got resurrection signet. Mo secondary and all."
They were stunned, enough to kick me.
Back when I started my "bid to get to HoH" Campaign, my ranger was standard R/Mo Barrage Vicariously with Rebirth at 8. At Team Battles, we get to a fight and my PuG team would've won if I had casted Rebirth faster. When we get back to the outpost they told me to switch to Signet for PvP. AFter a minute I state "Ah, I never got resurrection signet. Mo secondary and all."
They were stunned, enough to kick me.
I remember being in a party with a monk that had no res, I think it was arborstone.
when asked why he didnt bring one, he said he thought that our party didnt suck so that there would be no need----wtf? even the best parties need to take res along
when asked why he didnt bring one, he said he thought that our party didnt suck so that there would be no need----wtf? even the best parties need to take res along